Thursday, April 25, 2019

Anniversary to remember


Anniversary of that car crash long ago, a moment in time that woke me up from a dream Louise and I could go on after we came back east, and I straightened everything out with the law.
The car crash in distant retrospect seems funny but seemed tragic at the time since it was prelude to the breakup that transpired two weeks later.
hank and I routinely had a night out together, while Louise stayed home with the baby. in exchange I stayed home to care for the baby while Louise went out with Garrick’s girlfriend, Jean.
I did not know at the time that Jean encouraged Louise to see other men during these nights out with the girls. but even Jean was surprised by how far Louise went with them.
Of course, our nights out were hardly innocent since Hank's goal was always to pick up girls and since he always cheated when he was dating someone, he assumed I would too.
Until the night of the crash I managed to keep this from happening despite Hank’s persistent efforts.
On this night however hank stopped to pick up two underage hitch hikers on our way to the rock clubs in Greenwood Lake.
The girls wanted to get drunk and make love and Hank expected me to do my part to accommodate them. But I didn’t want to cheat on Louise. So, when Hank made me pull the car over to buy beer on the chance, we could not get the girls into one of the clubs, I went to the toilet where I actually prayed for a miracle to keep the inevitable from happening.
Since I did not like driving at night, Hank climbed behind the wheel. He was in a hurry to get to the lake and find a private where we could park. We did not see the other car making a k turn on the blind side of a curve until we hit it.
Nobody in our car wore a seat belt.
As a result, Hank plunged into the windshield with only the steering wheel to keep him from going through it.
Weary before the crash, I had leaned back in the front passenger side seat. Instead of hitting the windshield, my face hit the dash board breaking my nose, blood blinding me for a moment so all I heard were the moans of the girls, one of whom said her legs were crushed by the front seat moving back with the impact.
I was out of our car first where I saw someone from the other car, a passenger, I think, yelling at me and asking how fast were we going?
I went around to help Hank out. He was shaken but bleeding the way I was. He seemed in a daze and stared at the back seat where the two girls were trapped.
I heard sirens. Hank remembered the beer and had me fetch it out of the car to toss away in the woods before the police arrived. Someone from the other car did the same.
Nobody wanted to get caught with booze in their car even unopened.
The police arrived; then came the ambulances, one for each car.
We piled in. Someone put a bandage on my nose to stop the bleeding. One of the girls complained about an injured leg.
EMTS treated us then asked questions about who we were, where we lived and how old we were at which point we learned both girls were 16.
Hank looked pale but not about their ages. EMTs worried we all might go into shock. they kept asking us questions.
blood type?
O positive.
5 foot 11.
married or single?
At this point one of the girls cried out: "you didn't tell me that!"
An embarrassing silence followed and might have lasted an eternity had Hank not picked that moment to go into shock.
At the hospital Hank and I got put in one part of the ER, the girls in another while the victims from the other car in a third. But there were no doors and we could hear everybody including family members who had rushed there from some remote location.
Orderlies and nurses came and went taking our temperature and such. but when they came to take blood, Hank balked.
He refused to let any son of a bitch stick a needle in him -- the one and only thing that kept him from ever becoming a junkie.
The fact that he fainted during the army induction blood test kept him from going to Vietnam.
An orderly got a nurse, and a nurse got a doctor to tell him if he didn’t permit the blood test the hospital couldn’t treat him, and he would have to sign a waiver of service to get discharged.
Hank signed then made a phone call to get Pauly to come and drive him home.
I had no dread of needles and wanted someone to fix my nose which had started to throb.
But when I heard the roar of a father of one of the girls asking where the fuck we were I decided to sign myself out as well.
Fortunately, Pauly found us before the father did.  Hank and I crowded into the back of Pauly's girlfriend's blue VW bug for the long bumpy ride home, unaware until later that Hank had suffered a hairline fracture in his neck from the crash and any minor jolt - like the many we got on the rough road back - could have killed him.
Pauly’s girlfriend didn’t want to drive all the way though Paterson to drop hank off at home and so deposited both of us at my place where Hank could stay until the morning when his mother could retrieve him.
The baby was asleep. So was Louise.
When I woke her up to tell her I almost died, she yawned said "that’s nice" then went back to sleep.
Now all these years later the memory still haunts me, that moment when I came to realize she did not care if I lived or died. Two weeks later she and the baby were gone and slowly like slow torture l got reports of how she'd cheated on those wild nights out with the girls. So, I could not later appreciate her kindness when she called finally to see if I was okay.
I was just too bitter.

email to Al Sullivan

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Is DeBlasio an idiot?

