Saturday, October 31, 2020

This election is the baby boomer’s last hurrah


Saturday, October 31, 2020
We're at the last weekend before the election and media has gone apeshit again spouting the terror of covid-19 and the dangers of re-electing Trump.
The GOP is scaring people with the idea that if Trump and Biden tie, Nancy Pelosi would serve as president.
Pelosi and Trump hate each other so much that if they were both in the same city when an earthquake it, they would blame each other for causing it.
But Pelosi comes from a state where earthquakes are so common, most people shrug them off. This is perhaps why they keep reelecting her, knowing that she like all-natural disasters is inevitable.
You have to wonder why Democrats and media are so intent on getting rid of Trump when the fact is for the last 4 years things have gone will despite all of the rhetoric
What has not gone well is the fact that the Democratic party has not had its fingers in the economic till so they cannot steer grants to their favorite people.
You have to admire Democrats like Pelosi who somehow manage to get rich on the salary they make while serving in public office. They must really know how to pinch pennies or cut out coupons.
Democrats love taxes as long as they can find a way for someone else to pay for them. This is what carbon credits are all about – and you know that someone farther down the food chain is making out, but it’s generally not the person busting his or her back to pay for it. Most working people are near drowning in the swamp Trump promised to drain.
All elections are about money not about politics how to steer the tax dollar to your favorite group rather than the one the other party favors.
This is also a problem for Trump because the GOP has been just as guilty of doing this kind of cash laundering as the Democrats have which is why so many mainstream Republicans like George Bush and Company are against Trump.
Like it or not Trump broke up The Insider Club and this has really irritated things like the Washington Post and the New York Times which are members of that club even though they pretend to not to be.
It must be difficult for a Washington Post reporter to criticize those people he or she shares cocktails with.
As much as everybody is screaming and yelling and saying this is the election to the century it is just another election and even though the Democrats are promising to alter the nature of the Constitution they probably won't be able to
Despite the cancel culture culture, the Founding Fathers were much more Savvy when it came to change and made fundamental change very difficult to avoid mob rule – the kind we keep seeing in places like Portland.
So at the end of the day you will have the morons spouting rhetoric but will be very ineffective when they do claim power.
In many ways, we are about to watch a change in culture whether we like it or not the new generation taking over with and ideology that is completely scary to the generation who got used to having her own way.
The Baby Boomers have dominated every aspect of American Life since we came on the scene and now as we exit we are cringing at the fact that the young now have ideas of their own as inappropriate as they might be and are bound and determined to test the waters with them and we are helpless to stop it.
For many of us, this is our last hurrah, and by the next presidential election, we will be lost in the dust of posterity, leaving the counter culture in charge.
The counterculture people are eventually going to fall on their faces because of such movements as proven by prohibition and the other so-called moral Crusades have never been validated.
Ill-thought-out ideas for change are always a problem and cause more suffering than they cure such as the reconstruction after the Civil War which literally created racism in the South that largely did not exist prior to the Civil War.
We are watching also the rotting of Institutions that we had too much faith in from the start --  newspapers and television and Internet news that we finally have to realize we're never objective and never had our best interest.
If there is one Shining Light in all of this hysteria over the death rate of covid-19 and the burning of our cities is that media has been exposed as a fraud and people who are intelligent enough we realize that we can never trust media again in the future. No matter who wins this election media is lost and the people have gained

Friday, October 30, 2020

Why media won’t cover the Hunter Biden story


Friday, October 30, 2020
The Hunter Biden debacle last week did very little to prove that the Bidens are corrupt but did a lot to show just how corrupted mainstream media has become.
With Twitter, Google and Facebook conspiring to suppress the story and the elite print and other media refusing to cover it, people got a glimpse of just how dishonest media is when it comes to stories that work against the agenda they are trying to sell.
This week also revealed that a reporter for the New York Times faked his anonymous sources for a story critical of the Trump administration – increasing suspicion about The Atlantic hit piece published earlier this fall.
All this proves that you’re never going to make media honest.
You could rely on a reporter having a conscience, only the lack of a conscience is one requirement for becoming a reporter.
The only difference between an octopus and a reporter is that the bleeding stops when the octopus lets go of you.
People who work in mainstream media must have been reptiles in their previous lives – only reincarnation didn’t’ quite strip them of all the reptilian attributes.
Major media’s role in society is to provide the public with information the public cannot easily obtain for itself.
A reporter is someone who travels around, gathering up stuff you can’t possibly have access to and feeds it to couch potatoes through the internet or the boob tube. The only problem is what reporters claim they see might not be what you see if you were where the reporter was when he or she saw it.
For the most elite media such as the New York Times or the Washington Post, reporters are more concerned about getting the right dinner jacket to attend posh events with politicians than they are in finding the truth.
The principle role of media in a democratic society is to go out into the community, find out what their concerns are, and then bring these issues back to the politicians to implement solutions.
Mainstream media seems to have reversed the order, taking instruction from politicians to manipulate the public. So, we get reporting about cops shooting blacks over and over again, creating a false narrative that there is a racist bias among cops. We see headlines talking about the spike in COVID neglecting to talk about how unlikely people are to come down with the virus or if they do, how likely they are to survive without major complications – this all fitting into the political narrative that the Democrats need to blame Trump for lack of response, when in truth, the governors of each state screwed things up.
The Biden story only ripped open the media curtain to show just how media really operates behind the scenes, as does the faked anonymous source story by the New York Times.
These things show just how dishonest media is and how media manipulates people for a particular political agenda.
Not everybody will get this. Many people are still spinning from the misrepresentation of facts media as spun like a web, calling Trump a racist with no evidence, blaming him for COVID, keeping people so scared they will vote based on lies.
But the events over the last year have finally revealed what many already knew that media is basically dishonest – which is why people are seeking alternatives, even if some of these are as hairbrained at the stuff we get on CNN or MSNBC.
The trust in media we had in the past is over, and perhaps may force us to reexamine its role in things like Watergate to understand this behavior is nothing new.
Some of us mistakenly believe modern media are crooks – a dishonest, unethical pack of savages with an inflated perception of their own importance. But it seems, media people aren’t even as good as crooks. You can bring a crook home to meet your mother and only have to worry about him or her stealing the silverware.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

