Thursday, February 28, 2019

Cohen is just another scum bag lawyer

What do you do if you are trapped in a cave with a savage bear, a ferrous lion and a lawyer and you only have two bullets?
Shoot the lawyer twice.
As Shakespeare once noted lawyers suck -- and some like Cohen suck more than others.
The ethics of attorneys is almost as deplorable as the ethics of journalists these days.
 And this was clearly borne out by Cohen's testimony where he decided he was going to save his own skin at the expense of truth.
Media and Democrats, of course, are perfectly willing to take his testimony as truth even though he is an admitted liar.
Media and democrats also appear to twist law to imply that any attempt to silence prostitute Stormy Daniels is illegal, somehow making her in a victim rather than a blackmailer with her own attorney, working as her pimp.
All of the lawyers involved in this - including many of those disguised as elected officials - live up to the sterling reputation of the legal profession.
So, law is what these attorneys say; it is not a system of justice.
And those democrats seeking to undo the results of the 2016 election, truth is unimportant as long as they get the result they want.
It doesn’t matter that Cohen is not a creditable witness, a known liar who must give Democrats what they want or risk having to feel the full weight of the law for crimes he committed -- crimes that have nothing to do with Trump.
This is a repeat of the John Dean testimony in Watergate where The Washington Post with its strong ties to the Kennedy family along with a legislative committee made up of former Kennedy people and a legal staff of Kennedy attorneys representing Dean over looked Dean’s role on orchestrating the Watergate cover-up in the hope to remove Nixon and pave the way to make Ted Kennedy president.
Many of the institutions are still the same. Having failed to deliver Hillary Clinton to the Whit3e House in 2016, The Washington Post, The New York Times and other newer liberal media appear to be determined to bring down Trump in favor of some other Democrat.
But it is unclear as to which candidate they are now trying to promote.
The fact that Democrats are willing to overlook the crimes of scumbags like John Dean & Cohen shows just how pathetic and self-serving they are and how little regard they have for justice.
How do we know if Colon is lying?
His lips are moving.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Emma Thompson a star is born again

Emma Thompson found a unique way to squirm her way out of a contract with Pixar this week, managing to reinvigorate her sagging career by playing the role as a hard-core feminist.
After not having a successful rule in movies in over a decade Thompson jumped on the politically correct band wagon by resigning from Pixar after Pixar hired a man, she personally found offensive.
In doing so, Thompson managed to win the hearts and minds of a deluded feminist movement while issuing a self-serving letter that will allow her to escape a contract, she apparently saw provided her with not future opportunity for a successful film.
This this has become a typical tactic of the liberal-left seeking to make some sort of righteous statement well actually doing things that are far less noble.
Resigning from Pixar comes a few days after the academy awards ceremony in which she won nothing but clearly is positioning herself for next year's Oscars as a politically correct candidate.
It is uncertain whether management of Pixar actually cares whether they lose this amazing flop of a star, but it is clear that her role as feminist icon has won her acclaim among the man-hating feminists who also believed Ford attacking Kavanaugh last year.
This guarantees Thompson a built-in audience that she may have lacked had she not issued her letter and has fans gushing over her in a fit of excitement.
Pixar may well be crying crocodile tears over the departure since it is clear that Thompson really has no place in the organization and management may will be relieved to have her go letting the door kick her in the butt as she leaves.
This may well set a trend for other failed movie stars to follow in an attempt to salvage their pathetic career, proving that Hollywood is more about money than talent.
Those who love her best, may will be forced to deal with reruns since who can trust her again to ever any contract.
Maybe she can go to football games and kneel during the national anthem or go to Wyoming and raise dental floss. Maybe better yet she can get a job at Planned Parenthood and really do productive work killing newborn babies.
She certainly will be welcomed in feminist conventions everywhere a celebration of how great she did in worming her way out of the contract while still appearing to be Noble and righteous.
This indeed appears to be the best role she has ever played and considering the Oscar climate, she no doubt get the politically correct award for next year. she gets everything she deserves.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The Problem with Perverts

