Sunday, February 13, 2022

helpless (for those brave truckers in Canada and around the world)

This part of my continuing protest against censorship by posting covers of Neil Young songs. This is also dedicated to the brave truckers protesting around the world.

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Friday, February 11, 2022

like a hurricane

My protest against Neil Young's call for censorship. I'm going to covers of every neil young song, and then later post them on Spotify

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Tuesday, February 8, 2022

The Rock caves in



Just when I thought The Rock actually got a pair of balls to stand up against censorship, he turns out to be nothing but another castrated celebrity.

I’ve never been a fan of The Rock. He always struck me as a fraud, a wannabe macho guy who talked a lot and often took political sides I disagreed with.

So, I was utterly shocked when he decided to defend Joe Rogan against Hollywood’s censorship, a truly braver act than any of his on-screen characters ever displayed.

But alas, The Rock turned out to be just another celebrity fraud, caving in to the pressure of his Hollywood contemporaries to promote censorship

The Rock justified this change of habit, but saying he had been “educated,” on the matter – apparently having gone through the typical celebrity fascist education camps.

Since The Rock doesn’t have much of a brain, it didn’t take much to brainwash him.

As in the 1950s, Hollywood has created its own black list, casting out people from the celebrity club that fail to comply with the accepted Ideology.

Celebrities like The Rock don't really think for themselves. They are committed to preserving their place in the social order and realize they have absolutely no power other than popularity – and this can be taken away from them the moment they step out of line, as other celebrities quickly learned. You can stay silent, but you can’t speak out against Hollywood oppression without significant cost, loss of contracts, more importantly, loss of position in the Hollywood establishment.

This is different from Neil Young and David Crosby who are has-beens in the first place and basically cling to their fading celebrity status by making bold Woke statements to remind the public they are still alive, clinging to their celebrity status by the skin of their teeth.

Hollywood has circled the wagons against anything that disagrees with the woke narrative and will excommunicate anybody who does not mouth the party line.

It is stunning just how all of these so-called rebels like The Rock turn out to be pussies when push comes to shove.

So, we're watching The Rock turn into Uncle Tom right before our eyes, and it is a scary concept.

I’m not a fan of Joe Rogan; I’m a fan of free speech, and the real victim of The Rock selling his soul is free speech.

I never had much faith in Neil Young, who has always exploited the current trends as to seem like he’s in the hip parade.

The Rock apparently has the same tendency, and originally sided with Rogan, less because he supported free speech, more because Rogan may be the most powerful voice against mainstream media’s monopoly than any single person, and The Rock saw this as his opportunity to look and sound hip, when he’s not.

But having his arm twisted by the Hollywood inquisition “re-educated” The Rock much in the way a bull whip used to re-education slaves in the deep south,

People hate Joe Rogan for various reasons but primarily because he is so powerful it threatens to bring down major media and raise questions about the monopoly on truth that outlets like CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times and the Washington Post have.

If Rogan is allowed to continue, then we may see people seriously question the kind of “truth” we get from major media. So, we are watching an all-out attack on Rogan, requiring celebrities to earn their keep by crushing Rogan.

Unfortunately for mainstream media, Rogan is the wave of the future, and new generations will pay more attention to people like him than they will the usual talking heads we get filling our heads with nonsense on MSNBC.

The Rock got the message. He either turns against Rogan or gets excommunicated by Hollywood.

Clearly, The Rock knows where his bread is buttered.






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Sunday, February 6, 2022

cowgirl in the sand

This is my revenge on Neil Young to cover every one of his songs because he has forced Spotify to remover his music. This will include a collection of past performances with my band and like this, by myself. Eventually, I'll post the whole collection on Spotify.

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Truckers woke up woke




Woke got outwitted by its own failure to understand basic Marxism.

As George Orwell has pointed out fascism tends to use media and fear to manipulate people and to control the population.

This it's largely have the Democrats took back control over America over the last five years resorting to propaganda and terror of death to covid in other means to manipulate a gullible public into buying into their agenda.

So, it is odd that the right-wing protest against mandates should demonstrate for the woke crowd just how much closer woke is to fascism than it is to socialism.

