Friday, August 28, 2020

Black lives matter?

He wears the names of all the black men cops shot on his back like a target, a member of an exclusive club he uses as an excuse not to do what other people are required to do, or do what he thinks is due him, boasting about how he is a freedom fighter for those 400 years when he people were chained as the cash register camera at the local drug store catches him pocketing cookies he thinks he doesn’t have to pay for as one small reparation, then accused the guard who confronts him of racial profiling when both of them are black – a rebel with a cause so oblique as to seem transparent, a me-too like warrior determined to get his because other got theirs, and he thinking that they got theirs on the backs of people like him, and so he will get his regardless of the facts or reality that he is a target because he so desperately thinks he needs to be, aches to be, doing all he can to provide those he hates, doing anything to prove he has been right all along, attributing their reaction to his color rather than how he acts, refusing to remove his hat or even stand during the Pledge of Allegiance to a country that gave him birth, but not the yellow brick road he expects.
He wears the names of the black men cops shot on his back like a target, leaving space at the bottom where someone else can jot down his name, too, a member of a still-more exclusive club nobody in their right wants to be a member of, except him or the masked idiots he’s too intimidated to join up with, except remotely, the unmasked avenger who weeps over Charlottesville, or all those other places of conflict, as if each victim was his immediate kin, half hoping he has courage enough to provoke real racists in places like those, when all he can do is strut about in his own neck of the woods, crowing like a headless chicken, painting anyone who disagrees with him as a racist even when they are not.
When he came into the office and said he’d been “racially profiled” at the local drug store, nearly all the liberal-minded kumbaya staff took him at his word.
He claimed he had gone into the store to buy a drink and a package of cookies, and the security guard (who I later learned was black) had followed him around just because he was black.
Our guy usually wore a black lives matter t-shirt with the names of the victims of police brutality on it.
Perhaps the guard or the clerk didn’t trust him because of that.
Then at the check out counter, the guard asked him to empty his pockets, claiming that he had shoplifted a second package of cookies.
Indignant, our friend refused, and left the store, leaving his drink and the package of cookies on the counter, and a guard shaking his head.
I filed a complaint with the corporate offices of the drug store and a few days later the head of security for the company called me, telling me he had reviewed the tapes – and that video supported the guard’s claim, and also showed that our guy apparently threatened the guard when confronted.
“Your friend walked out of the store leaving behind those things he actually paid for,” the security man said. “We didn’t pursue this legally.”

The battle of Charlottesville

She boasts about having gone south to take on “white supremacist,” this egotistical white lady from the far north east, armed to the teeth with phony morality, believing she has the right to be as offended by the statutes of Robert E. Lee as black people do, an anti-bigot bigot lacking only the carpetbag to make her look like her ancestors.
She is NOT one of the good people on both sides that the often misquoted president described later after she and her ilk provoked some poor fool in a car into outrage that eventually led to the death of someone under his car wheels, she throwing her hands up in disgust – the perfect passive aggressive social warrior – blaming white supremacists for the act, when she was as guilty as if she was behind the wheel and not the poor fool.
She is a white black supremacist who comes south to humiliate a south who refused to admit defeat all so many years ago, a south that dares to still fly the Confederate battle flag in her face while keeping her greasy little northern fingers from seizing General Lee, these “red necks,” “Crackers” or “hillbillies” who have to audacity to oppose the new world order she and her elite northern intellectuals want to impose, refusing to be punished again for voting for a president that she claims is not her president, an arrogant warrior carrying her self-righteousness in her invisible carpetbagger, determined to play the role of General Sherman scorch the earth so that this hillbilly/cracker/nedneck kind can never rise again – all the more filled with rage when they still refuse to admit defeat, still carrying her badge of courage back north to brag to those social warriors too scared to have faced the confrontation, she becoming another general with chest thick with medals she gave herself, telling her flock back north how righteous and courageous she is, and how she won the second war of Northern Aggression single-handedly.

