Saturday, July 31, 2021

Will January 6 Commission crucify Trump?


Shakespeare could not have written political intrigue was well as the one currently transpiring in Washington to these days, as Democrats desperately try to preserve their hold on power, and to discredit those who believe the 2020 election had been stolen.

While the January 6 Commission has central stage in its attempt to reshape that event into an insurrection, building a case that Trump had used the protestors as part of a political coup in order to keep power -- rather than a legitimate protest over the belief that the Democrats had used software to steal enough votes to get Biden elected.

Pelosi has already rigged the commission by refusing to allow anyone to sit on it that has any point of view but the one she is selling, making it impossible for anyone to cross examine the witnesses.

The first day was full of grown police officers crying over how much they had to endure when protestors stormed the capital in order to hold accountable those public officials who were about to “steal” the election in favor of the Democrats.

Nobody was throwing rocks at the cops they way they did during the Chicago Convention in 1968, although many did take over the offices the way protestors did Columbia University. No national guard were called in to shoot protestors as in Kent State. No scene from Henry IV could have rivaled the overacting we got from legislators such as Kinzinger, whose tears flowed like gentle rain from heaven each glittering in the bright lights of TV cameras.

The second day brought the supposed “smoking gun” as the rigged court of Democrats and Trump-haters like Kinzinger heard testimony from the Department of Justice about a phone call Trump made asking the Department to call the 2020 election “corrupt.” This was at a time when most Trump supporters believed the Democrats had used software to rig the election, but the Justice Department refused to investigate, and courts refused to hear evidence from GOP and other lawyers – with even the U.S. Supreme Court too scared to raise the wrong questions about the legitimacy of Biden’s presidency. This was at a time when Media and the new Biden administration had begun a purge of anybody in and out of government who even hinted that the election might have been stolen.

This testimony by a career member of the Department of Justice comes also at a time when the head of the Department of Justice has been threatening those states that are auditing the election results, sending a message that the Department would step in if they found results that are contrary to the narrative that Biden had beaten Trump in those states.

Is it any wonder that career men in the Department are scrambling to show their loyalty to the new regime and producing bits of evidence Democrats can use to build their case against Trump?

The Spanish and other inquisitions of the Middle Ages may well seem tame in this behind-the-scenes power struggle to legitimize the Democratic claim for power. Arms are being twisted, careers threatened, criminal indictments alluded to in order to keep everybody on the inside following the party line in making it clear, Biden is king of the hill.

Not all of this is happening inside the government either. Lawyers who have raised the wrong questions have been disbarred, and businesses that support the Trump belief that the election may have been stolen are seeing serious backlash from Democratic supporters.

Added to this, the Justice Department in the same week ordered the IRS to release Trump’s tax returns to Congress – obviously determined to provide the January 6 hearing with more fodder from which to fabricate evidence that January 6 was an attempt to overthrow the government rather than an attempt to keep the Democrats from doing so.

Democratic-leaning Media is having a field day trying to shape the January 6 events into the myth of insurrection the Democrats are trying to sell.

There is very little doubt that if you create a kangaroo court like the January 6 Commission and stack it with anti-Trump people, you are going to come up with the skewed conclusion that Pelosi wants.

This commission has several purposes. First, to bury once and for all any belief that Biden stole the 2020 election. Secondly, to paint the January 6 event into an insurrection rather than a protest against Congress certifying a stolen election. Thirdly, to dash GOP chances of regaining control of Congress in 2020 and to destroy Trump and keep him from running for president in 2024.

The January 6 Commission is political theater at its best and a power struggle at its worst, making the anti-communist hearings of the 1950s look tame – partly because there is much more at stake, if Trump is right and the Democrats actually did steal the 2020 election.





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Friday, July 30, 2021

Washington Post is chicken little about delta chickenpox



The Washington Post has come up with it CDC document that supposedly said that Delta virus is as contagious as chicken pox.
This report has been picked up by all the other major media as if it's fact
Only nobody else can verify whether the information is true because it came as all things from The Washington Post through some unnamed source.
Of course, the report defies logic because if this was true the White House which is determined to force people to vaccinate would have released it as an official statement.

This unverified piece of nonsense is part of a series of communications among health officials speculating about what the new strain is about by some researcher who appears to have supplied no verification or science to support the conclusion.

Leaks like this are very common because they allow the government to say something that is not true but get it out into the public anyway thereby allowing the White House or CDC to later tonight when real scientist and real doctors dispute it.

“A man never reaches that dizzying height of wisdom that he can no longer be led by the nose,” said Mark Twain.