The trucker protest did a lot to also wake up a largely dormant conservative population, lulled to sleep over the last few decades so to miss the takeover of traditional power structures such as labor unions by the Marxist woke crowd – this most evident in teachers’ unions.

One of the central maxims of Marxism is that he who controls the means of production controls everything

And the trucker rebellion in Canada showed just how true this concept is.

Few things scare Democrats as much as people seeking to retake control of government from blowhard, corrupt politicians as a popular uprising such as this.

This is why Democrats have gone after the organizers of the January 6 protest, in a desperate attempt to keep a lid on what might boil over into a real people’s uprising (something George Orwell promoted)

The same is true when it comes to Joe Rogan, whose podcast challenges the powerful Woke propaganda machine by providing an alternative to the dishonest narrative Democrats and media have been giving us.

Orwell pointed out that Fascism and its twin brother, communism, tend to use major media to lull the populace into a false sense of security, while operating behind the scenes to control power. True socialists and true workers groups tend to work from the bottom up, creating grassroots campaigns that the power elite cannot control.

While media desperately tries to save the Democratic narrative about why people can’t find food and other things on the shelves of supermarkets, the truckers brought the point home about phony vaccination mandates – one of the narratives Democrats are desperate to maintain in order to keep people in terror.

All the pontificating by corrupt mainstream media is not going to fill empty shelves in supermarkets. So, the protest By Truckers pointed to the one fundamental flaw in Bernie Sanders phony socialism in that it showed that real workers hold the real power and not some pontificating idiot in Washington and regardless of how you manipulate CNN the New York Times The Washington Post or MSNBC you can't feel someone's hungry stomach with bullshit.

Short of violence – such as demonstrated in China when tanks rolled over a single protestor, suppression of information is the principal tool of Fascism and communism.

The woke people and their Media  accomplices desperate to hold on to the Monopoly of propaganda which is why they're going after Rogan and Spotify and using their celebrity cronies to accomplish this, living up too another maxim by McCluen, who pointed out the medium is the message – so if you are using tools typically used by fascists and communists, then you must be a communist or a fascist, even if you profess to be pro-Democracy.

When Neil Young wails about unfairness and racism after having lived a privileged Life as a white musician living a privileged life in remote colorless Canada, he is largely protecting his status as a celebrity. He is an example of why celebrities like Barbra Streisand, Cher, even Rosanne come out on the side of Woke. In some way, these celebrities have made a deal with Satan in that their status depends on the powers behind the green curtain, and risk losing it if they don’t protect those who suppress us. None actually know anything about real working people or poverty but like good actors pretend they do.

Obama is the most successful in modern times of manipulating media to his own uses and this is why he and his wife came out against Spotify this week because Rogan threatens to undermine the basic power grid for the Democrats control the media.

Fascism like Obama's doesn't work if there are voices of Freedom somewhere else challenging their narrative.

George Orwell pointed out that phony socialism and fascism were able to flourish in the 1930s because media kept people deaf dumb and blind with a false narrative.

This was also true over the last six years in this anti-trump Crusade by the Democrats.

Obama held on to power because major media loved his message even though he was full of crap

Rogan threatens to steal the one tool this Democratic fascism uses, by undermining the message of major media and to wrest control of the message out of major media's hands.

You can't control the message if there is an alternative raising really serious questions whether about the virus or the legitimacy of the 2020 election.

This is part of the reason why Liz Cheney and others on the January 6th committee are so desperate to crucify protesters. January 6 questioned something the power elite wanted to keep hidden, such as how government actually works, the way the wizard did behind the scenes in oz. And with the help of major media, Cheney and others have created the illusion of an insurrection when in fact it more strongly resembles the trucker protest that brings power out the hands of the elite and back into the hands of the people where it belongs.

The reaction to the Jan. 6 protest lives up to yet another adage by William Shakespeare, who point out that Democrats “protest a bit too much,” meaning that if they did not steal the election they would not have to suppress that message that is getting out anyway; they would not have to crucify the protesters in order to silence them about the legitimacy; they would not have fought tooth-and-nail in court to prevent honest recounts or examinations of the election results. The Democrats would not have suppressed evidence or had software companies destroy records or keep codes hidden that would allow honest look at what the election numbers were. Democrats would not be going after Trump now for wanting to seize voting machines if Democrats were not trying to destroy evidence of election fraud.

