Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Democrats who do evil are evil


Pelosi took down the sign from the congressional wall saying, "In God We Trust."
This is just one more example if the massive shift in American value best reflected in the song by The Rolling Stones "Sympathy for the Devil" in which all the sinners are saints.
Even “Rules for Radicals,” the handbook of the new left written by a mentally ill Chicago social worker praises Satan as the true rebel.
Drug dealers, murderers, rapists (unless you're OJ or Bill Cosby) are turned into victims of social injustice, completely gutting their victim's right to more conventional justice.
These rules are a reinvention of radical 1930s Stalinist socialism, unsuccessfully revived in the 1960s only to be resurrected by this unethical Hitler-like Chicago community activists that decided that winning is everything, and any means of obtaining it, is okay as long as you can get away with it.
This explains the current crop of pathetic and meanspirited people who profess love and peace by committing the most atrocious acts, destroying innocent people’s live if these innocent people happen to disagree with them politically.
Under these rules, it’s okay to lie, cheat, deceive, even murder for some imaginary higher cause, ignoring the fact that what you do is what you are, regardless of how much you put lipstick on the pig.
This is the Democratic party that orchestrated a fraud to bring down Kavanaugh and earlier Thomas, in order to keep them from overturning Roe vs. Wade.
It’s also okay to terrify the public with dishonest and exaggerated climate change horror stories as long as it leads to distribution of wealth.
This new radicalism saw its pinnacle with the election of Obama as president, since he was raised with its ruthlessness in Chicago, not merely a student of the philosophy of hate, but a professor of it as well, disguising his ruthless ambition behind pretty rhetoric, while he performed dishonest deeds to achieve power.
Fortunately for America, Obama proved among the most incompetent of presidents and much of the damage he did during his eight years in office may be undone in the eight years of the current president.
This is largely what infuriates Democrats because they still subscribe to the same Marxist philosophy as Obama did and are still engaged in the same class warfare he waged while president.
The idea now is the same one espoused in the 1930s when Stalinism was in vogue - to bring down capitalism.
The idea of equal opportunity is not enough. This new left wants to live up to the mandate of yet another rock lyric by ten years after - to tax the rich until they're rich no more.
The Chicago-based Marxism wants everybody to have the same even those who haven’t earned it or are too incompetent to compete in a world where talent and hard work account for something. This is the logic behind reparations for slavery to steal, from the rich to give to the poor in some misguided belief that the rich had advantages the poor lacked, despite six decades of massive social reforms to provide poor people of color opportunity to succeed.
After decades of failed Democratic social reforms, Democratic radicals have decided to take even more radical steps, spreading seeds of descent that they will hope leads to revolution.
Marx mistakenly believed revolution against capitalism was inevitable because poor people would become miserable and would rise up against the ruling class.
Marx and Marxists miscalculated largely for reasons reflected in a lyric by Springsteen- poor want to be rich and rich want to be king.
the Chicago based radicalism -- out of which the new left has emerged -- takes Marxism to a new level through a process of agitation. Rather than wait for a revolution against capitalism that will never come, radicals rub poor people's noses in their own poverty.  Instead of showing the poor how to make the system work, the radicals cast blame, stirring up hatred towards successful people by calling them racists or worse. this is largely the logic behind antifa and others tearing down statues. But it goes far beyond that. Since successful people largely generate the wealth that ultimately pays for social programs that benefit the poor, these radicals eventually hurt those they claim to help, not merely by destroying icons like God or statues but by prompting the belief poor people can become rich without having to earn it.

email to Al Sullivan

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Climate green is about greed


