Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Welcome to the welfare state, now get out


Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Several reports show that since Phil Murphy became governor, New Jersey became the state seeing the most people moving out.
This is not a coincidence. The governor – like most progressives – appears to be implementing systems that are bound to fail, perhaps intentionally.
This week the governor of New Jersey is expected to grant driver’s licenses to undocumented workers.
More than a little ironic since the state struggles to keep motor vehicle offices open.
This also comes at a time when the socialist governor wants to do away with diesel vehicles – and since electric vehicles costs so much, undocumented people won’t be able to afford them.
New Jersey’s socialist agenda also insists people adopt alternative modes of transportation. The governor must mean scooters, because he can’t even get the trains to run on time – or keep social distance on the overcrowded trains when they finally do arrive.
This also comes at a time when the state-run transportation network is cutting back on bus and other public transportation services to the poorest neighborhoods in the most crowded cities where most undocumented people live.
All this might seem as if the governor is mentally ill, or totally incompetent, but a study of socialistic systems since the turn of the 19th into the 20th century shows a similar pattern of behavior – this kind of mixed message when it comes to social justice.
So we now have hey governor in my state who is expanding free education to illegal immigrants when the system can barely handle the amount of people who already being educated
We are granting driver's licenses to a massive expansion of people when we can't even keep the motor vehicle offices open to handle those already there
Of course by offering to get rid of student loan debt we are basically ripping off the colleges and also imposing that fee on the taxpayers and it kind of redistribution of wealth ultimately however the idea is to create a system of education that is completely paid for by taxpayers
Obamacare could never have possibly worked partly because of the volume of people that are being thrown into the system including illegal aliens. This is a plan made to fail.
How much Democrats really believe in the system working is hard to tell and who the actual beneficiaries of these failed plans are.
Some conservatives believe that people like Soros and the owners of Hi-Tech companies are really disguising a capitalistic rip-off of public-sector behind the mask of social justice and change.
But it is clear that if you do away with cars and do not expand public transportation you are asking for failure.
This is what's happening in many states. In New Jersey lack of engineers have canceled trains, while the governor is claiming he wants to do away with fossil fuels and get people out of their cars.
This idea that you give driver's licenses to illegal aliens at a time when you are promoting public transportation is hypocritical at best and at worst it conspiracy to make sure public transportation falls on its face.
Instead of improving public transportation expanding train service making public buses work, New Jersey appears to be designing a system that increases traffic and therefore increases global warming (if that is real) and creating a system that can't possibly sustain itself.
Bill Clinton destroyed the welfare system in the 1990s by forcing people to getting work. This flooded the low wage job market an artificially kept wages low.
We are seeing a reverse of this now with the minimum wage law required $15 an hour which means that the system will not be able to sustain as many low-wage workers and so many more people will be seeking public assistance.
This is at a time when corporations are already shutting down restaurants forced to close because of covid-19. The unemployment rolls are skyrocketing.
You might think this logic of inflating a system that can't handle the already inflated numbers is insane. But it's not. There's logic behind it if you want people desperate enough to inspire revolution.
Conservative series suggest that Marxism has been doing this intentionally for the last century just deliberately destroying social welfare services by inundating them and making them unsustainable.
Marxist hated FDR because they claimed that his social reforms in the 1930s help save capitalism.
This was pure bullshit. FDR was pure Marxist, and his motives for creating social safety net was to create the foundation of a socialist state. But it was also a means for socialists like himself to make a fortune providing the social services to the poor.
America has some of the wealthiest socialists in the world – from FDR to Obama. Even Bernie Sanders and Nancy Pelosi live the high life, while promoting the implementation of a socialist agenda.
The problem is for most Marxists is that it wasn’t enough.
This gives you the real idea behind Marxist socialism this is not to make life better for people but to inspire revolution.
Marxist believe that people will not revolt if they are too comfortable and so the concept behind Marxism is to destroy institutions that provide social safety net in order to get people so desperate that they will overthrow the government.
This is perhaps why the1960s Marxists so hated LBJ - because the civil rights movement and the Voting Rights Act helped undermine the basic concept of human misery.
The strategy behind the Marxist movement became how to overwhelm the institutions that were set up to help alleviate need. In other words, Marxist deliberately planned an attack on welfare and other systems of assistance in order to overwhelm them and bring them down.
The Great Migration is a perfect example. Radical socialists were encouraging families of former slaves to move north to jobs that did not exist.
Italians, Irish and Germans built up the industrial base that created jobs right up to the turn of the 20th Century – at which point the socialists began strikes that completely destroyed whole industrial cities such as Newark, Paterson, Passaic – even when some of the owners of the mills in places like Paterson and Lodi treated their employees well.
More than half the former slaves after the Civil War ironically never left the employ of their former masters and lived a fairly comfortable life. But they were lured north on the promise of prosperity; many of whom arrived just in time for the Great Depression.
They helped overwhelm the social services FDR instituted, just as the socialists of the 1960s helped overwhelm LBJ’s anti-poverty and affirmative action until they ceased to function.
This may will also be the strategy today in the idea of open borders the more people who flood into the country and depend on public services – which are administered by Democrats at taxpayer expense – public services and systems will fail.
It is a planned attack hidden in a velvet glove.
Is it an accident that Democrats are dumping people out of the jails (when there are too few jobs or resources to accommodate them) at the same time radicals are demanding defunding of the police?
Social Warriors appear less interested in helping the poor than inspiring them to riot.
The Democratic party appears to be so desperate to embrace this new socialism that it is blind to the fact that the more people they put into a system the more likely that system is going to break down – and for the Marxist element of this new socialism, this is exactly what they want.


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