Sunday, December 26, 2021

The night of the living Vaxed

“Calumny is a vice of curious constitution,” wrote Thomas Paine, “Trying to kill it keeps it alive, leave it to itself and it will die a natural death.”

Paine may not have been talking about COVID but might as well be now that it is clear the vaccinations do not keep you from catching it or spreading it.

This becomes clearer as more and more of the fully vaccinated are testing positive after nearly a year of believing all they needed to do was have some dope fiend inject them with the magic cure and all would be well in the end.

Try to remember back in the good old days of March 2020, Democratic leaders were telling us they only had to shut down the economy for two weeks, lock people in their homes, and this would end the spread. Masks, social distancing and sanitizers became the next line of defense. But people still got sick and died. Finally, after much debate as to who actually fast tracked the vaccine, Biden decided that everybody needs to get him or her (or whatever gender) vaccinated in order to get herd immunity. Try to remember the much more widely tested vaccines for flu generally only have a 25 percent level of protection. But somehow this relatively untested new vaccine comes up with protection of 50 to 90 percent. And we all patted our politicians on the back and said, “well done.”

Biden doesn’t really care if people lose their jobs or become homeless as long as they obey his mandate to get vaccinated. If we all get injected, we will all reach herd immunity sooner – when it fact, the best protection against the virus may be to actually contract it, building up a natural immunity.

But we believed the vaccine myth right up until we started hearing how the vaxed are testing positive, mayors, assembly people, congress members even U.S. Senators have come down positive, despite having been boosted to death at $500 a shot. While nobody cares if we lose a few politicians (since they clearly didn’t care when they sent senior citizens to death in nursing homes), it has become clear we all need to be protected from the vaxed, who appear to be spreading COVID like wildfire. Perhaps we should force these vaxed spreaders to stay at home, ban them from crowded public spaces like theaters or restaurants, or maybe round them all up and send them off to some place like Australia which has implemented interment camps for super spreaders like these.

Maybe we need to hand a sign around each of the vaxed people’s necks, saying “Warning tested positive, avoid at all costs.”

Should vaxed people who deliberately made the choice to get shots be prosecuted for spreading the infections.

If we are lucky, of course, we can confine the pandemic to New York City or Los Angeles where we know most of the vaxed people come from, cities that are currently showing the highest number of positive cases.

But it may be necessary to close down airports and train stations, put guards on the tunnels and bridges to make sure these dangerous Vaxed people do not spread their diseased to unsuspecting unvaxed people elsewhere in the country.

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Monday, December 20, 2021

The biggest Democratic rip off in history temporarily foiled


Build back better may well be the biggest rip off of the American taxpayer in history, a grand scam by Democrats to snatch as much cash as they can while they have control of the White House and two branches of the legislature before taxpayers wake up and realize they’ve been robbed.

So, this may explain why Democrats freaked out when one of their own, a senator with a conscience, decided he could not possibly vote for highway robbery, even by members of his own party.

More extreme Democrats wail as if burned, and for good reason. They thought they had a sure thing, and may well walk away empty-handed, largely because they could not control their own greed. Media howls as well, partly because the massive bill would have given them a hefty payoff for all the slanted news coverage, they did to help Democrats take power in the first place.

Worse still, the BBB was designed to steer money to favored political supporters such as New Green Deal scientists to help them obtain grants for questionable theories about global climate change – a kind of redistribution of wealth that would allow dollars from the United States to pour third world countries through China-controlled United Nations climate change council.

Yet as much as the left wails, don’t count them out just yet. They are a devious lot and will do anything to cling to their power, and so they might do an end run that lone senator.

He is, of course, a Mister Smith Goes to Washington story, a man who is standing up against the corruption in his own party. This may explain why Democrats want him to turn GOP, so that they can accuse him of being in league with Trump and perhaps find some other way to discredit him.

I sure hope he has someone else starting his car in the morning, since Democrats – especially the Clinton Family (with Hillary making noise, she wants to run again for president – with long history of removing obstacles in their pursuit of power. The senator might also get a food taster with a good insurance policy as well.



