Friday, September 25, 2020

I'm not a racist; are you?


Everybody is scrambling to prove they're not racist is like a box car race we used to have on Saturday afternoons when we were kids but instead of bragging rights we get to keep our houses businesses cars Unburned and get a badge with a fist on it to signify we're members of the correct kind of club
even the National Football League which was been the symbol of white macho for God knows how long have had it balls cut off so that we're getting lectured by the coach of the Seattle Seahawks about our questionable history when he probably failed history in high school and probably never got far enough in college passed the door to the showers
Dolly Parton who milked money out of redneck pockets for decades has decided to save her Lily-white ass and pretend she never was a member of white supremacy when she clearly was.
The Dixie Chicks play the race is game two celebrating their southern heritage until they saw a new bandwagon to jump on and now they're just the chicks nobody will want to listen to artists who write songs for the politically correct up North
We have of course Obama visiting the players the national basketball League to encourage them to protest a mass rapist and so Stokes up even more fires in the streets by refusing to acknowledge who the real racists are and they aren't the people you would otherwise suspect
some idiot down in New Orleans has decided to put a black face back onto the box of pancake powder after years of stripping off the black faces of popular foods in other products because some guilt ridden white executive assumed nobody would like to see a black face on any product unless it happened to be King Obama.
The New York times desperate to make up for its one-time support of slavery now uses a capital B on black and a skewed history of slavery that makes even the biased reporting looked tame
the most violent member of the antifa and BLN are white and may many or teachers who carry their white guilt back to the classrooms pathetic sad silly people who take to be part of some oppressed class putting on invisible blackface more offensive than the kind they crucify other people for .
dare I tell anyone that I once put on blackface as a Halloween costume when I was seven years old?

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