Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Inauguration Day


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The snow comes as if this is the first day of winter. a global frost that is reflected by the events that will soon take place in Washington DC --  this change of culture; this rewarding of thievery; this massive wasted movement to reclaim the trust of a divided public, mostly betrayed by the results of a questionable election.
We can never go back -- too much doubt has been sewed: distrust of media; distrust of politicians; distrust of radical movements; distrust of big Tech that has condemned the Constitution to the trash bin.
Snow always looks good when it first comes, covering all the flaws of the world, creating waves of white across a landscape of darkness. But it never lasts. It soon gets filled with the grime of the world and what lies beneath -- the ruthless pursuit of power; the meanness of spirit; the lack of healing that is promised but never delivered.
We are now on a path from which we cannot return; for good or bad; right or wrong; social justice an illusion that lingers before us, leading us on to some on to imaginable place.
Evil like the snow hides itself behind a face of good, telling us all the things we want to hear; things that are unreal. Unrealistic, an illusion we accept because it is what we wish for rather than what is.
Winter comes with this snow squall and we will endure it, although we will also be changed by it, permanently, all the hopes of the past evaporating under the touch of what seems good but is not good; what seems real but is unreal; this wave of New Vision that is not efficient at all, but something we form in our heads and pretend like it is reality.
This, of course, is the culmination of a greater illusion we have been caught up in for the last four years; this imaginary conflict of Good and Evil, where we are casting down a great monster to take on this withering old man, this father figure who will lead us like Moses to the promised land, but won't lead us anywhere.
He is an illusion as well, the strings invisible but connected to fingers of people who we would not trust with our lives if we actually saw who they are; they need to hide behind this mask of goodness that is false.
The question is will the mask evaporate or melt like the snow? Will it show the real face behind it, and how long will it be before The Sleepwalkers that put this old man into office wake up and realize the deception.
Some may never wake up.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Big Tech’s Big Lie



How do you know when a news anchor is lying to you?

His or her lips are moving.
Unfortunately, it’s much harder to tell with the more remote big tech fact checkers operating behind the scenes. You have to assume that if they are censoring you, they have something to hide.
If you thought the Russian collusion was the big lie then you are not ready for the one being created after the capitol protest on January 6th.
We are seeing myth making at its best kind, of unscrupulous distortion of fact in order to create the biggest lie ever told in American history.
And Big Tech’s role is to make certain there are no alternative versions people might get distracted by.
For those who believe truly that the Democrats stole the election this amounts to a massive cover-up and collusion between the Democrats, media and Big Tech.
This would explain why Tech and the media are shutting down any alternative views. If you’ve stolen an election, the last thing you want to do is have some idiot broadcasting it all over social media.
This, of course, is very similar to what happened in the late 1960s when government colluding with media did their bests to shut down alternative press.
On top of this, we have Democrats purging anyone who dares raise a question about the legitimacy of the election – including elected GOP officials, so as to eliminate any credibility to the accusation.
No court has yet to review the evidence of voter fraud, shutting down and dismissing cases brought on technicalities.
To make matters worse, media, Big Tech and the Democrats have manufactured an even more audacious lie about Trump inspiring an insurrection, when there is clear evidence the invasion of the Capitol Building may have orchestrated by left wing radicals seeking to smear Trump supporters and use the incident as justification for censorship and hunting down Trump supporters (even exporting them or sending them off to work camps as some more extreme radicals in media and congress have suggested).
This is similar to the Reichstag Fire in which the Nazi’s set a fire, then made it look as if socialists and Jews had done it, as an excuse to crack down on them. Only now, the socialists may have orchestrated the invasion of the Capitol Building in order to justify actions against Trump and his followers.
The problem is the Capitol Building doesn’t measure up to the Reichstag standard.
Intruders the invasion of the capitol was a tragedy for five people one of them was a protester one was a capital guard who sympathize with Trump, but it is not the insurrection the Democrats claim it is when they call for Trump to be impeached. It is not Kent State where a group of National Guards shot for people dead
It's interesting how news works when you want to create a fiction you start with a small lie and then you slowly build on it escalating it to the point where it becomes so ludicrous that you would never have believed it in the first instance but it is like a lobster who does not know when the water is boiling and killing him
Each lie builds on the previous lie until we are in such a state of exaggeration that we have gone far beyond reason.
This explains why that wacko AOC claims that her life was in danger because she was around people without Masks.
But remarkably that's the least of the exaggerations
We are watching Orwell's doublespeak in real life coming out of the mouths of media when they claim that Trump incited the riot when the invasion of the capital was going on while he was still speaking and before he got to the point where he said fight fight fight for your rights
All this exaggeration is being done under the guise of justice and social justice when it is far from either.
What is happening is a total seizing of power whether they stole the election or not the Democrats are now going to create a dual society and we'll make scapegoats out of anyone who dared support Trump in the past.
People who voted their conscience will suddenly be crucified because they did not follow the party line
And without an independent press to serve as a check and balance we are bound to become a fascist State whether or not it is left rather than right.
All this is being done behind the fiction of Biden being this remarkably patient and wonderful grandfather who is going to bring unity to America when in actuality his lack of control will tear the nation apart
But to listen to media and to the Democrats is to believe that this is the worst Uprising since the Russian Revolution
Was this an orchestrated event by anti-trump people to push the white supremacist narrative that some of the more extreme Democratic Congressman have been pushing for years?
The whole thing obviously scares the crap out of the Democrats and media because it shows that half the nation is incredibly loyal to Trump despite all of the lies and deceptions that media has pumped out.
the solution, of course, is to get Big Tech to silence the underground press that has been successfully questioning the authority of mainstream media.
You can't successfully create a big lie unless everybody believes it
Whether or not the election was stolen is beside the point.
People have a right to question that outcome and to see the evidence. Yet you have a court system that is suppressing it and Rogue Republicans who see this as an opportunity to advance their own personal agendas. You have a media determined to keep the together this fiction they have created for four years of a self-righteous social justice movement.
This is not about social justice this is about raw power who gets to spend the federal money and to whom they send it to what's favored contractors; what agendas they can push through to guarantee that the money flow continues to go into the pockets of their friends.
Obviously media and Big Tech see themselves as getting a piece of the action just like the climate change scientists and other globalist who need to restart the money flow Trump stopped when he became president.
More seriously Trump is a danger for the future because he has the kind of wealth that can create his own social network and do serious damage to mainstream media by creating and a significant independent alternate media so it is clear that impeaching him will ruin him or so they think.