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

He asks me if I’ve had sex yet, his eyes glowing with the strange look he always got on holidays when we were alone and he drank too much.
I'm 12 this time but this is not the first time he has asked these questions of me, the memory of it going back to when I was still small and I found myself alone with him in the dead of night.
Everybody was always telling us not to take candy from strangers but what about those who we have come to trust.
“Do you know what it means to go around the world?” he asks each time and each time I tell him I don't know when I do but do not want to open that gate for him to walk through.
I know I am not the only kid my age he has asked these questions of and I have seen him come home bloody after some Latino or black father beat the crap out of him for trying what he is trying with me.
But he thinks I am safe, that having me alone makes me easy prey, when I knew at 5 he had a sickness that he could never cure, and something I wanted no part of after having already spent my early life in the grips of my mother's madness.
But the madness I see in his eyes is different more calculating like a wolf looking to feed on me.
He licks his lips as if he is thirsty like a vampire aching for blood -- only with me he's picked the wrong victim.
Even at 5 I know better than taking candy from anyone one -- even those I trust, having lived with the mad travels of my mother from here to eternity and back, recognizing the signs of danger other kids my age would not.
“Ever have sex?” he asks, his eyes glowing as he licks his lips unable to control his thirst.
I know what the next question will be and I already say no, just as I have said know before and will say again until I am old enough not to tempt him or big enough to beat him up the way the Latino and black fathers do.
I do not want his candy, yet I wonder if someone at sometime long ago offered him candy he could not refuse and now having tasted its sweetness cannot get enough.
And I wonder about those kids with no fathers to protect them will like the taste the way he does and offer some other fatherless child candy the way he does me.
I wonder why I don’t tell anybody about these moments; why I keep his secret when I know he will go and feed on someone less immune than I am with no father to stop him if anything short of killing him will.
Even at 12 or 10 or even 5 I know I should tell someone but never do and never will.
I just tell him no.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Sherman’s March on Paterson

Monday, February 25, 2019

Not until many years later would I come to realize the irony of having a black kid from Paterson have his his parents name him Sherman -- after the general who set the south to blaze, and a few years after I met him, blacks would burn down Newark just as Sherman burned Atlanta.
Sherman was the black kid from the Alexander Hamilton projects in Paterson who had joined the Green Beret marching band with us, telling us how much he loved to drum.
That was before Watts set the tone for each summer to follow, before Newark, before Detroit.  even before anyone knew what it meant to set your own neighborhood on fire in protest against what they claimed white people did.
These riots – especially Watts, Detroit and Newark-- scared the white community on the border of Paterson just the way that Haiti riots had a century before had scared the South and destroyed any kind of reconciliation or even reform.
The massive Abolitionist Movement – that was far larger than the one in the north that pushed the Union into the Civil War – simply evaporated and a climate of dread gripped whites in and out of Paterson, including the Jews who worked so hard to help with the Civil Rights Movement, so that many sympathetic to the plight of blacks began to wonder if they’d made a mistake.
The Six-Day War in 67 turned many blacks against Jews because blacks seemed to see Arabs as oppressed people, even though they are the ones that spent the greater part of a century trying to drive the Jews out of Palestine, painting Jews as oppressors even though many of the Jews had been instrumental in overthrowing Jim Crow. Part of this was a perverted form of a Muslim faith invented in the ghetto of Newark, which Malcom X would later come to reject, but not many of those who became leaders of the Black Panthers.
Kids then, none of us knew anything about any of that in 1964 when all we wanted to play music together and Sherman seemed to know more about playing music than any of us did.
He was small and fast and ran his way up Lakeview Avenue from the projects to Saint Brendan's for practice every afternoon when we were done ran all the way back.
He liked me and Dave though looked a bit odd standing next to us, Dave at six foot two and me at five foot eleven when he was only about five foot three.
We didn’t talk about race except for him to tell me his father didn’t like white people. I said my uncles were scared of blacks.
Even when the riots started -- and the looting, and the shooting -- we did not think it had anything to do with us. It all seemed remote, the way the war was and the marches in the South. We saw nobody with Billy clubs or fire hoses.
All that was on tv - until it wasn't.
When we saw Newark burn, we all got scared.
We all knew those streets from those rare times our families took us there to shop -- whole blocks razed as if Sherman's name sake had passed through on his way to the sea.
In my house, we waited for Paterson to burn -- and Passaic -- with us caught in the middle and my uncles with guns at every window, waiting for the riot that never came, fearing the looting of our family store that did not transpire.
But travel to Paterson and Passaic became more dangerous and nobody knew went near Newark at all until later when the draft got us, and then we only passed through the place on our way to Fort Dix and some to Vietnam.
The gangs I remembered from when my mother and I lived in the projects in 1959 and 1960 roamed openly by 1967, no longer competing with whites, but hating us, looking for victims most of whom were not white. Black gangs fought Latino gangs for turf no white man wanted.
Sherman stopped coming to practice - too dangerous for a black face in a white neighborhood where police suspected everybody and constantly feared a riot that never came.
But there were mini riots -- mostly among Latinos.
It was during one of these that I last saw Sherman. He hid behind one car on Market Street and I hid behind another. We saw each other, nodded as if hoping each of us might get out of there alive.
But we ran, he went one way and I another destined never to cross paths again.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

