Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Dismantling of America



Wednesday, March 31, 2021


They have always been with us these purveyors of so-called truth, the self-righteous who hate religion yet carry a cross upon their backs as permanent victims of oppression they never actually suffered or perhaps does not even exist.

George Orwell, a well-known socialist of his time, had no more use for them then we do today -- this pack of people who profess to have the good of the masses in mind when they have no idea of who or what the masses are, only what they think the masses might be.

Social Justice warriors are amazingly stupid in this regard, overeducated people who spend their lives spreading hate while pretending it is good will.

“It’s a ghastly thing to have a sort of human barrel-organ shooting propaganda at you by the hour,” Orwell wrote. “it’s the same thing over and over again. Hate, hate, hate.”

In this essay, Orwell talked about going to a lecture and hearing the anti-fascist speaker talking about the dangers of fascism and the more or will listen the more he realized this person was only spreading hate.

“But why? Likeliest explanation, because he’s scared,” Orwell wrote. “Every thinking person nowadays is stiff with fright.”
The problem with these social justice types then and now is that they have adopted this hatemongering as a religion, born out of the old anti-fascist movement of the 1960s and before that the 1930s, just as the new abolitionists are born out of the old Abolitionist Movement, so full of their own self-righteousness that they forget that they are supposed to live in a country that has inalienable rights that may not correspond with their beliefs.

But as the grating voice went on at the lecture Orwell attended long ago, he came to a startling revelation. What scared Orwell most was the fact that the speaker he saw was absolutely convinced of his own infallibility

“He means it. Not faking at all – feels every word he’s saying,” Orwell wrote. “He’s trying to work up hated in the audience, but that’s nothing to the hatred he feels himself. Every slogan ‘s gospel truth to him.”

And this made him dangerous, not just to himself or to the people he hated but also to the people h was determined to convert to his religion of hate.
We have done the same in our I'm creating scapegoats for our hatred in the shape of white supremacist and anybody who supported Trump.
How many of these ill-willed bigots wearing the new uniform of the new anti-fascist there are?

It's hard to tell with media -- which even Orwell as wary of -- taking their side, magnifying their importance to create the illusion that these few radicals represent the mainstream of America when they don't.
This may be the real reason why the radicals are steering the Democratic party into making fundamental changes that would have the founding fathers rolling over in their graves.

These radicals fully understand they have a short period of time to dismantle the Constitution and all safeguards against mob rule before someone eventually catches on to their deception.
They clearly understand that mainstream America does not believe what they believe and so are determined to create the state in which they control the levers of power and it doesn't matter what mainstream America believes
Many of these are propped up by former radicals of my time who found their revolutions floundering when the gullible young people of their time grew up and decided they had families to raise and jobs to help them pay for their piece of the American Dream. Many of those who never grew up became the professors in our colleges determined to keep their mistaken notions alive, to see them born again in a new deluded and gullible generation of today’s youth.

This idea that we need to destroy the country to make a better place is something Orwell feared greatly although when he was writing he was talking about Colonial England. He understood the idea that you made change gradually and that it becomes fundamental and comes from the heart of the people not imposed by a small group radicals who are determined to create a society in which their views are imposed on other people.
The founding fathers here in America, of course, were flawed and so they are vulnerable to attacks by this group of people who those flaws undermine their virtues which was to create a system of safeguards that prevents mobs like this from dictating how the whole country should exist.
Unfortunately. as in places like Soviet Russia media has become a clear and present danger because it has been taken over by a mindset that is equally determined to destroy all of those things that create checks and balances.
It is hard to imagine that we will survive this the way we survived all of the previous attacks on civil liberty but I suspect we will, even though as others have pointed out the darkest hour is before the dawn.
I do not hold out hope that these people who pull the levers behind the new Biden Administration will ever grow up and learn what America is really about and I fully believe they will spend their lives and bitter dissent because they just can't get their way all of the time and at some point must appreciate that other people have other points of view that are just as valid as their own.
The question is how many of those who profess to be mainstream today will uphold the founding fathers vision for society that allows All Points of you to exist as long as they do not endanger other people?