April 23, 2019

Mayor De Blasio and the city council of New York have drunk the Kool-Aid and now are out to get the skyscrapers to pay fines because of all the glass they have.
Like many democrats he and his city council bought into the new green deal scam.
They are like many in the past are convinced the sky is falling or rather the sea is rising when it is not. At least not at the rate they claim.
The mayor claims glass towers as with Babel will lead to the demise of the planet.
This is the declaration of a simpleton, and something we would not expect to be coming out of the mouth of the mayor of the biggest city in the world.
This is all based on bad science that tells us man is causing the earth to warm and the ice caps to melt.
The north pole is melting just as it has for 18,000 years long before anyone built the first glass tower.
This melting halted briefly when the gulf stream changed course and plunged us into the little ice age. When the ice age ended in 1880 the warming trend resumed.
Deliberately stupid scientists (more like snake oil salesmen) convinced of their own self-importance came up with a ludicrous exclamation called global warming despite little or no concrete evidence to support it.
Part of this miscalculation has to do with the way warmists measure the earth temperature. They use ground measurements rather than more accurate satellite ones.
Warmists also measure near urban centers which skew their readings.
Nobody disputes that cities are warmer than other areas. this has little to do with glass skyscrapers but a much more complex mixture of causes. If glass skyscrapers caused global warming NYC would be warmer than Newark which it is not.
Cities are warm because they have a greater concentration of people and services. For instance, all buildings built since the 1960s have windows that do no open. They must rely on air conditioning as do most homes, cars, buses and subways all spewing heat into city air that did not exist prior to 1950.
There are so many factors that go into so-called climate change that it is ridiculous to blame glass Towers or even CO2.  There is absolutely no proof that CO2 is responsible for global warming. The fact is water vapor is much more prevalent and that is not caused by human activity but an interaction with sunlight in the oceans.
If you actually believe the co2 myth, then it's not industry or cows or even glass towers causing it but people themselves who breathe and fart in far greater numbers than their hooved counterparts. Cities are concentrated centers of humanity and this is becoming more so now. This is why we need these giant glass and concrete towers to house them.
Some other idiot democrat suggested government ought to limit the number of kids parents have and so outlaw immigrant families which have the most kids generally in urban settings.
Blaming skyscrapers is as simplistic as blaming co2. both are sound bite political BS based less on real science than bad science fiction.
The whole climate scam is about money either to get grants for bogus research, build flood walls for floods that will never happen or to extort black mail money from the owners of skyscrapers.
And worse the mayor isn’t stupid. He knows it's a scam.


email to Al Sullivan

Friday, April 19, 2019

The future belongs to them


I listened to some smart high school kids singing the praises of the new green deal and I kept hearing the old Nazi song the future belongs to us.
I then wondered how intelligent people could sound so stupid.
These kids of course were only trying to impress the collection of environmentalists at this event the way they had teachers throughout their academic careers by repeating facts their teachers claimed as facts when for the most part it was propaganda.
I ache of course for the myth of modern education in that we are teaching kids to think for themselves when we are not.
We impose our world view on them and because we are authority figures in their lives; they accept what we say as truth.
The problem comes with educators who are isolated from reality and build systems of beliefs based on philosophical models largely out of touch with reality and then send young people like these into the world the way Christians did during the children's crusade.
Unfortunately, on this occasion these kids became cheerleaders for a group of adults as out of touch with reality as the teachers who taught them.
Even the media that covered the event did not understand the facts. one reporter said he believed in global warming because he felt warmer. He also discredited opposing views as people paid off by the fossil fuel industry, making it clear how objective his coverage would be.
The event itself was not designed for truth seeking. No one represented other sides. This was all about spreading the faith like and old-fashioned rival using city meeting rooms instead of a tent.
Anyone who dared speak out against the prescribed doctrine would be labeled a heretic as many in similar settings have been.
This faith like the more traditional kind is based on projections of what will transpire in the future and unreliable science to explain what transpires today. These kids are told they are saving the world from a calamity that will always dangle before them in the near future like grapes always just out of reach or perhaps a mirage of water that looks real from a distance, yet they cannot catch up with in order to realize it is illusion.
 Many of these kids are going to grow up to replace many wealthy deluded people who were applauding their speech in that room or go on to become teachers who passed on this false faith to the next generation of gullible kids.
This is how religions are born and myths are created – not science.

email to Al Sullivan

Is the sea really rising?