But once reports like this are out into the mainstream media there's no pulling it back or denying it in people's minds. You can’t put jack back into the box regardless of how much of a lie it is.
This has been the Mainstay of mainstream media for years breaking a trial balloon like this, letting people believe it's true and then later quietly walking it back.
So, we get misinformation through major media who claims anti-vax people are spreading misinformation.

To modify something Mark Twain once said, the best way to find out if media is honest, ask them, if they say yes, you know they are crooked

The official figures – when the CDC actually releases them seems to differ from the hysteria the white house and media are promoting.’

We are not seeing a repeat of covid-19; we are seeing a spike most predicted would occur if we opened the economy. This has brought us back to late spring numbers as far as positive cases, figures that allowed us to reopen the economy.

But we are seeing a resurgence of the hysteria that covid-19 caused without much of the evidence to back it up.
Even with covid-19 the rate of recovery was 99% and most people if they felt any symptoms, they were mild the same is true of this.
One report said that the United States has the most positive in the world which is true because United States is doing the most testing of any country in the world. This is the field of dream method of science, if you test it, people will test positive.
We are also seeing non-vaccinated people being scapegoated and targeted for abuse even by public officials ,a kind of witch-hunt that is determined to make second-class citizens of them and turn people into them like a Lynch Mob.
Delta apparently does spread more easily than covid but that doesn't mean it's more deadly and the problem here is we have an obsession by the White House to meet its 70% vaccination number and to distract people with new hysteria from the complete failures of the administration.
Most of what we're seeing is forcing people to comply like that Witch Hunt of January 6th commission Which is less interested in finding truth then assigning blame and creating a myth about what actually happened on January 6th with a pack of cry baby capitol cops justifying why they were so incompetent.
The motive for this new hysteria are still not certain but it is clear that this is more about politics than it is about science or health and that we are not going to see this go away until everybody complies

Despite the Washington Post report this is hardly an epidemic of epidemic proportions. It is an epidemic of media misinformation, even if the motive still remains unsolved.

Unfortunately, many in the public will buy this bullshit, confirming an observation by Oscar Wilder: “There is much to be said in favor of modern journalism. By giving us the opinion of the uneducated, it keeps us in touch with the ignorance of the community.”







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Thursday, July 29, 2021

January 6 Commission sheds crocodile tears


Elton John’s song, Crocodile Rock kept running through my head during the whole time I watched the January 6 Committee hearing this week, only I kept substituting crocodile tears for the lyrics instead.

No Saturday Night Live skit has been so hilarious as this scene was, and perhaps was even scripted by SNL writers for the occasion.

Nothing inspires laughter so heartily as watching grown men cry on cue.

We, of course expect, no less fake emotions from Congress since they are professional frauds in the first place – or as Mary McCarthy once called them, “illiterate hacks whose fancy vests are spotted with gravy and whose speeches, hypocritical, unctuous and slovenly, are spotted also with the gravy of political patronage.”

So, it is no accident that we have these hacks holding this hearing the same week Congress is trying to hoodwink the public with its infrastructure bill, trying no to let the gravy of political patronage show on their fancy vests.

Pelosi’s committee may well live up to Mark Twain’s assessment of congress when he said, “there is no distinctively native American criminal class except congress.”

Having Congressmen and women cry on cue is no surprise. These are people who have used people's emotions for years to get elected.

The shock came seeing those officers who enforce the laws in Washington DC bawling their brains out, suddenly emotionally overcome by memories of actually having to do their job.

This flood of Tears must have had many real cops around the country rolling on the floor in absolute hysterics at what they were witnessing.

Try to remember that Pelosi and her henchmen were first on line to ask for the defunding of the police in many cities – even though with real crime rising in places like Seattle and Chicago – they are quick to deny it.

This idea that the protest of January 6 – in which one officer died of unrelated injuries – warrants national attention when the murder rate in Chicago and the slaughter of cops elsewhere in the county does seems more tragic than funny, leaving an audience confused over what the Democrats are trying to accomplish by crucifying a few protestors while letting real murders get off.

Obviously, the January 6th commission's primary objective is to totally humiliate police officers in public and this commission did its best to destroy the reputations of those cops it dragged up to testify as witnesses

This Veil of Tears might well do to put out the wildfires in California and solve the drought phony climate change scientists claim have been caused by human activity.

Hollywood could not have done worse job in creating a scene like this, changing Fred Allen’s one time claim “Hollywood is a place where people from Iowa mistake each other for movie stars,” to Congress where the general public is expected to mistake orchestrated like this commission as real.

This is not a scene Mr. Smith Goes to Washington; more like one from Ferris Bueller's Day Off with taxpayers forced to pay the salary of amateur actors trying to play the role of Pilate in a retelling of “The Greatest Story Ever Told.”

