Sunday, September 27, 2020

Vicious Democrats ready for supreme court fight


Sunday, September 27, 2020

I guess I missed the beginning of this story.
Democrats apparently developed their strategy for undermining Supreme Court nominees back in the days of Bork and have modeled every response since.
I didn’t suspect until recently that such a tolerant people could be so vicious but it's clear they learned it from someplace.
Back in the days of Salem witch trials, tolerant people were much kinder; they only burned people at the stake.
These days if you walk merely licking your wounds, you’re lucky since Democrats like to scar their victims for life.
This is only because the Democrats don't know how to lose and will resort to anything to make sure they get their own way.
Of course, more enlightened Democrats these days no longer burn witches, they burn whole cities.
You can’t blame individual Democrats because their party really doesn’t have a platform, just a parade of platitudes thrown together because these might sound good enough in the public’s ears for them to get elected.
Even though Democrats hide behind self-righteousness, they are after what all political parties want: access to power and the federal reserve.
The big issue with this supreme court is abortion.
It is to 2020 what slavery was in 1840, and the supreme court may well decide whether or not Democrats can impose it on the whole nation or can a conservative court push it back to where it belongs for each state to decide.
Democrats use the court to impose its will on uncooperative states – and this is partly what the 2016 election was about, states fighting back to keep control of their own destiny. Now, four weeks from the 2020 election, the GOP has the power to take back the court – and Democrats are furious.
Liberal unfortunately always act the same when they don’t get what they want. They act out like spoiled children, going into a tantrum; when that doesn’t work, they get nasty.
As they proved with Kavanaugh and before him, Thomas, Democrats are willing to completely destroy innocent people's lives to get what they want.
The Kavanaugh hearing was particularly enlightening because the current  Democratic vice president candidate was the leader of this vicious pack, bearing her torch and pitchfork as she confused and innocent man of rape
This is ironic since it is the same person who told a rapist how proud she was of him.
The double standard is beyond imagination.
Media has a short memory when it comes to these ironic moments and so we are not likely to hear about how in one hand he would accuse a man of rape that he didn't commit and celebrate a man who apparently really did rape somebody multiple times.
No doubt we are going to get the same fake witnesses against this current nominee for the Supreme Court as we got through the last several another Anita Hill another Ford determined to prevent the Republicans from establishing a conservative Court.
It shall be interesting what media outlets play their role the way the New Yorker did in producing fake witnesses last time will they tap The Atlantic for another fake story or will they find some other unsuspecting media outlet to cooperate so that like a pack of wild wolves the rest of media can jump on the story.
How this new candidate will hold up under the barrage of stomach and kidney punches is anybody’s guess.
We can’t tell how this viciousness will play in the election of president. Will Democrats hold back their assault a little in order to avoid giving Trump a sympathy vote?
And then there's old man, Biden, a bumbling fool who walks around in a daze like King Lear, other people operating in his name well he thinks he will actually remain king after the power struggle is over.
Will he rip off the mask of nice old man to show how vicious he and his fellow Democrats really are?
Or will he remain a silent Trojan horse for the more radical part of his party in order to get himself elected?

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