The new abolitionists

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Democrats are riding the backs of a new race card – much the way the sick abolitionists did prior to the American Civil War, desperate to create a new Civil Rights movement that is strangely twisted up with the since discredited Black Power movement of the late 1960s.
This reverse racism (if you can actually use that term) comes at a time when the new black power movement his flexing its muscles and has some Democratic candidates desperate to give them anything they want – including reparations for slavery – in order to win their vote.
This perception of white racism is largely generated by the fact that rural America managed to win the 2016 election despite a powerful media and a well-funded if somewhat corrupt campaign by Hillary Clinton.
The campaign is designed to sell us on the belief that a Trump victory was a sign of renewed racism, rather than a reaction to the excesses of a self-righteous over-eager extreme left part of the Democratic Partly seeking to force its agenda on people rather than to convince people on the merits of their arguments.
It would be a mistake to say African Americans are doing well in America. They are not, and this despite the massive investment of tax payer money in programs such as Head Start, Affirmative Action and straight out aid to struggling cities like Paterson and Detroit.
The recent pathetic call for reparations for wrongs done against blacks in slavery will only feed into the conservative belief that Civil Rights programs that emerged out of the 1960s was a financial scam, designed less to expand the opportunities of people of color than to keep them dependent on government handouts, and to benefit Democrats who happened to own or work for those agencies that supply those services.
This, conservatives believe, is behind the Democratic refusal to enact meaningful and effective immigration reform, since many of those coming into the United States – legally and illegally – are equally dependent on these services and therefore keep the pockets of the Democrats lined with income (usually coming from government coffers) and immigrants dependent.
Democrats hurt this cause when Bill Clinton adopted a GOP platform which gutted the social welfare system in the 1990s, forcing people (many but not all of color) off the public dole. This was largely the reason Clinton managed to turn around the economy and to reduce the deficit and appeared to create massive new jobs.
Poor people on welfare had no choice. It was the Clinton way or the highway. But they lost more than just a monthly check. More importantly poor people lost access to healthcare which may well be the real motivation behind Obama’s development of Obamacare – singlehandedly creating support for any candidate like Trump because instead of reforming insurance and medical industries, it saddled the cost of this on the backs of working people and helped make even more money for insurance companies, medical providers and drug companies. There is a good reason why so many drug companies back Democratic candidates for congress. Obama largely recreated the welfare system that Clinton gutted, and forced ordinary people at gun point to pay for it.
Conservatives see Democratic calls for immigrant rights as self-serving since immigrants not orange (meaning ex-offenders) are the new black, and conservatives believe that serious immigration reform would bankrupt many of the Democratic social services programs that need an ever-increasing number of immigrants to thrive – paid for, not by private donations, but by tax dollars.
While the U.S. has serious issues in the way we handle immigration, this is not exclusive to Trump – and predates him and many of his policies are largely outgrowth of policies in place since the 1960s, but especially since the Patriot Act of 2001. Democrats, however, have stumbled over themselves in an attempt to reverse their own positions in order to position themselves as on the correct side which is any side opposite Trump.
But the immigration stance is merely part of a larger strategy to destroy the credibility of a movement that put Trump in office in the first place, painting anyone who support Trump or the GOP as racist, ending any kind of legitimate discussion on the merits of immigration reform.
Media continues to over-report alleged racist incidents and mass shootings in order to help generate support for this concept of a new racist society, much in the way media did in the lead up to the Civil War, hyping up the rhetoric so that violence on both sides is inevitable. Media and the left are selling the concept that the KKK, White Supremacists or even the Russians control the GOP’s agenda rather than a legitimate concern with the extremists on the left.
The call for reparations for slavery is one more step in an inevitable self-fulling prophesy of renewed racism – since the more the left demands, the more push back it will get.
But like the old absolutists, the new brand is just as pathetic since both old and new seem to forget that white people spilled a lot of blood to help free black people, but it was often not the abolitionist blood – Quakers and others did not believe in conflict and so were not on the battlefield.
The current crop of abolitionists is just as phony, part of a cult that plays up how they are still victims of society, and so cannot be held accountable for the miserable outcomes that Democratic social reforms have produced since the 1960s when taxpayers having been shelling out billions in reparation in order to level the playing field.
The reparations movement – which includes Warren and Harris – acts as if nobody did anything over the last 60 years to help make it possible for African Americans to live the good life, when the opposite is true, and that this Democratic need to create economic junkies out of black and immigrants seems to be at the core of the problem, not racism. And if anyone ought to be held accountable and needs to pay reparations, is should be the Democratic social services that have created a new slavery.