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Friday, December 17, 2021

A Democratic bait and switch voting act




It used to be that you only had to worry about Democrats getting dead people to vote. But apparently with cremation, they can’t resurrect enough bodies. One strategy was introduced in New York that would allow non-citizens to vote in local elections. This hardly affects anything since New York City is already a bastion of Democratic values that it I like pissing in the ocean and expecting the seas to rise.

Like most things Democrats do – such as the January 6 committee, this is a distraction from the real vote-stealing strategies the Democrats are looking to employ.

Democrats don’t want to take over the country piece meal. They always want to use the federal government to dictate to the conservative parts of the country. They are really upset that the U.S. Constitution gave states the right to regulate their own elections. But leave it to the clever and devious Democrats they may have found a way around it.

This new plan to use the federal government to impose voting rules on states nearly came to naught with the recently aborted voting rights legislation. But devious Democrats managed to repackage the whole thing and have named the new scam after the recently dearly departed Rep. Lewis, a saintly icon of the Civil Rights Movement no Democrat dare vote again even if the legislation being proposed in his name is unconstitutional.

While some of the changes proposed in this questionable package are rather innocuous – designed to lull Americans into a false sense of security – while at the heart of the legislation is a bombshell disguised as a reform that would give the federal government veto power of any change in voting states might impose.

As with the Civil Rights Act itself, the new law would set up a bureaucracy largely run by Democrats that would require states to beg for approval if they want to require id as part of their voting legislation or regulate signatures, or even to outlaw non-citizens from voting.

As the Civil Rights Act did, the new law would destroy states’ rights and put the decision process in the hands of federal appointees. While the Civil Rights Act had noble intentions (which mostly turned out to be a swamp filled with Democratic vipers), the new law has no redeeming value. It is pure and simple, a power grab, to undermine the U.S. Constitution.

Even if the Republicans regain the White House, this new body – once established – will be very difficult to dispose of – as all of the federally mandated and questionably functioning programs of the past have been.

As with all of the Democratic proposals under the yoke of the Woke movement, Democrats have one aim: to retain control of government, and to pave the way for removing safeguards against mob rule the founding fathers wisely put in place – such as the Electoral College and the right of states to determine their own elections. Ultimately, this new law would become a tool for the Democrats to seize control of all three branches of the federal government and to castrate the ability of states to act as a bulwark against the predictable abuse such control will bring.

In this case, of course, they are hiding it behind representative Lewis who was one of the people who with Martin Luther King help establish the 1960s Civil Rights Movement

By couching it that way, it makes it very difficult for any legitimate Democrat to vote against it simply because he or she would look like a complete racist.

In other words, anybody who opposes a law named after a civil rights leader is racist, regardless of the fact this is nothing more than a Democratic power grab.


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Thursday, December 16, 2021

Shifty Schiff strikes again!!!!!


Adam Schiff is a liar.

This is hardly a new revelation since he has been lying for years only now, we are getting the true glimpse of how dishonest and corrupt this man of integrity is

It's like the prosecutor who with holes were Alters evidence in a trial or the cop who plants evidence on a suspect in order to get a conviction.

For this Congressman there are no rules which is exactly why he is such a fitting candidate for the woke movement where things get made up lies get old and all kinds of distortion of Truth happened in order to make his case against Trump or more importantly against the American people standing up for their rights.

Schiff is part of a lynch mob called the Jan. 6 commission, which has the aim of misdirecting attention away from questions about the 2020 election by scapegoating people who protested it

Schiff claims to have moral high ground, but like most WOKE people these days, he invents his own rules, and is willing to lie or cheat in order to get the result he wants – whether this involves helping Hillary Clinton manufacture fake evidence of a Russian collusion or making up stories about the Jan. 6 protest that includes information both the New York Times and the Washington Post have been forced to retract.

His role currently is to smear former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows by altering text messages to imply guilt – following a model media used routinely to smear Trump by rearranging or leaving out critical information to promote an anti-Trump agenda.

Schiff is trying to make it look like Meadows wanted to “overturn” the election results of the 2020 election, results which many of us still question as legitimate.

Democrats have flatly refused to allow an honest review of those results in critical states, putting up roadblock after roadblock, rather than cooperating to get an honest result, suggesting they may have something to hide. Records were destroyed, computer passwords denied, and other questionable actions.

So, getting an honest result is not overturning the election, as Schiff implies, but holding Democrats accountable.