Convinced that coastal cities like Jersey City and Hoboken face imminent threat of flooding due to global warming environmental activists from around Hudson County, the state and region, joined officials at a town hall meeting on April 17 to talk about strategies for dealing with it.
Although billed as a panel discussion, the meeting became a pep rally for the controversial New Green Deal – proposed by New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
The event, which drew hundreds of supporters, also strongly supported the concept that allegedly man-made CO2 emissions from industrial and other sources are causing melting of the ice caps and Greenland glaciers resulting in a rise in sea levels.
According to members of the panel that included Phillip Orton, a research professor at Stevens Institute of Technology and a contributing author to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s six assessment report – and extremely controversial document that seems to support the CO2 theories on impact on global warming.
But Orton cautioned the advocates against assuming the solar and wind power would be enough to accommodate the power needs of the community.
“We might have to keep our nuclear options open,” he said.
Matt Smith, from the Jersey City Environmental Commission, cited growing evidence of human impact on the environment, and quoted two reports, one from the United Nations Commission on Climate Change and another from the United State Naval Academy Climate Change Assessment,
These two reports in the past are the basis upon which the 2012 Paris Environmental Accords were developed and approved by then President Barack Obama, an agreement President Donald Trump later withdrew from.
These two reports later updated several times have also become the fundamental outline for the new green deal, a draconian set of proposals that deal with what many consider to be a national emergency.
While there were no critics of the New Green Deal on the panel, the whole concept of global warming as a man-induced problem has come under scrutiny by a number of scientists, some connected with the fossil fuel industry, but also a number of former supporters of the global warming theories, who have become disillusioned by the politics involved, and question the validity of the science used to project future calamity.
Patrick Moore, co-founder of Green Peace, is quoted as saying the green movement has become big business, and said models projecting the future are based only on the last 100 years. He called this “a blink of an eye” of nature.

Big green vs. big fossil fuel

The green industry has become a big business as corporations seeking to avoid doing actual work to reduce their carbon footprint meet with leaders of various countries to broker deals in what are called carbon agreements that allows them to pass their obligations onto others.
Steven E. Koonin, former secretary for the Department of Energy under Obama is quoted saying the whole is movement political and said the administration had manipulated data to support the theory.
Environmental groups like World Environmental Center act as brokers between international corporations and world leaders to negotiate carbon credits that allowed corporations to avoid actually reducing carbon admissions.
Caleb Rossier of the American University called this “environmental racism” since the rules under the Paris agreement rewarded corporations credits while holding back poor countries from being about the develop.
Critics of the New Green Deal claim that many of the supporters of the theories supporting it have obtained lucrative grants as reward for their support.
While the Paris accord had a vast number of scientific organizations supporting it, the accords are based largely on  a UN panel that originally formed in 1988 and – according to critics – was hijacked by proponents of man caused global warming.

No historic evidence to support massive flooding projections

While Orton claimed at the town hall that some of the rise sea levels was due to human activity, previous IPCC reports appear to contradict him.
Albert Park of James Cook University reported that there was no significant dramatic rate increase in the rise of water levels since 1990. In order projections of massive future flooding to be correct, the rate of water rising must increase each year. While studies show there is a steady small rise in sea levels every year, this rate has not increased – despite the UN climate committee’s projections.
These failed projections over the last 25 years have turned many believers into skeptics, saying there is no scientific basis for future projections of catastrophes. Earlier IPCC assessments projected a rise in the ocean levels by 2100 in inches, not many meters that advocates are predicting.
Advocates at the town hall meeting insisted that the rise of the sea will in danger Hudson County communities in the future, and that local leaders must adopt some of the principles of the New Green Deal to modify the impact of CO2 on the environment. Most of these assumptions are based on the UN Committee which critics said was hijacked by activists when founded in 1988.
Critics claim that a mere 75 scientists – some with little or no expertise in the field -- set the agenda that led to eventual signing of the Paris Accord.
Many critics claim that the UN reports used for the accord were biased. This belief received support from the 2009 scandal called “Climategate” in which leaked emails allegedly showed UN officials deliberately discarding opposing viewpoints in order to come up with a consensus on global warming.
Judith Curry, one of the researchers and supporters of the global warming theory, reversed her position when she saw other arguments, claiming there is not enough proof of a connection between increasing CO2 and global warming.
Finnish scientist Jarl R Ahlbeck, also a former member of Green Peace is quoted saying there so far no real measurement to justify the catastrophic predictions.