The three stooges of social media


Thursday, October 29, 2020

We're in the final days of the campaign and actually media is going ape shit.
In the midst of this, we had the three stooges of social media testifying in front of congress to justify censorship of conservative groups.
The worst of whom was the head of Twitter, moron giving credibility to the concept of neofascism.
These three people have become incredibly powerful over the last decades and are basking in their own self-importance.
Until recently, social media was to mainstream media what masturbation was to sex.
If feels good, but not quite as good.
All this changed when people lost confidence in the objectivity of mainstream media and turned to social media as an alternative source for information, unfiltered by the bias of news organs such as The Washington Post and the New York Times.
This is an election about media credibility and the ability of places like the Washington Post to continue their manipulation of public opinion
Media unfortunately has completely gutted its role as a legitimate player in the political game taking sides when it's not supposed to and setting agendas that are deliberately benefiting one party.
The founding fathers created the first amendment to protect press not because they had a whole lot of respect for journalist.
A journalist largely is a busy buddy who sticks his nose into everybody else's business whether they liked it or not, often an obnoxious character nobody would ever bring home to meet their mother.
But more importantly media serves a purpose in government in the United State. It is supposed to reflect Community concerns and pressure government into setting an agenda that reflects the community.
But when media becomes the puppet of one particular party or the party becomes the puppet of media, the whole concept of the First Amendment becomes meaningless.
Worse still is the fact that six corporations’ control nearly all of the media outlets in the nation, giving them a monopoly over creating artificial agendas.
Social medial threatens that monopoly because many people – particularly conservatives began to get their message out without having it filtered through the bias of mainstream media.
The testimony of the three big social network leaders yesterday showed just how corrupt media has become even on a level in which is supposed to be the people's voice.
Six corporations control almost all of the major media and so they are steering the agenda for the nation and they have ceased to reflect honest opinion on both sides of the political aisle, and this is the problem
Nobody really trust major media these days and usually only agree with it when they already agree with the agenda it is setting
What frustrates the Washington Post and New York Times, and other Elite newspapers is that people have taken to alternative media in order to get around the bias that they are seeing displayed in traditional media.
This is similar to what happened in the 1960s when underground media formed, challenging the power of traditional media – and may explain why mainstream media nothing did when alternative media was destroyed.
We have come back to the same place.
The New York Times The Washington Post and other Elite newspapers have taken upon themselves to steer public opinion rather than to reflect it.
And since most people have to rely on these institutions to give them the vision of what is going on in the world it is easy to control and manipulate public opinion because there is no objective alternative or wasn't until social media first.
Social media created a new marketplace for information that people could go to and avoid being manipulated.
Since most people do not have direct access to national issues, they have to rely on media to tell them – and when traditional media lies to promote and agenda, people’s vision of the world is skewed.
This of course is pumped up the egos of the three great social media to think that they are players like the Washington Post and so they seek to control the message that is supposed to be free and independent of social control.
This election now is largely about who gets to control the message and sets the agenda.
Major media wants everything to go back to the Walter Cronkite ever when everybody in the world believed in the media as a fair arbitrator of Truth when the genie is already out of the bottle and we already know major media is as corrupt as the political parties it's supposed to monitor.
And we can never trust it again.
But it is clear from the testimony that we got yesterday that we can't even trust social media networks either because obviously they are playing the same Washington Post game of personal ego and power trips and they want to be able to control the message just like major media does.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Philadelphia could decide the election