email to Al Sullivan

Friday, February 22, 2019

Reparations for slavery?

Friday, February 22, 2019

Elizabeth Warren is proposing reparation payments for slavery.
This, of course, is a ridiculous idea – since nobody alive today white or black had anything to do with slavery.
But it also poses some logistical problems since unlike with Native Americans, it is difficult or most likely impossible to tell just which African American gets how much if anything at all,  even with sophisticated DNA testing.
Do those whose answers were raised as freed slaved in the Border States get less reparation than those in the Deep South?
Should there be some measure to determine an amount for those smuggled out of the south by the legendary Underground Railroad – and should those brought out earlier such as nearer to 1800 get less than those brought out later such as the eve of the American Civil War?
Should those who could not get out at all get more than those who did escape?
Or perhaps Warren is proposing one blank check for all African Americans, each getting an equal share of some as yet to be determined pot of money – much like the fund reserved for the first responders who got diseases after cleaning up the mess as a result of the 9/11 attack?
Since slaves, unlike Native Americans, did not have land of their own – except for what the abolitionist carpetbaggers stole from their former masters after the war – we can’t return land, and cannot expect to see black operated casinos any time soon – unless, of course, Warren intends to turn over the former Trump Plaza in Atlantic City (before it gets torn down.)
The idea that white people should play people of color for crimes committed by their great, great, great grandfathers and mothers seems more than a little ridiculous, unless you happen to be a U.S. Senator pandering for the black vote in order to get elected president.
Warren’s idea, however, does have some merit is you are looking to more recent history in which people of color have been pushed out of their urban homes to make way for a new urbanism.
Warren’s call for retribution, of course, ignores the billions of dollars, of tax dollars that have gone into helping African Americans and others over the last five decades, aid to school districts, affirmative action and other programs.
The United States since the Civil Rights Movement of the mid-1960s has moved mountains to help remedy the ills of more contemporary African American communities, dedicated solely for the purpose of providing better opportunities for blacks in Americans.
Radicals – even further to the left than Warren – claim racism has prevented these programs from achieving the goal of lifting blacks out of poverty. But the more these radicals accuse white people of being racist, the more racists white people become  -- partly because they and their parents and grandparents have paid a hefty price in taxes to pay for the programs that should have and could have helped black communities.
The real crime against African Americans in the late 20th and early 21st Centuries does not involve White Supremacists at all, but well-meaning liberals – like Warren – who indeed should bear the cost of retributions.
Whites fleeing the cities after the Great Migration of African Americans from the south to the north after World War II left a landscape of ruin in city centers – such as still exists in places like Paterson and Detroit – deplorable housing, crumbling schools, water filled with lead or worse, and massive crime – issues the kids and grandkids of these whites soon learned firsthand when they decided to return to the cities after odious laws such as those passed by Rockefeller and Giuliani – made the streets safe again.
This reverse white flight created atrocities of their own.
People of color were rousted out of their homes in a series of slum clearance some refer to as “delivered vacant.” This means that redevelopers to build housing for whites occupied did everything possible to get the poor tenants out, including threats, beatings, even burning in a campaign that equaled or surpassed the KKK’s lynching of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
But the white people who moved in aren’t the breed to wear MAGA hats – in fact, quite the opposite. They are many of the same people who support Warren’s call for retribution, and who are the most outspoken about accusing conservative whites of being racists.
But it isn’t conservatives living in the spaces people of color formerly occupied; it is not conservatives that are redeveloping the cities so fast that people of color are being squeezed into smaller and even more pathetic parts of the cities with a bleak future as to whether they will have a place to live at all in the future. It is the liberals who are doing this – new urban self-righteous people like Warren who want other whites to pay for their crimes against humanity.
So it is fitting that those who scream the loudest about racism but are conducting a holocaust of their own against blacks the city should pay retributions. But instead of giving land back to Native Americans the way Richard Nixon did, these city dwellers should be finding a way to fix up the schools African American kids are forced to study in, build better housing, provide better food, and remove the lead from the water poor urban black kids are forced to drink.
Or at least, if urban liberals aren’t willing to do that much, maybe they can let poor black people sleep on their couches.