The Jan. 6 protest was exactly that, putting Democrats on notice that some in the public were not going to allow congress to certify what some believe was a stolen election.

Schiff knows this, as to all of the handpicked members of his lynch mob.

But then, the Democrats are pulling out all the stops, even dragging old Kennedy-hitmen like Carl Bernstein to give the lynch mob legitimacy. Bernstein, if you recall, was part of a previous Democrat plot to bring down another unpopular president in the 1970s

Bernstein and his henchman, Woodward have been called on again and again to work their own magic in helping Democrats – as is their parent organization, the Washington Post.  But their credibility erodes rapidly when they hook up with Schiff and his lynch mob.

Schiff will do anything, say anything and use anybody to cover the dishonest tracts left by the Democrats in the 2020 election. The purpose behind his activities is to keep Democrats in power at any cost.





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Monday, December 13, 2021

Banning bacon in California?



The whackos on the left coast are at it again.

Many products derived from pigs will soon be banned. So, we may see a whole new smuggling industry arising in the far west to rival to boost to booze marketing that took place during the early 20th century with Prohibition.

We are seeing the same outbreak of social justice mental illness that we saw at the end of the 19th century when someone threw open all the doors to the mental institutions and let the inmates out.

These days these psychopaths have gravitated to the West Coast and large inhabit places like California, Oregon and the state of Washington (though you can find their kind in many of the larger cities elsewhere such as Atlanta and New York.)

The banning of pig products is only the start. Once the Green Meanies get a taste of power, they will soon ban meat products all together – especially cows, who they blame for all sorts of atrocities such as Global Climate change.

If there was ever a good reason to leave California, the banning of bacon is one.

Of course, those living close to the Arizona and Nevada borders will have it easier, since they can simply slip over to Phoenix or Las Vegas for a quick nip of the old meat – provided the Woke Police do not set up check points and check their breath or consumption of the banned meat products.

But all hope is not lost. There are politically correct solutions to this loss. Imitation bacon has existed for years – as unpalatable as it remains. Bacon made from soy or other vegetable products, however, poses other problems such as increasing grain and other production that also increase the carbon footprint – thus violates one of the other Woke commandments AOC and Al Gore brought down from the mountain on stone tablets.

Killing of beasts for meat is also offensive – something Woke would have banned from the age of cavemen (and women and transgenders) had Woke woken up back then.

In the 1970s, (when many pre-Woke people were singing lullabies to their house plants) even the idea of eating products grown from soil was offensive and proposed a diet that was based on a paste grown from one-cell organisms. How could we dare eat plants to whom we’ve played the Beatles and Bob Dylan?

Perhaps a better solution would be to recycle what we already have, rather than revisit old issues as to whether the house fern has consciousness and can feel pain.

California and other Left Coast locations have their own ample supply of fresh meat that can be recycled to replace bacon. Planned Parenthood alone butchers nearly as much as the pork industry does, and when they can’t sell off the biproducts of their industry, most of the meat simply goes to waste.

While some might find using the body parts of aborted babies in this way distasteful, the fact is human meat comes close to the taste of pork, and most people if not informed would hardly notice the difference.

Ramping up abortions in these states would not be a problem, especially in the supreme court lets stand anti-abortion regulations being imposed in other states such as Texas.

Women using abortion as birth control would flock to California and other liberal states more handling the demand for baby-made bacon. And even if the local production doesn’t meet the demand, abortion clinics in other states would be more than willing to send their fetal matter, thus avoiding the costs associated with properly disposing of the remains of what once might have been babies.

This is not as outrageous a concept as it might seem. We have used baby lambs, baby cows and other young animals for food such as veal, so why not use human babies that would otherwise go to waste?



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Saturday, December 11, 2021

Woke targets Christmas



The woke dick heads are trying to destroy classic Christmas movies citing masculinity,  sexism, racism and all the other silly bullshit they have come to learn about in college.

This isn’t a new problem. Every generation goes through some tirade about how unfair life is to the underclass – often mostly well-to-do liberal upper class or their children making this observation about the world, pointing out the flaws in greedy capitalists as these upper crust liberals find a way to suck off the tit of government to make their own small fortunes.

