Monday, November 29, 2021

The Day The Beatles died


I cried when we heard of The Beatles break up just as we got ready to hit the road, our red white and blue 1959 VW van huffing and puffing, waiting to get on the LA freeway heading East Arizona first then to Mexico and briefly because Louise needed to meet an old lover again Denver before our planned big plunge North to Alaska
No death of a band hit me so hard as this one did, as bad maybe or worse than when my grandfather died when I had to force out the tears that would not come any other way, as if I needed news as deep as the loss of The Beatles to uncork me and let the tears flow.

They were more than family as close to blood is any stranger, and losing them said more about the future than any headlines could, ending something we didn't know we needed until it was gone innocence maybe that mop top love we kept hid in the closet as if to silly in the sophisticated 1970 to admit four of them moving on.
Just some other aspect of their lives that did not include each other, a flashback to the old neighborhood gang who drifted apart when it got a career or a girlfriend (later wife) became focus of our Lives rather than our pals, the mop tops bearded and independent growing up, growing older, asking us to grow up, too, when it was the last thing we wanted, but like them was exactly what we needed to do, we shedding tears long every mile, listening to the early albums on an 8 track, the mop top albums and later the other ones, the one's full of color or the ones simply all white, all songs all filling our heads as the last of their songs filled the radio airways like a dirge, me thinking the death as temporary, me hoping they might change their minds by the time my birthday came. all the time knowing they never would, and knowing I would wait a lifetime for something that would never happen, wishing and hoping as miles turned into years and even now with two of them dead I still hope and still shed tears.

For a long time, I didn’t even remember the date Paul McCartney announced the Beatle break up (April 10, 1970), only what I was doing at the time, fixing up that old VW bus in order to hit the road, still on the run from the police for a robbery I had done back east, looking for a place to find peace, needing desperately to abandon the phony hype of Hollywood for some more natural setting, some place north, we, envision some place in Alaska because it was the one state Louise had never visited with her parents when she was young.

I clung to Beatles music because it reminded me of home, and that innocent time before I had become hunger, before my first puff of pot or hit of acid, before Louise discovered the modeling office on the Boulevard where photographers wanted her to do more than just model, before we became homeless, and hearing the news of the breakup severed ties I had with those old days when I wore a mob top and fancied myself looking a lot of like John Lennon, under the constant threat by my blue collar uncles who promised me a crew cut for even the smallest infraction, the barber on the Paterson side of Vernon Avenue all too willing to accommodate, my look changing with each phase of the Beatles, their music making up the sound track of my life with me wondering at that moment in April what might serve the same purpose in the future without them, we playing the 8-track tapes as we drove out of LA, no longer full of high hopes, only a desperation to find some place where we could hide, knowing the world as we had known it had come to a crashing end with the death of the Beatles.


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Wednesday, November 24, 2021

AOC says we don’t have enough criminals?


AOC obviously thinks we have too many cops and not enough criminals.

This has a lot to do with the war on crime that locked up so many would-be thugs in the 1970s and 1980s.

So, now we have to restructure society so we can get back into balance again, not by locking up thugs but by getting rid of cops to meet our quota of thieves, rapists and murderers.

We don’t want to completely empty the jail, so we have that jackass Merrick Garland investigating parents who question his son’s business selling corrupted historic call Critical Race Theory.

We also guarantee more jail time for conservatives by hiring more IRS agents to do many more audits on people who refuse to pay the increase in taxes Woke people want to impose to provide college and medical benefits to criminals and illegal aliens.

AOC loves the FBI and IRS because under Biden, liberals can control them, and aim them towards “the right kind of criminal” when local cops might be more loyal to local residents to keep them from being mugged, raped and murdered.

Unfortunately for AOC, when I call 911 to report someone breaking into my house, stealing my car or burning down my neighborhood, I don’t want to have some social workers telling me I ought to have compassion for the guy doing these things.

