Sunday, April 17, 2022

Business as usual in Russia April 17, 2022


 You can’t get KitKat candy if you live in Russia.

Corporations are doing their best to fall in line with the sanctions against Russia for invading Ukraine. So, they are shooting themselves in the feet to prove just how in-line they are with the current international agenda.

This is not because candy companies and other corporations actually believe in the righteousness of the Ukraine cause. They simply do not want to appear like they support any unpopular opinion and are willing to lose money to support their public image.

This true of almost all of the woke actions taken by Hollywood, corporations and sports franchises. The NBA and NFL aren’t in love with Black Lives Matter, they just don’t want to appear like they might be racists and so jump on the band wagon of what some believe as the new civil rights issue. This is the same when it comes gay issues.

This is not to say that some of these entities don’t fully embrace wokism. Disney clearly has sold its soul. But for the most part, these business groups are operated by risk managers who are desperate not to offend anyone – and mistakenly assume that by removing a black face from their products such as a popular pancake box or a native American from the butter package – they will appear to be supporting some noble cause – the operative word being “appear” when they don’t mean it in the least.

There is a famous book published in the early 1970s called “The Lazzo Letters,” which highlighted this trend of corporate Puseyism. Lazzo wrote to various corporations raising the most ludicrous claims about their products, and the companies fell over backwards to appease him, offering him all sorts of discounts, even sending him free products so as not to have offended him. I tested the theory after reading his book and got the same result.

Like Neil Young did with Spotify, these companies will quietly flock back to selling their products the moment the public isn’t paying attention, because ultimately money is more important to them than righteous causes, and they simply need to appear to be supporting the proper causes.

Once it becomes clear that companies like Coca Cola and McDonalds need to retain their customers in Russia, they will find a way to sneak back in there just the way Neil Young snuck his music back onto Spotify when no one was looking.

As back in the 1960s, people talk a good game when hopping onto a popular band wagon, but later revert to their own pathetic greedy habits when the fad passes. Many people evoke woke these days the same way radicals (and even some hippies) evoked civil rights and anti-war rhetoric in order to fit in and seem righteous but will revert to their own base instincts once the popularity of the issue fades. Most of these in the trenches in the 1960s became middle of the road or even Republicans by the 1970s once the shortages started in oil and beef, and life returned to the most fundamental concept of every man for himself.

The one thing that is true of nearly all people and corporations is that they are self-fish, even when they pretend not to be.

People will embrace socialism right up to the point when they can’t get toilet paper or their favorite brand of candy, and then they revert to being capitalists again.

This is particularly true of corporations who for the moment are pretending to do the noble thing when it comes to boycotting Russia oved actions in Ukraine. But you can rest assured, these same businesses will find a way to crawl back there the moment we aren’t paying attention, back to business as usual.



email to Al Sullivan

Thursday, April 14, 2022

1985 journal


This is m daily journal from the year 1985 -- and oddly transformative year when the course of my life took a number of strange and fundamental twists. These are very honest accounts, and so many of the names have been changed to protect the innocent

Four years later 01/01/1985

The early morning charade among macho men January 4, 1985

Well-paid wage slave? 01/04/85

That dog gone trip to Texas did it January 6, 1985

Seeking out our old Marxist professor January 7, 1985

Words of love 1/9/85

End days at Dunkin for finisher Mickey January 10, 1985

In the midst of confusion January 11, 1985

Merry ho ho January 12, 1985

MLK gets a holiday January 15, 1985

Is Pauly a cult leader? January 16, 1885

Looking for salvation January 17, 1985

A bad day all around January 22, 1985

Pauly as Satan’s child? January 26, 1985

Pizzas in a donut shop January 27, 1985

A note from the underground January 30, 1985

Right and left are exactly the same February 6, 1985

The power elite in Willowbrook Mall February 8, 1985

The state of exhaustion February 11, 1985

Back and forth up and down February 19, 1985

Breaking on through to the other side June 24, 1985

The car on the car port like a dead fish November 4, 1985

email to Al Sullivan

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Will Smith resigns the Academy in shame


Will Smith has resigned from the Academy over the incident at the awards ceremony two weeks ago. Although he hangs his head in shame over what he did, his resignation may well have saved his soul – since as Groucho Marx might have said, he shouldn’t be a member of any society that would want someone like him as member.

The incident, of course, has taken on new Woke dimensions as the always deluded liberal society desperately tries to find a way to spin it

One idiot with a PhD from Forbes claims Will Smith bitch slapping of Chris Rock was an example of white supremacy even though both people involved are black.

Forbes has been a woke bad joke for some time but this stoops to new lows of stupidity.

Leave it to an intellectual to be so dumb.

Rock made an offensive joke about Smith's wife in the middle of the Oscar's and Smith got up and slapped him. Smith then refused to leave when the outraged management asked.

In the good ole days before liberals became hyper sensitive, Rock’s remarks were considered fighting words. But these days, liberals can say anything they like and expect you to sit back and take it.

Many people believe the whole thing was staged to boost the shows sagging ratings. Too many 20 minute long woke speeches had turned off the TV audience. Nobody needed sanctimonious privileged Hollywood spoiled brats paddling on about social justice.

So, Hollywood may have done what it does best script out a phony conflict to add spice to the otherwise lackluster and pointless ceremony.

Smith’s resignation appears to have dispelled any notion of a staged event.

But the egg head from Forbes needed to drag the show back to its pathetic social justice message by claiming one black man beating on another black man is the result of white privilege.

This egg head has spent too much time out in the sun. Obviously, her brain got fried.

Or perhaps too long on a college campus where reality gets distorted by preconceived notions and a skewed view of how the world works. This is the kind of nut job parents are trusting to teach their kids.

I feel sorry for Smith. He deserved better than to get the knife in his back by the academy of woke, but as one old saying goes, if you sleep with dogs, you wake up with fleas. But in this case, if you make your bed with Hollywood snakes, sooner or later you will do something to make them bite you in the ass.

But in the end, resigning the academy may save Smith’s immortal soul. We all know the rest of Hollywood is going to hell with or without the hand basket.


email to Al Sullivan