Friday, January 15, 2021

Politics like a bad Marvel Comics movie


Friday, January 15, 2021
New social justice warriors seem to be living in the middle of a self-created Marvel Comic movie, picturing themselves in the title roles of superheroes they most admire from the more than a little deluded Chris Pratt version of Captain America to the more iconic character of Iron Man.
We have would be Spidermen swinging on threads through the fabric of political conflict in the illusion that they are upholding good against evil.
We have Black Lives Matters as various characters from the well-made, if not complete accurate Black Panther movies, and so many Star Lords and Groots from the Guardians of the Galaxy, it’s hard to keep track of them all. Most protests such as Portland bring out the usual parade of Hulk and Thor, Antman, Red Witch and Quick Silver.
All of these deluded people – if not dressed in costume, then thinking themselves dressed up like that, as if at a comic book convention, all of them painting President Donald Trump at the ultimately evil Thanos.
Obama, of course, plays the old of the power-hungry Nick Fury, the agent of SHIELD dedicated to protecting – if not the planet from alien invasion, then his own questionable legacy.
The agenda behind this fiction is nothing more than an old-fashioned Democratic power grab, worthy of Shakespeare where everybody claims they are fighting for social justice when they come out of the back room with hands still dripping with blood.
Today’s politics is like a Shakespearian version of the Rolling Stones, Sympathy for the Devil where all the Sinners are Saints.
The characters in this modern morality play better line up with Shakespeare than they do Marvel, at least, when it comes to the main players – with Biden as a kind of bewildered King Lear, just grateful that someone gave him a home and allows him to play the part of King.
In some ways we have Biden as the old version of Captain America sitting in the White House with his broken shield, pretending like he actually belongs there as his band of Cutthroats had actually cheated and lied to get him there.
He is just grateful that no one really cares whether he's a fraud as long as he lets his strings get pulled and says what he is told to say.
This is a plot rich with side stories of King Richard's and King Henry's of Life full of intrigue and backstabbing and blatant power grabs by greedy Democrats all, who are behind the curtain waiting to see what comes next.
Behind the scenes there is Obama as a vicious version of Othello jealous about his power and his need to control his legacy.
And that of course fear is Hillary Clinton as Madam Macbeth who's the real culprit in that play driving everybody to grab power that she can't get for herself.
If anything, Trump is Caesar with a full line up of former White House staff contending for the role of Brutus, each waiting for a book deal to push the dagger deeper into the already dead body of their former boss.
Both sides have their share of Falstaff – the manipulative power broker behind the scenes who pulls the strings to get his puppets to do his bidding, although the front runner for this role is George Soros on the Democratic side.
The Washington Post, the New York Times, CNN, MSNBC and their associated media entourage are clearly the court jesters, spinning their imaginary tales for the public to accept as fact, selling us a forecast of rain each time Trump makes them piss in their pants.
Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are clearly the Antony and Cleopatra of our time, not foiled by Caesar as much as by Biden – who apparently used the same pollical mechanism to cheat them in the primary as he used to steal the election from Trump later on.
Meanwhile, we get the gang of five playing the witches in Macbeth, foretelling us the evil future we can expect when the new king become king.
But Shakespeare is a little too complex for the current crop of social justice warriors to accept or understand, leaving Marvel as a better model for their protest, super stupid superheroes locked into the illusion that the world is basically just good and evil, painting Thanos Trump as the great evil, when there is plenty of evil manipulating them on their side.
The Democrats are the ones with the bloody fingers and the voices plotting to stir up the wrath of Othello. They are the ones grabbing for the Infinity stones, grabbing up each piece of government in their iron fist so that they can rule without challenge.
They are the ones who want Trump supporters to vanish off the planet with a simple snap of their fingers, watching every one of them go up in dust as if they never existed.
I would try to sell this as an episode in the new Marvel TV show only the great giants of social media would not allow it to be aired.
They are scared that Prince Hamlet – Giuliani – who runs around the country trying to convince the world that the conspiracy is real and expose their inner mechanisms.  He can no longer get space on any network because the networks have already been consumed by the Beast and are terrified that they will vanish in a puff of smoke once the Democratic Beast snaps his finger.
This partly explains why we are watching Republicans caving in to the Democratic plot hoping desperately that they can survive the purge if they are good little GOP people and do what they're told.
But partly Democrats are terrified that Trump made rise again the way Thanos or even Loki always did, and they are doing everything possible to make sure that the Earth is salted so that nothing can grow in that field again.
This is no longer about social justice or any of those other fancy phrases we use to justify our lust for power it is about power itself and who controls it.


