Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Biden as a Trojan Horse
How to be a Washington Post reporter
This is a kind of group therapy for a pack of journalists who have had a hissy fit from when Trump refused to take them seriously back before his 2016 election.
The announcement comes as no surprise after four years of hearing the Post huff and puff in its attempt to blow Trump out of the White House.
If we didn’t get the Post’s anti-Trump agenda before this, we never will.
Harper magazine once pointed out that Washington Post reporters are a bit different from ordinary folks, a little superior and very arrogant. They actually see themselves on equal footing with the people that they cover, strutting around like a bunch of roosters, crowing about their own importance.
Nobody except other media really takes them seriously and even they do it with a wink-and-a-nod, knowing that there is something bombastic about this group of egotistic maniacs down in Washington that control the political beat.
This is the kind of thing you get when you have a reputation for being able to bring down presidents like they did in Watergate; the whole thing sort of goes to your head.
Washington Post is continually trying to relive old glories – only it’s stuck with a batch of reporters not quite up to snuff.
The real questions about who these new recruits are and what their qualifications must be the fact is the only qualification you really need to work for the Washington Post is hating Trump and the GOP.
There are other rules, of course, such as no reporter is allowed to mention the name George Soros since there is a strong suspicion that Soros is part of the financing for the paper – the way Soros is rumored to have recently bought into Fox News.
But you have to wonder if Post reporters are secretly ashamed of what they do for a living and if they hide it from their parents – who after all are still paying off the student loans that got them there.
Some cynical critics wonder if Washington Post reporters actually have sex since they seem to get so much satisfaction screwing over the president.
Gauging from the gregarious headlines male Post reporters put up, you have to think they worry a lot about shrinkage, not that they have a lot to brag about without it – their size is a lot like their news coverage almost all just sound bites..
The most noticeable attribute of a Post reporter is how snobbish they are, and now they truly believe they can hobnob with powerful people even when politicians to use them for their own purposes do not completely trust them and see the staff as a kind of carpetbaggers.
But it must be really difficult to keep up the front buying the right clothes getting the right haircuts and you have to wonder if they use the same hair stylist is Nancy Pelosi.
Intelligence is clearly not a job requirement.
To become a Post reporter, you don't want to know too much and need to forget anything you ever learned in journalist ethics classes.
These don't apply at the Post.
The best experience is to have worked as a confidence man at some point. Both jobs require the same skill sets. But instead of selling people of Brooklyn Bridge you're shoveling crap under the cover of real news.
As the Atlantic coverage proved, the shadier your contacts the more likely you'll get ahead in the Post.
Look what it did for Woodward.
Unnamed sources are a must even if you have to make them up.
And don't try to verify any of the claims made by these sources unless they make Trump look too good.
Narcissism is the top job requirement for Post reporters, since they are constantly playing God.
Even when they don’t believe in an afterlife, Post reporters appear scared to death about dying.
If they’re wrong about the existence of God, they all know they will wind up in a place where sunblock won’t protect them.
Many Post reporters even avoid having their pictures taken. They’ve all read the classic tale of Dorian Gray.
How the New York Times blew the Trump tax story
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
An overblown opportunity that allowed the newspaper to flex its muscles over nothing.
You know it's bad when even a socialist Like Bernie Sanders blows the story out of the order when he posts the fact that this was not exclusive to Donald Trump and that almost all super rich people do exactly what Trump did.
But this is the problem when you have a batch of media who have stopped living in the real world and assume things about the masses that are simply not true.
The Times was desperate to create a Watergate out of something that really does not hold water.
There appears to be even some suggestion that they didn't get the right documents and they are certainly not producing them to prove their case.
This is a lot like The Atlantic piece that used questionable unnamed sources to slam the president and yet can't come up with a viable defense when the facts are challenged.
But it also shows some deep flaws in the thinking process of media these days and how out of touch with ordinary people they are.
New York Times And The Washington Post and some of the other liberal media are more common with socialism than they are with capitalism so are out of touch with real people.
Like Bernie Sanders, the elite and arrogant media like The Times think all poor folks want is three meals a day, good healthcare and a place to live and that socialism will satisfy them.
But many poor people see socialism as a way of getting what rich people have and the minute, they find out socialism is only free food, free healthcare and a roof over their heads there will be riots.
Poor people don't hate the rich so much as envy them and poor people want to be rich so that they can put other poor people around.