I could care less if the thug came from a broken home, or that he needs to do these things because he’s addicted to drugs, or because life has been unfair to him or that he thinks society has discriminated again him over his gender or the color of his skin. I don’t care if he thinks that stealing from the local ShopRite is reparation for the slavery neither he nor his father nor his grandfather ever actually endured. I don’t care how angry he is because some liberal somewhere pumped him up into believing he is a victim or that he has every right to burn down whole city blocks because someone he doesn’t know got shot by a cop somewhere when that cop tried to stop that complete stranger from stealing, looting, raping or murder.

When I call 911, I want real cops to come, cops as mean as the thugs are, cops who will scare the crap out of them so that they will think twice about stealing from me, raping my daughter or murdering me, my wife or my neighbors.

That’s all I ask.


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Monday, November 22, 2021

Media gets is payoff in the infrastructure bill



It is s clear the Democrats realize they have gone too far with this woke mentality.

But they didn't get into the game for philosophy they have been riding the backs of the black community into office not for Morality or social justice but for hard-boiled cash and they are not going to leave the scene without getting their fair share of The Heist.
So we are going to watch hey kind of political theater we have not seen in a generation of behind-the-scenes twisting of arms and of manipulation and deal-making with an effort to make sure that when the Republicans take office again the Democrats have fattened their wallets and all of those green scientists have been well paid in Grants for the next 4 years.

This is also a big pay off for the media which haver been slanting stories for five years to get the Democrats in power – something that seems out of character with the concept of an infrastructure bill, but clearly explains why even Fox News fell into line when it saw the government handing out taxpayer money to for-profit media companies – a not-so-strange concept when you realize media and Democrats have colluded in ways they only imagined the Republicans did with the Russians.

Taxpayers are being asked to subsidize the salaries of reporters for CNN, the Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN to make certain we get even more slanted news in the future.

This infrastructure bill is going to do for media what covid did for the hospital industry making sure they get an influx of money so that they can continue to survive and of course give Democrats slanted coverage
At the end of the day everything is about money not morality
But then we all knew that already the question is how close to accomplishing this feat are the Democrats and will they be able to betray the country and its taxpayers by hiding this bank robbery behind social justice.


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A rising tide lifts all boats but hardly signifies global climate change


Obama is famous for saying a rising tide lifts all boats. A strange saying for a Marxist determined to destroy capitalism and a diehard new green deal fanatic scared to death about alleged rising sea levels.

But it may explain why he and Michele just purchased a $12 million beach front estate confident the rising seas won’t actually reach them or will float their boats if it does

It does go to show how hypocritical a millionaire Marxist like Obama can be.

So many of the supporters of the New Green Deal live in communities well known for flooding, building on places our ancestors would not, and currently sell us the idea of Global climate change so we wiser taxpayers who live on higher ground will be stupid enough to fund protecting their investment in the name of rising sea levels from seas that are not rising at all.

It is clear from the start that I completely disagree with Obama’s assessment on the environment and the questionable science that has risen out of his administration as the New Green Deal.

But I am obviously too ignorant in my study of the thing to find even an ounce of science that supports it.

I, of course, know all these men and women (and transgenders as yet undiscovered) are much superior to me in their scientific education – much as a common crook is superior to a common man when it comes to picking a pocket or cracking open a safe. So, it is too much a waste of intellectual fire power for such great minds to waste on me.

There is one particular point in which these Green Scientists are clearly superior to common like me is in their ability to tangle their evidence as if to make their conclusions seem reasonable when there is nothing reasonable in their conclusions at all, turning science on its head so that no reasonable man can possibly make sense of it, let alone argue with what they tell us, when they tell us to trust the science in the exact same way a confidence man tells us to trust him.

They deliberately tight up their so-called facts so as to make their claims seem true when in actuality, they are largely science fiction – a fiction designed to pick the pockets of the taxpayer in order to stuff their own pockets with government issued grants, relying on friendly legislatures to support their ability to prove theories nobody can actually prove.