If the Democrats were so secure about their misinformation campaign in regard to covid they would not be trying to shut down Spotify; they would be going on to Spotify to explain their position.

But as the evil queen in Snow White shows, Democrats and major media will tolerate no rivals. You can’t make propaganda work if people have access to all available information and are allowed to choose for themselves.

The suppression of Rogan is not about misinformation, it is about keeping the general public from thinking.

Unfortunately, the Democrats and their media communists ran headlong into a convoy of trucks that showed media and Democrats up as the fascists they are.

We also learned again how far Democrats will go to maintain their power from stealing an election to allowing Fascist GoFundMe to steal $10 million from the truckers.

Rogan is showing how corrupt media is which is why they're trying to shut him down and now the truckers have shown just how corrupt some of these organizations like GoFundMe are how much they are in the pocket of the same Elite power structure.

This protest By Truckers proved another point that people are more interested in full belly than the terror the phony Marxist and media are spreading.

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Friday, February 4, 2022

The truth be told Spotify and George Orwell


Most socialism is either fascism or capitalism in disguise, an observation made by George Orwell in his writings about the Spanish civil war in the 1930s.

Although better known for his fictional work “1984” and “Animal Farm” (which is almost a perfect parody of today’s Woke movement), Orwell’s non-fiction work dissected the socialist movements of his era, showing just how much the general public had been deceived by them. And his observations are so apt to contemporary Woke, it is no wonder that Orwell is right behind Joe Rogan (on Spotify) for woke censorship.

Back in the 1930s, socialist movements were supported by communist Russia, whose motive was to sew seeds of discord among true people’s movements, and to create conditions that might well work to bring Democratic governments to their knees.

The Russians supplied weapons to some groups in order to promote violence and funded them much the way people like George Soros funds Black Lives Matters and Antifa today (some believing to benefit communist China) Many of these disguised socialist groups were really already secretly fascist to start with.

Orwell’s essays had more to do with the effect of the Spanish Civil War and fascism on England and how blinded England was to the reality but there were many like Orwell who thought they were fighting for a good cause and battling fascism only to discover they have been manipulated.

Many – especially the artists of that time – jumped into bed with the socialist movement and supported them with money but more importantly public attention, painting these movements as good vs. evil (in much the same way artists today have leaped onto the woke bandwagon in the same simplistic vision.

This misperception of socialism (painted as a people’s rebellion) was promoted, Orwell noted, by a completely controlled media, who often slanted stories to maintain the good guys vs bad guys fantasy.

Orwell, pointed out, that many of the early legitimate people’s movements became targets, undermined in much the way real people’s movements such as those who marched on Washington on January 6 and more recently the truckers rebellion in Canada are being undermined today.

Back then, it was Russian communist who infiltrated and subverted groups with good intent for evil purposes. Today, it appears to be the Chinese. The Russians supported phony tribunals which turned real people protestors into Public Enemies, often with the use of tribunals such as the January 6th committee send people to jail as examples of traitors to the cause.

It is no accident that Congressman Swalwell, a key member of the January 6 committee became romantically involved with a known Chinese communist spy.

Although the Biden Administration has used techniques for distracting public attention straight out Orwell’s novel, 1984, the true enemy appears to be Chinese communists to which the administration has largely turned a blind eye – partly perhaps become so many prominent Democrats have significant business arrangements with China.

Orwell pointed out that the ultimate goals of these fake socialist groups (who profess publicly to oppose fascism) is to undermine the integrity of the nation by perverting public opinion and diverting attention away from who the real enemies are.

Many of the English socialists backing the Spanish rebels in the 1930s strongly resemble their counterparts of today, such as Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren – who would be considered by Orwell to be capitalists disguised as socialists. These are the same kinds of so-called socialists, who back in the 1930s would preserve the capitalist bureaucracy to turn to their own uses, but not legitimately reform the system they claim as flawed.