So what New York Times piece saying how rich people like Trump got away without paying taxes, it doesn't resound the same way the reporters would expect.
Yes other people are pissed off but not because Trump got away with it but because they didn't think of it first so they could do the same thing.
Not paying taxes is a national right people have always tried to divert.
That's why so many people got angry at the new federal code that took away loopholes and made it obvious hell States like New Jersey over tax their middle class.
But again we live in one world and media lives in a total bubble and assume things about the masses and our reaction.
The New York Times And The Washington Post spend so much time trying to manipulate us into believing things they want us to believe that they don't realize that we might believe things of our own and getting away with not paying taxes is one of those things.
this is far, far different from Watergate where media was able to paint Nixon as a crook, someone who did all kinds of dirty tricks and head slush funds and such.
That kind of world is beyond the reckoning of ordinary people, we had to take the word of media as to whether this was a bad thing or not
But to have three full pages and the whole front page of the New York Times exclusive to a story that said somebody got away without having to pay taxes seemed a little bit excessive – even to people who otherwise hate Trump. This reporting is a lot like celebrating the launch of the Titanic. You know no good was going to come from it.
Perhaps media needs to start hiring people with more practical sense, somebody who hasn't had their parents paying their tuition to journalism school. Times journalists maybe need to get real jobs to understand what real people go through to understand just how pathetic this coverage was and how inept.
People may be gullible but they're not completely stupid and so seeing The Times spend so much ink so soon before the election and particular before the first debate they begin to catch on to the fact that the New York Times may have some other agenda than the public good.
Monday, September 28, 2020
NYT. Hit piece said Trump paid $750 in personal income tax
Monday, September 28, 2020 |
Trump needs to fire his accountant if the recent New York Times story about his
taxes is even remotely true
How unfair it is for Trump to have to pay $750
in personal income tax when all the other billionaires are paying nothing
Media and Democrats have been bent all out of
shape because Trump wouldn't show them their tax returns
They assumed that once they get their greasy
little fingers in the documents they would find all kinds of malfeasance and
what they found was that Trump got ripped off.
It must been sorely disappointing to the New
York Times staff to find that the tax documents merely shows every other
billionaire in the planet does
And we as readers should demand are
subscriptions back from the times for promising something they could not deliver
They promised us a Smoking Gun and came up with
a cap pistol
This must be a serious blow to the investigative
journalists who Hope to come up with a new Watergate and what they came up with
was the chorus to “How to Succeed without Really trying.”
Of course media might find much more serious
things in the Biden campaign if it wanted to look that closely but of course we
don't really want to open that door this close to the election
Democrats and media hate Trump so much they'll
try to impeach him even if they secretly agree with everything that he did
Especially with the Biden Trump debate looming.
think Biden is in the cognitive decline yet somehow trust him to lead the
nation out of the 21st century version of the Great Depression when he has a
hard time remembering where the bathroom is.
Some people say it's not nice to pick on Biden
because he's so old I just worry that when he pushes the remote control buttons
for his cable TV after he gets to be president he isn't starting World War 3
To think that fine is worried about global
climate change when if he forget which button to push we won't have to worry
about carbon levels in the atmosphere just nuclear fallout.
Biden talks about his policies on climate change being an open book what he
means is an open checkbook as long as it is the taxpayers, we're paying the
Maybe his cognitive decline is nothing new.
calling for redirecting funds from police departments, Biden seems to have
forgotten he authored the 1994 law that put thousands of black people in jail.
also think that he can better respond to the coronavirus when in 2009 he forgot
to declare a state of emergency for nine months while the nation suffered a
virus similar to covid-19.
There is a lot of talk coming out of the Biden
When Biden isn't mumbling about the 200 million
people who died in the United States of coronavirus he is cursing Trump..
Media polls of course tell us that many
Americans are dissatisfied with Trump's leadership
But basically those Americans are telling media
what media is already told them to think.
Most people know more about the Kardashians then
about Trump or congress where the Supreme Court and don't give a damn about
those things either.
Biden apparently doesn't mind if his followers
burn down cities rape women were shoot innocent people. The only thing by
doesn't want his followers to do is actually think for themselves.
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Vicious Democrats ready for supreme court fight
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Democrats apparently developed their strategy for undermining Supreme Court nominees back in the days of Bork and have modeled every response since.
I didn’t suspect until recently that such a tolerant people could be so vicious but it's clear they learned it from someplace.