These are the same superior brains that use events such as wildfires, droughts, heavy rains, super storms and the like as proof of their theories, when they cannot actually provide real evidence that there is any connection to any of these events with their carbon dioxide-delusions. This is backward thinking thought up by devious minds to confuse those of us who are too simple to prove otherwise, yet we are somehow expected except as evidence what is not evidence at all  -- just wild speculation by a pack of greedy green scientists, who would be starving if not for government handouts from the U.S. or the U.N. Try to remember, many of these same scientists originally believed the earth was in for a new Ice Age before a 1968 Swedish scientist suggested but did not prove CO2 emission cause a warming trend – theory still unproven despite countless federal and international dollars spent on this wild goose chase.

For us common people, all this testimony we get is about as reliable as the speeches our ancestors got from roadside snake oil salespeople, or those other quacks back then predicting the coming of Christ and the end of the world as we know it.

To question Green Science is to question accepted faith, the way some sceptics used to question the concept that the universe revolves around the Earth. While we may not get burned at the stake for such questions as some people did back then, we are labeled as climate deniers and cast off as out of touch.

The great brains are so capable of bedazzling us with this bullshit, how dare we – the lowliest of low thinkers – dare question them? We are almost taken in by their brilliant oratory until we discover these great brains have very long fingers what are picking our pockets as they preach

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Sunday, November 21, 2021

Do Democrats’ kids make Democratic leaders corrupt?


There is an old saying that one can pick his or her friends but gets stuck with family.

With political families, this has never been truer, especially when it comes to Democrats.

Billy Carter was one of the biggest embarrassments to President Jimmy Carter back in the good ole days when a Democrat was still a Democrat, and not someone trained in  a soviet gulag—the way some of Biden’s cabinet appointments literally have been (such as the woman who he has named to the treasury who was trained in Moscow and wants to destroy capitalism from within).

Bill Clinton was stuck with Hillary for all eight years of his presidency, which may explain why he cheated on her every chance he got.

Hillary gives truth to the comment by radical Marxist Paul Goodman who once said, “the family is the ultimate American fascism.” This, of course, was prior to the takeover of the Democratic Party by Woke, which has since become the leading cause of fascistic ideas.

Hillary – whose career has become a model for a new Godfather movie – has been tied to some many murders, you have to wonder if she sits has Martin Scorsese writing the scripts for her.

Her investment in Dominion ballot-counting software company underscores this idea. But then, Nancy Pelosi’s husband invested in the company as well, suggesting that Democratic corruption spreads more easily than any strain of COVID does.

Biden, of course, lives up to a comment made by Sam Levenson, only modified slightly to suggest that corruption is hereditary; You can get it from your children.

We all know about Biden and his son Hunter, and how Biden even as vice president appears to have sold his office to benefit his son – or perhaps get a piece of the questionable business practices his son engaged in. Since then, Biden has become president, and his son appears to have broker this connection to the White House to an even more successful art career.

Merrick Garland, a corrupt U.S. Attorney General, proves that you don’t have to be an elected official to sell your office to benefit you kids.

Garland's son apparently makes his money off of selling critical race Theory to schools

This explains why Garland planned to send the FBI to investigate parents will object to school boards who promote the questionable theory.

But it appears, Democrats in general with or without criminal sons are seeking to sell the government in order to benefit themselves or their benefactors.

As with everything in the Democratic Administration under Biden this is about money not about philosophy

Green Theory to critical race theory, we are getting the view of how Democrats actually plan to rip off the American taxpayer for their own personal benefit.

We have Garland misusing the FBI for his own personal benefit and we have the president increasing the size of the IRS to do with his former boss did which is target conservatives.

You have democratic legislators who are supporting defund police movements while increasing federal authority which they can control.

