Monday, September 28, 2020

NYT. Hit piece said Trump paid $750 in personal income tax



Monday, September 28, 2020

Donald Trump needs to fire his accountant if the recent New York Times story about his taxes is even remotely true
How unfair it is for Trump to have to pay $750 in personal income tax when all the other billionaires are paying nothing
Media and Democrats have been bent all out of shape because Trump wouldn't show them their tax returns
They assumed that once they get their greasy little fingers in the documents they would find all kinds of malfeasance and what they found was that Trump got ripped off.
It must been sorely disappointing to the New York Times staff to find that the tax documents merely shows every other billionaire in the planet does
And we as readers should demand are subscriptions back from the times for promising something they could not deliver
They promised us a Smoking Gun and came up with a cap pistol
This must be a serious blow to the investigative journalists who Hope to come up with a new Watergate and what they came up with was the chorus to “How to Succeed without Really trying.”
Of course media might find much more serious things in the Biden campaign if it wanted to look that closely but of course we don't really want to open that door this close to the election
Democrats and media hate Trump so much they'll try to impeach him even if they secretly agree with everything that he did
Especially with the Biden Trump debate looming.

People think Biden is in the cognitive decline yet somehow trust him to lead the nation out of the 21st century version of the Great Depression when he has a hard time remembering where the bathroom is.
Some people say it's not nice to pick on Biden because he's so old I just worry that when he pushes the remote control buttons for his cable TV after he gets to be president he isn't starting World War 3
To think that fine is worried about global climate change when if he forget which button to push we won't have to worry about carbon levels in the atmosphere just nuclear fallout.

When Biden talks about his policies on climate change being an open book what he means is an open checkbook as long as it is the taxpayers, we're paying the check.
Maybe his cognitive decline is nothing new.

When calling for redirecting funds from police departments, Biden seems to have forgotten he authored the 1994 law that put thousands of black people in jail.

People also think that he can better respond to the coronavirus when in 2009 he forgot to declare a state of emergency for nine months while the nation suffered a virus similar to covid-19.
There is a lot of talk coming out of the Biden campaign.
When Biden isn't mumbling about the 200 million people who died in the United States of coronavirus he is cursing Trump..
Media polls of course tell us that many Americans are dissatisfied with Trump's leadership
But basically those Americans are telling media what media is already told them to think.
Most people know more about the Kardashians then about Trump or congress where the Supreme Court and don't give a damn about those things either.
Biden apparently doesn't mind if his followers burn down cities rape women were shoot innocent people. The only thing by doesn't want his followers to do is actually think for themselves.


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