Will Roger questioned the whole Christmas racket back when he was writing in the 1930s, pointing out that the “Whole xmas thing started in a fine spirit, to give happiness to the young and another holiday to the old and so it was relished by everybody.”

The problem comes not because of racism or sexism, but because the woke crowd can’t stand the idea of tradition and is doing its best to destroy civilization as we know it.

Rogers pointed out the trouble when he said, “There ain’t so civilization  where their ain’t no satisfaction, and that’s what’s the trouble now, nobody is satisfied.”

The woke crowd has even got manufacturers scared so it’s hard to find a Christmas card that actually says “Christmas” and even harder to fine one with anything bearing the image of Christ.

Woke doesn’t want non-believers offended by facing the concept of eternal damnation, and since Woke people don’t know how to abide by any rules, let alone any that have the concept of morality associated with them, they want to do away with rules, religion or anything that reminds them of how immortal, unethical and unbearable they have become.

And nothing reminds them more of their own miserable lives than seeing old films that depict Christmas as something wholesome.

In one case they go after the lead character in “It's a Wonderful Life” in order to say that he overstepped when he kissed his wife without permission.
Woke people are jealous people because they see something somebody else has and they don't and they want it and since they can't get it like the old Fox looking up at sour grapes they Try to destroy it
This is the fundamental philosophy behind wokeism destroyed anything that they can't have and any philosophy they can’t live up to.

We hear a lot of Woke people ranting on about white privilege, mostly white folks pretending like they given up their share of it, but condemning other folks that don’t pretend to believe it exists.

We hear a lot of hypocrite (mostly white) woke folks talking about self-sacrifice, lecturing the other half on social justice.

But George Bernard Shaw saw though Woke self-sacrifice when he said, “Self sacrifice enables us to sacrifice other people without blushing.”

Woke people have a lot of theories to justify their self-centeredness, but rarely live up to them themselves.

No doubt the woke idiot who went after “It's a Wonderful Life” has never had anybody love him or her the way the main character did his wife, never been kissed like that and so drools on his keyboard as he or she types out his or her words of hate to try to destroy what was one of the most beautiful moments in the history of cinema.
Some other woke idiot pointed out how few black people there are in some of these old films, a true criticism but one that has been since rectified with the massive restructuring of Hollywood to become wokeville USA and not only are there more people of color in more films sometimes you can't find any white people in any of them not even as servants.
Of course, all of the corporations have fallen over backwards trying to accommodate the African-American narrative and have removed true heroes of African American descent from old products in attempt to show how woke they are, marketing to less than 14% of the American population while the other 76% scratch their heads wondering what these fools in these corporations are thinking since they are replacing those legitimate heroic black characters of the past with token blacks of a new generation.
Freud was right we have not really evolved much since our coming out of the caves we've just changed our level of stupidity so that the most idiotic in our country these days tend to be the ones with the best education.

Will Rogers pretty much summed up the Woke generation when he said, “We don’t know what we want, but we are ready to bite someone to get it.”




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Why Woke people won’t grow up


It is difficult to read the trends these days since we have woke people were attacking the Democratic Party -- this living up to the old Will Rogers concept of being a Democrat and not being part of an organized political party
The problem with woke is there absolutely selfish and self-centered, a self-righteousness that borders on fanatic religion.
They are absolutely committed to saving the world even if they have to destroy it first. Concepts like free speech and free thought do not exist for them. What they want is for you to believe what they believe or for you to cease to exist.

They keep inventing myths such as the Jan. 6 uprising or dragging out ancient concepts from the distant past – such as white supremacy – in order to justify their intolerance.

Woke people rely on code words, such as “carbon footprint” or “systemic racism” to make their case, even with there is almost no truth in any of it, just a smoke and mirrors games in order to show their superiority over those who disagree with them.

I would call these people foolish, but like Oscar Wilde, I prefer to call them wicked, with the same vain hope that wicked people sometimes take a rest.

Woke people claim to have a monopoly on truth when what they propose is mostly illusion, or again as Wilde points out, “pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple,” and to modify another quote of Wilde’s, those who are incapable of learning are taken to preaching, or as our colleges currently show, teaching as well.

If you teach enough of this crap in school if you brain was kids when they're young and then the LIE becomes truth; it becomes easier to sell to people when they're adults.