email to Al Sullivan

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Banning guns is a racist hate crime

February 17, 2019

Liberals are obsessed with getting rid of guns, not just illegal kind that criminals use to kill people every day, but legal guns owned by responsible gun owners.
One castrated liberal man from the upper west side in Manhattan claims that he would do away with the Second Amendment entirely.
“Can’t kill people with a peashooter,” an equally liberated female coworker said.
While some victims of mass shootings have very good reason for disliking guns, in many cases liberals does hate guns nearly as much as they hate the people who own them.
This is short hand for white conservative males and basically racist.
Liberals dislike the gun culture and resent those who own guns in the same way they hate the confederate flag and statues to confederate heroes – and liberals would do away with that whole white male culture if they had the power to do so.
Snowflakes from the east and west coasts are determined to destroy the mythology of gun and the power it implies, in order to promote a more castrated version of the modern male.
Liberal media plays up each mass murder as if we in the United States had a monopoly on mass slaughter, when we do not, and that gun owners are somehow to blame for these incidents.
It is true that the gun has become the weapon of choice for madmen in the United States.
But liberals assume that Europe and other places around the globe are somehow better off for having fewer guns and so have fewer mass murders.
This is hogwash.
This is not to celebrate guns in America or that by arming the population we might some how have fewer mass murders etcetera.
But liberals selling us a myth when they blame guns for these atrocities, and that we ought to follow the example of more civilized countries that put more restrictions on guns.
Mass murderers commit mass murder, here and abroad, and the lack of guns does not stop them.
Tens of thousands of people die every year from mass murders worldwide, using everything that includes bombs, cars, poison gas, and such.
In 2014 there were 13,370 such attacks in 93 countries, a sharp rise from the year before, and which have continued to rise ever since.
Many of these mass murders – sometimes called terrorism – did not or only partly involved the use of firearms.
While American media becomes unhinged when there is a shooting somewhere that involves a gun, we barely hear about the thousands of attacks around the world that do not unless the number of people dead exceeds some magical number set up in a media news room.
A mentally deranged person is going to find a way to kill, and even in the United States some of the most high-profile mass murders did not involve guns, but box cutters, airplane fuel, a pressure cooker bomb or even manure.
Even liberals somehow found a way to do away with all guns in America, these deranged people will find another way – much as they have in Europe where they have run down people with automobiles.
Making rudimentary bombs and other weapons of mass destruction is relatively simple – proving the old concept that you can get bomb making material from the supermarket.
Anyone who has a car has a machine of mass murder. Anyone with access to a gas station, a glass bottle and rag and a little gelatin has the bases of a kind of homemade napalm.
Liberals are stupid even though they act that way sometimes and media is perfectly capable of looking at the numbers of mass slaughters elsewhere in the world to know that the gun argument is bogus from the point of view of number of victims.
In the vast majority of cases, the madmen involved in mass murder were well-known to the authorities – this is particularly true of Parkland, where the FBI was warned, the school district well aware, and the sheriff’s department ordered not to deal with the situation.
These are the institutions that liberals claim will protect us, which fail utterly again and again, showing just how helpless people have become.
Again, this is not an argument in favor of arming everybody in order to shoot down as suspected mass murderer. But it is an argument against blaming guns.
And when liberals mean banning guns, they generally do not mean the kinds of guns that are found in the ghetto since those are generally illegally gotten in the first place. What liberals mean is they want to take away the gun rights for legal gun owners and this usually means white conservative males.
This movement to ban the Second Amendment is largely the same kind of movement of tearing down Confederate statues because liberals don't like what they stand for and do not like the power such symbols has guns and statues evoke.
Tearing down confederate statues is a hate crime, banning guns is racism to the core.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Racial Profiling