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Tuesday, March 30, 2021

The only Green in the New Green Deal is money


Joe Biden embracing of the new green deal has open the gates to get rich quick schemes by every questionable scientific group in America
Went modern scientists talk about the new green deal they mean green as in money
Now that Biden is president the flood of Capital will pour into the coffers of these questionable scientist as each commits himself or herself into creating an even bigger vision of world catastrophe
If you don't see Doom in your forecast you won't get a grant but there is a huge amount of grant money to be cotton if you are willing to play Chicken Little and claim the sky is falling.
If you do not have a world-ending catastrophe Theory then you don't get funded

We keep hearing from these Advocates how we ought to trust the science when this is the most scurrilous science we have seen in generations, full of made-up science fiction that they have created in order to make sure that the money flow continues, money that was interrupted for years by a President Who did not have the wool pulled over his eyes by climate change frauds

This may explain the recent University of Southern California Los Angeles study that showed that over the last 100 years the climate has warmed more than in the previous two thousand years
Of course this is somewhat disingenuous since the study completely ignored the little Ice Age which actually made the Earth colder over the last two thousand years a cycle out of which we have just started to emerge -- conveniently over the last hundred years
There is no question that the Earth is warming otherwise those of us living in New York would still be digging ourselves out of the glacier age.
The silliness of this is to question whether or not it is a man-made phenomenon or something that has been going on for 20,000 years and whether or not humankind has been the primary cause of it
Unfortunately in contemporary science you either buy the religion of climate change or you're considered some kind of extremist
Oil companies and other corporations connected with traditional energy have conducted studies of their own but become discredited because they are done in the interest of preserving those Industries even if their information is more accurate than the questionable green science we're getting.
But under the new regime in Washington anyone with a whacked-out theory of global catastrophe will get funding even when other studies conducted by more reputable scientist have better information.
The only flood we're going to get from all of this rising sea level crap nonsense is the flood of applications for grants to show just how bad humanity has been when in fact the world itself is changing mostly on its own accord.
A lot of these green scientists point to the fact that the sea levels are rising and that the ice caps are melting. Both are true only not at the rates they claimed and not for the reasons they give us.
Greenland has become the great symbol of climate change and how we have access to the Arctic when we did not previous to this.
Except we did have access to some of these places a fact that these green scientists seem to neglect to point out
Prior to the little Ice Age Vikings actually farmed in Greenland but lost access to the land when the Gulf Stream changed and that land reverted to a frozen tundra.
The little ice age is a term for a period of time when the Gulf Stream changed and much of the north that had been opened prior to that refroze.

This generally is dated from about 1100 ad to 1870 or so at which point the environment against warm again just that it did for the previous 20,000 years.
And since modern green science equates most of its studies from 1872 to the present these overeducated and greedy so-called scientists mistakenly attribute warming to something created by the Industrial Revolution which happened to occur at the same time.
There are very serious scientific questions as to whether the carbon dioxide that is rising in the atmosphere is actually causing this since two other periods in history showed greater levels and yet colder atmosphere.
We also hear a lot about the new storms that are creating flooding in areas never seen before which is a lot of hogwash.

These scientists point to Sandy up here in the North when in fact we have seen similar periodic storms dating back for hundreds of years largely ignored by green science most notable with the 1887 floods and the monstrous flood of 1903, both as potent as Sandy, but largely ignored because they don’t fit in the Green science schemes for world domination.
There is a problem with development since the new population -- many of whom are complaining about rising water -- have moved into places that were known flood zones and usually restricted to uses that would not be affected such as industry. The big difference here is that now because people are living in these zones they complain that they need protection against Rising floods where concrete now has replaced the areas where water used to be absorbed.
Many of these people are now hoping green deal could build walls around cities that should not have been rolled in the first place because they should not have been constructed on in the first place.
Hierocracy of course is pretty consistent with green deal that tends to ignore any evidence that disputes their claims. especially when nothing that new green deal has projected so far has come to fruition living up to the old barn Twain quote about lies damned lies and statistics


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Saturday, March 6, 2021

Analyze This!


Saturday, March 6, 2021


You have to wonder what the transvestites are going to have left to read to kids now that all mainstream media seems to be censoring dr. Seuss and other classic children’s tales.

Let's hope it's not Moby Dick

eBay is the latest to jump on the fascist bandwagon -- while not quite burning books certainly censoring any book that it deems unacceptable for children to read, in other words, any classic that seems to support white culture.

