Saturday, September 19, 2020

Dingdong the witch is dead


Saturday, September 19, 2020

I keep hearing the song from The Wizard of Oz in my head about the witch being dead.

I know this is a cruel thing at a time like this when a nation mourns one of the great justices of the Supreme Court.

But it's still there ringing in my head. I did not like her in life, and I like her less in death because her last wishes were still an attempt to manipulate the system that she supposedly was supportive of as a justice.

Hearing the wail of mourning liberals should be enough to sustain me this morning as a kind of gladness. But it's not.

This is because like an earthquake that might have brought down an evil city in the Bible we have to live with the aftermath of her passing and the political landscape that changes because of her influence on those who are still alive.

Obama keeps harping on about how we ought to honor her death bed wishes, selling us the same snake oil he sold us when he was president.

She should have retired from the court years ago but decided to play politics and continues to play with us even though she is dead – a typical Democrat.

We keep hearing Senators talking about fair play because the GOP managed to hoodwink Obama out of his appointment in the waning days of his presidency.

But we live in a time when fair play is out of fashion – a fact we face with every new Democratic scheme and every new daily headline.

Fair play is an illusion in an era when all the rules went out the window and everything is about acquisition of power.

 Fair play would have been something that a different generation enjoyed although I suspect that never really existed. In the past, we simply hid the manipulation better with all of the maneuvers done behind the curtain, some Wizard of Oz pulling levers we did not even know existed until somebody pulled open the curtain.

I keep bemoaning the days of the legitimate media when in fact that is always been an illusion, too. Media is a power player and there is no control over it, the way there is in legislative bodies so that it has always been corrupt.

There have been honest journalist and those believed in Fair play.

But these journalists have always been outnumbered by corrupt people who understand that there is no one watching them and no one controlling them.

All we ever had was a balance of power, kind of mutual assured destruction like that of the Cold War, when different parties controlled different parts of the government so no party could dictate without having to compromise something with the other party.

Now, it is clear, both parties want total control, in particular the Democrats who each time they control the white house and congress begin to push their agenda down the throat of the American people.

They would love to own the Supreme Court as well – since this body has the last word on everything and Democrats have frequently used it to force their agenda on state’s unwilling to play along.

That is why there was such a harangue over the Kavanaugh appointment because the Liberals mistakenly presumed that this was the end of the liberal agenda not realizing that Roberts was somewhat of a turncoat and like others in the past showed his true colors only when his he was immune to being brought down.

The death of Ginsberg means nothing since it affects nothing. All it does is create another ring in this three-ring pollical circus, one more distraction ahead of the November election which really will decide the fate of the nation.

But even the most well-meaning of politicians can't resist the urge to flex their muscles and so the GOP is going to make the mistake of pursuing this even though it works against their presidential ambitions.

Like it or not Ruth Ginsburg will get her last wish. The next president will be the one who decides who fills her seat and by trying to force a vote now the GOP is asking for yet one more distraction one more issue upon which the Democrats can run -- one more thing that will unite a party that is in disarray the last thing you want to do is give the Democrats are cause and replacing Ginsburg would give them a crusade.



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