Monday, October 19, 2020

Asteroid to hit earth before election day!


Monday, October 19, 2020
As if things weren't bad enough scientists are now predicting an asteroid will hit the earth just prior to election day.
God knows where the refrigerator-sized bit of stone will hit – but even if it doesn’t do the kind of damage science fiction writers have predicted for years, if it hits you, the asteroid traveling at 55,000 miles per hour might be a bit more than a minor inconvenience.
Perhaps if you wear a mask?
Unfortunately, we’ve already been plunged into a world-ending science fiction movie, where we are threatened by plague rather than meteors
Biden keeps blaming Trump for mishandling the virus neglecting the fact that Biden and Obama failed to declare a state of emergency in 2009 for nine months until after 46 states were infected.
Admittedly that virus didn't kill 209,000 people but the one in 1969 did and worse and nobody declared a state of emergency at all.
The fact that the Democrats mostly shut down the economy in the United States suggest how desperate they are to win this election.
Democrats are very good at destroying economies because they’ve had so much practice at it – even without the excuse of COVID-19 to cover their tracks.
The question is are they good enough to fix what they broke. At least Republicans have an inkling how to put the pieces back when they have to.
But like Democrats always are they are managing to screw up what should have been a sure thing.
The mail-in is turning out to be a disaster because in some states it is the getting out the vote that guarantees the election
Although New Jersey claims more women are voting than men this does not mean that this is an overwhelming response since their husbands might just it out thinking it is junk mail. Many houses might never receive it
This largely shows the massive ignorance of the current governor who does not understand how New Jersey politics works
New Jersey of course we'll go to Biden because it can't help that most of the Republicans have moved out of the state because of the high taxes
Ultimately however the election will hinge on a few states such as Florida, North Carolina, Arizona, Ohio  and such. It's going to be curious to see if we get hit with a political asteroid and Biden wins or we get hit with a Trump tidal wave.
Biden is trying to impose a socialist agenda on America which doesn't fit.
The whole point of America is that anyone can get rich so if you're planning to tax people to death nobody gets rich.
With the exception Mass murderers like John Brown there has never really been a popular Uprising in America even the Civil War was actually fought between two very powerful political entities not popular opinion .
But the new socialist want to change that. They are trying to pull the old Marxist trick of enabling the poor to rise up and take over the country. That's why all of the icons of American History are being thrown down
Cancel culture is a revolution of historic proportions, a gutting of American history and a rewriting soviet-style of what we thought was real
Our Heroes of the past are being held up to an unreasonable standard and they are being judged and executed by unfair rules that no one else can meet.
On one hand we are told we should forgive those who have committed crimes in our lives and help them reintegrate into Society on the other hand we are condemning people who made inappropriate decisions in the past by a standard that we can no longer repatriate.
Do we want to destroy the entire American culture because of a handful of radicals who are trying to overthrow it and regain power for themselves soviet-style, selling us a vision of socialism that has continually failed throughout history especially in America which is all about equal opportunity?
What we are getting is this concept of equal results -- everybody gets a prize even if they don't deserve it much like Obama giving medals to all of these celebrities back when he was president
But maybe it is better that we all get hit by the asteroid and put it into this Insanity before they at the polls results come out and we have riots in the streets.

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