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Just when mainstream media thought it had control of the election by hyping COVID-19, another police-involved shooting takes center stage, leaving voters to decide which national narrative to believe.
Philadelphia becomes ground zero for the presidential campaign because it symbolizes every issue except covid-19 that has been racking the nation.
A mentally ill-black man with a knife and numerous previous encounters with police (and who had posted videos rapping about killing cops) was shot death by police after he allegedly lunged at them with the knife.
This set loose yet another wildfire of protests – particularly in Philadelphia where rioters burned, looted, attacked police – and even apparently assaulted journalists.
This event occurred in one of the most liberal cities in America, a sanctuary city with a black mayor, mostly black city council, black police chief and mostly black police force – with the pro-racial justice mayor claiming video raised questions about the shooting (adding fuel to the fire so to speak.)
Coming so close to the election, the narrative switched away from the COVID-19 terror media has been spreading to a less predictable narrative in which the voting public gets to choose between two radically different points of view.
With Pennsylvania seen as one of the state’s critical to both presidential candidates, the election will hinge on whether the voting public sympathizes with the victim or fears the social chaos radicals are stirring up in the city.
In some ways, this shooting will have an even greater impact on the election than any event since the death of George Floyd.
Will people who are voting in Pennsylvania now fear that they will see their cities burns or are they believing the more radical narrative of cops out of control?
Until this event, the Democrats had managed to tamper down the riots in places like Portland and Seattle but even those places are flaring up with the outrage over the shooting.
Media has no credibility at this point since it has completely jumped on the racial Justice bandwagon and is largely ignoring the fact that this again is one of those instances where you have a known criminal confronted by the police.
Whatever the outcome of this election will hinge on this moment because it is what this election is about.
Do people have a right to tear down their cities and defund police and put other people at risk  or are people going to buy the media-generated narrative that police and indeed, all of white American is a racist Society.
Most likely people will believe what they already believe, and this will only entrench them more.
The question is all about fear. Media has used COVID-19 to help Democrats by keeping people afraid.
But with this, media has less control, and their racist headlines may backfire to make people fearful of the radical reaction to these shootings.
The Democrats and media who have been scaring people to death with covid-19 this will now  have this new narrative over which neither media nor the Democrats have control going into the final days of an election, making everything unpredictable.
This could not have happened in a state that is so critical
If Trump wins Pennsylvania in Florida and North Carolina he wins the election. The question here will be whether or not this tips the election into his camp or Biden's.
The laptop by Biden’s son never quite took off in the national media the way the Republicans expected it to partly because the mainstream media proved its ability to control the narrative and dismiss this as a dirty trick which in some ways it probably was.
This is not to say that what the Republicans are saying about Biden is untrue; it's just unproven
Ultimately it is too complex an issue to have the same weight as covid-19 is going to kill you or that a cop with a gun is bad.
Democrat controlled media have been creating narratives way too long and they are way too good at misinformation than the Republicans are.
But the Philadelphia story is a local issue now not a national one. It is what happened in Philadelphia and the fires that are burning, and looting are happening too close to home for media to successful manipulate it as media has done with issues such as calling Trump a racist.
This is not a narrative that the national media can control the way it can with covid-19.
Local news is much more realistic in that people can see the fires and smell the fires and see the Looting themselves.
They don't need an NBC narrator telling them what to think in this regard whereas CNN or MSNBC can accuse Trump of racism and no one will actually know whether that is true.
Of course, this just adds to the amazing last moments of one of the most amazing elections in US history.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Democrats have a fit over Barrett


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Barrett has been sworn in as a Supreme Court judge
Democrats are freaking out and promising Revenge.
Democrats talk a lot about diversity, but they don’t mean it. What they mean by diversity is that you should talk like them, walk like them, think like them and do what they tell you to do.
If you talk like yourself, they call you a racist.
While Biden has not yet said whether or not he would stack the court, he probably won't be president long enough to actually do it --  even if he wins
The election which is now seven days away is all about a radical left-wing take over the government far more serious even then Obama's victory in 2008.
Radicals are trying to convince us that all our social problems are because of white people and if they can get rid of us, the world will be better off.
The only problem with this theory is there will be nobody left to pay the taxes.
Our founding fathers practically invention revolution – at least the successful kind.
Now we have a collection of radicals who want to start a revolution against our founding fathers. It’s like killing the goose that laid the golden eggs.
Western culture created the means for obtaining civil liberties and civil rights. But apparently that’s not good enough, though it’s how to tell what the Woke movement want to put into its place.
But you know it won’t stop trying.
So this gloating over the GOP victory getting Barrett named is somewhat hasty
Democrats are desperate to take the White House and the Senate so they can reconstruct the Constitution and include the change in the court that will give them power over the Supreme Court again.
This of course is like a child's game where when a kid loses he or she changes the rules in order that he or she can win anyway
But nobody has ever accused the Democrats of being fair players when after all they have spent the last three or four decades totally assassinating constitutional rights for their own benefit
The fact that they have turned a virus into a political tool should tell people just how desperate and unethical the Democrats have become
Media is churning out the covid-19 stories like crazy ahead of the election which is also a problem since we no longer have a fair and unbiased media if we ever had
I'm not confident Trump can win re-election with so much stacked against him --  a corrupt media with non-stop propaganda and an unethical Democratic party who will do or say anything lie cheat steal to steal the election.
The question is can the GOP keep control of the Senate and if it does this will likely unhinged the Democrats even more since they will not be able to do things they intend like expand court to undo Barrett nomination
We are now in the endgame even though many people have already voted and every dirty trick that could be pulled is being pulled or has been pulled and so now it is up to voters to decide whether they want the radical left to control government or not
We are hearing again all of the white supremacy crap and all of the other talking points the Democrats have been pushing But ultimately it is about whether or not we still live in the society with free choice
Democrats have been touting this line that if you support Trump you are racist because Democrats do not want other people to have their own representation
The racist line is almost unarguable because what do you say when somebody stares you in the face and accuses you of something you're not
What you want to do is punch them in the face – but that would feed the perception that Trump supporters are violent when in fact it appears that the opposite is true or at least it is the left wing that is totally apeshit
Ultimately it all comes down to what happens next Tuesday

