Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Radical hate speech on campuses


April 23, 2024


The only good thing coming as a result of campus unrest is how much it has opened the public’s eyes to how colleges have been brainwashing our kids.

It is difficult to stomach the vast stupidity of the protestors, who rant and rave like the Neo-Nazis they are, laying claim to an imaginary genocide to justify their hatred of Jews.

While I don’t’ agree with everything Israel does, they are not putting Palestinians and others into cattle cars, and they are not exterminating anybody.

Most of the civilian deaths in Gaza come as a result of the terrorists the Palestinians elected as their government, shielding themselves behind innocent people in order to continue their attacks.

The history of this conflict goes all the way back to the late 1800s when there was no such place as Palestine and two European Jews envisioned a Jewish return to the land of their forefathers, and suddenly, lands little used by the Arabs led to dispute that Europe and the United States struggled to resolved with the British government coming up with a White Paper just after the first world war, and later, created fake nations that included Palestine after the demise of the Ottoman Empire.

Lines were drawn on a map that did not correspond to the landscape claimed by various tribes, leading to further dispute, and more resentment against the Jews who insisted on occupying the holy land claimed by Arabs, Christians and Jews alike.

Almost from the beginning of the fake nation of Palestine, the Arabs sided with Nazis, determined to eradicate the Jews, and when the allies prevails in overthrowing the evil axis and the west discovered the use of death camps in Europe, support for an independent Jewish State grew, leading to the war in 1948, and the continued effort of Arabs to kill Jews ever since.

Part of the 1948 agreement was that other Arab nations would take in the displaced residents of the fake nation of Palestine. Some did, most didn’t. and many Palestinians refused to leave, choosing to resident in refugee camps, where their hatred of Jews continued to ferment.

Israel has been a stern task master, but hardly a tyrant, considering that many Arabs became citizens of Israel with all of those rights. But the most disgruntled refused, and began to support anti-Jewish terrorists’ groups, leading to several wars including the current one – first with the help of the dictator in Iran and currently with the help of the terrorist nation of Iran.

Our kids have been taught a whole different history by a pack of pathetic professors who hate America and the West even though they have all the privileges of free speech the west offers and have conducted a consistent campaign that the Nazis regime of old would be proud of. And so, we have thousands of zombie like kids ranting and raving and spreading hate based on lies they have been taught. We expect better from our best and brightest, while we try not to pay much attention to brain dead celebrities like Jane Fonda or Susan Sarandon who bask in every luxury the west can provide, and spout silly diatribes about how evil that same west is.

Fortunately, the silly ranting of these campus radicals may eventually make it clear just the kind of poison places like Harvard, Columbia and NYU are spewing (not to mention tax-payer-funded media like NPR) and we may see a time when finances for these institutions of hatred dry up and support for real education emerge.

email to Al Sullivan