Monday, December 20, 2021

The biggest Democratic rip off in history temporarily foiled


Build back better may well be the biggest rip off of the American taxpayer in history, a grand scam by Democrats to snatch as much cash as they can while they have control of the White House and two branches of the legislature before taxpayers wake up and realize they’ve been robbed.

So, this may explain why Democrats freaked out when one of their own, a senator with a conscience, decided he could not possibly vote for highway robbery, even by members of his own party.

More extreme Democrats wail as if burned, and for good reason. They thought they had a sure thing, and may well walk away empty-handed, largely because they could not control their own greed. Media howls as well, partly because the massive bill would have given them a hefty payoff for all the slanted news coverage, they did to help Democrats take power in the first place.

Worse still, the BBB was designed to steer money to favored political supporters such as New Green Deal scientists to help them obtain grants for questionable theories about global climate change – a kind of redistribution of wealth that would allow dollars from the United States to pour third world countries through China-controlled United Nations climate change council.

Yet as much as the left wails, don’t count them out just yet. They are a devious lot and will do anything to cling to their power, and so they might do an end run that lone senator.

He is, of course, a Mister Smith Goes to Washington story, a man who is standing up against the corruption in his own party. This may explain why Democrats want him to turn GOP, so that they can accuse him of being in league with Trump and perhaps find some other way to discredit him.

I sure hope he has someone else starting his car in the morning, since Democrats – especially the Clinton Family (with Hillary making noise, she wants to run again for president – with long history of removing obstacles in their pursuit of power. The senator might also get a food taster with a good insurance policy as well.



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