I suspected the climate change movement was a fraud when Obama made the hundred-watt incandescent light bulb illegal.
The fact is the replacement bulbs that the green movement proposed we're far more deadly and more damaging to the environment then the bulb they replaced. If you step on the broken pieces of the new greener bulb, you die. If you put it in a landfill, it poisons the soil.
 This suggests that some other serious agenda was at work rather than the illusion that somehow bed-wetters could save the planet by unscrewing their light bulbs.
At it turns out, it is all about screwing the taxpayer.
It is no accident that Al Gore launched this new Crusade at the same time the Democrats were taking power, climate change becoming a central part of Obama’s 2008 campaign for president.
Gore began to spread this paranoid world ending philosophy even though it was clear that it has no basis in real science.
But science was not his agenda. Green as it turns out has become a very profitable source of patronage for Democrats and their supporters, allowing them to steer federal money to people, not-for-profits and companies that are Democratic supporters – all with the pretense of saving the plant.
Anyone questioning this new Green science gets accused of being in the pocket of the fossil fuel industry, when in reality, Big Green (as it is now called) has managed to divert hundreds of billions of dollars to support its agendas – and very little has to do with the actual environment.
The real green movement is all about money.
It is a brilliant cover for incompetent local leaders who have over developed cities and other areas, blaming the alleged rise in sea levels for flooding when in truth, they have allowed developers to build on landfill and other historic flood zones, leaders who have through greed or stupidity, failed to provide adequate infrastructure improvements to go along with the development. This is also true in historic drought areas, allowed to develop, where there were never adequate water resources, or in wooded areas such as California where basic forest management was ignored and contributed to massive fires.
Ordinary storms which we have seen for centuries are blamed on climate change because it guarantees local – mostly Democratic areas – green money to pay for what local taxpayers would pay for otherwise.
For areas which generally vote Democrat in national elections, Green has become a new way of obtaining green.
We keep hearing how the fossil fuel industry is pouring millions into groups that are opposed to climate change when in truth the real books are in the Big Green movement billions and billions of dollars being fed from federal government and other groups into an illusionary movement that has no basis in science,
Even some green scientists question their own science but will hardly look a green gift horse in the mouth when it comes to funding their questionable research such as how climate change causes traffic fatalities or contributes to spouse abuse.
Climate change has to be the biggest political scam in American and something designed to scare people to death well picking their pockets.
While for local legislators it may be a way of steering Federal money into their own little personal Empires at the expense of taxpayers, on a national and international level it is just another way to redistribute wealth -- much in the way the slave reparation movement is -- only on a scale far larger than anyone could have imagined.
This billion-dollar rip-off industry has credibility that is beyond science fiction.
Media has helped spread the propaganda so effectively that school kids are now terrified that the world is really going to come to an end, when in reality it is simply a brilliant campaign to steer money to democratic causes and fund Democratic supporters through devious means.
Obama has so effectively inserted climate change into every funding process he could while he was president that we now fund really questionable science to help steer money to Democratic causes loyal democratic political figures and others.
Who is going to question it when well-meaning people, who have bought into this scam, are willing to throw themselves into the street to defend it thinking that they are saving the world?
It does not matter that CO2 emissions do not raise the temperature of the planet or that the seas are not rising at the rate these conspiracy greens say it is. It does not matter that the Amazon rainforests have grown back, and that Greenland is simply returning to a pattern of melting that has been going on for 18,000 years.
What matters is that the Democrats have scared the public into closing its eyes to perhaps the biggest rip-off ever.
The Paris Accord was a joke a bad joke, designed partly by the United Nations to redistribute wealth from more successful nations such as the United States to questionable competent nations. This is a kind of socialism that makes even Bernie Sanders look conservative.
By hiding its agenda behind the Green movement, the United Nations is like someone dressing up like a nun to rob a bank.  You don't even know you're being robbed until you see the gun and maybe you will never see the gun since we’re all busy unscrewing light bulbs that they claim cause global warming.

