Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Is Biden the Anti-Christ?

Wednesday, October 7, 2020
A friend of mine in Pennsylvania is really confused by the election.
While she wants to vote a straight Democratic ticket – as she always has in the past – she’s really concerned Joe Biden might be the anti-Christ.
For a Christian lady, this is a big deal.
She is twisted up by misinformation on every side, relying on unreliable mainstream media to provide her with information so she can vote intelligently, when even she can see media has taken a side in the election.
Mainstream media hates Trump because he just won’t lie down. Media is very good at kicking a dog when it’s down and gets very upset when the dog bite back.
But because my friend doesn’t have internet services, she lacks the resources to find legitimate alternative sources of information to counter the misinformation of publications such as The New York Times or Washington Post – or all the local papers that quote those publications as bible.
So, she ends up talking to other, less reliable people who spin her the other way, telling her how Biden is in league with the devil, especially with his New Green Deal agenda (her town is a former coal town and is well aware of the impact on jobs the New Green Deal will bring to poor people there.)
Her friend tells her of Biden’s plans to create a New World Order, and to rewrite the American Constitution.
Like things that are being used against Trump this is a lot of half-truth baked into a conspiracy theory and can be easily discredited by people who might otherwise sympathize.
Biden is a figurehead for a group of people who really do not have any respect for organized religion or the government our Forefather’s created and so tend to bend the rules in order to accomplish what other people work to achieve more honestly.
We live in an era of symbolic gestures and symbolic movements so that we all believe that the polar bears are going extinct because we run our cars too much in our driveways when in fact at one point our driveways  were covered with glaciers and would not be there if not for the gradual warming of the globe.
I live on the edge of a valley that was created by the retreat of glaciers and that would not have happened if global warming had not happened. And yet we assume that this is a unnatural act caused by emissions when it has been going on long before the first coal burning power plant or even before the first human discovered fire.
Because my friend relies on major media to inform her she tends to believe what media tells her. So, she worries about polar bears being stranded on sheets of ice or the fact that some rich yuppie might find his or her condo on the waterfront in New York underwater in 1,000 years.
She worries that her governor might ban fossil fuel cars the way the Governor of California plans to and the way the Mayor of New York would like to, leaving her daughter with no way to get to work.
Can a farm of windmills really charge all the cell phones all the people throughout the world need charged?
She remembers Superstorm Sandy less for the flooding than for her being forced to beg a neighbor with a generator to let her charge her phone. She vaguely remembers brown outs in California where wind and solar power are in vogue.
Yes, the Democrats intend to change the Constitution because they have found that it is inconvenient to actually abide by the rules that the forefathers set down or to amend the constitution in the traditional ways.
The Constitution is a document designed to prevent mob rule to keep places that are go into Asteria like New York and California from dictating long-term policy even for places like Pennsylvania or Iowa.
My friend has no middle ground to judge this election by and is forced to choose between the radicals on the right- or left-wing radicals hiding behind the mask of mainstream media.
There are really serious issues in the election coming up but there is not enough information being generated to make an intelligent choice.
Back in the late 1960s there was an alternative media that countered this major media monopoly but those voices were driven out of existence and only the invention of the internet brought them back.
But my friend like many people have no access to these alternative sources and so they get hooked into stories printed in local newspapers that are reprinted from The Washington Post of the New York Times and so she tends to believe what she reads and discounts what she hears from her friends.
Her friend sounds just too far-fetched to be accepted well.
The New York Times And The Washington Post seem reasonable since they have been in existence for so long and have one credibility over time that they really don't deserve.
John Lennon once wrote a song “Just give me some truth.” the problem is back then there may still have been a chance to figure out what truth is.
These days it is either what you want to believe or what you're forced to believe
Truth is this vague thing, like a shadow or smoke you can't quite grab hold of and yet must use to make decisions with.
Is Biden the Antichrist? Is he going to create a New World Order?
When all you have are fanatics and a corrupt national media, one never knows.

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