Tuesday, December 12, 2023

The new fascists


They hide behind their cloak of woke morality

these new fascist who are determined to hate

pathetic people who are part of some new vision

for a new world that excludes anybody who disagrees with them

these monsters who use violence as an excuse

who cannot tell the difference between right and wrong

claiming higher moral ground as their feet slip

 onto the same slope other fascists have slipped down

this new religion that lacks God or any sense ethics

a parade of Marxist Nazis without the black boots

but with black masks and protest signs

who demand that everyone think like they think

or suffer the consequences

these new antisemites

who claim to support some impoverished depressed people

when they are the people oppressing people

it is a scary new world but very much an old world

a concept that we have fought against and given blood to stop

 and yet now seeks to reassert itself

the Frankenstein monster without the Frankenstein conscience

these people who insist on telling you

what cars you can drive

how you heat or cool your houses

how to light your room at night

what you must think

what you must believe

 even when it is all made up propaganda

that was inserted in their little heads

 and now they believe they have the right to insert it into your head

 a brave New world only with the same slogans

the same Nazi symbols

the same mistaken idea of morality

email to Al Sullivan

Sunday, December 10, 2023

The Jew haters



They hate jews because it is convenient

Resurrecting the old scape goats when they can’t invent any of their own,

Desperate to find someone to blame for everything,

Yet unable to separate a man from his faith or the nation they claim to hate

This meanness is stereotypical to their kind

As they invent lies to condemn Jews, when any excuse will do,

Lies to justify their hate, these being beings who spend their lives

In selfish self-delusion, the intolerant who claim they are tolerant

Who show no tolerance for anyone who disagrees with their point of view

Educated to hate, while singing about peace on earth and good will to men,

Chanting about the justice they deny everyone but themselves,

A vicious horde that hides its hate behind noble slogans they don’t really believe

Hating Jews not for what Israel does, but because Jews are Jews,

Pathetic, ignorant fools who claim the moral high ground they don’t have.


email to Al Sullivan

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The Jane Fonda syndrome Wednesday, October 25, 2023


The new war in the middle east has put woke people in a bind, exposing their hatred and making it clear that love terrorists more than they love social justice.

This is particularly true of the artists community, but it is also nothing new.

Artists have always been lured in by evil people, exploited into believing that these horrible people are actually victims, going back to Voltaire and other so-called thinkers of the Enlightenment, upon which the Woke philosophy is based.

In America, this crowd has always sought out groups that they could throw their beliefs behind, such as Native Americans, who became ironically noble savages – ignoring the rape, murder and pillage many tribes were involved in long before Europeans reached these shores.

But African slavery became the lynch pin for early Woke of the 1800s, who conveniently ignored the fact that the most extensive slavery, and the most brutal took place in other countries such as Brazil, and – yes – by Arabs in the Middle East with whom Woke are currently aligned.

Abolitionist and their allies pumped out propaganda – some of which was remotely accurate – about the treatment of slaves, and so justified mass murders like John Brown, who they played up as a hero (and many radical groups of today still see this madman as a martyr because he hoped to get blacks to rise up and overthrow their white oppressors, leaving his trail of blood across several states before finally someone hung him for the murderer he was.

Of course, such woke groups of the past and present took no notice that many whites in America were treated with equal contempt, and while pointing to the slave graves in such places as Washington Square Park in New York ignore mass graves of Irish outside Montréal. These woke people past and present are quick to point to the inhumane treatment blacks received when sold on the market place in places like New Orleans, yet ignore the white slave markets of Philadelphia that treated white Europeans with similar contempt.

Woke sells us the idea that people of color are all victims of racism and so any violent act committed is justified, and so we return to the noble savage in which people have a right to loot, rob, or murder because they have been exploited or are somehow victims in other respects.

This woke love of terrorism became very evident in the 1960s when radicals like Jane Fonda (who married a super rich white capitalist) praised North Vietnamese while GIs rotted in Hanoi prisons, and others died in the battle fields just to the south.

