Friday, August 28, 2020

The battle of Charlottesville

She boasts about having gone south to take on “white supremacist,” this egotistical white lady from the far north east, armed to the teeth with phony morality, believing she has the right to be as offended by the statutes of Robert E. Lee as black people do, an anti-bigot bigot lacking only the carpetbag to make her look like her ancestors.
She is NOT one of the good people on both sides that the often misquoted president described later after she and her ilk provoked some poor fool in a car into outrage that eventually led to the death of someone under his car wheels, she throwing her hands up in disgust – the perfect passive aggressive social warrior – blaming white supremacists for the act, when she was as guilty as if she was behind the wheel and not the poor fool.
She is a white black supremacist who comes south to humiliate a south who refused to admit defeat all so many years ago, a south that dares to still fly the Confederate battle flag in her face while keeping her greasy little northern fingers from seizing General Lee, these “red necks,” “Crackers” or “hillbillies” who have to audacity to oppose the new world order she and her elite northern intellectuals want to impose, refusing to be punished again for voting for a president that she claims is not her president, an arrogant warrior carrying her self-righteousness in her invisible carpetbagger, determined to play the role of General Sherman scorch the earth so that this hillbilly/cracker/nedneck kind can never rise again – all the more filled with rage when they still refuse to admit defeat, still carrying her badge of courage back north to brag to those social warriors too scared to have faced the confrontation, she becoming another general with chest thick with medals she gave herself, telling her flock back north how righteous and courageous she is, and how she won the second war of Northern Aggression single-handedly.

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