It appears that we are witnessing total corruption from top to bottom and there does not seem to be any way to control it because any time you claim to want to hold people accountable people like George Soros sends armies of kids out into the streets protesting racism

Meanwhile there are businesses in San Francisco and Chicago that have been stripped of their merchandise with police hand tied because there is this belief that somehow systemic racism allows stores to do business and that African Americans have a perfect right to rip them off as reparation for slavery neither they nor their parents or even their grandparents actually experienced.

Ultimately, we live in a strange, perverted Society with no rules apply as long as you can label it social justice -- even when it is clear some democrat on some high-level such as Garland or Biden or Pelosi or Hillary Clinton is making a profit off of other people's misery.

All of this is overlooked by a Woke movement that sees nothing wrong with a completely corrupt administration as long as the administration bides by the insane mandates these bedwetters profess.

Logan Pearsall Smith, someone with immense common sense once said, “What is more enchanting than the voices of you people when you can’t hear what they say?”

The problem with the Democratic Party (major league sports, and a number of silly corporations) is that they actually listen to the crap coming out of these social warrior’s mouths.

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Is the Infrastructure bill a Democratic Ponzi scheme?



Voltaire once accurately pointed out, “When it comes to money, everybody is of the same religion.”

Nothing makes this more obvious than the infrastructure bill that passed the House of Representatives this week with the help of a few rogue Republicans who hope to get their piece of the action.

That congressional session was a lot like a scene from “The Godfather” where all of the mobsters get together in one room to divvy up the proceeds from their last heist, only instead of prostitution, drugs, illegal gambling, we get the New Green Deal, COVID vaccine, and a host of pet projects from which the taxpayers are getting bilked.

It’s obvious that Democrats get the biggest cut since it is their funders who benefit most after Democratic administrations over the last three or four decades have waged war on those corporations such as fossil fuels and Tobacco that back the GOP.

This, of course, is what all elections are about, putting your crooks in office so that they can steer federal funds to their friends and family. Even without the questionable business practices of Biden and his son, this is almost standard fare as politicians make sure the people who get them there benefit the most.

Biden only proves an old adage that Charles Darrow once quoted, “When I was a boy, I was told anybody could become president; I beginning to believe it.”

It is a huge mistake to believe Biden is as much a bumbling idiot as he comes across in press conferences. He knows exactly what he is doing and to whom he is steering federal funds, as he and his fellow Democrats live up to Woody Allen’s film title, “Take the money and run.”

The infrastructure bill is the biggest rip off of the taxpayer since the Huns sacked Rome.

This so much resembles a Madoff Ponzi scheme you would expect legislators to be headed for federal prison. Only when these guys and gals steal from us, they get a life sentence in Congress, and brag about what suckers they have made of us.



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Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Woke witch trial in Wisconsin


You have to admire the loyalty Democrats have for perverts, something we all saw for years, but has become the center piece of a Wisconsin's witch trial in which as 17-year-old boy is being accused to shooting three hard core criminals, one of whom is a well-known pervert.

This is a Woke experience, as the extreme left attempts to break the back of an American resistance movement that challenges their perverted agenda.

We already suspected something was wrong with Woke people when their vice-presidential candidate (now vice president) sat in a hospital room and said how proud she was of a man who had raped his girlfriend more than once.

As with the Jan. 6 mythmaking, the Woke people looking to crucify the 17-year-old because he stood up to a mob that threated to destroy his friend’s auto place, and in the process was attacked by three thugs who had come as part of the Antifa movement to help burn down the city, dragging behind them a string of criminal convictions going back year.

One of these thugs pointed a gun at the 17-year-old, spouting a string of “n-words” even though none of those involved in this altercation was actually black – only three white thugs pretending to represent social justice and a kid armed with an ak-47 willing to stand up against them.

Woke people have made these thugs into heroes, the way woke people generally do every scumbag that spouts the right kind of philosophy, making the 17-year-old into a mythological white supremist so as to fit their misguided philosophy about race relations in America, allowing these thugs to hide their crimes behind the banner of social justice – even when one of them had been convicted on sexual predatory acts against a number of young boys ages 5 to 12, and was listed as a sexual predator in several states.

