Saturday, October 20, 2018

Is Jimmy Carter senile?

Saturday, October 20, 2018

You know the Democrats are desperate when they have to drag old Jimmy Carter off his deathbed to take a shot at the Supreme Court justices Kavanaugh.
This follows a long line of rehashed old veterans of past political wars dragged out of retirement in a desperate Democratic effort to stop Trump.
Some of the notable dignitaries included well-known liars such as Bob Woodward and John Dean.
But in dragging the old battleship Carter, Democrats have sunk too new lows, even beyond the claptrap they tried to pull when they resorted to dragging out that fraud Ford to accuse Kavanaugh of attempted rape.
Carter’s leap into the fray is extremely disappointing because he had to this point remained the last honest voice in the Democratic Party and has clearly decided that party loyalty is more important than truth.
To have him lie on behalf of the party indicates a fall from grace after decades of trying to restore his reputation from his failed presidency.
But it becomes evident just how desperate Democrats are to halt the inevitable forward motion of a new GOP.
Yet, we have to wonder what motivated Carter to suddenly leap into a fray which only invalidates the last three decades of noble work. Perhaps he is senile. But most likely to drag Carter out of mothballs, Democrats must have resorted to efforts not so different from the Spanish Inquisition.
Most likely, as with Woodward and Dean, the Democrats have called in an old debt, or some threat of blackmail over some as yet undiscovered misdeed – in order to get him to testify against Kavanaugh in the public arena.
But unlike Woodward and Dean who have already been largely discredited, Carter retains some nostalgic credibility that the Democrats hope can stain in the new Supreme Court justice in ways the others could not.
So, this become one last chapter in a failed president’s life and shows just how unethical the Democrats are and how far they will stoop to retain power, forcing good people to say bad things and dishonest things about other good people like Kavanaugh.
So, you have to wonder what it is that the Democrats have over Carter that he is willing to engage in this one last savage attack.
In some ways, this reprises Carter’s in his role as president, the politically if incompetent hillbilly politicians that Democrats brought in when they could not resurrect the spoiled political careers of people like Ted Kennedy in the scandal ridden 1970s.
Carter was the savior of the Democratic Party after Watergate and after Gerald Ford did the unpardonable atrocity of pardoning Richard Nixon. Yet Carter’s rise to power coincided with a major split in the power elite, factions that could not come together after The Washington Post and elite news media helped bring down Nixon. While this power elite managed to get Ford into office as a stop gap measure, and to reward Nelson Rockefeller for his role in creating the odious Rockefeller Laws (that resulted in clearing people of color from city centers in order to make them acceptable for gentrification), Ford was too stained, and Ronald Reagan was not yet strong enough to take power.
Carter did not have the kind of baggage the Kennedy’s did, yet his crowd of hillbillies lacked any federal experience, bumbling their way through the national landscape without any clear idea of what to do or how the system worked.
Under his regime, the economy spiraled out of control, inflation went to the roof as Democratic policies tried to infuse money back into Democratic areas.  He was the creator of such notorious things as the Neutron bomb and the cruise missile as well as a number of other military innovations that made the world less safe – such as the multi warhead nuclear missile system.
He also provided a massive pardon and for all of those anti-war protesters who had fled to Canada and elsewhere to avoid service.
Perhaps is best known for the incompetence in handling the crisis in Iran when hostages remained imprisoned in and embassy for more than a year. Under his watch the Russians invaded Afghanistan. He authorized CIA operations that ultimately led to the rise of the
Taliban and terrorism in the world including the attacks on 9/11.
Carter became a better man and leader after leaving office when he started to help homeless and build homes. He became the grandfather image that all of us appreciated.
Only now, in a desperate attempt to undermine a conservative Supreme Court, the Democrats drag him out of mothballs as payment to some past debt. After spending decades repairing an image as an incompetent president, he now returns to ruin everything he did with this cheap shot in order to benefit some misguided Democratic move for power.
You have to wonder what it is the Democratic Party has on him that they can blackmail in into saying such horrible things at the end of his life, completely destroying whatever legacy in order to come off sounding like a plain old country liar.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Why the Washington Post hates Trump