Natural or man-made issue?

CO2 is one of a handful of what are called greenhouse gases which means that it tends to retain heat in the atmosphere. But CO2 like methane make up at relatively small part of this group of gases. Water vapor makes up nearly 90 percent of all greenhouse gases.
Former NASS scientist Les Woodcock, a professor of Chemical Thermodynamics at the University of Manchester, said water vapor plays a much more powerful part in global warming than CO2 does.
The theories that back the New Green Deal blame rising CO2 levels – many manufactured by human activity -- for an increase in the temperatures of the planet and contribute to the melting of the ice caps and in particular the melting of glaciers in Greenland. Many believe this melting will dramatically increase the ocean water levels and will eventually overwhelm low-lying coast cities like Hoboken and Jersey City.
While Orton admitted that human-created global warming did not create superstorm Sandy, he did claim that it made the water levels higher.
Critics however sharply question the validity of this claims saying that there is no evidence to date that mankind has contributed to the rise of the sea.
Most scientists agree the glaciers are receding in Greenland and that the sea is rising many some scientists claim it is the result of natural progression that started 18,000 years ago when glaciers receded from all of North America. This melting continued at the same slow pace ever since except for the Little Ice Age when the Gulf Stream altered its course and created a worldwide chill that lasted until 1870 when the world began to return to its previous warm cycle. Critics claim that the current melting is a continuation of what transpired prior to the Little Ice Age and not a result of human activity.
Critics also said there is evidence that CO2 levels were massively higher in the past – including the Roman period, but more importantly, the Medieval Period just prior to the Little Ice Age. Studies supporting their claims show no evidence of global catastrophes as a result
Leighton Steward, an EPA awarded scientist, said he found no historic CO2 impact.

Little or no empirical evidence to support catastrophic claims?

Measurement of the rise of sea levels started in earnest only after the UN initial report in the late 80s, but new advanced satellite testing started in 1993 and showed a steady rise of sea levels of about one eighth of an inch annually, or about the thickness of a nickel. The UN had predicted sharp increases and critics claim that lack physical evidence makes predictions scientifically unsound.
Geoscientist and former UN consultant David Kear said these projections are based on “unfounded unscientific beliefs.”
IPCC’s previous five reports actually support the gradual rise of oceans due to natural causes rather than the man-made arguments made by proponents of the New Green Deal.
UN assessments have changed over time, heated up allegedly by politics. Original studies showed that earth’s temperature rose to its hottest in recorded history from 1920 to 1940, listing 1934 as the single hottest year.
A later UN report – critics claim bowed to pressure of advocates – listed 1998 at the hottest year with later years allegedly exceeding this. But there was a 17 year period called “The Pause” in which there was no increase in temperature, defying many of the UN projections.
Yet even if advocates of the New Green Deal are wrong, anti flooding precautions taken in Hoboken and Jersey City may not be wasted since both cities have built residential development in what are already known as traditional flood zones. Historic storms have been pelting the coast of New Jersey for more than a century as attested to by a superstorm that hit here in 1956 and a storm that flood Hoboken and the PATH system in 1992.