This turning sinners into saints is fundamental to the woke movement, and those who support destruction and mayhem in the name of social reform.

The trial outcome, of course, will lead to more mayhem. If the 17-year-old is convicted it will empower woke to support more thugs in the future, if he is found not guilty, then more cities will burn – a message to the general public that nobody has a right to stand in the way of the woke mob or oppose their idea of what social justice means.

The woke movement is all about perversion, not just sexual, but of ideas, twisting reality, turning cops into robbers, and sinners into saints, and heroes like this 17-year-old boy into villains, while painting the thugs into victims.

This love of perversion, this double-speak, this twisting of reality into unreality would make even Orwell’s head spin.



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Thursday, November 11, 2021

Who the hell voted for an idiot like Jeffries?



 Proving once more than any idiot can get elected to U.S. House of Representatives, Rep. Jeffries has demanded the suspect in a shooting be locked up – even before the case has gone to the jury.

Jeffries is one of those idiots that spouts a lot about social justice, but only if the suspect happens to be the right color – and not white.

There is a show trial going on in Minnesota with a lot of Democrats taking the side against the poor kid who killed two rioters.

Jeffries isn’t the only scumbag in Congress that doesn’t believe a person has a right to a fair trial. But his voice drowns out a lot of the others and nothing that comes out of his mouth is worth hearing.

This is rather sad since many of those serving in congress are or used to be lawyers, suggesting that they are perfectly willing to ignore the rule of evidence to crucify people with differing political views than theirs.

Jeffries certainly would have washed his hands and sent Christ to his doom as well – since Jeffries being Woke probably doesn’t believe in God, and so certainly doesn’t believe God had son.

Jeffries would be the first to howl in whites put a burning cross on some black family’s lawn but is first to nail this kid to a cross to satisfy woke blood lust.

Not all Democrats in Congress are socialists or even as pathetic as Jeffries is, but nearly all of them got themselves elected to office by saying all these wonderful things,

promising to give away a lot of the money that they are currently ripping taxpayers off of.

Jeffries clearly favors violent rioters – as long as they are protesting in the name of social justice, but the minute people defend themselves against rioters, Jeffries becomes a vulture – this is nothing compared to his opinion of the Jan. 6 protestors. Jeffries obviously has double standards and wants those protestors to put in jail as well.
We are constantly hearing about January 6th being an Insurrection when it is clear that the Insurrection has been taken place on the lift in places like Portland and Minneapolis and other cities ignored by woke Congress people who think that they have a right to condemn somebody without evidence.

Jeffries call to have the poor kid locked up before the end of the trial testifies to just how much of a bigot a congressman can be – refusing to recognize anything but his own narrow view of the world.

There are a lot of congressmen like him, a few even in my neighborhood, who have no business being anywhere near the wheels of power, because they misuse their authority and their soap box to promote hate.

We might excuse Jeffries as an idiot, but most bigots – no matter what color their skin – are; this doesn’t justify his unjust sense of social justice that only allows specific people of specific skin color to get away with murder.

Shakespeare almost adequately defined morons like Jeffries when claiming his bad pares maintain so politic a state of evil they will not admit any good part to intermingle with them.

Clearly, Jeffries wants the criminal justice system to support the innocence of people of color but has no use for a criminal justice system that pronounces the innocence of anyone Jeffries disagrees with politically.

Jeffries never really took his oath of office seriously or got much of an education in law school or college except for the usual propaganda which everyone takes the heart these days as a kind of religious faith – Woke to core.
The trial of course is akin to the Salem witch trials and of course Congressman like Jeffries are part of mob rule that support rioters over people who decide to defend their rights as citizens.
But the worst part is idiots like Jeffries and his allies on the squad is that they keep getting re-elected because their crowd their mob believes all of the rhetoric and has no clue as to what is right or wrong.


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