We didn’t get a cast of thousands but got enough crocodile tears as if we did.

Since we already know the outcome of this kangaroo court, Pelosi and company had to come up with something to pump up the volume, and gave us the wailing tears of supposedly grown men, who we at any moment expect to throw themselves down onto the floor in a tantrum, men and women in whom  we trust our lives and livelihood, and cops who are actually trust to carry a weapon provided they can see what they are shooting at through that veil of tears.

You have to wonder what happens next time they go out into the street to actually do their job and a suspect looks at them and remembers them on the screen and starts laughing their ass off just the way most police officers would during their testimony.

Let’s face it, nobody expected much from these hearings. So, nobody is disappointed by the lack of justice they are giving us.

Bad theater is better than no theater, although most of those involved can’t even come up with a performance to rival Arnold Schwarzenegger, even if the ultimate aim is for congress to take on the role as terminator.

I don't mind political theater I just wish it was good political theater.
But watching Kinzinger wiping tears from his face as he listens to testimony almost made me do it spit take of my morning coffee and reaching for my bottle of Tums to keep from puking.

This is not an unusual reaction to Kinzinger. But watching him pretending to be sympathetic sent it over the top.

Maybe he and the other members of the January 6th commission can get acting lessons so that next time they have a performance that seems a little bit less fraudulent.

The question is how to you top a performance of a room full of grown men bawling their eyes out?

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Tuesday, July 27, 2021

How Marxist took over the schools, press, government


Peter Drier, a Marxist organizer in the 1980s, outlined how to destroy America from within.

He and other Marxist of the period devised a plan to use community organizations as what he called “incubators for Marxism.”

He was part of an American socialist movement that brought together members of washed-up violent radicals of the 1960s (such as the Weather Underground and the Black Panthers) and a new generation of more crafty, aggressive and dishonest Marxists with the hopes of reviving the movement that had crashed and burned early in the 1970s.

Unlike today, Marxists of the Reagan era could not openly expose themselves except in save havens such as CUNY, Cooper Union and several other socialist-sympathetic universities.

Drier knew that if Marxism was to be revived and to accomplish its mission of bringing down capitalism, it would have to do so on the stealth. He proposed that community organizations – that seem so benevolent in the mission to help poor people or save the climate – could become the breeding ground for a new and more powerful socialism, one that would ultimately transform America into a Marxist state.

While activists would not cease their never-ending drumbeat of public protest, this would serve as cover for a more insidious movement to infiltrate schools, the press, and eventually government, acting out the pretense that they want to help humanity, when their real goal is to nudge these organizations to the extreme left, and ultimately undermine their integrity with the aim of bringing about social revolution.

Nearly all the community organizations active today – from those who feed the poor to those who save the environment – are at their core Marxist, even if not all of their membership know. Many do not even disguise this, calling themselves socialist without fully understanding what socialist really want.

Drier understood that these organizations could become powerful voices in the community that influence policy and press coverage, scaring politicians into adopting positions these Marxist wanted.

While these groups pretend to help people, their real purpose is to set the stage for the eventually destruction of the American way of life and establish America as a Marxist state.

Government reform that really is not reform become timebombs that will eventually demolish the state, Drier predicted.

One of the key pieces of this plan was to have government increasing adopt more and more expensive entitlement program that government cannot afford to maintain. If government seeks to cut back on these, Drier predicted the masses would rise up and overthrow the government. If the Government continues the programs, the burden will eventually cause a massive fiscal crisis and cause it to collapse.

Drier established the idea that grassroots organizations would ask like communist cells, each working independently towards their own objectives, coming together when seeking to influence public policy or to get one of their own elected to public office – school board, city council, state or federal legislature or as in the case of Obama, President of the United States.

Many of these grassroots people take up low lever jobs in the government or large not-for-profits where they have access to resources, but largely remain unseen – such as welfare workers that allow them to milk the poorest of poor for votes, or volunteers on some environmental, civic or other group whose membership can be relied about as manpower for campaigns or to spread propaganda.

These Marxists often lead these grassroots groups in voter drives in poor and ethnic neighborhoods, sometimes steering people into illegal voting, then raising a stink that authorities are trying to keep poor people from the ballot box, forcing people to turn against moderates.

But the real power of these groups is their ability to bring votes to the table or raising a stink among media, which they have also infiltrated, eventually pushing the government in less and less wise policies – always with the ultimate aim of inciting revolution.