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Harper's magazine published an article in 2016 detailing how the Washington Post and other Beltway media cut the throat of the Sanders campaign in an apparent effort to help Hillary Clinton win the Democratic nomination.
This and other articles went on to show to some degree why and how Beltway media hobnobs with the power elite in Washington, having more in common with those they cover then the public they professed to serve and enlighten.
Over the last few years the curtain has been pulled back on The Wizard of Oz of national media and the concept of objective reporting unmasked. Unbiased Free Press is a myth and perhaps always has been.
Recently it has become so particularly obvious that media clearly is merely another political player scrambling to keep its place at the table of power.
Despite what we get taught in journalism school, media is not the check-and-balance it pretends to be but one of the players and this is even more so for the elite media that pretends to cover what goes on in Washington DC.
Beltway reporters aren't divorced from those they cover. They are part of the same elitist club as the politicians and others we rely on them to cover. Reporters, editors and publishers go to the same privileged schools, hang out in the same privileged social scene and befriend even date and many of the political elite they have to report on every day.
More importantly they are and see themselves as member of the same power elite and do their best to protect the interests of those they believe are part of their club.
Politicians like Trump and Sanders scare the hell out of this news elite because such political figures do not come out of the same batch of the universities and do not owe the same allegiance to the club as they do.
While you might expect better from those media sources outside the Beltway, this is also an illusion. Journalism is also a club and those on the fringes want to be in the inside too and so use insiders as sources for coverage so they can be seen like they are.
In this way, many local and regional dailies and websites like CNN are constantly quoting from media such as the Washington Post or the New York Times so they all have the same message and of course the same perversion of news.
The fact is Beltway journalist do not actually cover news it all they largely rely on close powerful contacts to feed them with they need to know and suffer from what it used to be called “official sources syndrome.”  This means news isn't news unless someone important says it is or somehow involves someone important.  Since Beltway reporters will not damage priceless relationships they have with these politicos on the inside, we rarely get anything from these media outlets except what some Insider wants us to know.
And since these political elites are usually tied to mainstream political groups who have no use for anybody like Sanders or Trump media tends to attack them on this elites behalf.
Sanders and Trump come from a whole different Power structure which does not own any allegiance to old boys and girls network of the Beltway Club. Worse still, Trump refused to recognize the Washington Post as a legitimate power player – thus setting the  Beltway media and its wannabes on a collision course and in a conflict of defining what is real and not real news.
Since then the Washington Post in the New York Times have been out to get Trump in any way possible, not just out of dislike for Trump, but also to protect their uncomfortably close relationships with the Washington elite – and so we see a plethora of generated hate stories Trump calls fake news.
This gives new meaning to the New York Times adage “all the news that's fit to print” which should read “all the news the New York Times sees as fit to print as  long as it doesn't ruin some relationship media has with its inside sources and keeps media's place at the elite power table.

email to Al Sullivan

Sunday, October 14, 2018

One of our journalist is missing?

Oct. 14, 2018

A contributor to The Washington Post has gone missing.
Media and the Turks claim the man has been detained, tortured and murdered by the Saudi’s in their embasay in Turkey.
The Saudi’s admit the reporter came into the embassy, but left – vanishing at some point later.
 later they claim that he was in a fight and died. He supposedly brought in a bone knife with him a kind of weapon that can get past metal detectors
There are conflicting accounts. Turkey, which has little or no love for the Saudis’ (and may even blame them for taking part in an attempted coup several years ago) claim the Saudis had planned to kidnap the reporter because of the reporter’s continued anti-Saudi stories published in the Washington Post. This makes you wonder why then this reporter knowingly walked into an embassy of a world power planning ill for him. More mysteriously he told people he feared for his life and still went.
The Post – seeking to make a martyr of him – claims it was because he needed documentation to complete a divorse so that he could remarry. This is one of the most controversial reporters in the middle east, someone who had ties to Bin Laden prior to 9/11 and reportedly kept close ties to terrorists – which the Post downplayed, claiming he was merely doing his job as a reporter.  
Yet being as smart a reporter as this – he is an ex-Saudi insider going after Saudis with whom he was associated in the past – he is stupid enough to walk open-eyed into their clutches. It is clear that he was up to something much more nefarious than just seeking documents.
His connections as a one-time Saudi insider, his close ties to terrorists organizations would be irresistible to the intelligence community -- which makes you wonder if perhaps he was doing double duty for some agency such as the CIA.
His friends claim he settlef in TUrkey to be around other former saudi outcasts. He was extremely critical of ssudi nation and suggests he might have done more than just report and may well have been part of political opposition. 
U.S. and Turkey unnamed sources quoted by The Washington Post (which rountinely relies on unnamed sources for everything) claim the reporter wore a watch that broadcast his last moments to the internet cloud and that this depicted his last hours of tourture (gruesome one account portrayed it). But other reports suggest this is not the case, and that the whole watch thing is bogus. But this has not stopped The Post from making the reporter into a martyr, or using his disappearance as one more weapon in the war waged against President Trump.
The Post and other media have blamed Trump for setting such a negative tone that reporters have become targets, refusing flatly to acknowledge their own role in making themselves hated with biased and often unethical reporting.
The old saying that you can rob a bank with a fountain pen as easily as with a gun takes on new meaning when it comes to media such as The Washington Post – which can murder someone with a headline as easily as they can with a cruise misstle.
When media comes under fire for misreporting or bias, we tend to circle the wagons and defend our reporters good or bad, justifying any misdeed under the First Amendment.
So The Post and other media are using the disappearance and possible death of this Saudi journalists as a passive-aggressive attack on all critics of media.
This does a disservice the journalist and to journalism itself, and raising red flags about what he actually was doing and what The Washington Post may be hiding about his actual activities.
I suspect that if the truth comes out, The Washington Post will have done even more damage to the reputation of journalism than it already has.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Kavanaugh is the real rape victim