email to Al Sullivan

Monday, May 13, 2019

It’s the end of the world as usual

Oct. 21, 1981

Pauly calls me to tell me the polar ice caps are melting
This is at 3 a.m.
He claims he has evidence that the sea levels are rising and we might drown if don’t head for higher ground.
“That’s nice,” I tell him and yawn.
All I want to do is go back to sleep.
But I know just how persistent Pauly can be, a regular bloodhound when locked onto a scent about global warming. He won’t stop pestering me unless I hear him out.
This time, it’s the polar ice caps; sometimes he goes on about how evil the president is or about some other natural disaster destined to doom us.
For Pauly, all this gloom is actually good news.
Where as normal people take up sensible hobbies such as collecting postage stamps, Paul contemplates all the possible world ending disasters.
He actually thinks we can survive it.
He’s not like those deluded other green people who egotistically believe they can save the planet by recycling or banning everything everybody else enjoys, for Pauly, plastic is not evil, but a means to an end.
He’s made plans for us to buy land somewhere high enough so that we can all enjoy beach front property when the oceans rise, land upon which we can rebuild civilization  -- his way.
Pauly demands that we give him a percentage of our weekly wages for this noble cause.
Hank dutifully complies; Garrick tells Pauly to get a job.
This, of course, means Garrick will have no place in Pauly’s new world order when the end does come.
Pauly always calls me at odd these odd hours, my phone jangling me awake with each report of an earthquake in Ecuador or an outbreak of flu in Peru.
When CNN recently reported a possible asteroid strike, Pauly nearly poked his eye out, peering up at the skies via telescope, calling me with hourly reports about the asteroid’s progress.
He actually sounded disappointed when the asteroid missed.
I’m always tempted to turn off my telephone.
I’ve even debated whether or not to tell Pauly not to call.
But somewhere in the back of my head, stirring among the unending echoes of media’s lust for disaster, I wonder – what the hell I will do if Pauly turns out to be right.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Schools are the real animal farm


Since the 1960s, we all knew how out of touch with reality the American education system is.
Mired in that misnamed period called the enlightenment, schools teach a largely deluded and questionably moral agenda that ill prepares them for contemporary times.
Most kids are ruined for the real world by the time they leave elementary school -- opinions and world view shaped for them by educators with a specific agenda and which puts each kid in a bubble of illusion and wishful thinking expanded on later in high school and college.
In some ways secondary education resembles a terrorist organization in which teachers and professors serve as handlers in order to make sure student maintain this particular point of view.
Is it any wonder that these kids buy into discredited beliefs such as the new green deal or walk out of class to protest trump or gun violence?
Students -- in particular the best and brightest -- are constantly seeking approval from those who teach them and so do and say things they know will win them praise.
So, each of these events reflects not what students believe but what they are taught to believe by adults who for the most part live in a bubble of their own and espouse out of date philosophies that students accept as truth.
Conservatives have long maintained that schools and most often colleges have become bastions of liberal propaganda.
This is only partly true.  They have become places where professors who are out of touch with reality teach kids to be out of touch as well.
While claiming to be teaching kids how to think for themselves, these professors teach them how to think like the professors think, creating an army of intolerant clones who mistakenly believe they are the soul possessors of truth.
It's extremely frustrating dealing with people who assume they know more than you do, overly miseducated zombies who spout a lot on nonsense then go into tantrums when the world won’t take them seriously or they can't get their own way.
Unfortunately -- like a world terrorist organization -- this is self-perpetuating and there is no way to bring back these young people once they have been so skewed by this corrupting influence.
More well-meaning teachers have told me that a student is really ruined by the time they leave grammar school, maybe even before that, so, if we are to provide them with a read education, we have to stop subjecting them to propaganda starting in Kindergarten, and start reaching them how to survive in the real world – where we lave already learned some four legged animals are more equal than others, regardless of how much diversity claim there is.

email to Al Sullivan

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Send in the Democratic clones