Black Lives Matter, Antifa, defunding the police, and various self-declared socialist groups are only the most obvious. Groups promoting Critical Race Theory and other radical educational programs are in some ways red herrings, in that these misdirect public attention away from groups that are most actively seeking to overthrow the government. People pulling down statues of Robert E. Lee may be less dangerous than some of the people distributing meals. The real danger is in those groups that seem the most innocent, the ones whose mission seem the sincerest.




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Monday, July 26, 2021

War for the White House



Obama wants Biden out of the White House now that Biden has served his purpose as a trojan horse
The problem is Biden does not want to leave now that he's actually has the seat. This partly explains why Obama's doctor has labeled Biden unfit the first step in a process that will likely in the invoke the 25th Amendment.
This also explains the Warfare going on between Biden and Harris.
Obama never wanted Biden as a candidate he wanted Harris but because Harris his girl was unelectable they had to use Biden seen as a moderate the gain the White House.
Now that Biden has won Obama wants to replace him with Harris.
This has resulted in a conflict between the president and vice president as Harris tries to position herself for the transition and Biden resists.

This may explain why Harris and Biden are locked in a bitter behind the scenes

Obama needs Harris wants to evoke the 25th Amendment but may not have the votes necessary to pull it off -- at least not yet.
The 25th Amendment was passed after Kennedy assassination in order to preserve the transition of power the White House.
Although there are several provisions to keep one is the fact that the vice president can take over as president if he or she declares the president incompetent or incapacitated.
That's right folks this is straight out of that movie Air Force One but in truth actually does exist.
What is needed however is a majority of the cabinet members to go along with the vice president.  And there's the rub. Just who are the cabinet members loyal to?

While Biden might crave the power the position brings him, his staff may be more interested in the graft that comes with being close to the President, kickbacks from lobbyists and others who themselves want to snuggle up with one of the most powerful men in the world.

Biden may well be as out of touch with reality as Obama’s doctor claims, but Biden’s staff will do everything to protect him and their own interests, even if it means opposing the real mastermind behind the 2020 coup, Barrack Obama.

Behind the scenes is a lot of sabotage going on
it was no accident that Biden sent Harris to the Mexico border to deal with the illegal immigration mess. It is a no-win situation for her, and no matter what she does, she would look incompetent (as if she doesn’t already.)

And she knowing this deliberately avoided going to the Mexican border in order not to have that stain on her record.
Her staff appears to be the primary group behind the sabotaging of Biden and pushing many of the video things we see on the internet of Biden's incompetence.

Biden's people, meanwhile, are spreading wild rumors about dissatisfaction among Harris's staff in order to evoke chaos there, and to seed mistrust in the public for her leadership which seems to be working
Polls orchestrated by media-friendly to Biden apparently show Harris’ numbers dropping.
On the other hand, media loyal to Harris have been coming up with polls that show Biden's favorability dropping as well.

The Harris-Biden feud doesn’t help Trump as much as the feud between Biden and Obama.

Since Obama is the real mastermind behind the Biden administration, the longer Biden holds out, the more uncertain people in the swamp are about who to throw their loyalty behind.

Obama wins if Harris takes over, but Obama can't be as obvious as he was when he sabotaged the NBA and other professional sports.
You have to remember of Obama once supported violent overthrow of capitalism in his youth and while he seems to have modified that when elected president to become a socialist Democrat instead, the fall of capitalism (and perhaps the American government itself) may well still be his ultimate aim.

He could not do this while President without exposing himself and his true agenda. But now, as the man with his hands on the levers, he can finally orchestrate this from behind the scenes, bringing the nation closer and closer to open conflict – which is to establish a Marxist state

As president, Obama used several tools for this purpose – among which is the unproven and completely inaccurate concept of manmade climate change. He and others supported a United Nations group that protected climate science from being challenges with the ultimate aim of redistributing wealth from the Unites States to third world countries.
But Obama's primary tool has been the use of race, creating deeper and deeper divisions that did not exist prior to his administration.
This is why Biden is not exactly the perfect candidate to initiate a race war whereas Harris might be.
Obama did not want Biden as president in the first place; he wanted Harris and only back Biden when it was clear that America wanted a moderate Democrat, and not an extremist like Harris.

Thus, Biden became the Trojan Horse of Marxism that allowed the Marxists to take over the White House and the rest of government.
But Bidens usefulness to Obama ceases and we’re getting closer to the point to get Harris in the White House a better face for the new Revolution than Biden.
Unfortunately for Obama he has created a Shakespearian dilemma for himself, in that Biden is not yet willing to give up power now that he has attained it.

His removal will be almost as ugly and obvious as the 2020 election was.




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Sunday, July 25, 2021

Super spreaders from Texas


We are seeing a full court press by media and Democrats to get the unvaccinated vaccinated.

