Thursday, October 29, 2020

The three stooges of social media


Thursday, October 29, 2020

We're in the final days of the campaign and actually media is going ape shit.
In the midst of this, we had the three stooges of social media testifying in front of congress to justify censorship of conservative groups.
The worst of whom was the head of Twitter, moron giving credibility to the concept of neofascism.
These three people have become incredibly powerful over the last decades and are basking in their own self-importance.
Until recently, social media was to mainstream media what masturbation was to sex.
If feels good, but not quite as good.
All this changed when people lost confidence in the objectivity of mainstream media and turned to social media as an alternative source for information, unfiltered by the bias of news organs such as The Washington Post and the New York Times.
This is an election about media credibility and the ability of places like the Washington Post to continue their manipulation of public opinion
Media unfortunately has completely gutted its role as a legitimate player in the political game taking sides when it's not supposed to and setting agendas that are deliberately benefiting one party.
The founding fathers created the first amendment to protect press not because they had a whole lot of respect for journalist.
A journalist largely is a busy buddy who sticks his nose into everybody else's business whether they liked it or not, often an obnoxious character nobody would ever bring home to meet their mother.
But more importantly media serves a purpose in government in the United State. It is supposed to reflect Community concerns and pressure government into setting an agenda that reflects the community.
But when media becomes the puppet of one particular party or the party becomes the puppet of media, the whole concept of the First Amendment becomes meaningless.
Worse still is the fact that six corporations’ control nearly all of the media outlets in the nation, giving them a monopoly over creating artificial agendas.
Social medial threatens that monopoly because many people – particularly conservatives began to get their message out without having it filtered through the bias of mainstream media.
The testimony of the three big social network leaders yesterday showed just how corrupt media has become even on a level in which is supposed to be the people's voice.
Six corporations control almost all of the major media and so they are steering the agenda for the nation and they have ceased to reflect honest opinion on both sides of the political aisle, and this is the problem
Nobody really trust major media these days and usually only agree with it when they already agree with the agenda it is setting
What frustrates the Washington Post and New York Times, and other Elite newspapers is that people have taken to alternative media in order to get around the bias that they are seeing displayed in traditional media.
This is similar to what happened in the 1960s when underground media formed, challenging the power of traditional media – and may explain why mainstream media nothing did when alternative media was destroyed.
We have come back to the same place.
The New York Times The Washington Post and other Elite newspapers have taken upon themselves to steer public opinion rather than to reflect it.
And since most people have to rely on these institutions to give them the vision of what is going on in the world it is easy to control and manipulate public opinion because there is no objective alternative or wasn't until social media first.
Social media created a new marketplace for information that people could go to and avoid being manipulated.
Since most people do not have direct access to national issues, they have to rely on media to tell them – and when traditional media lies to promote and agenda, people’s vision of the world is skewed.
This of course is pumped up the egos of the three great social media to think that they are players like the Washington Post and so they seek to control the message that is supposed to be free and independent of social control.
This election now is largely about who gets to control the message and sets the agenda.
Major media wants everything to go back to the Walter Cronkite ever when everybody in the world believed in the media as a fair arbitrator of Truth when the genie is already out of the bottle and we already know major media is as corrupt as the political parties it's supposed to monitor.
And we can never trust it again.
But it is clear from the testimony that we got yesterday that we can't even trust social media networks either because obviously they are playing the same Washington Post game of personal ego and power trips and they want to be able to control the message just like major media does.

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