email to Al Sullivan

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Climate change is a scam


The climate change movement over the last two decades is perhaps the biggest hoax since people believed in Flat Earth.
The polar caps are not melting at the insane rate we hear about. The south pole is actually expanding. CO2 does not create climate change.  The oceans are not rising at the rate that so-called conspiracy people claim (rise has been consistent at about the thickness of a penny for centuries.) While there is good reason to do away with coal because of its polluting factor, the fact that it adds to CO2 is largely a myth created by supporters of solar and wind proponents not by real science.
Former vice president Gore actually faked a lot of his results for his conspiratorial film “An Inconvenient Truth” in which most of what he reported came out of the extreme and biased group of scientists not legitimate reflection of scientific opinion worldwide.
Historically there have always been purveyors of Doom, but now the Lunatic Fringe has now taken over the hen house and we now get a pack of Chicken Littles telling us the sky is falling when it is not.
We’ve always had conspiracies predicting the end of the world, fanatics who during religious times claimed the return of Christ or the seven horsemen or worse some satanic uprising most of which we were required to accept on faith.
Science has become the new religion and so we have a new collection of crackpots selling new world ending scenarios while spouting questionable data the way me m of faith once did the Bible.
In my life time I’ve been warned against massive overpopulation, drying up of world’s water recourses, a new ice age and now a new version of Noah's great flood. These purveyors of doom have had me digging air raid shelters (against a nuclear holocaust I wouldn’t want to survive if I could,) stocking my basement with imperishable food, bottled water even life rafts so I might endure the wrath of some new god of science for what we as a human race have done in ravishing Gaia -- a reinvention of the Greek myth that justifies these doomsayers castrating us for these imagined slights.
These days these fanatics have us build walls around our cities instead on arks for flooding that will never come but they claim will come as a result of industrialization. This discounts storm surges to traditionally flooded areas that are blamed man’s increasing the CO2 content as if history didn’t already show storms of this kind existed as long as recorded history, including the Sandy-like deluge that had Noah building his ark.
This is the same mental delusion people suffered when they claimed the universe revolved around us, a massive ego trip by people deluded into believing we have the power to destroy the world just by our existence but no where nearly as deluded by their belief they can save the world.
This egotistical fantasy is worse than the religion and witchcraft science supposedly replaced and relies largely on a gullible public and a cabala of corrupt fanatics passing themselves off as scientists, spouting questionable and often misleading facts as proof.
They claim the polar ice caps are melting and show us videos from a ten year warming cycle that has since reversed itself, as in a similar period in the 1940s and at the turn of the century and many times before that. Even Thomas Jefferson took note of shrinking glaciers in Greenland which like those that plagued New York a millennium earlier, ones that have been shrinking for centuries long before industrialization -- though most in the interior today remain largely unchanged.
The fanatics sell us on the alleged impact of deforestation showing us images of lost jungles to make way for polluting cattle or grain to feed the cattle with, neglecting to show how most of these rain forests have grown back. Even the timber industry replants for ever tree the cut down.
All of this comes on the mistaken notion that co2 creates a warmer climate that will cause massive flooding, unnatural storms, and the end of civilization. These mythmakers fail to not that co2 levels in the atmosphere are at the lowest levels since the dinosaurs and have been much higher even during humanity's time on earth. CO2, while one of a number of so called green house gases, it is by far the smallest. Water vapor makes up just shy of 90 percent.
The folly of co2 contamination conspiracy theory is made worse by the assumption that if we cut down rainforests we increase co2 when increased co2 causes plants to grow and so the more co2 the less green house effect it has because plants breathe it in and breathe out oxygen.
The insane belief we as humans are responsible for co2 increases is at the heart of the new green deal. But we are not the guilty party. The sun and oceans are, providing the world with the desperately needed co2.
In fact the earth appears to have too little CO2 in the atmosphere. Human pollution including plastics may well explain the dangerously low levels of co2.
The new fanatical global climate change went from fringe movement to mainstream when fanatic groups hijacked a UN conference and Gore signed on to it giving credibility it doesn’t deserve.
This is partly generated by a green industry desperate to discredit traditional fuels in order to promote their own agenda.
Gore’s film also came at a time when Democrats were desperate to retake the white house and saw an emerging gullible young population as open to this delusion -- much as they are today
There are a lot of good reasons for reducing the use of coal pollution being one of them. But reducing CO2 is not one of them.
People who climb on bicycles may well be improving their health, but they are deluded in their belief they are somehow reducing their carbon footprint, when with every breath they take they are adding CO2 to the air.
If they really want to reduce their footprint they should just stop breathing.

email to Al Sullivan

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Paris is burning

April 16, 2019

Paris is burning.
At least a portion of it is. the cathedral of Notre Dame went up in flames, shocking the world.
It did not take long for politics to rear its ugly head. Right wingers are asking if this is terrorism.
Left wingers are desperate to defend against presumption this was yet another Muslim attack since such a high-profile attack would undermine their defense of the Muslim congresswoman who has been spouting anti- crap.
Democrats make her out to be a victim in their usual passive aggressive strategy, allowing people like her to spread hate then protesting when the other side holds her accountable.
At this point there is little or no evidence to suggest terrorism. But it comes at a suspicious time just prior to Christian's high holy day of Easter. There have been recent attacks on churches so as to somewhat justify the question as to whether this was one too.
We won’t know anything until the arson investigators are through. and that won't happen until the ashes cool.
My peace friend is as consumed with the Arab cause as the left is and compared this burning to the burning of mosques in the middle east, which claims the French were complicit in- as if one act of terror justifies another.
He is constantly trying to make Arabs into innocent victims, and they are not. This is a conflict that dates back to the crusades and has almost nothing to do with religion. Back then it was about trade routes to China. today it is about access to oil.
The west is desperate to keep access to those oil fields- but less so as we learned to access better our own reserves.
This conflict seems tied to the new green movement which grew in intensity when we became less dependent on Arab oil. are Arabs in congress sabotaging our energy independence to keep us addicted to Arab oil?
But there are good and bad Arabs when it comes to oil. The left hates Saudis most likely because the work too closely with us. While the left embraces terroristic states like Iran.
My friend keeps telling me that Israelis are terrorize Palestinians ignoring the bombs and missiles these Arabs use to provoke a response from Israel - the same passive aggressive crap Antifa uses to provoke white extremists. In both cases the provocateur can step back and proclaim they are victims, just as that bigot congresswoman from Minnesota does.
With this back drop it is little wonder right wingers suspect terrorism in Paris.
I hope they are wrong.

