Monday, September 7, 2020

Media defends The Atlantic hit piece

The whole Goldberg Atlantic magazine debacle shows just how journalism really works in America.
There is no objectivity when it comes to journalism.
When attacked no matter what the persuasion media to circles the wagons and defend itself hiding behind the First Amendment the way gun owners hide behind the Second.
People talk about that blue wall of silence when it comes to cops or how the American Medical Association protects bad doctors. This is nothing compared to unethical behavior in journalism.
Journalist and media do take sides especially under the new activist manifesto that seems to have infected journalism schools.
But that said you can bet that when you are on the firing line you are not going to cross other reporters or risk your own reputation. Too many people go from conservative to liberal publications and back to risk doing too much to endanger their career paths by violating the unspoken rule of never made another journalist look back.
There is no doubt that Goldberg from the Atlantic a one-time socialist writer who met with Biden campaign before publishing his hit piece on Trump clearly knew what he was doing and deliberately kept his sources from being exposed.
Liberal media leaped all over it, and claimed to have verified Goldberg’s claims.
This is because all media tend to use the same sources over and over again for all of their stories. In many cases, media use the exact same sources other media uses. But this does not mean those sources are telling the truth.
The public has no way to determine if these sources are truthful or what their personal agenda is because the journalists won’t get them to go on the record. Goldberg might well be quoting well-known liars or people who have a grudge to settle with Trump. Goldberg also has to accept that what they are saying is accurate without any ability to really know one way or the other.
And since liberal media was using the pretext of the Atlantic story to go after Trump they are not going to dispel the myth that the Atlantic story created.
Unfortunately this left the weight of the whole thing on a Fox news reporter who is an inside-the-beltway person and who also checked the facts but could not verify the most salacious parts of it.
But liberal media started going off on it saying even Fox network verified the facts when that is not true.
Unfortunately Fox refused to actually put anybody on the record and so nobody actually knows who were the sources of are and what their agenda is.
This is the danger of using unnamed sources in the story.
If a person won't put his name to a statement that means he has something to hide or some vendetta he is taking out and the journalist by refusing to put that name to that statement denies the public the ability to determine whether a source is valid or not.
The Fox news reporter is it a tough position being forced to go after a colleague in the news industry.
This is the kind of Benedict Arnold situation in which if she actually printed the truth or put names in print she would alienate the industry she is a part of.
She would be ostracized by other reporters; she would lose her contacts in the in Beltway and any hope of transferring to a better job in another medium is lost forever.
The bigger issue here is the fact that Trump has questioned the validity of some media such as The Washington Post and the New York Times and so media – even those who might also object the unbiased reporting circle the wagons and defend these bad news outlets because they see this as an attack on journalism, not just bad news organizations
An attack on one media outlet is an attack on all media.
There are no checks and balances when it comes to media. Media will not police itself and there are no civilian review boards with subpoena power to check on whether or not they are being honest or that their sources are real or that their sources have no agenda.
There is no accountability in journalism but there is a lot of bias and the fact is that with the new activist journalism we are now witnessing the bias is becoming more acceptable and so as the Atlantic story proves  so are dirty tricks.
The Atlantic story could get away with this because it was clear no other news organization is going to turn on the Atlantic to help Trump.
This is a dirty trick the media and the Democrats if pulled before the most recent was during the Kavanaugh hearing when Feinstein leaked stuff to the New Yorker with a questionable story that later got legs because other media picked up on it and repeated the lies.
The Atlantic has now pulled out all stops dragging even people like Carl Bernstein out of retirement to defend a method of Journalism that almost destroyed journalism in the 1970s and 80s. Watergate was the high point of this kind of investigative reporting but also the lowest because the interest behind Woodward and Bernstein were biased they had an editor with strong ties to the Kennedys and a publisher who was deeply involved with the Democratic Party.
Even during this so-called great journalism feat there were questions about the validity of that information and even Ed Bradlee believe that some of the information was made up.
With the Atlantic there is no way for anybody to actually check on the validity of information all of us having to take the word of a journalism society that protects itself and a Fox News journalist who would ruin her career if she stepped too far outside the boundaries of this journalistic Club.
Because this hit piece worked so successfully you can expect the Atlantic to turn out even more of it getting even more notoriety and further burying the concept of objective unbiased reporting.

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