Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Inauguration Day


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The snow comes as if this is the first day of winter. a global frost that is reflected by the events that will soon take place in Washington DC --  this change of culture; this rewarding of thievery; this massive wasted movement to reclaim the trust of a divided public, mostly betrayed by the results of a questionable election.
We can never go back -- too much doubt has been sewed: distrust of media; distrust of politicians; distrust of radical movements; distrust of big Tech that has condemned the Constitution to the trash bin.
Snow always looks good when it first comes, covering all the flaws of the world, creating waves of white across a landscape of darkness. But it never lasts. It soon gets filled with the grime of the world and what lies beneath -- the ruthless pursuit of power; the meanness of spirit; the lack of healing that is promised but never delivered.
We are now on a path from which we cannot return; for good or bad; right or wrong; social justice an illusion that lingers before us, leading us on to some on to imaginable place.
Evil like the snow hides itself behind a face of good, telling us all the things we want to hear; things that are unreal. Unrealistic, an illusion we accept because it is what we wish for rather than what is.
Winter comes with this snow squall and we will endure it, although we will also be changed by it, permanently, all the hopes of the past evaporating under the touch of what seems good but is not good; what seems real but is unreal; this wave of New Vision that is not efficient at all, but something we form in our heads and pretend like it is reality.
This, of course, is the culmination of a greater illusion we have been caught up in for the last four years; this imaginary conflict of Good and Evil, where we are casting down a great monster to take on this withering old man, this father figure who will lead us like Moses to the promised land, but won't lead us anywhere.
He is an illusion as well, the strings invisible but connected to fingers of people who we would not trust with our lives if we actually saw who they are; they need to hide behind this mask of goodness that is false.
The question is will the mask evaporate or melt like the snow? Will it show the real face behind it, and how long will it be before The Sleepwalkers that put this old man into office wake up and realize the deception.
Some may never wake up.

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