email to Al Sullivan

Monday, April 15, 2019

Mark Twain’s take on fake news

CNN’s White House reporter got an award this week – from, of course, the circled wagons of a largely discredited media – that largely hides its misreporting behind the First Amendment like a snake oil salesman hides behind a fake medical cure. Media keeps trying to sell us distorted information as truth, plaguing us with distractions. We get an unrelenting stream of half-truths via our smart phones from CNN, the Washington Post, and The New York Times and if you can imagine even HBO -- and somehow believe we’ve been informed. This sleight of hand would make Nazi propagandists green (yes, and I mean it in that way, too) with envy.
The news biz has become so slanted for so long it’s almost impossible to find an honest journalist these days, and we may have to reach all the way back to Mark Twain to find the last one (and he may well be the only one to that point since Benjamin Franklin.
Mark Twain, who was a white, straight, southern male, has come under fire from the ridiculously phobic left these days partly because he managed to write the only legitimate anti-slavery novel that stopped short of becoming propaganda.
Once jailed for taking on corrupt political figures in California, Twain fully understood just how corrupt media could become as well, and seemed to predict the kind of crap we get from a media in league with Democrats.
“It is my belief that nearly any invented quotation, played with confidence, stands a good chance to deceive,” Twain wrote “There are people who think honesty is always the best policy. This is superstition. There are times when the appearance of it is worth six of it.”
This appears to predict what we now see coming out of a Democratic-controlled media, which hides truth behind false facts – or perhaps better, tells half truths that they sell us snake oil-like as the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and the only crap fit to print.
Media has become more adept at creating the illusion of being objective, when there is nothing behind the curtain except manipulation and distortion. While the 19th Century had more than its fair share of yellow journalists, the modern crop appears to be suffering from a bad case of hepatitis, and as another old saying goes, “pisses on your leg and tells you it’s raining.”
And because media is selling this misinformation to people who already believe the stuff they’re peddling, truth is not an option, and objective reporting is not profitable.
We like to think that intelligent people have the option to turn off radios, TVs even smart phones rather than accept these bogus providers of snake oil as legitimate sources of news. But, unfortunately, most intellectuals are married to these skewed sources of news, choosing only to read papers, listen to news report or follow research they already agree with, and so further indoctrinate themselves, believing they are really educated. They read rags like The New Yorker or Atlantic which they already know will never give them the other side of any story other than the one that is drenched with liberal propaganda or such intellectuals will delve into questionable anti-white books on slavery, leaving them ripe for when Democrats come to them for reparations.
Being a legitimately educated person means you have to challenge all that crap college professors hand out, even at the risk of flunking out. Better to flunk out in college than to turn into a Democratic flunky or worse when you get out. Questioning authority means questioning those aspects of authority you think you agree with since schools do their best to brainwash you from birth.
Twain also went on to note that loud obnoxious people like anti-Semite in Minnesota or that crazy nut on Long Island is not guarantee of truth.
“Noise proves nothing,” Twain wrote. “Often a hen who has merely laid an egg cackles as if she’s laid an asteroid.”

email to Al Sullivan

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Crime is not a color, it’s a profession