Monday, October 26, 2020

Media loves COVID

Typical NY Times reporter



Monday, October 26, 2020
You can't believe anything you read or see on TV anymore we are so close to the election everything is spent especially among the Democratic media.
Media is like a cockroach. Where there is one spewing crap in your food cabinets, you know there must be millions. The only way to rid yourself of a cockroach is to move out of the house.
Raid doesn’t work in ridding us of dishonest media, and unless they decide to pack up with the rest of the Hollywood celebrities, we’re stuck with media’s bullshit.
COVID-19 remains the primary campaign for the Biden camp, and so naturally, mainstream media spreads terror on Biden’s behalf. While media hasn’t given up on the rest of the Democratic agenda, COVID-19 has been so effective in scaring the electorate, they need nothing more than to post the latest positive numbers to keep their voters in line.
Statistically covid-19 is barely worse than any other pandemic before it which suggests that it has become a campaign issue rather than a medical emergency.
Media likes to compare this to the 1918 pandemic but that's a false narrative
Pandemics of this kind have happened every couple of years since the 1930s all with about the same death rate some years worse than others
The current pandemic actually compares more with those of the late 50s and through the 60s in which the percentage was about the same as death rate and hospitalizations
The 1969 pandemic actually lasted for about three and a half years from late 1967 to early 1971 and accounted for about 400,000 American deaths
This is based on a population of about 180 million so by today's standard that 400,000 would actually be closer to a million deaths.
The 1957 pandemic also showed similar death rate as covid-19 about 63,000 based on a population of about 130 million – so this would be the equivalent of about 200,000 deaths in today’s numbers.
COVID-19 – like all viruses -- is dangerous. But it is not dramatically more dangerous than all of the other pandemics that we have faced over the years.
In other words every governor in every state do the same thing Trump did when Trump knew it back in February and we're slow to react
While there is legitimacy to the early numbers of illnesses, the testing done today basically in creating a phony second wave. Yes, people are dying, but most of the positives are coming from increased numbers of tests on non-symptomatic people, many of whom never come down with symptoms, most of whom never get admitted to a hospital and even fewer die as a result of COVID.
We shall see how this election pans out but polls seem to be all over the place but it said this is probably an election too close to call.
Everybody is claiming that there is a spike which would be true if this were simply not an election year
We keep hearing how Trump could have saved lives if he had acted sooner. He apparently found out about the problem in February and did not declare a state of emergency until a month later. Biden on the other hand as vice president in 2009 waited nine months to declare a state of emergency and only after 46 states were in crisis.
If you really need to blame someone on the federal level, blame Feinstein, who knew and January when she sold off her stock.
We hear Democratic governors whining about not being warned about how dangerous the virus was, and how Trump did not tell them. But the fact is, these governors also knew because they got the same information at the same time from the CDC which deals directly with the Department of Health in each state.
This is particularly egregious in New York and New Jersey where seniors in senior homes died in droves because the Democratic Governors not only did not bother to test seniors or give homes the medical supplies they needed, but sent sick people into the homes so seniors died faster. And these governors can not use Trump as an excuse for not knowing since Italy in February reported high deaths among seniors. Obvious, governors – particularly Democrats – weren’t paying attention.
What's misunderstood this campaign is the fact that the president has very little say over the response since the CDC directly interacts with State Health departments
Most of the 225,000 deaths were the result of other conditions which would have likely killed those people anyway but are counted as COVID deaths. It will be interesting to see how many fewer deaths of other causes will be listed for 2020.
Media is having a field day with the so-called new spike even though this is very much a field of dreams head trip with every Pharmacy and often online making test kits available.
While positives are never a good thing, there is no way to tell if this is unusual since we’ve never tested like this in the past pandemics – even those that resulted in massive death.
But of course we're now only a week or so out of the election and covid-19 is the principal campaign for the Democrats and so media is lining up to promote the hysteria right up until the last vote is counted

Sunday, October 25, 2020

When the immoral majority takes over


 Sunday, October 25, 2020

Finally the cold is come making autumn feel like autumn again.
Last spring we thought  that the heat of sun would bake the craziness out of people's heads but the craziness got worse as the election loomed and we had to live without a summer even though it got hot
I always found it ironic that Halloween and election day came within such a short time of each other because they both seemed to reflect the same reality people knocking on our doors dressed in costumes asking for handouts in the matter of candy or votes
Trump told some of his donors this week that it is unlikely the Republicans will hold the Senate which of course spells Doom for the next two ministration if Trump actually manages to win because the house controlled by the Democrats and the Senate controlled by the Democrats means that we will get a another batch of hearings and then another attempt to unseat him through impeachment.
This of course means that the circus will go on and on no matter what happens on November 3rd.
More optimistic people think Gardner might hold his own in Colorado but is iffy.
While Democrat have taken serious aim at Graham and Tillis, both are tough cookies in a race in which the stakes are just too big to let go without a flight
With her Democratic opponent in the middle of scandal, GOP McSally will likely win as will Earnst.
Collins is a dead duck, even before she abandoned the GOP in hopes of rescuing her seat.
The true bloods of the abortion lobby took aim at her after Kavanaugh and like savage attack dogs have her by the throat.
Ultimately, it is unlikely – despite an overfriendly Democratic press – the Democrats won’t be able to turn the five seats they need for control.
While the GOP is within reach of taking control of the House, this is just as unlikely in a year when 17 seats is a pretty safe bet for Pelosi’s brownshirts.
The only real  positive that comes out of this election is the totally discredited media and perhaps a more wise electorate who will begin to realize how much controlled they are by a limited group of very biased people let's sold their souls to this party or that for this reason or that for this price or that.
We always say that every election is going to change the world as we know it; this one is no exception
We are repeating history from after the Civil War and the Decades of wacko Reform movement that eventually led up to the prohibition --  the same morality police who have decided that human beings need to be reformed and it has to be done by oppression.
The prohibition was America's version of fascism only nobody called it that back then. Perhaps it is more like post French Revolution and which the lunatics got control of the asylum.
Like all morality Crusades this provided an opportunity for the truly immoral to operate in the shadows and so we got mobsters who eventually led from prohibition alcohol to hardcore drugs and a kind of Twisted Society we've had ever since
You can have a super morality on one hand without also having its opposite and so we should expect the same kind of duality once the new morality police take over.
Unfortunately I probably won't be alive to see the aftermath the reaction when people finally throw up their hands and realized that these lunatics of the new green deal really do not have a vision for the world only an angry reaction to the old world.
By that time all the icons of History will be vanquished a kind of soviet-style purge that will allow no one to remember their history.
The only think there will come out of this election is the knowledge that once the lunatics do takeover it is inevitable that the other side will eventually prevail.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Media sells its soul to satan


