Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Biden as a Trojan Horse

September 30, 2020

The Trump-Biden debate highlighted why media has been going out of its way to protect Biden, and how many words Democratic think tanks are putting in his mouth.  Even If he wasn’t wearing an earpiece, he is the product of a ventriloquist, only in this case, we only see his lips moving – and perhaps if we looked closely, his nose growing.
Ironically, he is the candidate of the black movement and young socialist movement, while he is neither black nor young.
Democrats are doing everything they can to prop him up, so he looks enough like a contender, while the party sets up some ringer for later if he is lucky enough to actually win against Trump.
We are in the middle of new socialist revolution Biden is too old and perhaps senile to fully understand.
This is a young person’s age, and a generation of upstarts that are determined to overthrow the old order – not really for social justice but because they want to leave their mark on the world.
Young people coming out of universities these days like to think they are a lot smarter than we are and aren’t shy to tell us that.
They seem to think socialism is a new idea we didn’t consider when we were their age.
And of course, media is love with socialism is an illusion.
Socialism isn't really much different from capitalism 1% of the population makes suckers as the other 99%.

The only difference is who makes the 1% the 99%
Socialists tends to have their own candidates for the top bracket.
By the time the Democratic Party wakes up to the fact that this batch of social warrior has no more use for them than it does for the GOP, it may be too late. Or perhaps, the younger upstarts will come to realize how empty the cause they are following and will find themselves in the grips of good old fashion Democratic political manipulation.
When the young no longer have Trump as their enemy, the bureaucratic Democrats will reemerge, more parasitic than ever.
Of course. a lot of people already worried about the Democrats and whether they are going to tax us to death when they get regain power, but they are wrong Democrats can't tax us if we're all dead.

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