A recent report in that all-but-reputable rag, “The New York Times” said America is in the sixth year of a population decline.

The upcoming generation does not want to grow up so does not have room for children in their lives. They are committed to living the life of Sex in the City or Seinfeld where they can remain juveniles for the rest of their lives without ever having to accept responsibilities.

This seems to reflect an opinion once posed by Brian Aldiss who said that “when childhood dies, its corpses are called adults…That’s why we dread children, even if we loved them. They should us the state our decay.”

For society, this new desperation to cling to childhood has serious implications.

Every generation has seen pathetic people like woke spouting all of these diatribes on righteousness. But fortunately, at some point in their lives they grow up they raise families they learn how the world really works.

Or as George Will points out, “We are given children to test us and make us more spiritual.”

This won't be true of this generation they will remain infantile for their entire existence and so we'll never get to the point where they understand responsible behavior.
They will talk a good game about global warming and social justice but it never really impacts their personal lives what they are telling you is that you or to be responsible not them.
Another problem with this generation’s refusal to have children is that generations tend to reverse the errors of their predecessors and so if we have no next generation of kids we never see the shift back moderate behavior, we just continue to have people in a constant temper tantrum. Many of the 70s kids especially the 80s kids rebelled against the illusions of the 1960s and brought the country back to a sane Middle Ground.
We may not see that if this generation one never grows up and secondly refuses to allow the Next Generation to take over after them
What's sad about this concept of not having children is that children tend to take care of you in your old age.
This may explain why the upcoming generation is so infatuated with socialism. They need to transform society into one which will give them everything they need without them having to actually go out an earn it for themselves or to have extended family care for them. They want government to do it, only it will be other people who pay the price tag not them.

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Friday, December 10, 2021

Smollett proves being a victim is how to be hip


Clearly @JussieSmollett is misunderstood.

In a week that saw fellow Hollywood fake Alec Baldwin staging an apology video (that was not an apology) after he accidentally shot a member of the staff on a set with a supposedly fake gun (he claims he didn’t pull the trigger on); we get Smollett being convicted of faking an attack in Chicago to in order to boost his salary on his TV show.

Both men are taking the concept of being a victim to new depths.

To be hip today, you have to be a victim. This is the fundamental principle upon which WOKEness is about.

Liberal whites like Baldwin embrace white guilt out of jealousy because they are not a member of an oppressed majority, and so can’t get membership into the new hip that requires you to be oppressed.

Fortunately for Baldwin, killing a coworker has allowed him to play up his adopted role of being victim – he didn’t kill anyone, somebody else did. But he’s become a liberal martyr and therefore qualifies as oppressed.

Smollett (whose name does not rime with wallet though it should) obviously saw a financial benefit to being a victim. While the attack he staged didn’t come with the sickening emotional music of Baldwin’s video, it clearly was plotted out to boost his status as a victim.

Anyone who become a target of the mythical white supremacists (liberals are always telling us about) clearly is worth more on the Hollywood marketplace. He even rehearsed the scene so that he and the thugs he hired to pull it off would get it right – and might even get them all an academy award since Hollywood believes its own mythmaking.

But more importantly, Smollett, like Baldwin, is suffering from white guilt.

Even though Smollett is a black, he is extremely privileged, part of that Hollywood elite that rant and rave about Republicans while raking in their own piles of cash, trying to disguise their own greed behind a lot of woke talk.

Smollett’s act allowed Biden and Harris to launch their own attacks against so called white supremacists even claiming the attack in Chicago was the equivalent of a modern-day lynching. Harris suffers from the same white guilt as Smollett, partly because her pathway to power was paved with romantic encounters rather than hard work. She is just another privileged liberal looking to improve her status as a victim – which is why she was so proud of the rapist in the Midwest who got shot for grabbing a knife when confronted by police.

We shouldn’t blame Smollett for faking the attack to improve his status with the radical left. This is an old ploy. The arts are infested with similar diatribes, white people and people of color playing the race card as their invitation into the hip community – in a kind of propaganda frenzy they mistake for creating of art.

Smollett just took the whole thing a step too far. He, of course, believes he can get a new jury to sympathize with him and reverse his conviction. He’s almost as deluded as Baldwin in somehow thinking a real jury is going to accept the fact that they didn’t pull the trigger.




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