Saturday, October 24, 2020
From the slanted coverage we’re getting, it’s now become obvious that media is little more than a high class prostitute – and in the case of the New York Times, not even as high class as a common street walker.
Even though the New York Times totally screwed up the Trump tax Story the Democrats have hired the staff to do more damage control in the waning days of the election
The most recent is the so-called Trump China bank account which is being used to counter the accusations against Biden use of his office as vice-president to help his son make money from Ukraine and China
The Times also came up with an expose about Trump officials taking kids away from their parents – a story designed to put a wedge between Trump and growing support from the Latino community, especially the Cubans in the critical state of Florida.
Trump, of course, continued the Obama Legacy of separating kids from their so-called parents at the border crossing from Mexico – only no one is sure if the people who claim they are the kids’ parents are their parents or brokers hired to sneak the kids into the United States.
This comes on the heels of a failed attempt by 60 Minutes to pull another dirty trick on Trump through a questionable interview AKA the Woodward scandal from a few weeks ago – or perhaps slinking as slow as the whore who wrote the hit piece in The Atlantic.
But the election is way too important to trust it to rank amateurs like the Atlantic who can be trusted to create a hit piece out of questionable sources
The idea here is to create a cloud of doubt about Biden by coming up with a counter-narrative of a so-called China bank account that Trump supposedly used to make money while President.
This allows Democrats to say the Biden thing was nonsense and other media to ignore the story saying it's just a political dirty trick when it's clearly that Biden may have violated his oath of office.
The border crossing one by the Time is usually important because Latinos seem to be going to in the direction of trump and the time was needed to remind people how cruel Trump appeared to be even though it was Obama who put kids in cages.
This prostitution of press has reached new heights even though it is not unusual and it is clear the New York Times has become the most reliable street whore in this pool election process.
We have seen media prostituting itself in the past especially in the Kavanaugh hearing where the New Yorker and other media were used to filter questionable stories in order to promote a democratic narrative but we are now in a full tilt with every media that being used to pump up the covid-19 terror in order to keep people off-balance enough to vote for Biden instead of Trump
This only underlines just how desperate media is in regards to this election if Trump wins media loses. There was a Fox news story about pollsters being at risk if Trump wins too because of their credibility. But this pales in comparison to what happens to Media because media is gambling everything on the Democratic Victory and in the end they lose no matter what because no one is ever going to trust prostitutes like the New York Times And The Washington Post again anyway.
All this, of course, gives new meaning to Obama's phrase putting lipstick on a pig of course sometimes when it comes to New York Times a pig is just a pig and it's very obvious.

Friday, October 23, 2020

What debate?



Friday, October 23, 2020
When Biden checked his watch during the middle of the debate I kept wondering if he had a bus to catch.
Unfortunately the debate won't settle anybody's opinion on either candidate both on their points.
What Trump managed to do was avoid the disaster that the first debate had become.
His supporters could have something to hang their hats on even if Biden wasn't knocked out.
Naturally media kept reprinting everything Biden said so gave him a scorecard that seemed better than it was.
In the end by total campaign is covid-19 everything else at the debate whimpered away.
Democrats and media are trying to sell us that COVID is the worst disaster in American history and that Trump is to blame.
The death rate is being pumped up by the fact that many people seemed to have died from COVID even before they actually caught it – and for the first time in history, we’re seeing a sharp decline in the death rate due to heart attacks, cancer and even car accidents – showing that COVID may actually be the ultimate cure for these other conditions.
One of Biden’s big mistakes was to compare Trump to Lincoln, and to accuse both of these presidents of being racist.
This is not going to settle well in the Midwest where people haven’t drunk the Woke Kool Aid and still see Lincoln is a hero.
The other stupid move by Biden was to compare Trump to Hitler.
Whenever someone tries to win an argument using this or the term fascist, you know they are desperate, and in this case, even the most ardent Biden supporters had to cringe.
Of course, we are not going to actually get anything out of this debate except that media again attempted to derail Trump.
If anyone lost the debate is mainstream media who continually tried to steal the narrative by reporting only those lines Biden seemed to score points on and those which Trump seemed to fumble over.
The moderator doing her best to interrupt the narrative anytime Trump started to get on a roll
To Trump's credit he did not let this shake him.
To an objective observer, Biden probably seemed weak frail and indecisive even during those moments when he seemed to be on message.
Biden is weak on plans for the future. He may come up with a good idea once in a blue moon, but this tends to rattle around in his empty head like a pinball until he goes tilt.
But this will not shake his supporters and so the debate basically came out as a draw with each side getting enough ammunition to carry on the debate for the next two weeks in propaganda.
In the end we are left with one factor to get out the vote campaign and which side will actually do the best job at this.
Biden fortunately gets the benefit of Bad Decisions by Democratic Governors who decided to do all mail-in ballots. Even if these get delivered properly, many people are going to throw them out mistaking these for the flood of campaign literature that has been invading their mailboxes for months.
Biden will win in Democratic states like New Jersey. But nobody knows what the impact will be in the battle ground states.
Some believe Democrats are using mail in ballots as a way to challenge the election later if Trump wins.
We are now in the ultimate last phase of the campaign and so there will be more dirty tricks as media throws everything including caution to the wind to see if they can get a another issue they can hang on Trump
Trump's advantage here is that media has so discredited itself over the last 4 years -- in particular with the lack of coverage over Biden's son's emails --  that whatever media throws at from now will be taken with a skeptical eye by anyone except those that are legally blind or have poked their own eyes out with their “not my president” signs.
But this is one of those elections where anything can happen and if it's going to happen it's going to happen to the next 10 days