Orwell noted that these kinds of socialist pretended to want to bring down capitalistic society but are really interested in taking it over and putting themselves in charge.

But this can’t happen when you have a real people’s party like those who protested on Jan. 6 in Washington – so it is necessary to discredit such groups and turn them into public enemies, just as these same phony socialists are seeking to discredit Rogan on Spotify.

Rogan and Spotify highlight the role artists traditionally play in helping support phony socialism. Historically, artists tend to support the simplistic view of good and bad, and use their celebrity to support the phony narrative, much the way people like Neil Young and Barbra Streisand are in the Spotify debate.

But ultimately, artists are merely puppets in the greater conflict today as they were when they basked the phony rebels in the Spanish Civil War or that blood thirsty terrorist, John Brown, prior to the American Civil War, mere pawns in a chess game they are too naïve to recognize.

Public perception is often of this simplistic view is often created by having a scapegoat to focus on, to forester the illusion that socialists are fighting for justice when in reality they are simply seeking to grab power.

This is where Trump comes in. He is the Franco that the socialists used as their enemy in the 1930s or more like Napoleon from a century earlier, whose mere presence threatens the behind-the-scenes power brokers and must be brought down to avoid his spoiling the game.

Like Napoleon, Trump is a flawed hero of the masses and so naïve artists, and corrupt media have no problem painting him as evil and painting his followers as dangerous insurrectionists when they better resemble the pure people’s revolution Orwell envisioned.

You have to remember artists and media have a stake in this came, and though the French Revolution (as Dickens accurately portrayed it) attempted to overthrow the aristocrats of that time, these naïve asses sided with that same group of aristocrats to bring down Napoleon, who like Trump, threatened to completely change the game.

In many ways we are seeing Trump being portrayed as the modern Napoleon partly because he threatens to expose this game the way in Napoleon did and the way other real socialist did later like Orwell

The last thing the Socialist or fascists who play this game want is somebody to actually show the inner workings

This is what is really behind the Spotify protest as artists join the political fascist disguised as Socialists to undermine somebody who is actually dissect the machine and show how corrupt socialism is and how close to Fascism it is not just in Orwell's time but our own.

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Thursday, February 3, 2022

CSN&Y is elevator muzak


Obviously, we've been going at this the wrong way and really should thank Neil Young for doing this new generation a big favor.

Neil Young has done more to get old fogies off modern technology then any single movement, and Gen Z ought to be grateful.

One of the more outlandish and paranoid theories going around about covid is that the virus was deliberately developed to destroy the baby boomer generation and finally clear out the clutter of the wasted 1960s in order to make room for Generation Z

This is generated by the fact that the bulk of the victims of this virus were those of that generation and older.

This may be an exaggeration but the current conflict with Spotify is doing as much for the music industry as covid did to old folk generation.

The latest group to declare it is removing it solves is Crosby Stills Nash who have frequently played with Neil Young until he decided he was too good for them and went off on his own.

Neil Young’s conflict with Spotify may be motivated by the fact that the same company that owns some of the vaccines also owns a lot of his music, but clearly his effort has a side more than just based on profit.

His efforts are managing to purge all these old has-been musicians from Spotify in order to make room for musicians of today

This is not to say that some young musicians aren’t jumping on Neil Young’s bandwagon to get their name out in the public, but many of them have lived in the shadow of these decrepit dinosaurs for so long they could hardly breathe for the stench of corn starch and soiled Depends.

Of course, Neil Young never intended to become the trash collector for the music industry; he was just looking for free publicity also to remind people that he is still alive and kicking.

This may be the same motivation for David Crosby whose band is planning a comeback, such as the Blues Brothers did and need someone to make them seem like they're important enough to come buy tickets to see.

But there is reason why Classic Rock Radio hardly ever plays their material anymore.

Crosby Stills Nash & Young and for the most part Neil Young's early material has largely become the fodder for light rock radio and music in elevators.

This is the stuff that old people hum along with in the supermarket aisles much to the chagrin of young people who have to put up with it.

