Thursday, September 17, 2020

The COVID myth



Thursday, September 17, 2020

Despite the overwhelming hype we get from Democrats and media, COVID-19 is not statistically worse than some of the pandemics we’ve had in the past – in particular the 1969 variety.

Although the United States has seen about 200,000 deaths so far, this is based on a total population of about 340 million.

The 1969 pandemic – which actually started in late 1967 and lasted into early 1971, killed about 400,000 Americans out of a population of 180 million.

Of course, the spin doctors tell us that COVID-19 does things to the lungs – but a study of past pandemics shows that this is true of all deadly viruses, and as much as we get spun, the truth is, viruses come and go, some worse than others, but all of them with their own life cycle.

Discounting the fact that there are many misreported deaths associated with COVID-19, the CDC reported recently that only about 10,000 of the 200,000 deaths were due strictly to COVID-19. All the rest were due to complications to other factors that in most cases were terminal – such as cancer, heart conditions, and such.

Understand how COVID-19 works. The more contact you have with the virus, the more likely you are to come down with a serious case – such clerks, first responders, medical people are most at risk. While people might test positive for casual contact, these people are not likely to come down with anything but minor symptoms – if any at all.  Since the virus like other viruses dies in open air, the idea of wearing gloves is almost ludicrous unless you are a someone who is in constant contact. People running around with face masks and goggles to protect against possible contact with the virus are even sillier.

The whole dispute over masks is even more ridiculous. It is clear that if you are indoors or close to others a mask may protect others from you giving them the infection, but in the open air – at social distance, it is pointless, and even close up, the mask won’t keep you from getting the virus unless you’re wearing a kind of hazmat mask.

The real problem with COVID-19 has been the politics.

Democrats have been trying to blame Trump for delaying in responding to the virus and even dragged out their old warhorse Bob Woodward to try to pin the blame on him, setting up one of his usual traps to ensnare Trump.

First of all, Democrats knew how dangerous the virus was as early as January – when a Senate intelligence committee reviewed the evidence. But instead of releasing the information, Senators like Feinstein simply sold off their stock.

Trump tried to halt traffic from China – which was the source of the virus as shown by the spread in Italy caused by garment workers returning there after Chinese New Year’s – but idiots like Pelosi blocked the move and deliberately went to Chinatown to prove there was no danger.

Secondly, response to pandemics are handled by states – Departments of Health – coordinating with local health officials and reporting directly to the CDC. This means what Trump knew all the governors of every state also knew at that time.

Thirdly, if there is blame for delay, then Biden and Obama should share the blame for failing to declare a state of emergency in 2009 for nine months, which they did not do until 46 states were reaching pandemic levels.

If anyone needs to be blamed, it is the governors of states like New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Connecticut, who ignored reports from Italy that indicated the highest death toll would be among senior citizens and these governors not only failed to send medial professionals in to protect those people, but ordered sick people into nursing homes guaranteeing the death toll would even greater.

Government is a dinosaur, even on a local level, so it took the piling up of bodies in one nursing home for the governor of New Jersey to realize there was a problem, and then more than a month after declaring a state of emergency that force people to hide in their houses, he finally started ordering the testing of seniors – too little too late.

But government is only part of the problem.

Media is constantly hyping stuff up, and the virus became the excuse for sensational headlines that lasted months (and is still being milked for a source of hysteria) and for the most part was in lockstep with the Democratic attempt to blame Trump.

Media is a tool for creating significant events the change public opinion.

This is the George Floyd event that has rippled through the world like a tsunami even though statistics don’t justify the presumption of systemic racism in police departments.

The attacks on 9/11 did the same thing. COVID is one more event that media and Democrats appear to be using to influence public opinion.

As baby boomers, we were less susceptible to this – partly because we realized that media and politician often collude to reshape our reality and to try to scare us into a certain mindset. But we were more practical, the sons and daughters of a blue-collar generation who had lived through the Great Depression and World War II and understood that the only thing we needed to fear was fear itself. We were fooled briefly the cold war rhetoric, but soon understood media hyped these things, too.

We were taught by practical parents that we had to learn how to cope with problems, and that the worst thing our parents could do was coddle us.

But once playgrounds started installing rubber mats instead of teaching kids how not to fall, and schools cracked down on bullies rather than teaching kids to stand up to them, we created a generation that needed to be protected.

So naturally, being coddled by over-indulgent parents, kids – now on the verge of adulthood – expect as much from government.

Still worse, many of these kids are being sold a bill of goods when it comes to saving the planet. If only we all give up our cars and hop on bicycles, we can save the world from the threat of global warming (even though the process of warming has been underway for 18,000 years).

Leaders and followers had deluded themselves into believing that we can somehow affect Mother Nature, and so this generation cowers under the illusionary umbrella of trusting science when it is a very questionable science we are being sold.

So, we believe somehow that someone in government above us know how to save us from a virus we all just suffered through in the past.

We listen to idiots from the CDC when they tell us masks are not necessary, and then they are, that we should wear gloves against touching something that might have a virus on it when in most cases, the virus on any surface is already dead. We are being told to cover our eyes with face shields – or perhaps close our eyes to the silliness. We listen to these fools when we are told shutting down the economy is a good idea when it largely benefits the Democratic Party and its plot to retake the White House.

This is not to say you shouldn’t take precautions. But had we been instructed properly by the CDC from the start, shutting down the economy would not have been necessary (if it ever was). We could have reopened businesses in April.

We keep getting told that there are spikes in the cases – not dramatic increases in deaths or hospitalizations, but in people testing positive who may or may not come down with symptoms, and so we keep up the fear level – teachers scared to go to school for fear of dying, parents scared to send their kids to classes, restaurants kept closed, as are gyms, and other business. Theaters kept closed, and New York City turned into a ghost town where tourists are too scared to come.

Instead of calming fears, we have inept politicians trying to assign blame when there is more than enough to go around – using questionable journalists to steer blame to a president they are seeking to depose.

COVID-19 is a problem, but it is also being exploited by opportunistic politicians in conjunction with biased media and we all seem to be buying their bullshit as if being offered the Brooklyn Bridge.

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