Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Democrats who do evil are evil


Pelosi took down the sign from the congressional wall saying, "In God We Trust."
This is just one more example if the massive shift in American value best reflected in the song by The Rolling Stones "Sympathy for the Devil" in which all the sinners are saints.
Even “Rules for Radicals,” the handbook of the new left written by a mentally ill Chicago social worker praises Satan as the true rebel.
Drug dealers, murderers, rapists (unless you're OJ or Bill Cosby) are turned into victims of social injustice, completely gutting their victim's right to more conventional justice.
These rules are a reinvention of radical 1930s Stalinist socialism, unsuccessfully revived in the 1960s only to be resurrected by this unethical Hitler-like Chicago community activists that decided that winning is everything, and any means of obtaining it, is okay as long as you can get away with it.
This explains the current crop of pathetic and meanspirited people who profess love and peace by committing the most atrocious acts, destroying innocent people’s live if these innocent people happen to disagree with them politically.
Under these rules, it’s okay to lie, cheat, deceive, even murder for some imaginary higher cause, ignoring the fact that what you do is what you are, regardless of how much you put lipstick on the pig.
This is the Democratic party that orchestrated a fraud to bring down Kavanaugh and earlier Thomas, in order to keep them from overturning Roe vs. Wade.
It’s also okay to terrify the public with dishonest and exaggerated climate change horror stories as long as it leads to distribution of wealth.
This new radicalism saw its pinnacle with the election of Obama as president, since he was raised with its ruthlessness in Chicago, not merely a student of the philosophy of hate, but a professor of it as well, disguising his ruthless ambition behind pretty rhetoric, while he performed dishonest deeds to achieve power.
Fortunately for America, Obama proved among the most incompetent of presidents and much of the damage he did during his eight years in office may be undone in the eight years of the current president.
This is largely what infuriates Democrats because they still subscribe to the same Marxist philosophy as Obama did and are still engaged in the same class warfare he waged while president.
The idea now is the same one espoused in the 1930s when Stalinism was in vogue - to bring down capitalism.
The idea of equal opportunity is not enough. This new left wants to live up to the mandate of yet another rock lyric by ten years after - to tax the rich until they're rich no more.
The Chicago-based Marxism wants everybody to have the same even those who haven’t earned it or are too incompetent to compete in a world where talent and hard work account for something. This is the logic behind reparations for slavery to steal, from the rich to give to the poor in some misguided belief that the rich had advantages the poor lacked, despite six decades of massive social reforms to provide poor people of color opportunity to succeed.
After decades of failed Democratic social reforms, Democratic radicals have decided to take even more radical steps, spreading seeds of descent that they will hope leads to revolution.
Marx mistakenly believed revolution against capitalism was inevitable because poor people would become miserable and would rise up against the ruling class.
Marx and Marxists miscalculated largely for reasons reflected in a lyric by Springsteen- poor want to be rich and rich want to be king.
the Chicago based radicalism -- out of which the new left has emerged -- takes Marxism to a new level through a process of agitation. Rather than wait for a revolution against capitalism that will never come, radicals rub poor people's noses in their own poverty.  Instead of showing the poor how to make the system work, the radicals cast blame, stirring up hatred towards successful people by calling them racists or worse. this is largely the logic behind antifa and others tearing down statues. But it goes far beyond that. Since successful people largely generate the wealth that ultimately pays for social programs that benefit the poor, these radicals eventually hurt those they claim to help, not merely by destroying icons like God or statues but by prompting the belief poor people can become rich without having to earn it.

email to Al Sullivan

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