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Political polls are worth squat


Thursday, October 22, 2020
Any politician than runs a campaign on honesty is a fool.
People know honesty and politics go together like oil and water – which means there’s a lot of scum on top.
Media does its best to hide the Democratic scum, which is largely why NPR decided not to cover the Biden laptop situation.
Some reporters just aren’t willing to get their hands THAT dirty.
These days when you graduate from journalism schools it takes you a decade to live it down, and the rest of your life to unlearn what you got taught there.
The biggest scam in media are the polls they keep popping up with to show Biden so far ahead that Trump voters ought to sit this election out.
Media’s pollsters try to sell us on the idea that most people aren’t satisfied with Trump’s leadership. Most people know more about TV reality shows than they do about politics, and generally mistakenly believe all the crap media tells them.
The polls are almost as dishonest as the stories those news organizations pass off as news.
Generally, they go out and interview as many Democrats as they can – if they can find enough unsuspecting suckers to actually talk to them. Most people hang up on pollsters, and yet we get the hype from places like the Washington Post or CBS that this comes from a fair share of voters – generally registered voters, not likely voters, and mostly democrats with too few republicans or independents thrown in as a spice.
Trump does much better when you figure in likely voters as opposed to registered voters.
These polls often mix and match gender, race, education and income so that we get a distorted viewpoint – unless the poll wants to show how women are against Trump and so you get pollster seeking women in areas historically anti-GOP.
College polls are even more pathetic, often using poli-sci students as pollsters rather than professionals, who could care less about the scientific accuracy. One such former student who did work for Rutgers Eagleton called those polls as joke.
“They are about as scientific as witchcraft and generally come up with a result our manager wanted us to get,” he said.
The national polls are even more pathetic because everybody knows New York and California hate the GOP and so any poll is going to show the Democrat ahead.
Battleground or swing states are different, but the polling is just as inaccurate.
Trump reporters are less likely to be honest in responding to a poll than Democrats.
This election will hinge on what happens in Florida and Ohio. Michigan, New Hampshire, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
Arizona and even Texas gets thrown into this mix, but both are likely to go to Trump no matter what media tells us.
Campaign polls are deadly accurate and so the best way to determine if a state is in play is to look where the candidates go and how often.
But pollsters tend to ask the wrong questions even when they attempt to be honest, failing to figure into the mix whether or not people feel they are better off today than they were four years ago.
Democrats need the black and Latino vote, and Democrats appear to be losing many of these – which is why they’ve dragged Obama out, even though Obama hates Biden almost as much as he hates Trump.
Many black men did not vote for Clinton in 2016 and are not likely to be lured in by Harris the way black and white women are.
Trump is attracting a larger percentage of blacks than in the past, and even a larger percentage of Latinos – particularly in Florida.
Democrats hope to make up for this by courting young liberal voters. But moderate Democrats do not trust the social agenda being sold by the racial left, and this makes Biden’s support soft.
Pollsters do not figure newly registered voters. The GOP has far outpaced the Democrats in this area in states like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin – which may well let him win those states again.
The reason why media and the Democrats are throwing all caution to the wind is that they know Trump could win this in a landslide, the way Nixon beat McGovern in 1972, and for the very same reasons – too much race-baiting, too much cancel culture, and not enough common sense.

WOKE up everybody!


Thursday, October 22, 2020
The woke crowd got even more ridiculous this week when it tried to defend a CNN/New Yorker reporter after he was caught masturbating on Zoom.
The most ridiculous of these Defenders was the New York Daily News which has become the East Coast version of the LA snowflake Times which claimed that people are uncomfortable around people who masturbate.
Of course if you masturbated in the subway he would be in jail or in a mental institution which is probably where the New Yorker reporter should be
But there is a more symbolic element here and that any misbehavior by the left is accepted regardless of how outrageous.
Well these same people are extremely judgmental of people on the right this is also true when it comes to historical figures
The woke crowd wants to judge every historic figure by a single contemporary standard and is unforgiving despite the fact that many of the people they're condemning and tearing down statues of did great and noble things that help compensate for the prejudices and other issues they may have had their lives
At the same time we have the same woke people who are selling us on the idea of forgiving contemporary criminals so we have muggers and rapists being dumped back out on the street in the illusionary idea that we are reforming them so that they continue to commit crimes and yet are forgiven again and again regardless of week of victims they leave behind.
Woke is all about selfishness on the part of the left and this self-indulgent behavior that would not be tolerated if it was on the right
This is also true of the current emerging Biden controversy.
The left has been trying to crucify Trump with trumped-up charges for years and yet when a credible evidence emerges that the person they are backing for president turns out to be the real crook they ignored or justify it or pretend like it's phony.
Media is also guilty of this in regard to the recent allegations of interference with the election by Iran. Time magazine for instance reported that Iran was working on behalf of the Trump Administration to intimidate voters, using a right-wing group when in truth Iran was trying to create the fiction that Trump people were intimidating voters when they were not.
We have media digging up every possible instance of racism to spread across their front pages in order to imply that this is a national problem when it's really minor incidents that are taken out of context and given much more validity by a false narrative. CBS is particularly guilty of this but so is the Washington Post.
You have to forgive everybody because we are now less than two weeks out of an election everybody is nervous about and so the Democrats are desperate and media is throwing every possible thing at the wall to make Trump look bad especially the covid-19 stuff but in two weeks or in a couple of days after the election all this will be over and either will have more rioting in the streets by wacko woke people or we will have an incompetent president who will soon be replaced by a radical.
And radical Democrats are just aching to take power, even though they will have to take an oath to uphold the constitution, something they have also vowed to destroy.
They are so busy telling the rest of us how we ought to think and what to believe, they forget they are supposed to represent the interests of all 340 million Americans, not just that percentage of the population that put them in office.
Though them we have Karl Marx being dug up from the grave to tell us how to run our country, a man who hated millionaires yet had to beg people to give him a meal.
Marx and his Woke descendants talk a lot about “working poor,” but don’t actually know what working is or being poor, unless you count living in their parents basements, getting their parents to pay off their college loans or better by socialistic governors in Democratic states.
Instead of burning down cities to protest how unfair capitalism is, they ought to get a job, get of their parents and pay off their own goddamn student loans they way the rest of us did.
Woke people have made a career out of complaining and as the mayors of New York City, Portland, Seattle and Los Angeles prove, they are virtually incompetent when someone actually is stupid enough to elect them into public office.
Woke people are far better complaining about other people’s leadership than being real leaders themselves.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