February 4, 2019

Cop to Sergeant

We just had a bank robbery downtown involving four suspects described as the following:
 A black male in his mid-twenties wearing a hoodie, sagging pants, no belt or shoelaces.
 Accompanying him was in Hispanic male, wearing thick gold chain, bright orange shirt and pointy shoes.
The third suspect has been described as an Arab with dark hair and a thick black beard and Tattoos in Arabic on his arms and neck.
The fourth subject is a white male in his mid-30s wearing a red MAGA hat.

Sergeant to cop:

Be advised new rules regarding suspects must be followed as to descriptions.
We are no longer allowed to describe a suspect’s color under the rules involving racial profiling.
We can no longer use the word hoodie since this is seen as shorthand for potential gang activity.  Sagging pants lack of shoelaces and belt might indicate an ex-offender who we would not want to offend.
We can no longer describe Latin males with reference to gold chains or outlandish clothing on the rules concerning ethnic stereotypes.
This rule also applies to people from the Middle East and alleged references to potential terrorist activities.
We should also be careful when describing white males wearing MAGA hats since we do not want to offend Native Americans.

cop to sergeant:

Okay on the new rules.
But be advised that we have encountered the suspects and they appeared to be armed.
The suspect who we cannot described as a black male wearing hoodie sagging pants and no belt or shoelaces appears to be holding gun and is telling us to go fuck ourselves.
The suspect who we cannot describe as a Latino male wearing a gold chain and outrageously colored clothing appears to be holding a knife, he is also telling us to fuck ourselves but in Spanish.
The suspect who we cannot refer to as an Arab appears to have explosives strapped to his chest and while cursing us is also telling me not to get too close or he will detonate the weapon or at least that's what we assume he is saying since he is speaking Arabic.
The white male wearing the MAGA hat does not appear to be armed but may have a concealed carry permit.  He is giving us the finger.

Sergeant to cop.

