Tuesday, November 22, 2022

FBI as storm troopers

 The FBI raid on Trump home pretty much confirmed what most intelligent people suspected for a long time. We live in a banana republic where those who stole the election in 2020 are not going to see their hard work spoiled by the prospect of an honest election

So, they do what all banana republics do and send in the storm troopers (pardon the mixed metaphor).

Don't expect the US calvary to come to the rescue or media to do anything but sell the party line.

As revelations about Operation Morning glory show intel owns media and has turned it into one big propaganda machine, conspiring yearly with media moguls to decide what kind of horse shit to sell the general public. In fact, many reporters and TV personalities are on Intel payroll giving new meaning to moonlighting. You don't need to know which was are you can tell by their coverage.

The FBI raid however comes as a result of a failed effort by the Jan 6 committee to derail trumps presidential ambitions.  (Although the excuse they used was that Trump at classified documents at his home – thus dispelling the accusations made against Hillary Clinton) This is not new. Locally a few years ago the FBI raid a prominent Democrat carrying out of his house empty boxes in order to allow media to imply he was guilty of a crime when he was not.

The FBI also carried out boxes from the Trump estate, and I’m sure none of the agents got a hernia as a result.

With Trump FBI has taken one big step towards becoming a new Gestapo with corrupt media is playing it up in preparation for Trump’s upcoming campaign for president.

Using the FBI in this way is pretty standard practice for the Democrats as well.

The FBI and CIA under the direction Obama and later Clinton have engaged in this kind of behavior before each instance proving to be a deliberate deception.

But as with all banana republics the Democrats and their RINO allies have a limited playbook and appear desperate to derail the Trump train before it rolls over them.

Unfortunately for them the FBI raid will only galvanize Trump support. What scares me is what these desperate power-hungry Democrats might try next when this scam falls by the wayside the way Russiagate did.

email to Al Sullivan

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Liberals leaping off Twitter in droves


CBC is the latest to suspend its twitter operations because Musk stopped censoring conservatives.

Do liberals think they are accomplishing anything by censoring themselves?

I learned long ago that nothing CBS has to say has any value. Its radio stations spew such hate each morning I've turned it off to find more reliable news outlets.

Yet one likes to keep abreast of the lies the left likes to invest so CBS Twitter account allowed me to monitor its hate speech rather than have to rely on those whackadoodles on MSNBC for misinformation.

CBS like many liberals felt comfortable in an environment where no one challenged their distortion of fact and so leap off the sinking liberal ship when Twitter restores free speech.

So instead of censoring conservatives CBS has decided to censor itself

If only CBS would do as much for its other media outlets. Or better yet start telling the truth.

Unfortunately, CBS does know what truth is and certainly does believe in free speech

email to Al Sullivan

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Garland's political police state


It appears that the Democrats are so terrified of Trump running for president that they're willing to turn America into a soviet police state, led by corrupt law enforcers such as Garland and Wray.

The Jan 6 committee started out as a way to distract public attention that democrats stole the 2020 election but has since turned into a political tool to keep Trump from running in 2024.

Obviously, the democrats do not feel confident they can steal another national election. So, they have decided to resort to their older tactics of inventing crimes they can charge Trump with.

The latest unethical behavior by Garland comes as the Jan 6 committee comes to an end and can no longer sever as ministry of misinformation.

Instead, Garland -- who has no ethics whatsoever -- will turn his office into a new Gestapo with the sole purpose of stopping Trump.

Even Obama AG, who was a political hack and misused intelligence agencies to further Obama political aims, never went as far as this.

The only saving grace and potential for real justice is the fact the GOP will control the house and could create its own Jan 6 committee to look into how the democrats stole the 2020 election and how to stop Garland from helping democrats steal the 2024 election as well.

email to Al Sullivan