Democrats appear to be working off a script, pre-digested for them by some questionable think tank.
This is why all of them seem to be saying the same things at the same time.
All of them have the same talking points. So, we hear them spouting the same rhetoric as faithfully as catholic school children do catechism.
Only with democrats Catholicism has become the enemy as has all culture with roots in Europe.
There are clear themes being promoted such as trumps tax returns -- Democrats implying h e must be hiding something even though Democratic Gov Jerry Brown withheld his as well as have others. This allows democrats to engage in conspiracy with evidence. But even if Trump releases his returns, Democrats will pick through them seeking anything they can spin into a crime.
This is exactly what Democrats are doing with the Mueller report, doing hand stands to squeeze obstruction which isn’t there except in their vivid imaginations.
Of course, Democrats are not above lying -- the way they did when they orchestrated to Ford conspiracy against Kavanaugh.
In pursuit of power, no tactic is beyond them. Ruining the reputation of an innocent man is a small price to pay to keep him from reversing roe v wade.
Fair play is not in the Democratic script.
Democrats have spent the last four years painting Trump as a racist - this is partly because blacks and Latinos did not come out in the numbers needed to beat trump in 2016.
This is why Dems harp on the hurricane response to Puerto Rico, hoping to stir up wrath against trump among a population skeptical of Democrats.
What is the most pervasive talking points for Democrats involve guns.
The attack on guns targets the strong GOP base but more importantly it diverts attention from many of the social services that liberals rely on as a safety net. In many, many cases where there is gun violence there has been warning to local officials and these have been ignored. So Democrats divert detention by blaming the guns because they cannot attack the social services that they put in place as an alternative protection – since the social services are generally owned and operated by Democrats.
As with the GOP a decade ago, Democrats appear to be destroying the moderates in their own party or forcing them to toe the extremist line.
Some Democrats in congress that I’ve known for decades have always been frauds, people abandoned their role as legislators to become full time spin doctors.  At no point can you trust this type to level with you. They constantly manipulate you and expect you to take their outrageous declarations with a straight face. Even when they have a legitimate issue, they so hack it up it becomes an anti-campaign advertisement and has no relationship to reality.
Because so many of us in media value our contacts with people like him, we often simply play along – so as to maintain our good relationship at the expense of informing the public that there might be other equally or more legitimate points of view. But many in media are easily corrupted, or have graduated into the profession with similar skewed views, and so never fully embraced the concept of an objective press, and feel no need to hold this kind of legislator accountable – somehow actually believing the bull shit at the GOP and Trump are purveyors of evil rather than people with differing points of view. So Democrats keep throwing around talking points like racist and white supremist or sexists while defending racists like Itham Omar when the other side points out her hateful rhetoric.
Media and misguided corrupt Democratic extremist have a convenient marriage, one that follows a clearly prescribed script, as vivid in its imagination as any of the equally deluded movies Hollywood is producing these days.
But this is a disease that is spreading to more legitimate Democratic legislators, whom I have respected in the past, but out of whose mouth this same rhetoric is spewing suggesting someone in the party is holding their toes over a fire or threatening to pull out their fingernails unless they conform to the party line.
Suddenly, legislators who used to sound reasonable are loading their statements with anti-Trump BS, good people perverted by a bad system into reading from a script that has been written by Democratic think tanks in order to convince the public there is actually truth to any of the claims – this is a similar technique used to convince us that there is actually merit to the concept of man-made climate change, when there isn’t.
So now once-thoughtful legislators sound like idiot clones of the New York mayor, testifying to the merits of The New Green Deal or the evils of the Trump Administration, packs of Democrats all saying the exact same things at the exact same time, like pre-programmed robots who can no longer thick or act on their own for fear of being labeled a heretic by party bosses.

email to Al Sullivan

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

UN extinction report is a lie


The United Nations climate committee clearly has hired writers from Sci-Fi channel for its latest piece of propaganda regarding potential extinctions.
This comes at a time when scientists are required to have some world ending theory in order to get papers published or receive grants. But the UN committee has gone way over the top in their attempt to hoodwink the general public into thinking the world is coming to an end.
Since the same group of UN scientists that came up with the extinction report this week got caught lying about climate change in 2009, you have to suspect this report is also a lie.
The report came out just in time for the climate change pep rally in NYC, helping to keep loyal followers from deviating from the true faith.
These conferences are billed as forums but keep out any opinion than the prescribed script.
This is all politics and no science as the UN committee sets an agenda that is largely unproven by legitimate science.
This is field of dreams science. if you say something often enough, intimidate or bribe enough scientists, it must be true.