What journalist eat and expect you to digest


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

They say you are what you eat. If so, then a lot of mainstream journalists must be eating rugs since they’ve learned to lie so well.
Imagine what they might do it they ate flying carpets.
It might be a good idea just to turn off your TV and computer or cell phone over the next two weeks and avoid the barrage of media attacks on Trump.
All you’re going to get is lies, damned lies and statistics – especially when it comes to scaring the crap out of people with COVID-19
The election is so close that media now believes it has the power to influence by election of the president
This was a vain hope at the beginning of the year but was aided by covid-19 and the ability of the Democrats to crash the economy which was the overriding factor in this year's election of Trump.
That's why you were seen so many stories about covid-19. Because the one thing that has been most effective for the Democrats is the fact that they can shift blame from democratic Governors to the president of the United States for handling of the pandemic
Nearly all the other strategies I have completely backfired even the race card which has resulted in riots in various cities.
While the Washington Post seems to be bent on doing damage control about race conflict, claiming most of the protest are peaceful, people in those cities most effected realize what a crock this is, and how a riot and mob are still a riot and mob regardless of what media claims they are.
Racism today is not the racism of the 1960s in which people were fighting to be included in the system not tear it down. Media has helped create a new sense of racism by constantly reporting relatively rare instances to create the illusion that this is a common occurrence when it’s not.
The Civil Rights Movement was about being included the current cancel culture movement is about destroying Western culture and all its traditions which includes all of those things that developed out of the western culture to give people rights.
Mass murderer John Brown has suddenly become a hero to This Crew while they turn Washington and Lincoln into villains
But ultimately, the economy is the election. This is the reason why Pelosi is stalling on the second stimulus package.
Democrats managed to destroy the economy using the cover of COVID-19, then are using to the media to blame Trump for not responding quick enough when Biden’s record is deplorable.
Media and Democrats are riding the COVID-19 comet into the White House.
This of course should begin to fade away after November 3rd and we'll get a more realistic vision of what is going on with the virus rather than just hysteria spread by media.
Most of the major media has abandoned the fiction that this is a race in which Biden is leading because everybody now questions the validity of the polls that mostly interview Democrats and registered voters rather than include the whole population that includes Independents and more importantly likely voters
Both political camps now admit that this is a race that is so tight no one can predict which is why the Democrats are fighting to get the extra time to count mail-in votes and why the Trump Administration is fighting to make sure they're all counted on Election Day instead
Mail-in ballots may actually be the undoing of the Democrats because you can't guarantee anything when you're sending out mass mailings and expecting people to respond. Many people who might otherwise vote Democrat may well mistake the ballots for more campaign literature and throw it out with the junk mail.
But as I said you won't get any of this from major media we are all just in a total spin cycle and it won't come out until we stop the politics and get down to looking at what is real.


Monday, October 19, 2020

Asteroid to hit earth before election day!


