Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Ford is just the Anita Hill scam with witnesses

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Leave it to The Hill, the Washington Examiner, and the Washington Post to continue its scummy coverage to the false allegations against the supreme court candidate.
Few low lifes in journalism are pathetic, mean-spirited even evil. But it's hard to expect better from a group of media whores, who learned journalism from watching mickey mouse. 
Yet in this power game, the editorial staff of The Hill barely equals the stupidity of their readers, especially the whackos protesting in favor of Ford and other girl who cried rape.
Yet you have to admit the tenacity of the Democrats for exploiting the arrogance of The Hill and the stupidity of women who will believe anything anybody tells them as long as it is what they agree with in the first place.
 When Democrats come up with a scam, they work it to death, modifying the details in their attempt to seduce the general public into thinking this is a brand new scam.
But the democrats have learned from Hill as The New Yorker's latest parade of pink hats accuse the GOP candidate with additional sex crimes.
At some point, the overkill by The New Yorker will sink in, since it has managed to scoop an entire world and find new witnesses even seasoned reporters with real journalistic credentials couldn't. The fact that the Democrats are feeding this crap through The New Yorker as its primary source suggests that nobody would believe it they did it through CNN, the New York Times or The Washington Post.
You have to wonder if the new witnesses will  make the claim of death threats and insist that they only get interviewed by the senate panel the way Ford did?
I suspect that we are in for a big time show as the Democrats push to prove the GOP has nominated a sex maniac -- as already implied by other questionable articles printed in The New Yorker. All this is a touch straight out of a James Bond movie, adding more than a little high drama for media to play up. 
Yet Anyone who thinks that Christine Blasey Ford is anything other than a Democratic pawn in a high stakes power struggle, then I have a whole shit load of bridges to sell them.
The scam is how to scare GOP senators into canceling or postponing the vote, using media blitz ahead of the 2018 midterm elections.
In truth, nobody is fooled by it at all – except maybe for the reelection-minded GOP senators who are scared to death that if they play this wrong they might lose their seats in November.
This is the reason the Democrats had to pump new life into the Hill story, and find new witnesses, learning from their mistake when they tried to rail road Thomas. Fortunately the for the Democrats Kavenaugh is not a black man like Thomas was, so the GOP can't claim racism. Hill being black helped guard the Democrats when they pulled this stunt the last time.
The latest effort to deny Kavanaugh a seat on the Supreme Court follows a well-established Democratic pattern that dates back to the late 1960s when the democrats derailed the nomination of Judge Haynsworth as punishment to the south for voting Nixon in as president, and then derailed two more before finally giving into some moderate from the north.
While everybody points to the similarities between the current scam and the one against Thomas, these are just the last in this noble tradition of finding stooges to do the Democratic dirty work and give their power grab emotional coverage.
If any of the army of women who sing Ford’s praises for coming forward actually believe it, they are even more deluded that they seem from their marches.
Ford is the way the Democrats hope to delay a nomination to the supreme court, someone whose legal expenses are being picked up from the Dark Lord of the Left, George Soros, who had been the money man behind every protest since Trump was elected, an evil genius who hopes to stop the nomination and then orchestrate a take over of government by the Democrats.
The problem for Democrats is that this latest scam looks too much like the scam they pulled against Thomas three decades ago – although they hoped to ride the whip lash of the MeToo movement in which media helps convict guilty and innocent people through headlines that would have made Pulitzer and Hersh blush.
Democrats have been riding the back of corrupt media for more than two years, and that hasn’t worked either, except to show just how corrupted media has become such as with the recent gaffs CNN made and the outright bias of a story published in the New York Times about this woman’s only witness, who turned out not to be a witness at all, though NBC managed to dig up some former classmate of Fords that seems to recollect something Ford said back in high school.
But like the Toronto Star did to Trump, NBC appears to have hoodwinked this witness so that she walked back her claim later, leaving a lot of questions about what she said on or off the record.
There is no doubt that something happened to Ford, but there is very much reason to question why a hard core anti-Trump woman would launch her attack at the last minute and then refuse to testify until the FBI investigates her claims.
Now, Ford has agreed to come before the senate panel -- pushed to testify no doubt by desperate Democrats who are still seeking to stall the vote, and realize if she doesn't appear, the game is over for them. 
This move comes after it became clear the FBI would not investigate unsubstantiated claims.
That’s not how the system works. Prosecutors need some body of evidence to start an investigation, not so questionable claim that only the already convinced Democrats believe – and not even all of them.
This conviction by headline is designed to scare the GOP into holding up the vote or to intimidate Kavanaugh into withdrawing his name and the stakes are huge.
Democrats are desperate to keep the court from becoming too conservative and it is clear they will stop at nothing, ruin anybody, use even pathetic pawns like Ford to make sure the nomination fails.
One of these deluded Ford supporters even wrote in a tweet, “I was raped once, so Kavanaugh must be guilty.”
The desire to convict him without evidence is more than just wishful thinking by women who hope to keep the court from roe vs wade, but a hateful backlash against men in general.
This desire to impugn him based a fanatic’s claim rivals Palate’s washing his hands and returning the accused back to the mob to be crucified – something that would have been even more pathetic had media been around to do so to Christ.
Time has made it clear just how contrived the Anita Hill accusations were against Thomas, although the same deluded people who believe Ford also defend that charade.
The Democrats and media have even dragged out Hill from the dustpan of history, along with man-hater Gillibrand to shout Ford’s praises.

Hill, of course, failed to give the Democrats what they wanted three decades ago, and so Soros and the Democrats are riding a new horse, desperately hoping they can make this revised scam work in order to grab back power from the GOP.


  1. Great article. As a woman, I see exactly what these vile feminists are doing & the Democrats have them slurping up the koolaid so fast they've all gotten brainfreeze. As a mom of two grown young men, it scares me to death how one pissed off woman's comment can ruin even the greatest of men now days.

  2. That's great that your parents were so progressive that they named a woman David!

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