Saturday, May 18, 2019

Climate green is about greed


I suspected the climate change movement was a fraud when Obama made the hundred-watt incandescent light bulb illegal.
The fact is the replacement bulbs that the green movement proposed we're far more deadly and more damaging to the environment then the bulb they replaced. If you step on the broken pieces of the new greener bulb, you die. If you put it in a landfill, it poisons the soil.
 This suggests that some other serious agenda was at work rather than the illusion that somehow bed-wetters could save the planet by unscrewing their light bulbs.
At it turns out, it is all about screwing the taxpayer.
It is no accident that Al Gore launched this new Crusade at the same time the Democrats were taking power, climate change becoming a central part of Obama’s 2008 campaign for president.
Gore began to spread this paranoid world ending philosophy even though it was clear that it has no basis in real science.
But science was not his agenda. Green as it turns out has become a very profitable source of patronage for Democrats and their supporters, allowing them to steer federal money to people, not-for-profits and companies that are Democratic supporters – all with the pretense of saving the plant.
Anyone questioning this new Green science gets accused of being in the pocket of the fossil fuel industry, when in reality, Big Green (as it is now called) has managed to divert hundreds of billions of dollars to support its agendas – and very little has to do with the actual environment.
The real green movement is all about money.
It is a brilliant cover for incompetent local leaders who have over developed cities and other areas, blaming the alleged rise in sea levels for flooding when in truth, they have allowed developers to build on landfill and other historic flood zones, leaders who have through greed or stupidity, failed to provide adequate infrastructure improvements to go along with the development. This is also true in historic drought areas, allowed to develop, where there were never adequate water resources, or in wooded areas such as California where basic forest management was ignored and contributed to massive fires.
Ordinary storms which we have seen for centuries are blamed on climate change because it guarantees local – mostly Democratic areas – green money to pay for what local taxpayers would pay for otherwise.
For areas which generally vote Democrat in national elections, Green has become a new way of obtaining green.
We keep hearing how the fossil fuel industry is pouring millions into groups that are opposed to climate change when in truth the real books are in the Big Green movement billions and billions of dollars being fed from federal government and other groups into an illusionary movement that has no basis in science,
Even some green scientists question their own science but will hardly look a green gift horse in the mouth when it comes to funding their questionable research such as how climate change causes traffic fatalities or contributes to spouse abuse.
Climate change has to be the biggest political scam in American and something designed to scare people to death well picking their pockets.
While for local legislators it may be a way of steering Federal money into their own little personal Empires at the expense of taxpayers, on a national and international level it is just another way to redistribute wealth -- much in the way the slave reparation movement is -- only on a scale far larger than anyone could have imagined.
This billion-dollar rip-off industry has credibility that is beyond science fiction.
Media has helped spread the propaganda so effectively that school kids are now terrified that the world is really going to come to an end, when in reality it is simply a brilliant campaign to steer money to democratic causes and fund Democratic supporters through devious means.
Obama has so effectively inserted climate change into every funding process he could while he was president that we now fund really questionable science to help steer money to Democratic causes loyal democratic political figures and others.
Who is going to question it when well-meaning people, who have bought into this scam, are willing to throw themselves into the street to defend it thinking that they are saving the world?
It does not matter that CO2 emissions do not raise the temperature of the planet or that the seas are not rising at the rate these conspiracy greens say it is. It does not matter that the Amazon rainforests have grown back, and that Greenland is simply returning to a pattern of melting that has been going on for 18,000 years.
What matters is that the Democrats have scared the public into closing its eyes to perhaps the biggest rip-off ever.
The Paris Accord was a joke a bad joke, designed partly by the United Nations to redistribute wealth from more successful nations such as the United States to questionable competent nations. This is a kind of socialism that makes even Bernie Sanders look conservative.
By hiding its agenda behind the Green movement, the United Nations is like someone dressing up like a nun to rob a bank.  You don't even know you're being robbed until you see the gun and maybe you will never see the gun since we’re all busy unscrewing light bulbs that they claim cause global warming.

email to Al Sullivan

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