Thursday, January 14, 2021

The trouble with impeachments


Thursday, January 14, 2021

There is the old concept that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Never has this been truer than over the last 4 years with the unrelenting attacks by democrats on Donald Trump.
And this is also true with the desperate effort by turn-coat Republicans joining desperate Democrats to impeach Trump for the second time.
This collusion between the Democrats, media and opportune Republicans – bolstered by a scared-to-death business community and pathetic sports leagues shows that Biden is either an outright liar when he calls for “healing” or so pathetically out of touch he can’t see the puppet strings other Democratic power brokers are yanking from behind the scenes.
Biden appears to be perfectly content in serving the role as president that power brokers stole an election to give him. He’s not going to rock the boat by actually living up to the idea of “fair” or “united nation.”
He gets to let Pelosi play the role of “bad cop” while maintaining the fiction of Biden as “the kindly old man.”
Meanwhile, we’re seeing a political purge that rivals any we have seen in the old Soviet Union, using the excuse that Trump some how orchestrated the intrusion into the Capitol Building, even though he clearly said he wanted a peaceful protest.
This double standard that allows Democrats to look the other way when friendly protestors try to burn down a federal building in Portland makes it clear just how trumped up (pun intended) the charges are against Trump, and how self-serving for the Democrats (and opportunist Republicans) who need to get Trump off the political stage now and forever.
Tech is censoring conservatives in order to prevent anybody from defending Trump and influencing public opinion away from the narrative Democrats are promoting.
Things like freedom of speech should not exist in the Democratic new world order
Concepts like tolerance should not be allowed if you are a conservative, especially if you support Trump in any way.
The impeachment is a joke since it did not call any witnesses, and has all the appearance of a Kangaroo Court, determined to lynch Trump before he can start building a new political organization.
It really doesn’t matter whether the Senate goes along with this farce or not, or even if the Democrats are successful in hoodwinking GOP legislators on that level to support this show trial.
With 72 million people voting for Trump, he remains a powerful force over the next four years, wealthy enough to create a new party, a new media, even a new social media that won’t be hoodwinked or in bed with the Democrats or censored.
In the past Trump has worked within the GOP system, following the rules set by the party for the most part. This could change dramatically if GOP Senators support the Stalinist-like trial Democrats have put before them.
Trump has already talked about developing a new party which might well do to the GOP what the GOP did to the Whigs prior to the American Civil War – making it extinct.
The last 4 years have exposed the vulnerabilities of the Democrats and their strengths and the fact that won't for all of their manipulation they really have not been able to get rid of Trump only remove him from office.
A new party would make the GOP purge orchestrated by the Tea Party look tame, and would create even deeper divisions in the country, as Trump hardliners take seats in national and state houses to go head-to-head against the hardliners extremist Democrats have installed there already – making Biden’s call for unity a joke.
It will mean that there will be nobody in either party to represent the middle ground or to engender compromise desperately needed to keep the nation together.
The new Trump organization will likely try to get rid of those people that have worked in the past too closely with Democrats especially in this last round where it was clear that no impeachable offense had been done.
These GOP turncoats have their own motivations for supporting the impeachment that has very little to do with justice, and much more to do with their own greedy political aspirations for the future.
While Democrats try to paint the Capitol Hill protest as something it is not, building into an insurrection it is not, and with media help creating the illusion of an uprising which it is not, the protest should be a wakeup call to everybody that those who voted for Trump are not going to stand aside and let Democrats gut the Constitution and strip them of rights they perceive as inalienable.
It is unclear how extreme the Democrats will get during the first two years of the Biden Administration and whether they intend to live up to their threats of packing the court or removing the safeguards that the founding fathers put in such as the Electoral College and the filibuster.
The further left they steer the nation, the bigger the boomerang will be in 2022 at a time when Democratic Senate seats are at risk.
Democrats of course want to also make Washington DC and Puerto Rico into states giving them for more Senate votes so that they can maintain the majority.
It is unclear whether they can actually pull this off in two years before they lose control the Senate again.
Biden could become a lame duck after the 2022 election as the GOP puts new roadblocks in place against these changes.
The problem is those who supported Trump may not be patient enough to put up with two years of bullshit we can expect from the Democratic extremists operating in Biden’s name.
A lot depends on how miserable people become after the Democrats destroyed the economy to win the election and how angry people will get when they realize that they were deliberately scared to death by covid-19.
But it will also depend on how much suppression the Democrats put in place against them – the censorship and the police state tactics we have seen implemented since the Jan. 6 protest.
The more oppression imposed by the Democrats; the more unlikely Trump supporters will wait to see the outcome of the 2022 election.
For last four years, we have had wacko Democrats howling about the rise of white supremacist movements.
The actions from the Democrats may well become a recruitment poster for these group and bring about more violence than Democrats are accusing Trump of inspiring.
You can't violate people's rights steal people's freedom of speech, steal their ability to assemble, steal their ability to bear arms, steal an election, and not expect a backlash.
The more the Democrats reshape a protest on Capitol Hill into and Insurrection movement the more likely they are going to really get an Insurrection movement in the future – a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Trump as The Titanic