Disney which is always had a fascist streak has banned Dumbo, Peter Pan and films suggesting that they are stereotypical as if claiming white cops are always after black people and everybody who is white is a white supremacist.

Clearly eBay, Disney and senile President Biden believe it is okay to stereotype whites but drawn the line with Peter Pan.

Nobody seems to see anything wrong with this picture

But it is clear from Orwell and other great writers that once you start down the path censorship it never ends and anything from Uncle Tom's Cabin to Huckleberry Finn be considered terrorists inspiring.

Democratic decisions are rarely made for the purpose of social justice. There is a lot of money at stake, especially involving corporations that sell their products primarily to the African American community or to markets in places like China – this last explaining why professional sports are okay with desecration of the National Anthem since they have a huge market share, they will lose, both among black Americans, but more importantly the markets they maintain in China.

This is the same problem Hollywood has since most films such as Spielberg’s War of the Worlds make most of their money off of ticket sales in China.

Big Tech has a lot to protect since China controls the raw materials necessary for most computers and handheld devices. So, conservatives questioning China threaten the bottom line of these companies. The fact that YouTube can remove a video about a Supreme Court Justice so just how serious the situation is and how out-of-control mainstream media and high-tech has become serving as propaganda tools for particular kind of illogic so we can get transvestites reading to our kids in pre-kindergarten well we cannot watch The Muppets without a disclaimer.

We have a president United States who rubber stamps anything that's put in front of him even when it makes no sense such as having men compete in women's sports

The author of Harry Potter was right there are only two Sexes another words two genders and just because you cut off your dick doesn't make you somebody else and it is not up to the world to acknowledge that change.

Cutting off your dick doesn't make you a woman it makes you a castrated man

While we can respect a person's decision to mutilate themselves or to live a life that they imagine they want to live; it is not our job to validate it. And it is not up to Pelosi or any university to demand that we recognize other people’s self-declared genders.

Choosing to control pronouns the way Pelosi is trying is the equivalent of selling us all on the fact that the emperor has new clothes; just because you have people controlled so that they will not say the obvious it doesn't mean they're not thinking it and how perverted all of this has become

The fact is if you're offended by dr. Seuss or Dumbo or Peter Pan didn't you have a serious mental problem and need to get psychiatric help.

So instead of sending social workers to police actions the way many of these lunatics social justice Warrior suggest, we need to subscribe Thorazine to whole nation and get them to wake up and realize that they are acting insane.

All this starts at the top with the fact that the Democrats managed to get a senile old man elected as president who was recently yanked from the airways when reporters started asking questions that will not scripted. Now we hear hemming and hawing from his handlers as to when he is actually going to give a state of the union, suggesting his stability may not be what they wish it to be and they never was.

Just what point America regains its common sense remains to be seen; it may take decades; it may take a generation; it may never happen at all

This leaves us saving up old VCR tapes of Dumbo and other classic film in order to preserve some sense of culture that the woke people would like to destroy.

The irony of this attacking Peter Pan and Dr. Seuss is that it goes to the heart of the liberal community not too conservative. The Muppets and Sesame Street were early tools of political correctness, and now they clearly are not politically correct enough, and we have these white, guilt-written social justice warriors are determined to destroy the very culture they grew up on and so are in some insane overreacting against their own parents.

Freud would be having a field day analyzing this.

