Friday, October 9, 2020

Is Pelosi insane?



Friday, October 9, 2020
Nancy Pelosi wants to vote the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office on the grounds that he is not competent
This is the latest scam by the Democrats to try to undo a legitimate election from 2016
Of course Democrats have the opportunity to remove him from office in about three weeks but the scam here is to try to get him impeached in some way before that and you have to wonder why.
Media and the Democrats are throwing caution to the wind, blaming Trump for everything from wildfires and the melting ice caps maybe in the phases of the moon.
COVID-19 as one deluded celebrity pointed out was a gift from the gods to the Democrats, because if Democrats and media can scared enough people and convince them that Trump screwed up, they might easily put Biden in office – even though Biden has a worse track-record in this regard than Trump does.
Media is having a field day about people in the White House who have come up sick – forgetting at least for the moment the other people elsewhere who have tested positive.
We used to have sympathy for sick, people, but when it comes to grabbing power, Democrats will throw anyone to the wolves.
But the latest excesses seem beyond reason.
Why are Democrats going totally over-the-top with all of these incredible claims?
Why is Media suddenly throwing everything possible at the wall to try to see what sticks
If the polls are accurate than Biden is certainly the next president?
With all of this insanity and the Press going totally out of its mind you have to think they may know something the rest of us don't
Apparently they are very scared of what might happen if the Republicans manage to get their candidate into the Supreme Court ahead of the election.
The mandatory mail-in ballot may actually be unconstitutional and it would become a serious question did before the court if Biden should win with them
Well nobody trusts Robert anymore the next vote would be 5 4 at worst and it is likely that the Supreme Court would throw out the mail-in ballots and threw the election to the Republican.
This is the great paranoia that is inflicting media and the Democrats because they need to delay the appointment of a new judge until after the election and let their hopes ride on the fact that the Chief Justice Roberts hates Trump and would likely throw the election to the Democrats instead.
The fact that we are in a tizzy over this election shows just how much there is at stake.
Democrats need to get back on track to the Obama era of redistribution of wealth that they had engaged in for 8 years
This is less about social justice then it is about steering Federal money into the coffers of those programs run by Democrats.
Trump’s election in 2016 through a monkey wrench into this well-oiled machine. Like an old Mafia movie everybody is getting their piece of the action -- climate change scientists get their grants and lobbyists get there's piece and the social justice people get their piece.
Even the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine has its hand out, figuring it can promote the cure for the virus when Biden gets in – explaining why they decided to go after Trump as well.
In the end the only people who really don't get anything out of this are the taxpayers paying reparations for something they are not particularly guilty of.
A bigger stake in this election is Media.
In the past the New York Times And The Washington Post have largely dictated who gets to be president.
This all backfired in 2016 with Trump's election and the media has been licking its wounds ever since.
We are desperate to become the powerbrokers we once were and are willing to abandon real journalism in order to regain the credibility we once thought we had.
If Trump wins media losses.
Of course even if Trump loses media can't regain the confidence that it had and the cat as they say is out of the bag showing just how pathetic and unethical media has become even before the 2016 election.
Only the True Believers will ever believe the lies media tells and no amount of censoring of social media is going to undo the damage the New York Times and The Washington Post have done to the journalism profession.
Those days of Walter Cronkite as father or over now we're stuck with worms like Woodward whose opinions are for sale.


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