Wednesday, January 13, 2021
We are watching the concluding scenes in the movie Titanic
The iceberg has already scraped the side of the ship the water is flowing into the bowels and the ship is tilting down.
If there was a love story in this four-year sail through American politics, it is long over and people are now scrambling to land somewhere so that they don't drown or freeze in the turbulent frigid water of a new Democratic regime.
This is why Mitch McDonald, Liz Cheney and Chris Christie have abandoned Trump, each seeking a place in a lifeboat in the hopes the Democrats won't notice them dressing up as legitimate left-wing people.
We, of course, are watching a rare bit of history, something we have not seen in the United States since the end of the Civil War when the power elite exposed itself in a desperate attempt to maintain itself.
The Power Elite is a term developed by sociologist C. Wright Mills (a socialist) to describe those who actually operate the mechanisms of power, most often behind the scenes – the bankers, the wall street moguls, the owners of media, and such.
Back then this power elite were the robber barons, the railroad and Northern industrialist who could not afford the South seceding from the union and losing valuable resources that generated wealth for everybody concerned.
Back then like today after the Civil War, we had media and politicians colluding in order to reshape reality and put the pieces of fractured nation back together in a manner that was suitable to them.
History has shown that the power elite hate populist leaders like Trump and the protest on January 6th only scared this group of people even more – which is why they are playing up a protest no more unusual than many seen in the 1960s or even currently in places like Portland -- into something that resembles the French Revolution.
The Power Elite transcends political parties.  These bigger than Life characters are like characters out of Rand novel, who divide up the nation and the world.  And except for a little give and take control almost everything.
Republicans take their turn; Democrats take their turn; and ultimately everything is balanced in a way these super rich people are happy with.
It is a world in which powerful people are at the top of a pyramid and they owe so much to all of the bricks that make up that pyramid they cannot completely become a full of themselves.
Bush, Biden, Clinton even Reagan were all part of this Elite, propped up by many powerful people who allowed them to stay as leaders as long as they did not stop the gravy train.
But once in a while someone comes along that is not beholden to everybody else. This person is truly a danger to the game because he or she is not accountable or controllable
In this case, Trump fits the bill, an independently wealthy man who wanted to change the rules and do away with this arrangement between power Elite
This is why almost from day one, the mechanism of the elite – which include the principal media sources -- began a campaign against him.
This included fellow Republicans who did not want their share of the spoils taken away by actual real reform.
It also includes celebrities, movie stars, musical talent and others who are have their positions thanks to some power elite benefactor and their wiliness not to rock the boat – the way John Lennon did.
In some ways, we are seeing a repeat of Napoleon and other leaders prior to him throughout history who have based their power on popular appeal – people who have a mass of people behind them rather than just the power elite.
This scares the hell out of everybody playing the game and made the power elite desperate enough top expose themselves in their power grab and need to unseat Trump, and to completely destroy what they seen as the Cult of Trump.
We are now seeing that purge as the newly reconstructed Elite begin slowly to destroy all of those people who are part of the Trump “conspiracy.
Never In our lifetime have we seen open-handed power grab as we have watching them trying to overthrow Trump, his elite forced to expose their hand the way the Wizard of Oz did when the curtain was drawn, and the mechanisms of power exposed.
The elite normally likes to disguise its hand in a velvet glove of legitimacy and for the most part operates within this illusionary set of rules called democracy.
But that changed this year when it was clear that the Democrats were desperate to do anything to destroy Trump, even destroy the country, throwing out every civilized rules, using every means possible to make sure that they get their puppet by elected
So, everything can later go back to normal.
But it won't be enough just to bring down Trump. Everybody associated with him especially the powerful people will be hunted down and persecuted. It will be likely that the power elite will want to strip Trump of his wealth as well and so if he is convicted or if he tries to move his money you may see the elite take it in order to guarantee he won't live up to the promise that he will build a new party and a new media Empire.
This is more than just kicking the dog while he's down; this is about dismantling his mechanism to make sure it can never rise again -- much the way the Romans made sure Carthage could not when they salt earth