Hardly anybody knows who Richard Nixon was; let alone Kent State. God help us if we have to hear Guinevere one more time. Few people realize that Suite Judy Blue Eyes is about the woman the band members passed around the way Layla is and other Rock Classics that still do get played on the airwaves.

Hopefully Neil Young will continue his moral Crusade and get rid of this music on other platforms so that people will actually buy albums again and we won't have our internet cluttered up with this crap.

Crosby in saying that he wants to censor the internet, posted a really pathetic statement on Twitter, how misinformation is rampant etc by which he means anything that Neil Young and he disagree with.

Since we know that Pfizer is connected to the same company that owns Neil Young's music you have to wonder if the same is true for Crosby Stills Nash & Young. Or maybe they are tied to one of the other pharmaceutical companies selling a vaccine and Crosby doesn’t want their money train to be disrupted by someone challenging the current narrative.

Getting their name out doesn't hurt them either, especially considering the band is planning a tour and you can bet the next few statements will tell us how to buy tickets as long as we can prove that we are vaccinated.

The problem for David Crosby is that the people who remember his day may be the primary victims of the virus in the first place.  So, there may be very few people alive to actually attend their concerts.

And since rock radio isn't playing their music, not many of Generation Z are going to know who they are

After all Crosby Stills Nash & Young is not the Beatles.

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Wednesday, February 2, 2022

The compulsive behavior of Neil Young


I have dirty little secret I actually like some Neil Young songs even though he's a notorious asshole. 

Not those race-baiting songs he plays, but many of those other songs that aren’t full of hate and misinformation.

Most people these days didn’t even know who Neil Young was until he went on a rant against Spotify.

Many of those who know him hate him.  Even some of the people that he's played with dislike him.

Those who profess to like him are riding his coattails in order to get attention for themselves, many of whom most likely would be kneeling at sports games during the national anthem.

But Neil Young’s stance against Spotify is very symbolic of his duplicity since now we're beginning to see his real motivations for opposing alternative information regarding covid – and it has little to do with supposed misinformation and a lot to do with profit he and the company who oversees his songs make off his collection
People mockingly point out that he probably makes very little money off of Spotify and so removing his stuff is not a financial burden.

What is not said is that the company that owns Pfizer apparently owns a majority of his songs and so he made will have a reason for opposing alternative information other than this moral Crusade he appears to be on.

The fact that he has become an icon for the ultra-left and has attracted all those celebrities and musicians who want to get back on the Hit Parade is also ignoring some key details as to his apparent homophobic past.
Or perhaps reveals some aspect to his character that people didn't realize before.
Back in 1985 during the height of AIDS epidemic Neil Young went on a rant against homosexuals obviously displaying his terror at possibly coming down with AIDS by having some gay guy in a supermarket touch potato he may eventually eat.

Neil Young has always been a mean SOB. But perhaps people are reading him wrong, that he isn't homophobic, that he is just a scared little kid terrified that he's going to catch something.

Most likely he was that kid in grammar school who was always afraid he might catch the cooties.

This psychological need to remove anything offensive in his life may explain some of his outlandish and inaccurate depictions of slavery in songs like Alabama and Southern Man.

You might think he is covering a deep internal prejudice of his own and needs desperately to compensate for his own personal racism by writing anthems against slavery, thus alleviating guilty feelings he might have about being a closet racist. He may even have an unjustified fear that his hatred for black people is based on the same fear he has of COVID and AIDS, that someone that blackness is contagious and might rub off on him.

This unreasonable fear and suppressed racism may even be based on some awful experience he had up in the extreme whiteness of Canada where he was raised – the kind of white guilt many liberals feel, even though they have had rare contact with African Americans and are basing their guilt on phony stereotypes.

What is clear, however, is that Neil Young desperately needs to feel hip, and to be part of the inner circle of some movement that will make him seem socially aware.

This may explain why he has jumped on so many radical bandwagons over the years, from environmentalism and the anti-war movement to Civil Rights and now Woke – even though he leaped on all of these late.

