Saturday, October 3, 2020

The all so tolerant intolerant left



Saturday, October 3, 2020
Don’t you love it when the morally-superior self-righteous warriors for justice – who have been preaching at us about tolerance, acceptance and fair play for years – suddenly tells us they hope the president dies?
Social Justice Warriors and their Democratic allies have proven once more just how little human compassion they have.
But this is a fight for control of the nation, and over the last four years, we have watched Democrats team up with media to create a witch hunt that turned politics into a crusade.
This isn’t about alternative ideas for the nation, but a battle between good and evil – and so all these deluded warriors will do and say anything, even when it is clear their behavior contradicts what they say.
But recent remarks may wake up Americans to realize that these so-called champions or tolerance have finally stepped out from behind the current – or more accurately removed their hoods – and shown just how vicious they really are.
Many of the current bout of viciousness came after President Trump was taken to Walter Reed hospital to assure, he would have the best available service should his condition deteriorate.
Some morons like Joy Reid from MSNBC refuse to believe Trump’s condition is real, even though her usually biased colleagues reported it as fact.
Some prominent and clearly mentally deficient stand up comics simply said Trump should die.
Perhaps this rhetoric will dispel the myth that the left stands for righteousness or social justice, when they are clearly only in this game for the power, using a very cooperate mainstream media to spread hatred as vile as any they claim is spread by White Supremacy groups.
We are in the last lap of a marathon that has been ongoing since the close of polls on election day in 2016, when the left using media began this campaign to paint Trump as an evil racist, and to condemn any one who voted for him as racist, too.
Perhaps Trump’s taking ill has helped distract the Democrats from their other big claim against him that he somehow mishandled the COVID-19 crisis – yet one more facet of misinformation by the Democrats.
But it becomes more difficult to blast Trump when Trump has come down with the virus.
This doesn’t stop the worst offenders, the truly mean-spirited media mongrels who foam at the mouth regardless of the circumstances.
But for the more reasonable Democrats (if any of them still remain) they may have to avoid open attacks on Trump in order to at least pretend they are sympathetic to Trump’s current illness.
Yet Democrats are scared to death that the now ill president me with a sympathy vote and need to figure out a new strategy for dealing with this, leaving the attack dog mentality to already questionable media such as The Washington Post.
Or Mother Jones that keeps lecturing us on this Marxist morality which has been out of date since the death of Karl Marx.
Socialists operate on the idea that everyone wants equality and so if people are being miserable enough they will rise up and overthrow their capitalistic oppressors
This is the logic behind antifa and black lives matter assuming a John Brown mentality of violence leading to Revolution.
It is a complete miscalculation.
Corporations are scrambling to act as if they were never racist.
The NFL the NBA and other sports leagues are trying to divert attention away from the fact that they have exploited black people for their entire existence.
But people being people do not just want equality and that is only the launching point for something more aggressive. They want to become the new masters.
Bringing down the economy is only a strategy for leftist radicals to somehow build a new economy in which they play are on top of the heap.
Maybe finally with their vicious attacks on Trump this week, others will see these fraud of what they are, and we will get a reawakening in America, and an understanding that human kind is a greedy species and no amount of Woke protest is going to alter that fact.
With Trump all over the headlines looking like a victim for the first time. Democrats are scrambling to find a position they can take that safe and that won't look like they were exploiting his illness after they have spent the last year exploiting the whole pandemic for their own political purposes.
Everybody is speculating in a panic would happens if Trump dies who becomes a candidate. What happens to the election? What happens to Supreme Court Justice appointment?
We really even don't know how serious Trump's condition is since when he first tested positive at 1 a.m. yesterday all dramatic things that have occurred and he rapidly deteriorated so that he showed symptoms and then they rushed him to a hospital in abundance of precaution.
Everybody is scared. But all for different reasons.

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