This is much like the Royals in Europe did when they divvied up Napoleon's power and gave it back to the those whose heads managed not to suffer the guillotine.
Media’s using terms like “Uprising” or “insurrection” is no accident. They are using the post-Civil War model to justify the purge of Trump people and why Trump people can not gain powerful positions inside or outside government every again.
And it is why some who have been on the margins are desperate to make sure that they do not go down with a sinking ship. People like the good minority leader, the former New Jersey Governor and others are making their own private deals with the Democrats, assuming of course, that they won't be persecuted when ultimately, they will be, too.
When the ship goes down everybody who ever had anything to do with Trump is going down with him.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Catching covid on Capitol Hill


Tuesday, January 12, 2021
A congresswoman this week claimed she got covid-19 because she was forced to hunker down with other congressmen during the Capitol Hill protest.
None of them while being protected were wearing masks.
What she is saying is that she got covid-19 and that these Congress people who were all indoors in the house Chambers were not wearing Mass even though it is mandated that they do so.
Understand clearly said she got covid-19 from the most frequently tested individuals on the planet and so had any of the congressman been tested positive they should not have been in the chamber at all.
Since they were in the House chambers, why were none of them following covid-19 protocols.
I didn't know Congress people were so contagious I'm going to have to be careful the next time I shake one of their hands
Clearly there is an issue with Congress if one of their own caught a virus from to close contact with their own breed it's lucky she didn't catch something worse.
This gives new meaning to the concept of super spreader.
It also shows that the Democratic party is good for something other than just manipulating votes.
I suppose the Capitol Hill staff is going crazy with sanitizer and sanitizing anything any Congressman touched.
Now you have to wonder which is more dangerous the protesters or the congressmen and whether we should sanction them for not following the rules that every other American is forced to follow.
Can you impeach a congressman for not wearing a mask?
The whole thing of course is about as believable as a Brother Grimm story and next we will get Congress people blaming global warming on the Capitol Hill protest.
Media of course eats this up because it fits into the usual narrative of blaming the protesters for everything from failed moon landings to the scorching sunlight in the Mojave Desert.
No Lie is too small or outrageous as long as you can pin it on the protesters.
Of course, the congresswoman who made this claim is a Democrat and so this is part of the continuing Democratic storytelling that we are getting concerning the protesters
Protestors are evil, and so we can blame them for anything, even when they speak up for their own rights, and brought their message into the hollowed chambers of the congress when congress clearly refused to listen.
What scares our leaders and why legislators from both parties are screaming bloody murder is because this so called “riot” or “insurrection proved that congressmen are not immune.
Our leaders have been making decisions in a protective little box, a cone of silence in which they can only hear themselves and nobody else
And for the first time the protesters made them hear by bringing their voices into the chamber itself – and like the legislators in the Chicago Democratic Convention in 1968 or the top brass at Columbia University that same year, these leaders got the message, and it scared the crap out of them.
We get wimpy Democrats analyzing every word said by the president to claim he incited a riot – when Trump clearly said he wanted a peaceful protest, although he used the same rhetoric any good union leader or yippie would use, such as “Fight, Fight, Fight.” By the standards these media idiots are using, Martin Luther King Jr. could be accused of the same thing.
Trump never told people to invade the Capitol Building – any more than Abbie Hoffman told protestors to invade the offices of Columbia University. He did not tell anyone to steal Pelosi’s laptop.
He clearly said he wanted them to take a peaceful protest to the Capitol Building.
Of course, these Democratic wombats are going to hear what they want to hear and if they don't they will make it up anything they can do to blame Trump for their own inadequacy.
Perhaps the congresswoman did get covid-19 other Congress people like she said she did.
But most likely she got it over the dinner table with her own family like most people do and has found a convenient scapegoat to explain why she and other Congress people did not follow covid-19
You can blame Trump for anything in this environment and worse media will accept it as true and still worse people who already hate Trump will believe it too.