One idiot Governor has made the unvaccinated scapegoats to a new Witch Hunt.
Media keeps painting the worst-case scenarios on their front page everyday about people on ventilators when this is the exception, not the rule.
We are, of course. being scared to death about the potential for these miscreants spreading the disease.

As to be expected, it is the most woke people who are spreading this and not because they are afraid to catch it but because they want to control the unvaccinated, painting them as a new breed of the January 6th Rebellion that needs to be crushed out or forced into submission.

Everybody points to the 600,000 Americans who died as a result of covid ignoring for the most part that at about 200,000 of them died in nursing homes unprotected or even deliberately sent there even though the US government Health officials knew they would be the most notable from the early outbreak in Italy.

This raised the questions as to why the Biden Administration has refused to investigate the nursing home deaths

Although painted as the worst spread of virus in memory, 600000 out of about 350 million people in America died or causing calculation of life expectancy to be reduced by one year.
The 1969 to 1971, 400,000 Americans died of a similar pandemic without most of the hoopla and that was based on a population of 180 million making the 1969 variety statistically the worst pandemic in the United States since the 1918 outbreak.
Officials like the governor of Mississippi are blaming the unvaccinated for continuing the virus today.
But most of the people who are throwing stones at the unvaccinated are those who are already the most protected, who have had their shots and do wear their masks and even wear gloves and face shield to protect them from the onslaught.

So, if they can’t catch it from the unvaccinated, why are they bent out of shape by those who do not wish to protect themselves?

Perhaps the govern and her cohorts in media are blaming the wrong people considering that plane ride of Democrats who flew out of Texas spreading the virus in their wake like the plague.
These were all fully vaccinated people somehow contracted the virus in a plane in which everybody else was vaccinated. And the result was that people they met with when they got to Washington got the virus to from them.

So, you have to wonder, who is more dangerous to whom? – the unvaccinated who only spread the virus among themselves, or the self-righteous vaccinated who in their arrogance spread it to the unsuspecting?

Maybe the governor should be looking askance at those who are vaccinated as potential carriers.
Unfortunately, this justifies new lockdown and those who have the little cards with their shot registry. But studies have shown that not only do lock downs not work, but they often cause an increase in those who are locked down together – such as the tribe of Democrats fleeing from Texas shows.

Are the people who are throwing stones at the unvaccinated actually more dangerous than the unvaccinated?
Naturally, this is somewhat of a silly suggestion because we all know that vaccinations help people even if it is not the miracle drug everybody claims they are.

But to spread hysteria over a virus that has a 98 to 99 percent recovery rate is more than a little ridiculous

This is not the black plague, not the Ebola virus, not any of the really deadly things that have plagued us for the last generation.

So, is this hoopla about the vaccination really more about something else such as forcing people to comply, just the way we all had to comply with the face mask and teaching us how to be obedient citizens of a new state rather than actually trying to protect us from some disease which is  about as lethal as many of those  we have faced in the past, such as in 2009, when 240,000 Americans died, and similar statistics in 1991, and those going back to the early 1960s and mid-1950s.

Media spills more ink on this than soldiers did in the Civil War, creating a hysteria over a virus from which most of us will easily recover for some political purpose that may become obvious to historians, but it escapes us now.


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Saturday, July 24, 2021

Unpacking the Supreme Court


Just at the point when the Democrats figured out, they could not pack the Supreme Court they decided to reverse their course and unpack the court instead.

Biden – or rather his lap down Garland, have gone back and regurgitated 4,500 questionable tips the FBI got about Garland during the 2018 Kangaroo Court Democrats called a nomination process, 4,500 tips undoubtably inspired by the phony testimony of Ford against Kavanagh but see as even more unreliable overall than Ford or the pack of other so-called victims the Democrats paraded before the public in an attempt to block the nomination.

But with packing the supreme court apparently out of reach, the Democrats are desperate for alternatives – and this is actually a plan that could succeed since the Democrats control both house of congress where impeachment hearings could take place.

This was a concept Democrats speculated on back in 2018 after it became clear Kavanaugh would be confirmed despite all the best phony evidence Democrats could manufacture to stop it.

Democrats, however, opted to seek to pack the court instead – meaning they would add more justices and stock the pool with those justices favorable to a Democratic agenda.

They had high hopes when they managed by hook and crook to gain control of the Senate, hopes that appear to be fading since some Democratic Senators realize that the changes to the senate needed to accomplish this might backfire.

So, we’re back to the original concept of removing Kavanaugh and allowing Biden to pick a replacement. This might not work since the GOP might refuse to appoint a new Justice the way they did in early 2016. But the move would prevent the high court from making any ruling to undo Roe vs Wade since any ruling by less than all nine would not have the weight of law necessary.

