Tuesday, September 29, 2020

How to be a Washington Post reporter


 Tuesday, September 29, 2020
The Washington Post editorial board got all together in one room and decided that they don't like Trump as president.
This is a kind of group therapy for a pack of journalists who have had a hissy fit from when Trump refused to take them seriously back before his 2016 election.
The announcement comes as no surprise after four years of hearing the Post huff and puff in its attempt to blow Trump out of the White House.
If we didn’t get the Post’s anti-Trump agenda before this, we never will.
Harper magazine once pointed out that Washington Post reporters are a bit different from ordinary folks, a little superior and very arrogant. They actually see themselves on equal footing with the people that they cover, strutting around like a bunch of roosters, crowing about their own importance.
Nobody except other media really takes them seriously and even they do it with a wink-and-a-nod, knowing that there is something bombastic about this group of egotistic maniacs down in Washington that control the political beat.
This is the kind of thing you get when you have a reputation for being able to bring down presidents like they did in Watergate; the whole thing sort of goes to your head.
Washington Post is continually trying to relive old glories – only it’s stuck with a batch of reporters not quite up to snuff.
The real questions about who these new recruits are and what their qualifications must be the fact is the only qualification you really need to work for the Washington Post is hating Trump and the GOP.
There are other rules, of course, such as no reporter is allowed to mention the name George Soros since there is a strong suspicion that Soros is part of the financing for the paper – the way Soros is rumored to have recently bought into Fox News.
But you have to wonder if Post reporters are secretly ashamed of what they do for a living and if they hide it from their parents – who after all are still paying off the student loans that got them there.
Some cynical critics wonder if Washington Post reporters actually have sex since they seem to get so much satisfaction screwing over the president.
Gauging from the gregarious headlines male Post reporters put up, you have to think they worry a lot about shrinkage, not that they have a lot to brag about without it – their size is a lot like their news coverage almost all just sound bites..
The most noticeable attribute of a Post reporter is how snobbish they are, and now they truly believe they can hobnob with powerful people even when politicians to use them for their own purposes do not completely trust them and see the staff as a kind of carpetbaggers.
But it must be really difficult to keep up the front buying the right clothes getting the right haircuts and you have to wonder if they use the same hair stylist is Nancy Pelosi.
Intelligence is clearly not a job requirement.
To become a Post reporter, you don't want to know too much and need to forget anything you ever learned in journalist ethics classes.
These don't apply at the Post.
The best experience is to have worked as a confidence man at some point. Both jobs require the same skill sets. But instead of selling people of Brooklyn Bridge you're shoveling crap under the cover of real news.
As the Atlantic coverage proved, the shadier your contacts the more likely you'll get ahead in the Post.
Look what it did for Woodward.
Unnamed sources are a must even if you have to make them up.
And don't try to verify any of the claims made by these sources unless they make Trump look too good.
Narcissism is the top job requirement for Post reporters, since they are constantly playing God.
Even when they don’t believe in an afterlife, Post reporters appear scared to death about dying.
If they’re wrong about the existence of God, they all know they will wind up in a place where sunblock won’t protect them.
Many Post reporters even avoid having their pictures taken. They’ve all read the classic tale of Dorian Gray.

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