Monday, January 11, 2021

When the insurrection comes


Monday, March 22, 2010
After a sunny weekend, the rains hit this morning, thick with that old sense of Monday blues.
            It is the kind of blues I still love to feel, strolling through the warm air, chilled in a magical way I still can’t fully explain.
            Maybe in this complicated new and vicious society we have become, days like this bring me back to when I believed the world was a better place, those lonely days strolling the old neighborhoods when in the midst of riot and revolution, I still believed the world was capable of becoming a better place.
            I have grown cynical with age and no longer have hope for human kind. We always go back to the same place.
            This is a week when the true colors of the American Tea Party came out as they spat on legislators who choose to vote for healthcare reform and call African American Congressman, “Niggers.”
            As a kid, I wondered how good Germans could hate Jews.
            This is not to say that I haven’t negative feelings. I remember being angry that I could not buy a hamburger at an exclusive Jewish mall in Wayne. I have also terrible concern over arrogance of the Zionists, who would treat Palestinians the way Jews got treated throughout history. But how could anybody wish any group of people out of existence?
            How could any civilized society breed people like the brown shirts?
            I never thought that we would take steps back, even when I saw the worst of the abuses of the blacks in the south in the 1960s.
            But friends tell me America is arming in the same way. We have groups of paramilitary people preparing for the day when the poor get so desperate they will rise up. This new insurrection movement looks and sounds and talks just like the brown shirted Nazis, some even keep their kids in schools where they can train them in the same way Hitler’s Youth were trained.
            Yet even then, I assumed these were simply nutty people – like Black Water International – sick people who love to kill. That would be dangerous enough since Black Water and their ilk are exactly what the brown shirts were. The real danger comes when the old barriers, the society with conscience, refuses to refute the actions of these monsters, and gives them license to kill.
            This is why the Tea Party is so dangerous, giving into the worst of human nature, motivating hatred for political gain, when in the end even Hitler was forced to crack down on his brown shirted friends until he consolidated power.
            It is, however, when good people do nothing that the real danger emerges, which is why when I talked to a local doctor who had gone over seas as part of the military that I lost hope.
            He clearly felt no need to uphold human rights, and that anything a soldier does to an enemy is okay with him.
            Does this change when we redefine who the enemy is?
            When the uprising poor become our new enemies, will this Dirty Harry sickness still prevail?
            I walk through the rain this morning, fresh from a political victory that I know will soon backfire. We won against the Tea Party only to cause them to hate us more, and to stir the pot on this insane sense of disrespect. The next step will be violence.