The first step in the impeachment process is to send out Lap Dog Garland to find evidence to “justify” an impeachment process.

Garland said he has put distance between himself and the White House – which is nonsense – but likely true. Since his marching orders are likely coming from Obama, not Biden. In either case, this is the usual use of the Justice Department for political purposes, making Garland nothing more than another dishonest crook.

Although 4,500 supposed tips sound impressive, it is actually overkill, coming at a time when the women’s movement behind the fraud Ford, was desperate to bolster her very questionable testimony by adding evidence to her case – just as Feinstein tried by inventing other victims that were equally uncredible as Ford was – and the FBI at the time clearly saw this as an orchestrated effort and did not give him more than a glance.

Uncredible or not, the 4,500 tips become the foundation of a new impeachment process. Hell, there was far less evidence in the trumped-up Trump impeachment earlier this year which did not stop Madam Pelosi from calling for one – a case so weak she had to convene a Democratic stacked Jan. 6 commission to manufacture evidence.

With 4,500 tips in her pocket, Pelosi will have more than enough ammunition to convene an impeachment hearing against Kavanaugh.

Under our system of government, the House of Representatives (over which Pelosi rules like a dictator) files the impeachment charges, and the Senate (in which Harris is the deciding vote as Vice President) acts as judge and jury, and ultimately votes to confirm the impeachment or not.

The 4500 supposed tips about Kavanaugh seem are rather excessive but was never really meant to so more than help Ford, and to stop the Supreme Court will eventually ruling against Roe versus Wade
This obsession with murdering babies at the core of the belief system for Democrats these days, although not the only one of its Ten Commandments. (Climate Change and Racism are two others.)

Garland’s sudden revealing of the 4,500 tips is designed to discredit the background check of Kavanaugh done by the FBI under the Trump Administration, but more importantly it opens up the road to reshaping the supreme court in favor of the Democrats.

This is a brilliant if also diabolical plan because even if there is no truth to the allegations against Kavanaugh, the Senate can still remove him – and will likely do so because there has been a seismic shift in the make up of the Senate with some GOP senators willing to go along with the Democratic agenda.


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Friday, July 23, 2021

Climate change science is science fiction



All global climate science is based on one scientifically impossible idea.

Manmade carbon somehow acts differently than carbon mother nature creates, even though the two are chemically exactly the same.

Nobody contests the fact that the earth is warming. If not, New York and New Jersey will still be under thousands of tons of glazier.

The question is what is causing it and whether or not it is the cause of extreme environmental events that are taking place around the world.

Climate change science claims that the events that we are seeing are a direct result of manmade carbon being released into the atmosphere.

There are two kinds of climate change scientist, one that attempts to find the root cause of climate change, the other attempts to connect that cause to the extreme events that are taking place in the world.

The second group completely relies upon the validity of the first – which says, manmade carbon is to blame – as opposed to naturally occurring carbon.

The first group of scientists created a base line for what would be the normal carbon created by nature in the air by test borings into the ice at both polar ice caps, and then compared what was in the air after 1750 A.D. Anything above the norm found in the ice cap borings is assumed to have been manmade, even though there is significant evidence most of the rise in carbon is nature, not made by man.

Natural carbon, these global scientists will admit, tends to dissipate within a few days. Manmade carbon, they claim, builds up in the air and causes the earth to warm.

Carbon tends to move around on the earth in and out of various collection places: land, the surface of the water, the deep ocean and the air. More 90 percent of all-natural carbon is located in the depths of the sea. And according to climate change reports (which are seen as pretty accurate on this account), land has a little over 6 percent of the world’s naturally created carbon, the surface of the oceans, slightly over 2 percent, and the air about 1.5 percent.

Since natural carbon accounts for 95 percent of all carbon, and manmade about 5 percent, the volume of natural carbon is far, far greater than anything created by man.

Where climate change science starts to go off the rails is when they calculate the amount of man-made carbon in each of these four pools. They claim 61 percent of manmade carbon goes up into the air, the rest goes into the deep ocean, and absolutely nothing goes on land or on the surface of the sea. Just how 40 percent of man-made carbon sinks deep into the seas without first gathering on the surface is one of the great mysteries of the universe.

Even if this calculation was correct – and it is not – manmade carbon at 5 percent of the total carbon in the air – would be far less than natural occurring carbon.

So how could such a miniscule amount of manmade carbon create all the earth-shattering world catastrophes?

Green scientists tell us that manmade carbon acts differently than natural carbon and lingers in the air thousands of times longer. In other words, manmade carbon – which is chemically exactly the same as natural carbon – defies scientific logic and refuses to dissipate after a few days the way natural carbon does.