He appears desperate to make up for this and may explain why he’s charging head with censoring conservatives on Spotify. Through his whole career, he was the odd man out, the one who did not get credit on the Crosby Stills and Nash album; the man who keeps trying to reinvent himself in order to still seem relevant.
This obsession apparently is part of the motivation for him withdrawing his songs from Spotify as well putting you back on top and an icon of the new Woke movement

Yet ultimately, we should not judge Neil Young badly because all this seems to add up to a really deep psychological issue for him, something he needs to work out in the public by attacking other people. Perhaps we should feel sorry for him for that little boy deep inside who is scared and lonely and hates to be hated and needs to compensate somehow for all of that


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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

find the cost of freedom 1

This is part of a bunch of Neil Young CS&N songs we did over the years. This is an early rehearsal. I no longer have recordings of our live performances.  But this is part of my promise to up load covers of Neil Young songs to make up for his removing them from Spotify. I will eventually set up a spotify account for the whole collection

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Celebrity prison and Neil Young




As time goes by the more I realized how much celebrity has become a mental illness and why people like Neil Young, Cher, and others seem so out of touch.

In our society to be famous is to isolate yourself from reality.

You can't eat with ordinary people; you don't rub shoulders with ordinary people; you don't romance Ordinary People.

This is the reason why they are so out of touch with reality and what Ordinary People face.

Actors, musicians and others spend their young lives craving fame and when they get it locks them in a prison of their own making.

Many of them come to believe that they are superior to ordinary people, wiser, somehow more knowledgeable because they have achieved success ordinary people have not.

When in fact success has divorced these stars from any real experience.

Many of these people – such as musicians like Bruce Springsteen and Neil Young -- start out their lives embracing real feelings, writing or singing songs about real things because they are still striving the way real people strive, but as time goes on, they become more isolated, and their art becomes self-reflecting from the inside of their fishbowl. Most music Springsteen does is about making music. Many of the once great modernist and postmodernist writers are caught up with petty reflections, or start pumping out propaganda like Toni Morrison eventually did, each writing about their narrow lives as if it was reality.

Most celebrities are terrified of real people, and fearful to go out in public and be exposed.

They rarely associate with anyone that isn’t also famous, and so end up pumping each up other with a fake reality created inside their social bubble.

Back in the 1960s, Joni Mitchell, Neil Young, Peter Fonda, Tommy Smothers and the rest of that lot were part of a social jet set that had almost nothing to do with the social events taking place, living up in Laurel Canyon (in the fancy houses with swimming pools not the rundown Houdini Castle where the rest of us lived by campfires), utterly isolated from anyone really involved in the scene. Young wrote songs of social protest he never experienced for himself, as did most of the other of that time. They were cool. They were Gods in their self-created Olympus, with toadies and roadies serving them hand and foot while keeping them isolated from the real world. If they let anyone into their inner circle, that person had to be as famous as they were. The toadies and roadies, who were as close to being real as any they met were too grateful to be on the inside of this social circle to ever point out how deluded this jet set people were.

I guess that's why these celebrities can do and say the things they do now in the belief that they are actually taken seriously

We hear actors and musicians chanting about social justice that they know nothing about because they've never been out in the real world to experience it or at least not since they were young people when it was a different world.

Actors, musicians and other celebrities spend a lot of time talking to each other and getting their information filtered through media but not from real experience so they can Pump Up the Volume on their own misbelief and actually think that it is legitimate

That's why you have musicians like them taking down their material from Spotify on the belief that they were doing some social justice when they're only merely feeding their own ego based on ignorance.

This was made most evident by the idiotic remarks by Whoopi Goldberg who has become a spokesperson for liberal and black position made such an idiotic statement about the Holocaust, showing how little, she knew about reality – even the black experience, ignoring the Jesse Owens conflict against the Nazis, about the slaughter of black people by the Nazis, about the concept of black Jews.

People attack her for being biased; people attack Neil Young for thinking he's more important than he is.

But these are isolated people, condemned to a life sentence among themselves, having to listen to themselves pontificate about things they know nothing about, sharing their narrow world views through the bars of a prison they built around themselves.

Instead of condemning Neil Young or his former girlfriend, Joni Mitchell, we should sympathize with them, pity them. They are in a prison from which there is no bail reform.





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