The insurrection movement is alive and well



Monday, January 11, 2021
It appears that Civil War is inevitable.
And Democrats are fully aware of this and in an utter panic.
This would explain the overreaction the left and media have had to what was basically a protest in Washington.
New Jersey governor even sent 500 National Guard to quell the Rebellion – an overreach of his authority which suggests just what kind of suppression we can expect if something actually were to transpire in New Jersey, as well as reflecting his exaggerated opinion of his own authority.
And now as if they need to crush this from the start they are hunting down all the culprits and charging them with heinous crimes.
We are not talking about murder, rape or even trying to burn down the Capitol Building the way protestors in Portland did.
One guy is going to get crucified for the audacity of sitting in Witch Pelosi's desk (God knows who stole her laptop or what interesting things it must contain.)
Another guy is going to share a cross beside the first guy for daring to seat in the seat of the Senate President, a mocking gesture of abuse of power – but hardly the stuff you throw away the key for (You have to wonder if he’ll qualify for bail reform or early release because of COVID or even membership in some second chance rehabilitation program.)
The third guy will likely get life without parole for daring to walk off with the house podium.
Although media is playing this silly protest as the next chapter in the 9/11 attack – an exaggeration so outlandish only people with an IQ below 50 would actually believe it – this was inspired by the perception that the Democrats stole the election and are poised to take complete control of the U.S. government. Considering the Democrat’s single-minded intolerant agenda, thing will only go downhill from here.
The Democrats opened the door to violence by allowing radical left wing groups to attack people throughout the country, and now these same Democrats are terrified that the shoe might soon be on the other foot and we may see real conflict in the future.
In fact, the reaction by the Democrat almost guarantees violence.
There is already a Witch Hunt against anyone who has conservative views not just by the big Tech social media Mongols but also by mainstream media and Democrats who are determined to eradicate anyone who is associated with Trump in any manner.
There are of course will be Uncle Tom Republicans who they will tolerate like Romney or many of the other suddenly converted Republicans (scrambling to avoid the Democratic guillotine) who are now calling for the resignation of Trump.
The question is why are they so determined to get Trump out of office when Biden is about to take over.
If they impeach Trump they guarantee that Trump could not run again in four years. If Trump is put into jail, he might not be able to lead the rebellion against the Democratic oppression.
But the pure act of aggression by the Democrats against Trump this late in the game only fuels the rage that the protest had already expressed and is guaranteed to create even more civil unrest and will require real use of troops.
The problem is there is a real danger from other groups that have nothing to do with white supremacy.
Conservatives have long anticipated that the social agenda being pushed forward by the Democrats was going to lead to civil unrest and riots among people in the cities. They foresaw the day when African Americans would riot in the streets and burn buildings – partly due to the failed social programs Democrats were implementing.
These groups are part of movement which some called “The Insurrection movement” which has been underway for decades as military and former military as well as paramilitary began organizing and arming against the day when their own government would turn against them.
Many live in communities near military bases throughout the country, training their kids to handle weapons and keeping them out of the traditional schools where they might get indoctrinated by leftist views.
These are well-armed well-trained people who have long anticipated what we are seeing today and the crackdown on what are basically innocent protesters in Washington is feeding the fear that long harbored in the hearts of these so-called Patriots.
The overreaction by the Democrats he is going to become a recruiting poster for an uprising that even Governor Murphy won't be able to quell with the National Guard since many of the National Guard will probably be members of this Insurrection movement as well.
The Democrats were so gung-ho to take complete control of government that they never realized that the one thing that's holding this country together was the fact that there was equal representation.
But we are seeing an out-of-control Democratic party full of extremist who are about to exercise the worst thing that they could do, which is to suppress their enemy and create a Witch Hunt.
Nothing gives life to Rebellion than oppression.
Big Tech and media of course are hoping to put a lid on it by controlling the voices of this movement by shutting them out of Facebook and Twitter and other places and this will only increase the perception that we have now a fascist state with a Democratic face.
The Democrats are about to make Trump into a martyr and he will become a symbol of oppression that is even greater than the oppression we were seeing with the Congress prior to this.
The impeachment of course is as big a joke as the Russian collusion one but because now the Democrats have power and they own the media they can make this illusion into something real.
I don't know what they're thinking. They clearly are terrified of real people expressing real views and lighting the fuse to this potential for this Powder Keg bound to explode and yet they continue in lockstep to create the conditions that will lead to violence.
It's sort of a perverted kind of crying wolf we have been hearing about uprisings of white supremacist for years with much of this rhetoric coming out of the crappy press.
Now the media has turned a protest into a violent uprising which it was not. But media needs to be very, very careful that they don’t get what they wish for.
Ultimately the left and the Democrats will self-destruct but how much damage will they do before it all comes undone.
All of the safeguards that the founding fathers put into government to prevent mob rule are coming undone and they're largely being dismantled by the Democrats who need  them the most.
Who are they going to call if the riots hit the streets if they defend the cops?
Clearly Murphy understands this which is why he has mobilized the National Guard
Over nothing a kind of training exercise for the real thing.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Making a mountain out of a capitol molehill