All these UN reports start with a very small group of so-called scientists who are promoting a particular agenda -- which is largely fantasy.  These are based on presumption and projections not on observable evidence. The reports are what this tiny group believes will happen but cannot prove.
By promising grants or withholding publication in scientific journals they control, this small group intimidates other scientists to sign on to this scam.
The hope is that if they can brow beat or bribe enough legitimate scientists, this group can con the general public into believing the 21st century version of Orson Welles’ Halloween radio n broadcast, depicting the end of the world rather than an invasion from Mars.
This is also about politics.
These climate change fanatics are riding a Democratic wave, an agenda that promises even more grant money for research once Democrats regain power. For the democrats it is a campaign issue that allows them to go after the principle support for the Republicans which is big oil.
Democratic money for campaigns is flowing in from these environmental companies such as solar and wind and more importantly there is a move by Democrat to totally violate the original concept of environmentalism. Many of these would be scientists are actually talking about going back to nuclear because the wind and power sources can't possibly meet all the needs of contemporary society.
This perversion by the New Green Deal has environmentalist of a previous generation rolling over in their graves as the new questionable environmental community embraces the pro-nuclear lobby.
The hypocrisy of contemporary environmental science is so overwhelming you can't even blame Syfy channel for making it up.
These are people who will say anything and do anything even when there is no basis in fact.
The worst part is how many gullible young people actually believe the world is going to end in 7 years
No matter how outrageous the lie by the UN committee publishes, these poor fools will continue to believe and will never understand how badly they've been duped.
More realistic people understand this is all about money and power and the Democrats needing to have an issue to garner young votes against the Republicans even if it is total fantasy as if it's JRR Tolkien managed to write it for them.
One million species are not going extinct what is going extinct is common sense

email to Al Sullivan

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Hot dogs cause global warming?


 It's clear that I will never be able to enjoy baseball again.  The mayor of New York City has decided hot dogs cause global warming.
This is also true of going to Coney Island where I have always counted on getting some of Nathan's Famous.
I would really like to think that the mayor of New York has simply taken a little too much LSD to explain why he has decided to destroy one of New York's cultural treats.
How anti-New York can you get by Banning hot dogs?
Since hot dogs have their origin in Germany and Eastern Europe, this must be a plot to bring about the end of life as we know it and the mayor of New York has taken a stand to protect us from our own worst instincts.
It really doesn’t matter to the mayor that there is little solid science to prove co2 causes climate change, hysteria is enough.
This is the same mayor who killed the ground hog on ground hog day no doubt seeking to protect us from the global warming of an early spring.
This is also the mayor who seeks to do away with skyscrapers made of glass, steel and concrete, choosing no doubt to lock up the population of NYC in big pine boxes - elaborate coffins in which we can await the ultimate end.
This ban on building materials will undo all progress made since before the Roman Empire and bring us back to living in tents or caves, rootless nomads or worse prisoners in some windowless dungeon from which there is no escape.
I like beer and hot dogs at ball games. But not at the expense of destroying the world. And if the mayor says hot dogs are destroying the world who am i to question him regardless of the bad science he employs to justify it?
Not only will I have to give up ball games and going to the beach, back yard barbeques are a thing of the past as well. Not just because of hotdogs but also burning of coal.
Since there are no coal mines in NYC, the mayor won’t lose votes banning burning of coal. But what comes next? Will he ban rice and beans because beans cause people to fart and scientists who sell us this scam like snake oil tell us farts cause global warming?
So does breathing and we do a lot more of that every day. Maybe the mayor will require kids in schools to breathe less often or perhaps not at all.
The real cause of climate change has little to do with man-made green house gases - if you discount all the hot air spewing from politicians like the mayor of NYC. Science shows the earth is simply returning to a warming trend that existed before the little ice age. But scientists won’t get grants to study something so mundane as that. Engineers won’t get contracts to build dykes against imaginary floods. And politicians like the mayor won’t get reelected unless they terrify the population into believing the end of the world has come.
This leaves only one question unanswered: do you want mustard or relish?

email to Al Sullivan