Monday, October 19, 2020
As if things weren't bad enough scientists are now predicting an asteroid will hit the earth just prior to election day.
God knows where the refrigerator-sized bit of stone will hit – but even if it doesn’t do the kind of damage science fiction writers have predicted for years, if it hits you, the asteroid traveling at 55,000 miles per hour might be a bit more than a minor inconvenience.
Perhaps if you wear a mask?
Unfortunately, we’ve already been plunged into a world-ending science fiction movie, where we are threatened by plague rather than meteors
Biden keeps blaming Trump for mishandling the virus neglecting the fact that Biden and Obama failed to declare a state of emergency in 2009 for nine months until after 46 states were infected.
Admittedly that virus didn't kill 209,000 people but the one in 1969 did and worse and nobody declared a state of emergency at all.
The fact that the Democrats mostly shut down the economy in the United States suggest how desperate they are to win this election.
Democrats are very good at destroying economies because they’ve had so much practice at it – even without the excuse of COVID-19 to cover their tracks.
The question is are they good enough to fix what they broke. At least Republicans have an inkling how to put the pieces back when they have to.
But like Democrats always are they are managing to screw up what should have been a sure thing.
The mail-in is turning out to be a disaster because in some states it is the getting out the vote that guarantees the election
Although New Jersey claims more women are voting than men this does not mean that this is an overwhelming response since their husbands might just it out thinking it is junk mail. Many houses might never receive it
This largely shows the massive ignorance of the current governor who does not understand how New Jersey politics works
New Jersey of course we'll go to Biden because it can't help that most of the Republicans have moved out of the state because of the high taxes
Ultimately however the election will hinge on a few states such as Florida, North Carolina, Arizona, Ohio  and such. It's going to be curious to see if we get hit with a political asteroid and Biden wins or we get hit with a Trump tidal wave.
Biden is trying to impose a socialist agenda on America which doesn't fit.
The whole point of America is that anyone can get rich so if you're planning to tax people to death nobody gets rich.
With the exception Mass murderers like John Brown there has never really been a popular Uprising in America even the Civil War was actually fought between two very powerful political entities not popular opinion .
But the new socialist want to change that. They are trying to pull the old Marxist trick of enabling the poor to rise up and take over the country. That's why all of the icons of American History are being thrown down
Cancel culture is a revolution of historic proportions, a gutting of American history and a rewriting soviet-style of what we thought was real
Our Heroes of the past are being held up to an unreasonable standard and they are being judged and executed by unfair rules that no one else can meet.
On one hand we are told we should forgive those who have committed crimes in our lives and help them reintegrate into Society on the other hand we are condemning people who made inappropriate decisions in the past by a standard that we can no longer repatriate.
Do we want to destroy the entire American culture because of a handful of radicals who are trying to overthrow it and regain power for themselves soviet-style, selling us a vision of socialism that has continually failed throughout history especially in America which is all about equal opportunity?
What we are getting is this concept of equal results -- everybody gets a prize even if they don't deserve it much like Obama giving medals to all of these celebrities back when he was president
But maybe it is better that we all get hit by the asteroid and put it into this Insanity before they at the polls results come out and we have riots in the streets.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Don’t Trump out just yet


 Sunday, October 18, 2020

How do you know if a mainstream media talking head is lying to you?
His or her lips are moving.
This is an old joke with a lot of truth in it when it comes to media. So, it becomes extremely difficult to tell reality from the phony reality media appears to be selling.
We all depend on media to bring us news we can’t see firsthand for ourselves. This affects our perception of reality, because news is being filtered through someone else, and people tend to build their social believes and make judgements on this information.
We treat news as if it is real. But we rarely if at all question how this news is packaged and whether or not the media has an agenda. We create our own reality based on this, and it may not be real at all.
People have no objective measure of what is real and unreal we have to wade through the crap that we are getting ahead of the election and try to make sense of what it really means.
This is largely different from something local where people can see and feel things for themselves
Media controls the message as McCluhan once said and therefore we get everything filtered through a media that is largely Anti-Trump. But even the pro Trump stuff can't be completely trusted
How this works is that media keeps bombarding you with the same message. The simpler the message the better:  covid-19 is dangerous which Trump mishandled. Trump is a racist because media says he is a racist
And these messages are hitting us back and forth has like a comedy team with the Three Stooges and we're the ones constantly being slapped across the face
And we can't rely on the fact that the messages are coming from 20 or 30 different places because they are all coming really from the same place and that there are only a few Elite media that broadcast the message for all the other media to pick up.
We do not realize that six corporations control nearly all the media outlets in America, five of which are considered anti-Trump. This includes National Amusements that owns CBS and all its affiliates such as MTV, BET and Viacom. Disney owns ABC and all its affiliates including ESPN, Lifetime, History Channel and such. Time Warner owns CNN, Time, and other media.
Nearly everything we get for news comes through the Washington Post, the New York Times, Media Matters and MSNBC – all of which quote each other as sources and tend to use the same biased liberal sources when they are creating original stories.
Local press drawers on these large media outlets for their own messages. The most obvious of course is when a media outlet quotes one of those places as a source rather than a real source or uses the same group of people that tend to appear in all of these stories for all of the media such as experts or Talking Heads
We get a lot of Obama people as experts for the online stuff or we get has-beens like Bernstein and Woodward dragged out of the closet in order to show that we still believe in a free press when the furthest thing could be from the truth
We get the HuffPost that is constantly re reporting poll numbers from media that are deliberately skewed
The fact is we are probably seeing a very tight election and one that Biden could win by a hair's breadth or Trump could win in a landslide and both parties knows this very well
But there's no way to prove it and the fact is that media has become the enemy is terrifying because it is the only way most people know what is going on but probably the best way to gauge the whole election and the Supreme Court nomination is by how fanatical media and others get.
Democrats do not have control of anything at this point and so are once again resorting to the most desperate tactics such as threatening to shut down the economy again over covid-19 or sending millions of women into the streets to protest a domination they can't stop
For Trump supporters the more fanatical the Democrats become the more they can be confident that there may be light at the end of the tunnel
Extremist do not represent mainstream Americans and this includes Latinos and blacks who made suddenly be waking up to the fact that they are surrogates for Extreme as part of the Democratic Party.
No one is really going to know what the outcome of this election is until it happens just the way they didn't know in 2016 but you can get a barometer of how each party feels by the desperation work the confidence they exude
While4 media tells us Biden is winning there is another message coming from their reaction to Trump and that seems to be one of desperation.
I wouldn't take this to the bank just yet, but it is the only real way you can gauge the selection at this point since every other bit of it can't be trusted.