Sunday, January 10, 2021
Abbie Hoffman has to be rolling over in his grave or laughing at how over reactive the world is to what amounts to political theater
But then this is a whole different generation of pathetic human beings who do not get the point of civil liberty or civil action and while my Governor send Stormtroopers down to suppress what amounts to a movement of free speech
I can’t wait for Neil Young to come out with the song about Five dead on Capitol Hill – as if the protestors did the killing, the way the National Guard did at Kent State.
Four of the deaths are tragic, but not criminal. Let’s put this in perspective. In the 1968 protest of the Democratic Convention in Chicago, 11 people died, 500 people were injured, and more than 2,000 people were arrested, including my friends Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin (Rubin went on to work on Wall Street).
Even the president-elect misses the point screaming about how this was some kind of major offense when it was political theater.
Biden is either that stupid or that complicit with the desperate attempt by the Democrats to utterly discredit Trump. Even some Republicans are buying into this bullshit.
This is the brain trust into which we have trusted our nation, people who are too stupid to understand what free speech is about
Taking over the Capitol building was brilliant despite the fact that some people were injured and even died
That's tragic but it's a reality; people have died in other protests such as Kent State.
It is the symbolic message that these people who rule our nation are not invulnerable and should not be isolated from the protest the way that they have been in places like Portland in Seattle.
The fact is Biden and other people did likely get the message and it is scaring the crap out of them.
So, they have to divert attention from the fact that they have failed to do their jobs as legislators and are looking for a scapegoat.
So, we go into another staged impeachment hearing.
This is silliness with a sting and stupidity with an exclamation point.
Naturally media has seized on to this as the crime of the century and back a capital (Capitol) crime in which they expect someone to pay dearly.
For what?
For sitting smugly behind smug Pelosi’s desk the way my friend did smoking a cigar at Columbia University in 1968 or sitting in the high chair of the Senate making mockery of the position because the people currently occupied those seats make a mockery of their own office.
Get real this was hardly the crime of the century and hardly a crime at all but then in are exaggerated media environment anything can be made into a crime.
The invasion of the Capitol building was brilliant political theater but people are too stupid to get that these day we have been doing this for decades but of course we have a new media that needs to make a federal case out of it
The fact that the people who occupied Pelosi's office and the Senate President seat will probably more qualified than the people who got elected to take that seat.
And that was the point of the protest
All these people who are screaming about how bad a crime this is are either morons or opportunist seeking to use this as yet one more excuse to kick Trump out the door.
The massive hyperbole by media and politicians rivals one of the most over-reaction in American history.
While it is tragic that the police officer and others died because they could not get medical attention, it is a tragedy not a crime, It certainly is not murder. Of course, the shooting of a protester who was simply exercising a right to occupy a publicly owned building is a crime
And it should investigated with the same vigilance as the slaughter at Kent State.
Biden silliness and remarking that the protesters in Washington were treated less severely then those in Portland ignores the fact that Portland protesters were burning down the city and throwing their bodies against Federal offices in an all-out assault when all that was happening in Capitol Hill is that protesters were occupying it the way  Occupy Wall Street and other movements have in the past.
All of those guns drawn to protect the lives of our legislators showed just how off kilter we have become.
This was not the crime of the century!
It may not have been a crime at all any more than the takeover of the Columbia University in 1968 was which this strongly resembles
Since so many of my friends were involved with that protest it seems ludicrous that 50 years later we have drawn guns ready to shoot people as they exercise free speech
This is very much like the protests that we saw pre American Revolution when people threw tea in Boston  harbor to send a message to the British
Sitting in the high seat of the Senate should not be considered as bad as shooting a Trump supporter in Portland or in Minneapolis or any other place
Yet to hear the rhetoric even coming from Republicans is like hearing a broken record of full of scratches and misinformation.
And the more exaggerating rhetoric we hear the more ridiculous it sounds, just a pack of wailing wolves looking to collect blood
This is not a crime of the century; this is not an impeachable offense; this is free speech and the right of people to protest.
This was a message to all of those amazing, isolated idiots who run the country that they are not running the country right and they should get out of those seats and put people in there that can do the job.
But to hear Biden rant, the shooting of a protestor was less severe than the admirable restraint federal officers displayed holding back the hordes in Portland.
This is the man who was elected president who is going to help heal the wounds of the nation, who is saying that the protesters life meant nothing and that the restraint of federal troops in Portland should not be admired.
I'm sorry Biden, this is pathetic but then we knew that already.