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Thursday, March 4, 2021

Turning sinners into saints


Thursday, March 4, 2021
It’s March 4 and all is well in Washington DC, despite the continued hysteria by the Democrats to extend the fear they generated over the Jan. 6 protest.
There are currently more troops guarding the Capitol Building than there are in Iraq and Afghanistan, which – as one social media commentator pointed out – shows us where the real enemies are.
We are in the midst of one of the most massive campaigns against truth that we have ever seen in any part of the world, where everything is under attack by a group of people who hate culture.
The president’s banning of Dr. Suess may well be symbolic of this insanity since it comes so close on the heals of Disney putting disclaimer on Sesame Street, and Hasbro attempting to castrate Mr. Potato head.
You can’t read some Dr. Suess stories, but you have transvestites reading for pre-k kids – obviously something is wrong.
Pelosi outlawed pronouns on the floor of the House of Representatives, where congress people have sworn and oath to uphold the Constitution – which includes Freedom of Speech.
I agree with the Supreme Court ruling that said gay people have the same right to get married as straight people. But it is not my job to validate other people’s perceptions of their own gender. As the creator of Harry Potter pointed out, there are only two sexes, even if you castrate yourself in order to make yourself over into something you are not.
Freedom means you have the right to do it; but you can’t force other people to accept how you define yourself – except in a twisted world created by people like Pelosi, who want to force you at gun point to accept it. This is a lot like the Soviet brainwashing of yesteryear when you were told to say black is white and white is black – and in our society, if you are white you are clearly a White Supremacist unless you agree to prostrate yourself at the feet of the masses and declare how ashamed you are of what you were born.
New Jersey recently removed the term “Freeholder,” claiming it is racist – when it really isn’t. The concept that people who owned land were allowed to vote had more to do with the fact that these people were not transient and had a vested interest in the community – called skin in the game, meaning that they had something to lose when drifters who owned no land did not.
The American Dream is under attack not because it not an admirable ambition, but because some people – especially those of color – have not been able to achieve it. Part of it has to do with the history of slavery in which French flesh merchants in places like Haiti deliberately broke up families and those from common villages in Africa in order to break the back of potential rebellion (something that clearly backfired with the Haiti uprising that saw tens of thousand of French butchered and thousands of French women raped.)
Generations later, Black Americans still struggle with the lack of a nuclear family that makes it possible to achieve the American Dream. But instead of building up family values, new radicals claim the nuclear family is racist – mostly because white families have achieved it, and blacks have not,
We tear down statues of Confederate heroes and ban Confederate flags less because they are offensive as they are symbols of resistance to an imposed culture that started with Reconstruction, these being a big “fuck you” to the liberal establishment that can’t bear the idea that other people have differing opinions and do not agree with how history has been rewritten to create a false history.
These arbitrators of new truth promote second chance for drug dealers, rapists, murderers – claiming these people can change – but refuse to give a second chance to those people whose heroic efforts created the very freedoms that allow these protestors to say and do what they say and do.
Princeton University banished Woodrow Wilson because he was a bigot, despite the fact that he helped win a world war, combat a deadly virus and laid the groundwork for world peace through his League of Nations.  Even Robert E. Lee had a redeeming value, openly opposed to the concept of slavery, and at the conclusion of the war when he set them free, paid each of them out of his own pocket so they could start a new life.
The New York Times propaganda called Project 1692 so twists history as to ignore that more than half the slaves set free at the end of the Civil War returned to work for their former masters, and that the year 1692 marked the beginning of the first independently elected legislature in the New World (perhaps the whole world at that time.)
Because media is currently in bed with new socialism, we get a twisted view of crime, assuming that criminals are a product of their environment (which they sometimes are) and not a product of greed and other aspects of human nature.  So, in places like California when someone breaks into our house in the middle of the night, the police can’t just respond to protect you, they must ask if that person is doing so because they are poor.
It is true that throughout history the role of police is the protect property – and since white people tend to have more property than black people – their role appears racist. But instead of finding a way to help black people get more property to protect, the socialist model would take property from those who worked hard to get it and give it to people who may not have earned it all.
But in fact, most people in poor neighborhoods black, white or other color, want protection from the element that social justice warriors have elevated to the status of saints, but most of those who support police are scared to death to say so.
We have a media that sells the concept that cops are racist, completely ignored the power struggle that goes on every day in the street, the provocation of criminals looking for an incident they can exploit. While we hear a lot about how black people fear police, the incidents that are highlighted are not of police picking on innocent people, but generally cops over-reacting to criminal activity, using force in excess of what is needed at the time.
But in almost every case, the incident evolved out of a crime being committed and the so-called victims of police brutality are often the culprit in a crime in which other victims remain unnamed, often these other victims are people of color.
But in our twisted world, we have a vice president going to the bedside of known rapist and telling him how proud she is of him, and then have prosecutors going after a white man who fired back at armed aggressors, earning the label in media as a white supremacist for defending himself.
This twisted logic doesn’t come out of the African American community. Most of the activists who protests the deaths are well-meaning. This reinvention of reality is being generated by white liberal supporters – many living in the lap of luxury of some institution of higher education such as Princeton, where they pontificate on reality they know nothing about, turning sinners into saints because they have some socialistic vision of a world they want to exist, but cannot possibly exist in the real world, and a media that has been taken over by these deluded professors’ students, and scared to death businesses who see their profits evaporating if they are seen to somehow promote racism – so we get faces of real and legitimate black heroes of the past stripped off of pancake boxes because people are too stupid to realize who those people were when the pictures appeared on the boxes in the first place. We have movies being censored, we have class books being censored, we have free speech being censored, all by people who don’t know what the fuck they are talking about.