Sometimes a mob is just a mob

Friday, August 28, 2020

If you ain't a member of some oppressed minority you ain't cool.
This is part of why so many pathetic white kids go out and pretend like their GI Joe and burned down in public buildings and throw bricks at cops.
The white guilt they feel is the fact that they foolishly believe their ancestors did not suffer the way blacks did when they arrived in the United States, and feel deprived. So, they act out this fantasy of rebellion in order to make up for what they missed.
It is a cult like disease far worse than COVID-19 because there will never be an anti-virus to cure it, and the masks these people put on aren’t designed to show respect for fellow human beings, but to spread terror.
It is a disease that gives these fools license to tear down statues of people whose beliefs differ from theirs, to burn down businesses, loot, even murder in the mistaken notion they are serving the higher cause of social justice.
A huge portion of the blame for this goes to Democratic politicians, desperate to regain power and so cast unsubstantiated aspersions on their opponents, shaping debates not as differences in policy, but as good and evil, right or wrong. This immediately turns a mob into a crusade in which any atrocity is justified.
Even some of the older people have latched onto this new black movement in which everybody is black if they go out and destroy things.
A former colleague not much younger than I am posted something about being one of the brothers and that they are doing right.
This so-called objective reporter who hobnobs with the governor and pretends like he's important is desperate to be part of this new Society because he feels like he has accomplished nothing in his life.
His is a particular variation on the disease that has turned the journalism profession into a joke.
The fact that so many white people are so desperate to belong suggests that they have missed the common experience that most of us have had growing up being a part of a society which embraces people rather than alienates them and so they decide to destroy the system they feel alienated from.
While it is cool to support this new black power movement, it is racist to support white nationalism – often equated with white supremacy (an outdated term from the pre-Civil War south). Democrats are always searching for white supremacy, even under their own beds at night.
The fact that the new black power movement burn cities without hearing the evidence first shows just what kind of knee jerk reaction.
This week we have a protest over a rapist with a knife who is shot by police for resisting arrest even as he reaches again for his knife.
This movement has made a hero of George Floyd who supposedly died from a cop’s boot on his neck, when in fact, he had consumed a lethal dose of illegal drugs and was bragging to the cop that the cop was going to make him famous. Floyd and the cop were no strangers. They had worked in a bar as bouncers together and had conflicted there before the death scene the black movement has reshaped into the crucifixion of Christ.
We have a  right wing kid  with a criminal record with a rifle defending his gas station against  armed rioters, who shot at him, and he shot back killing two – now charged with murder because the local government is scared shit of what might happen if they don’t charge him – even when evidence shows he acted in self-defense. Media being media broadcast widely his criminal record but neglected to publish the criminal record of his victims.
We have elitist overpaid egotistical sports players who suddenly get the urge to be part of the same club and walk out on their games, games nobody is watching because of previous symbolic acts and the fact that COVID-19 bans them from being at games in person.
We have Mayors and senators and even presidential candidates who ignore the obvious because it is politically to their advantage to not respond to the riots or even call them riots.
We have corporations who decide to change the names of their products for fear of a black backlash, a kind of rehash of A Tale of Two Cities  in which someone may get their head get chopped off if they get targeted by the mob.
We see new riots pop up overnight because a guy who had killed somebody kills himself when the cops get to him and then everybody blames the cops for killing him then go out and burn down even businesses with signs that say black lives matter.
I won't say this is the end of the world it's just the world twisting around on itself to justify things that can't be justified this belief that slavery was unique to black people and for some reason we have built a mythology around that fact when in fact we all came over in pretty much the same conditions and suffered many of the same things if not for as long as the black people do but at least as intensely.
There is this void in the public Consciousness about exactly how much we have already done to help make amends, the blood spilled to free the slaves in the massive amount of money put into the US economy to help make everything right ignored because it's convenient to be ignored because the fact is that people are greedy and they always want more even when they don't deserve it.
Of course some of these radical groups are intensely jealous of the payouts that the American Indians got and the Jews God for the atrocities that were committed against them and assume they want to get their pieces of the gold the way those other groups did and perhaps build their own casinos and perhaps live high on the hog the way some of these groups have started to.
Perhaps that's why we see a rise in anti-Semitism among these groups because they are envious of the fact that if you belonged to oppressed minority and make it look as if society is stacked against you, you can get paid off, too.
I keep thinking of my colleague who put it out that bit of tripe on the Twitter saying help these brothers in arms were all right and doing what they were doing and is it is an objective reporter and this is symbolic of the kind of reporting we are getting this in-group out-group mentality that if you're not with them then you're against them if you don't have the same opinions they have than your evil and they have a right to destroy you.