These days if you walk merely licking your wounds, you’re lucky since Democrats like to scar their victims for life.
This is only because the Democrats don't know how to lose and will resort to anything to make sure they get their own way.
Of course, more enlightened Democrats these days no longer burn witches, they burn whole cities.
You can’t blame individual Democrats because their party really doesn’t have a platform, just a parade of platitudes thrown together because these might sound good enough in the public’s ears for them to get elected.
Even though Democrats hide behind self-righteousness, they are after what all political parties want: access to power and the federal reserve.
The big issue with this supreme court is abortion.
It is to 2020 what slavery was in 1840, and the supreme court may well decide whether or not Democrats can impose it on the whole nation or can a conservative court push it back to where it belongs for each state to decide.
Democrats use the court to impose its will on uncooperative states – and this is partly what the 2016 election was about, states fighting back to keep control of their own destiny. Now, four weeks from the 2020 election, the GOP has the power to take back the court – and Democrats are furious.
Liberal unfortunately always act the same when they don’t get what they want. They act out like spoiled children, going into a tantrum; when that doesn’t work, they get nasty.
As they proved with Kavanaugh and before him, Thomas, Democrats are willing to completely destroy innocent people's lives to get what they want.
This is ironic since it is the same person who told a rapist how proud she was of him.
The double standard is beyond imagination.
Media has a short memory when it comes to these ironic moments and so we are not likely to hear about how in one hand he would accuse a man of rape that he didn't commit and celebrate a man who apparently really did rape somebody multiple times.
No doubt we are going to get the same fake witnesses against this current nominee for the Supreme Court as we got through the last several another Anita Hill another Ford determined to prevent the Republicans from establishing a conservative Court.
It shall be interesting what media outlets play their role the way the New Yorker did in producing fake witnesses last time will they tap The Atlantic for another fake story or will they find some other unsuspecting media outlet to cooperate so that like a pack of wild wolves the rest of media can jump on the story.
How this new candidate will hold up under the barrage of stomach and kidney punches is anybody’s guess.
We can’t tell how this viciousness will play in the election of president. Will Democrats hold back their assault a little in order to avoid giving Trump a sympathy vote?
And then there's old man, Biden, a bumbling fool who walks around in a daze like King Lear, other people operating in his name well he thinks he will actually remain king after the power struggle is over.
Will he rip off the mask of nice old man to show how vicious he and his fellow Democrats really are?
Or will he remain a silent Trojan horse for the more radical part of his party in order to get himself elected?
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Democrats are funnier than Republicans are
I guess maybe they will have to wait until after the election to take advantage of just how pathetic Democrats are.
Comics for decades have known that their skits on TV pale in comparison to the congressional record.
This is particularly true of the congress people who have been elected over the last few cycles.
The first thing a newly elected Democratic congress person learns is never to vote for a GOP bill no matter how good it looks.
People in liberal states didn’t elect them to pass good bills, just to make sure the GOP doesn’t.
But it is clear that Democrats have sent some rank amateurs to congress lately.
There are laws against inflicting cruel and unusual punishment – even on to the American public.
Fortunately, most of these people in the house of representatives only inflict pain on the public for two years at a time.
Unfortunately, there are some senators who make us suffer for six.
Myth making in America
Friday, September 25, 2020
The year 2020 will go down as one of the worst years of my
life rivaling 2001 which saw 911 the death my hero George Harrison and the
death of my mother.
My best friend died January that was before
covid-19 and hit and then I slowly watched the stake get driven into the heart
of Journalism which is one of my great love.
Of course it was a mercy killing because
journalism has been dying for a long time most evident from 2016 on where media
like the New York Times And The Washington Post completely lost any sense of
What we get from media these days is what they
want us to know not what we need to know and all the News That's fit to print
is rarely printed.
We have wacko sports announcers ranting and
raving from the middle of games showing just how the idiot Factor has expanded
faster than covid-19.
We have spoiled sports stars kneeling on the
playing field against something that they used to get their success, their
salaries making ticket prices go for beyond anything a common worker can ever
We have politicians who are screaming the word
Nazi as if they actually know the word means.