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Monday, March 1, 2021

Biden is exactly the president America deserves


Sunday, February 28, 2021
Joe Biden managed to sign so many executive orders so fast in his first two weeks in office you have to wonder if he suffered writer’s cramps from it.
Or was he using a rubber stamp making him the first rubber stamp in history to have to use a rubber stamp to sign legislation.
Joe Biden is everything you could ever want in a president, distinguished, sometimes eloquent, and absolutely senile.
There are some common misperceptions about Biden – such that he is just a nice old man who is one card short of a deck, someone who can’t find his way to the men’s room without GPS or a guide dog.
Biden is the oldest man to ever have been sworn in as President of the United States.  If fact, he’s so old some people sometimes mistake him for one of the founding fathers, and claim he chopped down a cherry tree and later lied about it. He’s old enough to remember the first automobile and may just live long enough to see the last. He supports the Green New Deal because he can personally attest to seeing the last glaciers receding from New York City.
Biden is a man with a hotline to Moscow and Peking, and if he forgets the number, he can always ask his son.
Those in charge of the doom’s day clock can feel confident in moving the hands further away from the predicted nuclear disaster of midnight since Biden most likely won’t remember where the launch button is when the time comes – explaining why 31 Democratic congress people want someone other than Biden in charge of them
But don’t let Biden’s nice guy old man front fool you. Anyone who thinks that he is a moderate is out of their minds.
The real threat against Biden isn’t China, Russia or Iran, or even the imaginary uprising of White Supremacists, but the gang of five in Congress whose list of progressive demands sound a lot like payment on a ransom after they’ve kidnapped some close family member – perhaps his son.
Biden knows exactly how lucky he is to have gotten where he is and is doing everything, he can to show how grateful he is -- that the Democratic Party and its ultra-progressive base thought enough of him to cheat to get him made president. They could have pulled anyone – even Kermit the Frog – out of a hat, using their system of vote-getting to guarantee the nation its first green president (Kermit is green, isn’t he?)
Figure head would be the wrong term to describe Biden; Puppet is more accurate – which makes you wonder just who it is who actually pulls his strings – most likely former President Obama, who is desperate to get back his questionable legacy in Iran and Cuba.
But like Obama, one of the first things Biden managed to do is bomb Syria. It seems Democrats can’t resist shitting on that shithole of a nation. John Kerry did it. Hillary Clinton did it. Now Biden got his chance and did it, too.
Syria seems to be the Democrats scapegoat for everything. Where there are troubles at home you drop bombs on these poor unsuspecting people and everybody’s attention gets diverted overseas. Is it any wonder that we keep seeing waves of refugees streaming out of the country?
Of course, this crisis is purely Democratic since we didn’t have them streaming across borders or into the United States under the Trump administration – but then, the Trump   
War has always been the Democratic cure for a bad economy, so in this regard, Biden is just following in the amazing footsteps of his Democratic predecessors – just as he has in keeping kids in cages near the Mexico border.
Although Biden modified the laws regarding the exportation of illegal immigrants who commit crimes he did not do away with ICE and this has to piss off a lot of people who were counting on him to be something other than Obama was.
Biden is just not as competent a liar as Obama was, and doesn’t have the skills to misuse the intelligence community to spy on his political enemies the way Obama did. But sometimes, if he rehearses enough, Biden can repeat a lie – provided has a teleprompter. But you won’t catch him trying to impress people by making friends with washed up rock stars, Biden’s music sensibility went out of style before the invention of 78 rpm records.
Biden and the Democrats already miss Donald Trump – almost as much as media does – since they need Trump to keep the Democratic Party united. This explains the current witch hunt being conducted in the name of a Jan. 6 investigation.
Biden tells us he wants to unite the country and then does everything possible to create a new segregation, a factionalism that turns conservatives into witches to be burned at the stake.
If Biden can remember what he did with the matches.
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Was January 6 the beginning of the new American Civil War


Monday, March 1, 2021

Nothing appears to have scared Federal legislators more deeply than the fact that people want to hold them accountable for the suspected stealing of the presidential election.

