Friday, February 4, 2022

The truth be told Spotify and George Orwell


Most socialism is either fascism or capitalism in disguise, an observation made by George Orwell in his writings about the Spanish civil war in the 1930s.

Although better known for his fictional work “1984” and “Animal Farm” (which is almost a perfect parody of today’s Woke movement), Orwell’s non-fiction work dissected the socialist movements of his era, showing just how much the general public had been deceived by them. And his observations are so apt to contemporary Woke, it is no wonder that Orwell is right behind Joe Rogan (on Spotify) for woke censorship.

Back in the 1930s, socialist movements were supported by communist Russia, whose motive was to sew seeds of discord among true people’s movements, and to create conditions that might well work to bring Democratic governments to their knees.

The Russians supplied weapons to some groups in order to promote violence and funded them much the way people like George Soros funds Black Lives Matters and Antifa today (some believing to benefit communist China) Many of these disguised socialist groups were really already secretly fascist to start with.

Orwell’s essays had more to do with the effect of the Spanish Civil War and fascism on England and how blinded England was to the reality but there were many like Orwell who thought they were fighting for a good cause and battling fascism only to discover they have been manipulated.

Many – especially the artists of that time – jumped into bed with the socialist movement and supported them with money but more importantly public attention, painting these movements as good vs. evil (in much the same way artists today have leaped onto the woke bandwagon in the same simplistic vision.

This misperception of socialism (painted as a people’s rebellion) was promoted, Orwell noted, by a completely controlled media, who often slanted stories to maintain the good guys vs bad guys fantasy.

Orwell, pointed out, that many of the early legitimate people’s movements became targets, undermined in much the way real people’s movements such as those who marched on Washington on January 6 and more recently the truckers rebellion in Canada are being undermined today.

Back then, it was Russian communist who infiltrated and subverted groups with good intent for evil purposes. Today, it appears to be the Chinese. The Russians supported phony tribunals which turned real people protestors into Public Enemies, often with the use of tribunals such as the January 6th committee send people to jail as examples of traitors to the cause.

It is no accident that Congressman Swalwell, a key member of the January 6 committee became romantically involved with a known Chinese communist spy.

Although the Biden Administration has used techniques for distracting public attention straight out Orwell’s novel, 1984, the true enemy appears to be Chinese communists to which the administration has largely turned a blind eye – partly perhaps become so many prominent Democrats have significant business arrangements with China.

Orwell pointed out that the ultimate goals of these fake socialist groups (who profess publicly to oppose fascism) is to undermine the integrity of the nation by perverting public opinion and diverting attention away from who the real enemies are.

Many of the English socialists backing the Spanish rebels in the 1930s strongly resemble their counterparts of today, such as Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren – who would be considered by Orwell to be capitalists disguised as socialists. These are the same kinds of so-called socialists, who back in the 1930s would preserve the capitalist bureaucracy to turn to their own uses, but not legitimately reform the system they claim as flawed.

Orwell noted that these kinds of socialist pretended to want to bring down capitalistic society but are really interested in taking it over and putting themselves in charge.

But this can’t happen when you have a real people’s party like those who protested on Jan. 6 in Washington – so it is necessary to discredit such groups and turn them into public enemies, just as these same phony socialists are seeking to discredit Rogan on Spotify.

Rogan and Spotify highlight the role artists traditionally play in helping support phony socialism. Historically, artists tend to support the simplistic view of good and bad, and use their celebrity to support the phony narrative, much the way people like Neil Young and Barbra Streisand are in the Spotify debate.

But ultimately, artists are merely puppets in the greater conflict today as they were when they basked the phony rebels in the Spanish Civil War or that blood thirsty terrorist, John Brown, prior to the American Civil War, mere pawns in a chess game they are too naïve to recognize.

Public perception is often of this simplistic view is often created by having a scapegoat to focus on, to forester the illusion that socialists are fighting for justice when in reality they are simply seeking to grab power.

This is where Trump comes in. He is the Franco that the socialists used as their enemy in the 1930s or more like Napoleon from a century earlier, whose mere presence threatens the behind-the-scenes power brokers and must be brought down to avoid his spoiling the game.

Like Napoleon, Trump is a flawed hero of the masses and so naïve artists, and corrupt media have no problem painting him as evil and painting his followers as dangerous insurrectionists when they better resemble the pure people’s revolution Orwell envisioned.

You have to remember artists and media have a stake in this came, and though the French Revolution (as Dickens accurately portrayed it) attempted to overthrow the aristocrats of that time, these naïve asses sided with that same group of aristocrats to bring down Napoleon, who like Trump, threatened to completely change the game.

In many ways we are seeing Trump being portrayed as the modern Napoleon partly because he threatens to expose this game the way in Napoleon did and the way other real socialist did later like Orwell

The last thing the Socialist or fascists who play this game want is somebody to actually show the inner workings

This is what is really behind the Spotify protest as artists join the political fascist disguised as Socialists to undermine somebody who is actually dissect the machine and show how corrupt socialism is and how close to Fascism it is not just in Orwell's time but our own.

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email to Al Sullivan

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