Last week Hillary Clinton told Biden never to
concede the election and then the wonderful reporters go to Trump and ask him
will he step down if he loses then spun the story out of context when he says he doesn’t know, and it depends on if the
election is honest or not
This last part of course media failed to report for the most
Most of what we get from media these days is
half the story it's cold priming and framing stories so you select stories such
as black men being shot by cops and exclude all other instances that put it in
perspective and then you leave out half the facts so it appears that cops are
bad guys and known criminals are good guys and we get riots in the streets.
I was in Newark 1967 not too near the riot zone
but close enough and understood that there was some legitimacy back then -- even
though many of the riots came after Federal officials passed civil rights
legislation and a lot of other legislation that helped blacks get out of the
In today's society we live with the illusion of
racism not that racism doesn't exist it's just not Jim Crow it's not institutionalized;
that's the fantasy.
Part of it is this desperate attempt by media
and Democrats to paint Trump is a racist and then to bring down any institution
they see as supporting Trump.
The chaos of course they create leads to more
violence and more death.
I listen to idiots who are mostly white mostly
privileged, mostly living in safe neighborhoods lecturing others about police
violence they know nothing about or they hear only on skewed stories from the
New York Times or the Washington Post.
They rant and rave about defunding police and yet when their lives are
at risk they are the ones who called 911 as the leader of one of these
movements did this week.
They live in a fantasy bubble of Illusion I
guess given to them by screwed up professors who live in Ivory Towers do
lectures for propaganda at $20,000 a hit as was one lecture on white privilege.
It's hard to determine what truth is since
almost none of the people who are ranting and raving actually have personal
experience they are ranting and raving over things they know nothing about as
one African American leader pointed out in one town none of these people
actually walk down any of the ghetto streets at night so they don't know what
happens there
Most liberal white do-gooders are preaching about
things they know nothing about even going as far as to say people should not be
ticketed for litter because it will put them at risk of being phased off by
cops and cops want to kill black.
Another time maybe a decade ago or more this
person would have been put in the loony bin now people or taking it far too
The riots we had over the last couple of days
are typical of this Misguided and sometimes blatantly political movement that
will make a scapegoat out of a cop for making mistake accusing him of murder
when clearly that was not the case but the facts do not matter to these groups
who are trying to sell us an agenda. Yet we get idiots like George Clooney
putting their two cents in as if Clooney knew what he was talking about.
I guess the line that most hits all of this
comes from the movie The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance in which the editor tears
up the notes of his reporter after hearing the true story and said this is the
West when myth confronts truth you print the myth.
And that's what media is doing and people are
believing it as fact.
Friday, September 25, 2020
Mug me
Sherman's march on Paterson
I'm not a racist; are you?
Breonna Taylor was the only innocent victim
The whacko head of the women’s march compared this incident to slavery, when she clearly is looking to lynch the cops, not seek justice.Most of this, however, rests on the shoulders of media who are constantly spinning the racist crap, seeking only those stories that support their questionable anti-cop narrative.This led to riots when the cop was charged with a crime less than murder, and the shooting of additional cops by rioters.Media creates headlines using emotions, not facts.While Breonna Taylor is an innocent victim, and should not have died, the officers involved were not criminals, although media put them on trial and the mob mentality turned her into a racism victim which she was not – just one more piece in a jigsaw puzzle media is trying to sell, even though like most of the other incidents, it isn’t what media claims it is.Media deliberately picks only those stories in which a black is a victim at the hands of cops. And even then, it leaves out vital facts that would change the narrative, much in the way they do for Climate Change, ignoring all evidence that disagrees with the slant they are trying to sell.Although not a murder victim, Breonna Taylor is the only innocent victim that media reports.While nobody should die as a result of a conflict with police. The truth is nearly all of the other so-called victims are criminals, who are engaged in a crime at the time of their deaths.In one case we have a criminal who had raped his girlfriend showed up at her house grab your keys went to steal her car was carrying a knife when the police stopped him refuse to put down the knife and then got shot.By leaving out the details of the rape and the knife, mainstream media turned him into a hero. In fact, the vice president candidate for the Democrats said she was proud of him.This is a woman who as prosecutor had put black men in jail for doing much less.Then you have the rioter in Portland, who was busted one night, let out of jail, only to come back the next night with a gun and murdered a counter protestor. Media helped turn him into a hero by supporting claims of the rioters that the police when they came to arrest him caused him to commit suicide.Media can also make villains such as the 17-year-old who was protecting an auto repair shop when three armed rioters