John Lennon said it best when he criticized these liberal coward for waving flags of Chairman Mao.

Woke liberals have made victims out of Pakistanis in the same way as they did with John Brown, Native Americans and criminals of color, claiming that whatever they do is justified because they have been oppressed.

This silliness is best show by the red movement of the 1930s in which artists and other liberals sang the praised of Stalin with many continuing to do so even after Stalin made his pact with Hitler, ignoring the fact that Stalin murdered nearly as many people world wide as Hitler did.

This is the problem we face today with terrorists groups attacking innocents in Israel while whacko Woke people – some who are actually members of Congress – cheer them on, the way Jane Fonda cheered on the butchers of Hanoi, ignoring the mass murder these groups inflict because woke claims these people have been exploited.

Oddly enough, Israel has done more to benefit the Parisians than any Arab county – except perhaps for Syria (under Assad) or Iran, two Arab nations that while refusing to provide a place for Parisians to live, gave them bombs with which to kill jews and themselves.

While the Jewish community has provided many more liberal rights to them – including providing them with space in which to live, no other Arab country has offered to do so, partly because of the inner turmoil this population would bring and partly because hatred of Israel. By leaving the Palestinians in the care of Israel, Arab nations can continue to pump up hatred for Jews in their own countries, but especially in places like the United States where gullible woke idiots gobble up these lies like candy.

Like Jane Fonda in the 1960s, and the idiot abolitionists of the pre-Civil War, the work movement makes heroes out of terrorists.

But Woke is really one vast cult, with a set of beliefs that you must adopt in order to be a full fledged member such as anti-gun, pro-abortion, anti-Israeli, pro-criminal, and the like.

To reason with such people is folly because they have adopted this creed the way all fanatic cults adopt the rules of their order – so we have false narratives such as man made climate change and other things that simply defy reason.

It is becomes understandable why well-educated people (most woke people are or have attended college) can seem so stupid. They need to belong – so they wave their Pride flags, ride their scooters, wear their masks and contemn real or imagined atrocities, justifying mass murder in the name of social justice, deluded people who somehow believe they are doing good by supporting terrorism today, yesterday and tomorrow.

It is a social mental illness that we are condemned to suffer through generation after generation, it is a condition of the liberal mind, looking for someone to raise up and rally behind regardless of how evil that person is –  i.e. John Brown, 
email to Al Sullivan

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

The face on the pancake box



Wednesday, April 12, 2023


I had an discussion about the removal of black people from product boxes, and whether or not the people depicted on them were real people, as they turned out to be, although liberal media kept calling these racist images, when they are not.

Everything these days is racist. Because it fits the racist agenda woke people are selling, and story after story in media keeps selling these one-time heroic black figures as token uncle toms, and the companies that maintained these images for years as racists.

The whole gambit is bullshit.

The image of black in America has changed, and woke people today refuse to admit the images reflect success stories of blacks achieving something they could not previously achieve, but represented an image many blacks no longer can tolerate.

We have become too sophisticated to want to see a black woman on the box of a pancake product or one on syrup or on the rice was eat – even though back then, black people did most of the shopping and it was a good idea to show a successful black person on the product they might be buying.

This is not racist. We see it today with everything sneakers and sports jerseys, products often made by slave labor overseas, not representing successful blacks.

Now, we get Bud Light, and you have to wonder if down the road, in some more enlightened time, people will be outraged by putting the image of a transgender on the can, the way some are outraged about blacks on boxes of pancake batter.

It is the same exploitation, each company looking to attract business by exploiting the image they think will accomplish that. When will be remove black faces from products that straight hair or lighten skin? Are these not also racist? When will we remove the sport stars from cereal boxes?

Admittedly, the image portrayed on some of these is out of touch with how modern blacks (and their liberal woke supporters) see them. But how much worse would it be if these companies actually portrayed some of the successful blacks of today, the rap thugs who rant out anti-white racists music, or the exploited black women who now grace every advertising market in the corporate attempt to do what the companies did back at the turn of the century.