The logic goes completely out the window when you realize that even the division of manmade carbon is wrong.  Nearly 45 percent of manmade carbon actually settles onto the land, 8 percent onto the surface of the seas, 33 percent into the ocean depths, and about 15 percent (not 61 percent) goes into the air.

This is not to say that manmade carbon in the air has not increased. Since 1900, it as gone from 24 parts per million to about 48.

The world temperature has been rising, but long before manmade carbon, rising since the end of the Little Ice Age – which saw an overall increase of carbon of about 30 percent, but not from manmade sources. Most of it came from the ocean depths.

While global science claims carbon in their air warms up the earth, the opposite seems to be true. The earth warms and then it releases Carbon. In every case of rising temperatures, the temperature rose first, then the carbon levels. This is largely blamed on sun interaction with the oceans, causing evaporation, and the release of the largest of green house gas on the planet, water vapor.

Carbon is not the culprit – although it is profitable for scientists, even governments to claim it is – considering the Paris Accords.

The fact is none of the predictions of climate change science have panned out. I’m not talking about the extreme weather, these scientists claim as proof, but the data such a rising temperatures, rising sea levels, even a build up of carbon in the air.

Instead, we get so-called scientists who point to wildfire as proof of climate change, and yet have failed to show just how carbon and the extreme event are connected.

So, if climate change isn’t the reason for these events, what is?

Mother nature. These events have been going on for thousands maybe tens of thousands of years, long before there ever was such a thing as manmade carbon.

Climate change science is really just a scam, as these people sell you snake oil. There is big money in this new emerging industry, an industry almost totally based on lies.

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Thursday, July 22, 2021

The woke mob targets Kavanaugh again


 We’re at it again. Just when you thought the mob that tried to burn Kavanaugh at the stake calmed down (or at least taken their meds) is breaking out their pink hats from mothballs and sharpening their stakes to once again attempt to run them through his heart.

Some idea in the Biden administration apparently dug up an old FBI file that showed the agency had received thousands of “tips” about Kavanaugh during the hearing that perhaps showed him to be the sexual cad the Democrats unsuccessfully tried to prove he was with their parade officially phony witnesses.

You can just imagine the hordes of hysterical housewives grabbing for their phones to call in their tips, motivated by the desperate need to keep abortion as a viable means of birth control when they run out of or forget to take their prescribed birth control pills.

This kind of insanity is well known – which may explain why the FBI didn’t take seriously 4,600 anonymous phone tips about Kavanaugh, lacking the desire or manpower of the Washington Post to follow up on every crank.

But this is human nature, especially when you have cult like fanatics in their pink hats ready to charge out into the street and expose themselves all for the right to murder babies in the womb.

Voltaire once described the public as “a ferocious beat once must either chain up or flee from. But with smart phones clutched in the hands of these desperate women, you can’t do either.

The sudden revelation of more than 8,000 tips about Kavanaugh comes at a suspicious time since the state of Mississippi asked the U.S. Supreme Court to outlaw Roe vs. Wade, the 1972 ruling that set Planned Parenthood and other murder incorporated outfits loose on the unsuspecting world.

Mississippi also has its motivations to strike first and hard in an attempt to get this ruling done before the Democrats have a chance to pack the court and block any such attempt for eternity.

This puts the supreme court in the role of playing God.

Obviously, someone somewhere figured to resurrect the old fraud that Ford, Anita Hill and their cohorts tried when seeking to derail the Kavanaugh appointment in the first place – hoping to get Democratic House and Senate to impeach Kavanaugh and allow the senate to name a liberal judge to replace him.

The problem is, as Alexander Pope pointed out, “the public is a fool,” and will likely fall for the fraud.

And as Jules Renard, another favorite philosopher of mine once said, “Look for the ridiculous in everything and you will find it.”



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Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The Woke warrior speaks


The most annoying thing about her was her voice, that insufferable know it all tone of voice that is always accompanied by a lot of gobbledygook that she learned in some expensive university from some over-paid, overweight, gray-haired left-over from the 1960s Marxist movement we all had to tolerate back then on the excuse of brotherly love, although with this girl – several generations removed from the era of the red-diaper baby or even the sad-sack people of the New Left – the term brotherly love, sisterly love or even human kindness did not apply.

This was no hippy chick, but a descendant of that other radical breed the sixties had bred, not black so not a black panther, but a kind of over-educated (if university liberal propaganda can be considered education) cross over from the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) just prior to that point when the SDS evolved into terrorists called the Weather Underground (a name based on the Bob Dylan lyric about you not needing a weatherman to know which was the wind blows.)

