Saturday, January 9, 2021

Donald Trump’s Waterloo


Saturday, January 9, 2021
Why the capitol uprising is a big deal?
You might be scratching your head to wonder why so many of our most prominent legislators are upset about the invasion of the Capitol building last week
It is not like stuff hasn't happened like this before.
We have seen it in Chicago for the Democratic Convention. We have seen it in places all over the globe in Paris in 1968. Many of my friends were at the takeover of the Columbia University. One of my very closest friends was the one pictured in the New York Times sitting the desk of the college President smugly smoking a cigar much like the capital Invader did in Pelosi's office last week.
We have seen protests that have attacked Federal buildings in Portland and radical movements in Seattle we have even seen troops firing on protesters such as in Kent State – killing people.
But few things have so rattled the nation’s leadership as the event in Washington on January 6th.
And for good reason. Not since the early days of the nation have our legislators seemed so vulnerable.
These elite and isolated bastards were for their first time in their political lives confronted by the people whose lives they as their decisions have affected.
Living in the ivory tower inside the beltway, this arrogant people could send our kids to war, deaths registered as a statistic in the next defense bill, they pass. These are the same people who with the scratch of a pen can determine if you will get a stimulus check by which to feed your family or pay your rent – holding hostage your future in order to stuff their legislation with political pork that benefits China or other places these people have business interests with.
These people can steal your jobs, your homes or kids without retribution – even managing to steal ballots you cast so they can stay in power.
They can do this with impunity because they assume, they were safe in their hollowed hall.
This is why you have a governor of New Jersey who can literally destroy people's businesses and their livelihoods because he has 500 Stormtroopers he can send any place he wants at  any time.
This is why the governor of New York in the kill your grandmother in the nursing home because no one can get near enough to him to actually put punching in the face.
This is why a head of the Congress can destroy a hairdresser's livelihood and force her to close because no one is ever going to hold Pelosi accountable.
These are people so removed from the real world and make decisions that are arbitrary and destructive and never know the consequence because they never have to look real people in the eye
All that changed on January 6th when those people showed up where the legislators live and it scared the crap out of Congress because for the first time they are not protected.
People brought the war to them this was no longer just some far-off protest in Portland where federal troops are being harangued by rioters. This was the people coming into the halls of Law and pushing their agenda into the face of the most arrogant legislators in the world.
But more importantly, the uprising allowed this political elite to finally bring down Trump the way a similar autocracy brought down Napoleon two centuries ago.
Trump is the 21st Century Napoleon who dared to drag down the monarchy American people didn’t really know existed, a monarchy that transcends political parties, that created royal families like the Clintons, the Bushes, the Obamas, even the Romneys, families whose rule shifted from time to time, but always among each other – that is until Trump.
This is why the establishment went ape shit just the way they did back in Napoleon era when mortal enemies such as the British and French and Germans came together to destroy the man who threatened to upend the perpetual power game they played.
Washington’s uprising is a kind of French Revolution in reverse. Revolutionaries at that time were the politically correct who so ruined the nation that Napoleon had to put the pieces back.
January 6 was Napoleon's uprising and had to be put down because the royalty cannot stand the idea that real people might have power.
Trump like Napoleon, however, is doomed to fail because the powers that supported the royalty in Europe back in the early eighteen hundreds could not risk having an upstart like Napoleon because it threatens royalty elsewhere this allowed the French Aristocrats to hook up with their archenemies the British Aristocrats and Aristocrats everywhere to come together to bring down Napoleon much the way the aristocrats of contemporary times need to bring down Trump.
This is the reason why mainstream media and the new social media conspired to destroy Trump – all beggars at the aristocratic throne, unable to stand the idea that they would lose status in court if Trump was to succeed. This is particularly true of the Washington Post and the New York Times whose reporters serve as court jesters.
Trump obviously spoiled the game and has gotten the heart of the people and that is dangerous.
Once you start up that road it means that no one is safe; you can no longer make these decisions that destroy people lives and not be held accountable.
The Washington uprising dumped the issues right into the face of the most arrogant Aristocrats of our time, those people whose role is very much like the royalty of the Napoleon era that has to destroy Trump or Napoleon because if you let a things like this get out of hand then no one is safe.
You can imagine how these arrogant Aristocrats must have felt watching the hordes of people pour through the doors much like the French Revolution stormed the Bastille ,determined to drain the swamp themselves after the aristocrats have managed to bring down the Napoleon.
And like the post Napoleon era we are watching the Aristocrats restore the power of the royalty – the Clintons, the Obamas, the Bidens, the Bushs, the Pelosis, and once again look down at the masses and say “let them eat cake.”
But you can bet for the first time in their lives they are looking over their shoulders uncertain about what may happen when they foreclose on people's houses or when their decisions destroy someone's restaurant or when they kill someone's grandmother in the nursing home.
The kings and queens may not have had their heads lopped off, but they won’t ever feel safe again.

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