If the images of those on those boxes is racist, isn’t every advertisement using a black face to sell a product also racist?

This points to the folly of media which goes after some companies, while using black faces on their sites to sell more modern products, and call it enlightened?

A google search shows just how pervasive this modern day racism as become, the need to have a black face on a product to sell products to a black audience, and yet, these same media outlets are screaming about the racism of companies who did the same thing a century ago.

Will we someday wake up and find the advertising we see today as racist, too.

The fact is nobody wants to admit that there were successful black people prior to the civil rights movement, and that blacks can succeed in a white society without the benefit of woke media and woke racists protesting.

At what point do we stop? Was the use of a native American in the 1960s to protest litter along our nation’s highways racist, too?

Or the use of Asians to sell products to Asians or Hispanics to Hispanics.

The fact that the black faces on older products no longer fit the image woke wants us to buy of who black people are, doesn’t make those products racist, it makes them out of date.

But in a woke society, anything woke says is racist must be racist, even when it’s not.










email to Al Sullivan

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Bud Light attacks masculinity



Tuesday, April 11, 2023


Bud Light now has a transgender on its beer cans, a dumb move by a dumb corporation that is desperate to catch the social wave and be hip.

It is much like all those corporations that took black people off their products, too stupid to realize who those black people were and how much of a success story they were in their time.

The implication with these is that this must be racist to display a successful black face on their product.

The Bug Light issue is slightly different, something similar to the scene from Hard Day’s Night in which George Harrison made fun of the corporate people who hoped to catch the wave on their way to be hip, trend setters who are well-known drags (an ironic bit of language all these years later).

The company clearly missed the boat, having hired some idiot diversity coach who hasn’t a clue as to who actually uses the product, and so has resulted in the biggest social blunder in modern business history.

Had the company come out with another product, something specifically designed to appeal to the gay community, it might have gotten away with putting one of the sadder examples of the transgender community on its beer can. Instead, it tried to force down the throats of traditional buyers this social engineering stunt, and it has turned off many of those who used to drink that beer as well as many of the distributors in conservative communities.

But like the racists companies that removed blacks from their products, the beer company is not likely to learn anything from this, and will continue to push on with this silly agenda on the assumption that the gay movement is the way to go for them, as former beer drinkers go to products like Coors.

This desperate attempt to main stream radical ideas is bound to fail, much like the socially conscious banks that focused more on promoting diversity than actually serving the financial needs of their clientele.

  Who knows where all this will end up, but for the moment, the back lash risks bringing down the beer company, who relied in the past on the macho football fan crowd, and those men who always saw the beer company as representing their values.

So be it. You can’t force feed a faulty agenda down the throats of people who are traditionally against what you are selling, and if you are selling gay rights instead of beer, then expect people who want beer to walk away in disgust.

You have to wonder what company managers were thinking when they made this move. Did they really think their macho male crowd would embrace their gay agenda?

Or is it a new generation of ownership that believes foolishly that the company should be promoting a social agenda rather than its beer product and that the customers will quietly go along with it, regardless of how outrageous the company gets?

The parent company for Bud Light is exploiting gays so it can get its hip creds in today’s society, no doubt orchestrated by young executives who have lost touch with who their customer base it, and want to become part of trend setting crowd George Harrison mocked.

These are not only silly people, but stupid people, although woke means the same thing as stupid, and the real stupidity lies with upper and older management who went along with this crap.

Although there might have been some backlash anyway, the company would have been wiser to launch a new product that would address the trans community.

But this is not about providing a product, it is about social engineering, and the spoiled brat woke executives don’t merely want to welcome the trans community, they want to destroy the macho base that the company has been selling to for generations. This is about trying to undermine the male ego, and social control – a deliberate attack on traditional values, and although many of those boycotting Bud Light don’t know it consciously, we are all aware of the attack that is underway, orchestrated by the young woke executives at Bud, and to take it lying down, would be a disgrace.










email to Al Sullivan