 Monday, October 1, 2018

Democrats are crawling out of the woodwork like roaches seeking to prove that Kavanaugh got drunk as a teen, as if to prove that the drinking – he already admitted to doing – somehow proves Ford’s suppressed memory recounting of a rape attempt that allegedly happened in high school in the early 1980s.
First of all, suppressed memory recovery is rarely accurate – which is why no court will accept it as evidence. The sub and unconscious distort painful memories, often shaping them into Freudian architypes that give clues to some event, but often twist the details into symbolic wish-filling images.
What you get when you drag them out is a dreamlike sequence of images and feelings that need to be interpreted. They are very much the same as dreams which use elements of day’s events but often in different context to reflect some issue ongoing in that person’s life.
I've seen this kind of suppressed memory reconstruction first hand, and heard testimony from a family member who was convinced she'd been gang raped by male relations -- based on the information gained from such therapy -- when I know for a fact that the events in her life never happened. While something clearly did happen to her, it wasn't in any way, shape or form, the way the therapy reproduced it.
Clearly, Ford had issues, but what these are may not be reflected in the testimony she gave, since much of what she said clearly isn’t accurate or is so full of gaps as to be suspect.
Democrats, of course, need to take her testimony as gospel and so are using strategies that used to be reserved for shyster lawyers against women accusers of rape to suggest they are hysterical or worse. This is classic passive aggressive Democratic attack, in which Kavanaugh has become the real victim, and so the Democrats are resorting to every trick to discredit his legitimate outrage.
Because he got emotional at being falsely accused of rape, Democrats are painting him as too “emotionally compromised” to sit on the high court. This is like saying a victim of rape is too emotional to testify, or in many of the divorce cases where lawyers do their best to saddle the victim with the illusion of hysteria.
The fact that Kavanaugh got drunk as a teen (the way most of us did—men and women) does not mean he raped anybody. The fact is that Democrats are building this case on the two already discredited witnesses that followed Ford, creating a myth out of bullshit, in order to intimidate the GOP into believing it or worse, fearing their reelection if the GOP doesn’t get on board with what is clearly an outrageous lie.
Media – including the infamous New Yorker – helps spin this crap, weaving fiction into reality so that the GOP will face the backlash when the general public accepts fantasy as fact.
In trying to use media to discredit Kavanaugh, the Democrats have raped Kavanaugh more fundamentally than Ford’s faulty memory ever could, building a case out of smoke and mirrors, in their desperate attempt to regain power, then using all the techniques male lawyers of the past used to use to discredit real rape victims.
Since media and the Democrats can’t get Kavanaugh to withdraw, they will utterly destroy him, playing his legitimate rage as something out of control, and his admission that he drank beer and got drunk like most real boys did his age – unlike the new generation of castrated males that the women’s movement appears to approve of these days.
Drinking is not proof that he raped anyone. Getting angry at injustice is not a sign that he is unqualified for the high court. But what Democrats have managed to do is piss off the deciding vote on the supreme court, who might previously have given them the benefit of the doubt.
No doubt, this will come back to haunt Democrats over the next 30 years.