For Christ's sake be careful.
Make sure the guy with a gun really has a gun and not some dollar store imitation that shoots bubbles instead of bullets or if it is a gun make sure it's actually loaded. Maybe if you ask nice, the man will tell you whether it's loaded or not of course if he shoots you, then you don't need to ask.
Make sure the knife is really a knife and not a toothbrush the man took out with a sudden urge to brush his teeth or feather or maybe even some silver teaspoon with which he intends to make tea later when he gets home.
As for the Arab who we can't say is an Arab make sure he really is an Arab and really has a bomb strapped to his chest and his not really well endowed (We’re not allowed to say fat.) You might want to find out if he is actually a refugee and whether you might help him assist him on obtaining a green card.  This might be a moot point if he decides to blow you all up.
Above all don't use your taser because studies show that suspects could get injured and do not use any other means of deadly force – do not use of Choke holds or twisting arms or even foul language, unless of course you actually get stabbed or shot or blown up.
And for God's sake if you have to shoot anyone shoot the white guy with the MAGA hat because he's probably a Nazi any way.

email to Al Sullivan

Sunday, February 3, 2019

White man’s reparations

(from Confessions of a Racist)

For a long time, Hank had a sign on his back that said, “mug me” and people did.
This being the bad old days of the 1960s when underprivileged kids from the Christopher Columbus project needed to make up for 400 years of slavery, the kids that beat him up were mostly black.
Hank used to walk down from his home in blue color mostly white Haledon -- the home of the 1913 labor movement that helped destroy Paterson silk mills -- to Broadway, passing along the east side of the projects where the gangs laid in wait for him.
They knew he had at least enough money for a movie or even a meal which they took, they forced him to take off his shoes and socks when they realized he started hiding his money there.
Taking the number 14 or 21 bus down West Broadway to Paterson did not help since the Spanish kids -- taking reparations for whites stealing California or Texas or even the Spanish-American War -- would mug him on the bus and leave him without a cent for bus fare home.
This meant Hank would have to walk past the projects with a black gang waited and beat him up because they thought he tried to evade them by taking the bus. They took all his clothing save for his underwear convinced he still had change, or something hid somewhere even though he said he did not.
 It was lucky for him no Native American Indian tribes lived in Paterson anymore or they might have scalped him to make up for the Trail of Tears or the crimes against humanity General Sherman inflicted on them after he finished raping and pillaging the South.
There also were too few Japanese in the old neighborhood to punish Hank for the internment camps their families lived in during World War II.
Hank of course thought he might escape these acts of Justice by moving to the Lower East Side of Manhattan -- carefully avoiding Chinatown where he was sure the Chinese gangs would make him pay for the abuses, they'd suffered building the railroads out west.
Yet it was not Chinese or Indians that waited for him in the East Village, but rather junkies, determined to make him pay retribution for all the bad things they had suffered growing up and which had turned them to a life of drugs. This was a diverse group that came in all colors and ethnic varieties, so they had no particular historic reason for robbing him.
The gays -- pumped up by the stonewall riot -- came close to beating him up after he left his socks at the alternate University on the west side and went back to get them while they were holding Gung Fu lessons.  Hank, who was there taking lessons on how to be a radical, could not afford to buy the socks twice.  The gays seemed to see the sign on his back and felt sorry for Hank, they seem to understand that like he like them was a victim of circumstances beyond his control.
Hank got mugged as much in Manhattan as he ever did in Paterson.  He couldn't walk around his block to see me on East 6th Street without some social victim sticking him up.  He once got mugged in his own doorway because he refused to share the remains of this Friday paycheck with an unfortunate with a habit and who also happened to have a knife.
When the 1970s came around, nobody dared go near Central Park where these victims of social injustice waited for unsuspecting people from whom to collect reparations, sometimes even raping men and women to make up for how their ancestors were raped.
The one-time Hank actually went into Central Park he was high on LSD and had just seen Jimi Hendrix at the Fillmore and stripped off his clothes to run through the park naked in the dead of winter.
Naturally the muggers all thought he was crazy and avoided him.
Hank is long gone, and the many muggers got sent off to jail, making the city safe for the kids of liberal parents to return without fear of having to pay retributions the way Hank and his white ancestors had.
Although there may be a time in the future when these new liberal urbanites – heavy with guilt over what whites did to these poor people in the past – may again get their chance to pay retributions, too, as they let all these poor unfortunate victims out jail and back onto the streets.
After all, justice is justice.

email to Al Sullivan