Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Media meltdown


Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Democrats and Media are in a total meltdown after Romney announced that he will likely suppo
rt the Trump nominee.
Media spent so much time sewing discord between Romney and Trump that this must have come as an utter shock to realize, Romney really still is a conservative, and clearly did not want to be used as a token Republican for the Democratic campaign to keep the high court liberal.
Democrats do not know how to lose gracefully and tend to take a fit when they don’t get their own way, like spoiled brats going into a temper tantrum.
But if you thought were bad after the 2016 Trump victory this is far worse.
Democrats and media have hyped up the old themes of racism, covid-19 and climate change – even making Ruth Ginsberg into a saint in order to make up in volume what they could not accomplish with their daily dose of phony scandals.
This has not stopped the Washington Post from attempting to manufacture some new scheme – some manufactured conspiracy like that The Atlantic broke last 
month in order to provide Democrats with new campaign literature. But the post raves and rants so much, it’s hard to take it seriously, and indicates just how desperate they have become.
The Washington Post has a lot to lose because its credibility as the kingmaker is on the line.
Trump offended them early on by not taking them seriously and they have been in a tear ever since.
When you have a monopoly on information you can tell people whatever you want them to hear which is largely what media has been doing for years only there are alternative media sources now and people do not have to accept what New York Times And The Washington Post tells them as true.
Meanwhile, Democrats show their desperation in presenting threats to either burn down cities or stack the supreme court with liberals once they win the White House and Senate – demonstrating their inability to recognize the right of others to have a voice in government other than their own.
One former politician Jill Garc
ia went on a racist rant and said that Trump was the party of white trash.
This is the typical liberal arrogance of superiority we always get when overly educated elite look down their noses had working people, similar to the northern intellectuals of the pre-Civil War era showing their distain for dirt poor farmers in the south.
The Supreme Court loss if it happens will be a major blow to the liberals who have controls the court for almost a half-century through which liberals have dictated to the rest of the country, rather than making a state-by-state argument for their agenda.
This is similar to the liberal wish to get rid of the electoral college so they can overwhelm smaller states with their super majority in New York and California.
Instead of admitting that smaller 
states of rights equal to larger states, liberals are now seeking to stack the court by increasing the number and then the number of liberal judges if and when they win back the white house and a majority in the Senate.
In the meantime, liberal media appears to be promoting a Cuban-woman who most of the GOP doesn’t trust as a reliable conservative vote
Going hand in hand with this is The Washington Post’s anti-Catholic tirade, a move hoping to discourage Trump from naming the Catholic candidate as the new Justice.
Liberals are worried that the court with a Catholic vote will overturn Roe Vs. Wade ruling the Supreme Court made in 1972 that legalized abortion nationwide.
To many, abortion is as outrageously immoral today as slavery was prior to the Civil War.
Many people over the last 40 years have equated Roe versus Wade with the Dred Scott Decision as one of the most inappropriate Decisions by the Supreme Court in history.
Even if Roe vs Wade is overturned, abortion will not go away, but will revert back to states to decide, an
d will force liberals to argue their case state by state, rather than imposing their will through supreme court intervention.
A strict constitutional court would void the ability of liberals to force feed their agenda on people throughout the nation and would require Democrats and liberals to actually engage people on a state level to get their agenda passed – not just with abortion but with a host of issues Democrats have been trying to impose.
The ranting and raving  we’re seeing over Trump’s plan to appoint a conservative judge is much like temper tantrum we saw after the 2016 election, by people who have been coddled into believing they can do whatever want,  and because they somehow believe they have the moral high ground (after blaming Trump for COVID deaths and for racism) liberals see themselves on some kind of crusade in which any thing they do even murder is justifiable.
In lockstep with them is a liberal media that is ranting and raving and chomping at the bit desperate to fin
d another Floyd Scott campaign that they can ride and get people motivated
While media still tries to stoke up the terror, the covid-19 campaign is falling apart because too many inconsistent messages showing just how a big a lie it was in the first place.
We, of course, still have a couple of days before the official announcement of the candidate for the Supreme Court.
It is likely that the Democrats see their inability to block the appointment as a mortal blow that may spill over into the election, so they are desperate to create a kind of Holocaust that they can blame on Trump
With 40-something days still to the election we have not seen the last of this or the worst everyday it'll get more hysterical and more desperate as media pumps up the volume just stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. TRUMP 2020 let him finish what he started and continue to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.....the DEMOCRATS HERE ARE LOW LIFES WHO ONLY WORRY ABOUT THEIR OWN AGENDAS....they don't get involved on ISSUES that affect citizens only show up at ELECTION TIME TO TAKE AND TAKE AND TAKE...