She didn’t talk like a hippie either, no “far out” or “groovy” or “slap me five, brother.” She sounded as if she was quoting the Port Huron statement (the bible of the New Left), only using more modern terms, and throwing around concepts about “carbon footprint” and “Social Justice” and “Equity,” as if she was reading these out of a textbook (no doubt simply mimicking lecturers her bitter Marxist professor gave instead of real education.)

Her tone was totally insufferable, beyond arrogant, filled with that I-know-more-than-you-ever-will-about-anything voice, and a determination to torture you with those things she kissed her bosses ass to get A’s to repeat on the exam so that you felt appropriately insignificant in her presence, telling you in one high pitched note just how superior she was and how her quest was so much more rightfully moral than your existence could ever be, and that you’d better listen for the welfare of humanity’s sake, a tone that all the self-righteous, self-centered, self-important use partly to convince themselves that they have in their short lives learned more about the concept of justice and equality than you have even four decades of more actual human experience than she has.

“You’d better watch your carbon footprint,” she said in one indignant rant, followed up with a series of cliches about cops being bad because they kill people.

I kept wondering if she kept her electric scooter doubled parked somewhere on the street and needed to get back to it, but first needed to urgently lecture us on what bad people we were because we still had milk with our Captain Crunch and still stopped off at McDonald’s for a burger and fries on our way home from real jobs she wouldn’t be caught dead doing.

She told us we were bad people because we still wanted to put criminals in jail and keep them there to keep them from hurting other people, telling us that criminals are victims of that racist “war on drugs” that was waged in the 1970s and 1980s and made it safe for people like her to scoot through the streets of the city after dark.

Carrying mental carpetbag left over from the aftermath of the American Civil War, she had come to demand social justice and to force us to give up our homes because people of color did not have what we had and ought – making me wonder if she would do the same had she not still been living in her parents basement, eating the food her parents paid for, using medial insurance Obamacare had allowed her to get until she was nearly old enough for social security.

I kept wondering if she ever actually had a real job, as she demanded an increase in minimum wage, or whether she ever had to run a small business her demands would make go broke, whether she actually met the victim of the violent crimes committed by the criminals she demanded be set free, whether or not she had ever gone hungry or actually interacted with the homeless people who she stepped over at the curb to get here.

Did she ever look a beggar in the eye when he or she asked for money for a meal?

Did she even know that there are actually poor white people as well poor starving people of color?

Was she aware that there are parts of America where poor whites live just as badly as the illegal immigrants, she wants to bring over the border from Mexico (immigrants she would not share her room with even if she was wealthy enough to have an apartment in a rich neighborhood while black people live in slums a few blocks away?

Had she ever been mugged or robbed? Did she even know anybody who had been?

She demanded social workers be sent on calls rather than cops, oblivious to the fact that the domestic violence cases she keeps ranting on about are often the most volatile and the most likely to end up tragically, or if she did, she blamed the tragedy on the police.

Yet for all this,  I kept seeing her as a terrified little girl, guilt-ridden by the fact that she had good parents who did all the right things for her, raised her well, sent (and paid for) her to attend all the right schools, while some poor black person (who she never probably actually met) had parents who were drug addicts or worse, or were raised by grandparents when their parents deserted him, who got caught up in a life of crime by hanging out with the wrong crowd (something that can’t be helped if you are to survive the jungle of the ghetto) and began to do all those things that inevitably would lead them to confrontations with the police and eventually incarcerations.

Her white guilt would never allow her to look more honestly at how some black families do manage to find the same salvation for their children as her parents did. She sees only those who she believes suffered the indignities of institutionalized racism (ignoring the thrill many people feel being apart of a violent culture, becoming the black version of Jesse James or Billy the Kid). She paints them all with the same brush as victim and believes somehow, because she is white, she is to blame, but worse, all other white people are to blame, too.

While sad in one way, she scared me in other ways, her artificial rage resounding with artificial outrage over social victimization she never had a chance to experience (although she wanted to), over indignities people of color (she most likely never met) endured at the hands of a white society (she blames for everything) and her inability to make right what she saw as a great wrong (even though what she saw is largely a figment of her own imagination or the exaggeration of something that is hardly as earth-shattering as she believes), adopting the bitterness of angry professors who have hidden themselves away from the real world in Ivory tower campuses where they see nothing but their own misperceptions reflected back at them from the stained glass of racism through which they view the world.

Then she stomped out, leaving a carbon footprint of hot air behind her as thick with wrong-headedness as the smoke of oil coal train engines, the dust of her anger clinging to the rest of us, heavy with guilt we didn’t deserve.




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