And nothing seems to give credence to the belief that Democrats deliberately destroyed

the national economy and manipulated the election results than the overreaction to the protests that had some demonstrators enter the U.S. Capitol Building on Jan. 6.

Federal legislators – especially the Democrats – assumed they could not be held accountable for what Trump protestors saw as an election scam, so naturally when the protestors bypassed the security in the capital – despite offers by Trump before hand to offer Pelosi additional National Guard protection (which she refused), the protest became the excuse for Democrat to begin a crack down on Trump supporters and even an attempt to impeach Trump for a crime he didn’t commit.

There is some evidence to suggest that the protest was infiltrated by left-wing activists (possibly funded by George Soros) in order to create an incident that would allow the left to later begin to indict all Trump supporters as “insurrectionists” or worse, “white supremacists.”

This, of course, has allowed the Biden Administration, to being a systematic attack on all GOP supporters, but especially the NRA, by painting all gun owners as potential domestic terrorists. Thus, Biden has announced plans to outlaw certain weapons and create a national data base that would allow to track all those who own guns of any kind. His administration has already begun to limit the ability of legal gun owners to buy ammunition, as if the Democrats are scared that these gun owners might resist with force additional violations of their constitutionally protected civil liberties.

Although some conservative states have already begun passing laws to counter these proposals, these state risk loss of federal aid in other areas if they set too high a legal barrier against Biden’s abuse of power.

This over reaction by Biden and the Democrats suggests that they might indeed be fearful about what might be revealed concerning the use of technology and the tabulating of votes that swung the election from Trump to Biden such as suspicious way (much the way the primary election swung from Sanders to Biden, as if a test run for the eventually general election in November.)

This may also explain the barrage of municipal and county resolutions calling for the impeachment of Trump and the resignation of GOP legislators who questioned the validity of the Biden victory – resolutions created in a Democratic think tank and distributed to each Democratic stronghold with exactly the same language – calling protestors “insurrectionists” and the GOP legislators, traitors.

What exactly does the Biden Administration have to hide if it needs to resort to these strong-arm tactics?  Is the new president terrified of a real uprising among the masses, who believe he cheated his way to the top? Does he see the Second Amendment the first stage of a new civil war, with Jan. 6 akin to the Missouri and Kanas uprisings that pre-dated the war of Northern Aggression back in the 1850s?

Biden’s crack down on members of the U.S. military may give evidence to this fear since for decades many members of the military and those who formerly served have been quietly organizing in anticipation of an uprising in the cities as socialistic Democratic policies fail – this uprising among immigrants and people of color is often referred to coincidentally as “the insurrection.”

Media and the Democrats often tar these people with the same brush as they do Trump supporters by referring to them as white supremacists when they are not, and yet by labeling them and others with this brush, the Biden Administration gives itself an excuse to disarm them.

The last thing this new socialist State needs is an armed populace who can oppose them especially after that same socialist group has begun dismantling police, releasing hardened criminals to the street, and gutting all safeguards put in place to prevent an attack by foreign terrorists such as those who attacked the United States on 9/11.

This policy may become a self-fulfilling prophecy as legal-armed public citizens begin to resist being disarmed by a questionably-motivated socialist administration, leading to potential conflicts such as those that occurred when then President Bill Clinton attempted to disarm people in the 1990s – but magnified many times, and spread out across a wider landscape.

There is talk of conservative states succeeding from the union, creating two nations, one of liberal states, and another of conservative states. But this may well lead to a similar outcome as the last attempt at succession did, giving the Biden Administration the excuse it needs to use violence to retain the integrity of the union.

From the way the Democrats are acting, they seem to be inviting violence, looking for additional excuses such as the Jan. 6 protest in order to impose odious restrictions on their conservative counterparts.

Ultimately this has only one real ending and it isn't pretty for anybody.
A lot of people are hoping for this 2022 election which will shift the power again back to the GOP but 2022 is a long way away and a lot of damage can be done between then and now.


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