approached him, chased him down the street, even beat him when he fell – and took the first shot. When he responded, he killed two of them and wounded a third, but was then charged with murder, leaving the three thugs as martyrs.George Floyd, of course, has become the new Christ, the ultimate symbolic victims of allegedly racist police. Except that Floyd knew his attacker prior to the incident from a bar where they both worked at bouncers, and where they had a personal conflict that later got played out in the street. The other nasty detail left out in mainstream reporting is the medical examiner report that said Floyd had a lethal dose of drugs – which is what actually killed him. Some audio reports from the scene seem to suggest that Floyd kept taunting his killer by claiming the cop was going to make him famous, perhaps suggesting Floyd intended for this to be one more allegedly racist stories to make headline, little realizing just how big a headline he would make.We get a similar situation in which the police attempted to subdue a man running naked through the streets, who spat on people claiming he was giving them COVID, and then died when the police tried to put a spit mask on him. He also had a lethal dose of drugs in his bloodstream at the time of his death. But he also led to rioting as media played this up as a racist crime.Social media does its best to report the dirty details that mainstream media leaves out, only to be censored by Facebook and Twitter when those things appear.Mainstream media is bent on creating a systemic racism in police departments by only reporting those stories in which he victim is black, and rarely reporting those stories in which cops are the victims – and often, as in the cases above, leave out important details that show what led up to the confrontation.All this plays into a larger agenda in which media as portrayed Trump as a racist and used the same techniques of misinformation to paint him – editing quotes that make him appear racist, when the full quote shows he isn’t. But most often, simply offering evidence that is often wrong – such as showing pictures of kids in cages, one of which was a staged event by a protestor, the other was from when Obama was president.The most recent claim deals with a problematic training Obama forced federal employees to undergo, training that like many college courses, saddles white employees with white guilt, rather than actually supplying techniques to avoid making inadvertent racial mistakes.Media goes ape shit when Trump decides propaganda isn’t education.At the same time, you have the New York Times spewing of very questionable version of history of slavery and the Washington Post defending that version of history and then get upset when Trump says this isn’t appropriate for schools. This is part of the narrative to imply Trump and those who support him are racist.All of this has consequences. You have white liberal kids running around in black face spitting on or attacking cops, burning down cities, all with the illusion of social justice.This is not the Jim Crow of the 1940s and 50s and 60s.Cops are not deliberately targeting blacks out of the blue. Someone calls them (often someone of color.) The cops respond to a report of a crime. In some cases, they are provoked and overreact. In some cases, they do exactly what they are supposed to do. But if a black person ends up dead, media reports it as racist, turning criminals into heroes, despite evidence to the contrary.
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Samba, the sanbara
If Samba, the Banbara ever taught us anything, it is the futility of slave revolts.
The black code
When modern historians talk about The Black Code, they usually mean the code developed at the end of the Civil War in reaction to Reconstruction.
Selling Slavery as myth
Truth is not an accumulation of facts.
Journalism is all about myth making and so is rewriting history.
Whites were also sold in the meat market in Philadelphia, kids separated from their parents, husbands and wives separated from each other, just like the meat market in the Old South.
Massive Graves in Montreal testify to the dangerous and deadly mid passage that the Irish took on coffin ships often shoving dead infants through portholes in order to keep the disease that killed them from spreading in the awful below deck overcrowded chambers they were forced to live in for the months of passage from Europe to America,
People buy myths they don't buy facts.
We do not have a system in colleges that teaches about the Irish famine and how people were herded ships meant for carrying lumber died in droves in the passage to America – as testified by the mass graves outside Montreal.
CRT is determined to brand in people's minds this concept that white people are guilty of black people's oppression when it is not a matter of color but a matter of class and that an Irish person an Italian person a German all were equal victims if not as institutionalized as it was in the south.
If 1619 project taught the truth, then people would know that slavery was already a black-on-black institution long before any black man saw a white man – and that after the slave trade was abolished, Africa’s economy collapsed because it completely relied on the sale of blacks to the international slave trade – blacks selling black enemies, black friends, black ex-lovers, even black family members.
We also ignore the fact that in the past most of these confrontations between blacks and cops have to do with a criminal complaint. These aren't innocent blacks cops are targeting, but part of an escalating confrontation. Sometimes, the suspects taunt the cops looking for a reaction, and poor training causes the cops to overreact. Sometimes, a bad cop does bad things. But this is the hardly institutionalized racism radicals and media are selling to us.