Friday, January 8, 2021

Welcome to the purge



Friday, January 8, 2021
Are you now or have you ever been a supporter of Donald Trump?
For those who voted for and supported Trump, this is going to be a rough ride – at least for the next two to four years.
The Democratic reaction to the protest in Washington DC this week has all of the ear marks of the second half of Tale of Two Cities – which depicted the massive purge by political correctness during the French Revolution.
At least we don't have the guillotine to worry about or that old lady knitting as the heads roll into a wicker basket at her feet.
But we are watching a panic in the White House at staff flees the sinking ship, using the invasion of The Capitol building as their excuse.
Mainstream media is spinning the whole affair into something that has dangerous implications. Some officials claim people will need proof of vaccination against COVID-19 to get pass ports and other legal documents. But there may be no hope for those whose documents are marked with the indelible stain of having once supported Trump.
Trump has become the new Titanic with rats jumping off the sides to avoid drowning in the sea of allegations that media is drumming up.
But many realize they have already waited too long, even if they are abandoning the ship two weeks before the new captain takes over.
The new Democratic majority will be looking to chop heads, seeking people to blame for the last four years.
There's already talk of punishing those people who supported Trump—the same kind of vindictiveness we saw in the Dickens novel as well in places like Soviet Union.
As it turns out it will be the Democrats who drain the swamp only it's not going to be the swamp Trump meant when he took office.
The political Purge will focus on people associated with Trump marked for life and worse maybe prosecuted for crimes Democrats imagine they have committed.
Has Michelle Obama has been spouting  again Free Speech by conservatives as social media starts purging its roll of conservative voices.
The problem is that if you remove legitimate means of protest and of access to power then you feed the beast that you claim you oppose.
Back in 2009 the biggest recruiting tool for white supremacist was the election of Obama. The same will be true now -- perhaps even worse -- as the Democrats tried to get their pound of Flesh.
Just who gets purged is going to be a big question and will there be tribunals to decide whether there were war crimes committed by Trump supporters.
It is a very, very scary time to be alive and to have opinions that don't agree with those that are being fostered on us by a very questionable media.
In some ways the aftermath of the Trump Administration will has made things worse than they were before when we were all in goose step with university-brainwashed people who insist on having a political correct Society.
We can expect this new elite to force us into politically correct thought or get purged from the planet.
What is that old saying about when they came for the gypsies no one did anything?
Of course, rioting is stupid and it only feeds into the hysteria that the Democrats have been promoting for 4 years and gives justification to whether ever repercussions the Democrats intend to impose.
In the past the GOP is always been smarter than that, licking their wounds after a loss and then reorganizing for a future election.
But if the Democratic Purge is as bad as it appears it will be then they will build an opposition that will be just as bad.
Unfortunately it's going to be fueled by the gloating of the Democrats who was worse to element with out-of-control even before this and now will feel enabled.
Before the election a lot of celebrities talked about leaving the country if Trump got re-elected a lot of Trump people may be forced to leave, and perhaps – if Gov. Murphy’s sending troops to Washington indicates -- even at gun point.

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