March 9, 2019

A fellow co-worker looking at a police blotter scratched his head in Wonder at the fact that the culprit was caught smoking a joint in an unregistered vehicle well toting around a pound of marijuana.
“What? Is this guy nuts or stupid?” my coworker retorted.
Unfortunately, he's a classic liberal one of those want to be Upper West Side people who have particular view of criminals and are part of white guilt for not having grown up in a place of disparity and so have no clue as to what the Criminal Mind is all about.
liberals assume there is a certain logic behind crime or some social factor that drives people to desperately do things that ordinary people would not otherwise do.
Much of the current debate over crime is an attempt to blame it on racism, part of a movement that started in the 1960s by misguided radical writers such as Kenneth B. Clark. His books and others like his have become bibles for the reparation movement, blaming racism on the reason for crime, and creating the allusion that orange is the new black – meaning prisoners.
If you think anti-white bigotry ended with Clark in the 1960s, you ought to check out the crap that Ed Baptist is selling, a real snake oil salesman for black reparations that does his best to distort history in order for his book to become the Uncle Tom’s Cabin of the 21st Century – an 18th century book that set the model for modern distortions such as Roots, and most recently Whitehead’s fictional account of the Underground Railroad.
The first Roots was so distorted, it has historic people that weren’t even born when the book claimed they were – leaving a lot of question about the so-called facts contained in it. The new Roots is even more distorted. Some of the events did happen, but not nearly as often as the film claims.

Whilehead took similar liberties and won the praise of papers like the New York Times – suggesting a similar manipulation of fact.
Clark and others like him manufactured this race-based concept for crime as a way to explain why so many African Americans are in prison, a condition that has gotten worse, not better since the Civil Rights movement. Part of this, of course, was the massive violent crime that took place in many of the urban areas. Many of these places such as New York’s Harlem, which Clark wrote extensively about in his book, Dark Ghetto, have since between transformed through gentrification – as liberals moved back into areas once more considered safe, after conservative law enforcement created a kind of slum clearance through odious laws like stop and frisk, profiling and arresting people for minor crimes to curb the potential for more violent crimes later.
This last resulted in a massive increase in the jail population, especially African Americans and other people of color.
Clark’s misguided assessment of crime largely ignored historic patterns that date back to the Civil War era and other immigration that also produced crimes, or even to the more fundamental creation of ghettos that saw law Jewish populations – none of which were race-based, but rather class-based. Works by writers such as Louis Wirth and William Foote Whyte largely provide evidence that Clark came to his studies with an agenda and came to the result he wanted to obtain, that crime among people of color was based on white racism.
This has translated into the more contemporary Orange Movement and the efforts by radicals and well-meaning liberals to reinvent the abolitionist movement, but instead of freeing slaves in the south, they are bent on freeing blacks from prison.
But the issue isn’t just black and white – regardless of what Clark claims – it is about being poor and powerless, and finding a way to feel important, even if it is an anti-social response.
This misunderstanding of reality is what fuels much of the liberal reform of the Criminal Justice System, unlocking doors they really know nothing about, letting loose the savage part of our world without fully comprehending what exactly makes that person savage – white, black, orange or green.
Crime is partly a result of poverty, and since there are more poor people of color, more of them turn to crime as a possible solution. But it is more than just seeking economic justice. There is a criminal mind-set liberal tend to or deliberately overlook.
In response to my liberal co-worker I said, “He's a criminal I said that's what criminals do.”
My coworker looked at me as if I was crazy and just shook his head, having already filled his mind with misconceptions about what criminals are, having apparently no real experience into what they do for why they act the way they do.
Liberals like this assume that there is some social injustice that motivates crime.
Sometimes there is, but as often as not criminals are either stupid or arrogant and don't ever believe they're going to get caught and so they are motivated by all the same things that non-criminal people are.
While liberals ache to turn sinners into saints, the truth is many criminals think crime is cool and that they have found a way to beat the system. Some actually think society owes them for some historic slight, and so, they are perfectly willing to get their own reparations – explaining in part why people loot during riots.
Very few of the criminals I’ve known during my own criminal past or in the years interacting with criminals, dwell in self-pity, and may well get a giggle out of the massive load of pity liberals have for them (getting over on the liberals is almost a game.)
Some criminals make up for their lack of social standing by seeming to be tough or creating some fabricated persona that allows them to have status in the ghetto. Many – especially those who take advantage of the so-called social reform – see themselves as part of an elite, or even worse, as rebels against society, hiding crime behind social reform.
Liberals are constantly looking for some social reason for why people turn to crime they were abused as children or raped by adults or denied things for the color of their skin or their lack of status.
All these things may well be true for some criminals, but liberals tend to ignore the most obvious reason for why people turn to crime:  it is because criminals like being criminals and find some satisfaction and getting over on other people getting stuff for free or alienating the mass of straight people who do not deviate from rules.
In many cases criminals want to be criminals.
This was true for many of those from Billy Night Rider and others who I hung with in the streets of LA in the late 1960s to those hippies turned hipsters in the 1970s dark streets of lower Manhattan, and even to the coked out crowd I was friends with and in sometimes in love with in the 1980s – and is still true among those who have tried to use me to take advantage of others after the turn of the century.
Many of those I knew got sucked into that life because of drug addiction. One of the great horrors of my life was watching the flower children of the summer of love become the prostitutes and pushers in the 1970s, while career criminals exploited them and their addictions. One of my best friends went from being a Ronald Reagan wanna-be to a career scam artists when he got too much taste for cocaine and found he could not afford it, a white middle class Irishman who resorted to doing crack in phone booths when he could no longer afford the more high class variety.
While some more savvy people with experience in the Underworld do realize that there is a whole different pecking order when it comes to crime of which most liberals really haven't a clue.  And that's what my coworker seems so puzzled, thinking that there is a logic typical of our world that operates in the Underworld, when the whole thinking process is different.
And that's part of the problem with liberal reform.
To begin with, many criminals aren't the most intelligent people on the block -- which is why they generally get caught.
Some criminals are stupider than others but most of the time it involved arrogance this fundamental belief that they're going to get over on someone.
Even petty criminals seem to believe they are smarter than the average bear.
There's always a scam and angle, an ultimate goal that isn't doesn't conform to straight people's logic.
This is part of the reason why criminal reform is so difficult because many criminals think they have an angle for easy way out and do not want to conform to the constrictions that most people of society do.
Criminals, whether smart or stupid, ultimately believe they are not going to get caught which is why they get involved with crime.
There are different layers of criminal activity. But ultimately all of them have the same fundamental flaw.
They do not want to have to be the guy who waits in line but want to be the guy that the bouncers step aside for, letting them cut into the line near the front.
As Clark accurately pointed out, it is a dark world, even if the reason people get trapped there is not because of white oppression.
Worse, still there are layers upon layers, and the deeper you go into that world, the more difficult and ultimately impossible to climb back out.
Liberals like to believe any one can be saved, and that if you eliminate racism and poverty, people can turn magically into productive citizens – if only given a chance. Liberals do not realize many criminals do not want to be productive citizens and see productive citizens as suckers who can be and should be exploited, and usually are.
Many criminals think, he or she is smarter than society and there's a certain arrogance that comes with this belief.
There is also a certain sense of power and getting away with something.
The underbelly of Society strongly resembles a Greek version of Hades where there are different strata, a slick surface layer that almost seems inviting, that helps hide the deeper and more scary layers beneath. Dante sort of got it right with circles of hell.
There are a host of characters that exist on The Fringe, filled with posers and wannabes, the part-time prostitute male and female, the sometimes part-time gambler, the numbers guy,  the seller of pot in the workplace, the seller of guns, stolen goods (that stuff that fell off the back of a truck) the gang Bangers or just total fakes who play act as petty mobsters.
In old-school sociology studies these were called tour guides people who allowed straits to interact with the underworld but not directly.
These are not the oppressed masses that liberals would make out to be. tTese are people who like the fringe and like living dangerously getting the vagarous thrills out of being on the in with mobsters and pimps and drug dealers and such.
These are the characters, who for price will get you something, connect you with some service that is somewhat suspect, a cheap thrill a drug or some kind of interaction with gambling or worse.
Straight people who want some kind of forbidden fruit can rely on these people possibly for the most part to connect them but do not risk the danger that comes with actually meeting face-to-face some of these dark forces.
Third Street in Passaic for most of the 1980s was a regular supermarket filled with these fringe people, who greeted cars filled with kids from Garfield seeking drugs or sex.
Some tour guides spend their lives on the fringe, delving just below the surface, making their deals, trading favors, getting ego from being a rebel.
But often, fringe people become the vehicle for straight people to get sucked deeper into the vortex, and eventually fall deeper into it themselves, addicted to cheap thrills that eventually leads to deeper addictions and psychosis.
The Fringe people are the ones who most often get picked up for petty crimes, serving short sentences, learning in jail how to become better criminals and coming out into the world often at some deep level in the vortex.
This idea that crime is the exclusive result of poverty, white oppression or social dysfunction ignores reality and ignores the whole network of power this existence provides.
Liberals have this myopic view of crime and criminals and paint it over with their own self-deception.
Yes, there are social victims in the ranks but many more are simply seeking power.
What they can’t get in the straight world, they get in the underworld even though ultimately few achieve anything but their own self-destruction.
What was that guy thinking?
He thought he was getting over on the system like all criminals think they do.