Friday, April 19, 2019

The future belongs to them


I listened to some smart high school kids singing the praises of the new green deal and I kept hearing the old Nazi song the future belongs to us.
I then wondered how intelligent people could sound so stupid.
These kids of course were only trying to impress the collection of environmentalists at this event the way they had teachers throughout their academic careers by repeating facts their teachers claimed as facts when for the most part it was propaganda.
I ache of course for the myth of modern education in that we are teaching kids to think for themselves when we are not.
We impose our world view on them and because we are authority figures in their lives; they accept what we say as truth.
The problem comes with educators who are isolated from reality and build systems of beliefs based on philosophical models largely out of touch with reality and then send young people like these into the world the way Christians did during the children's crusade.
Unfortunately, on this occasion these kids became cheerleaders for a group of adults as out of touch with reality as the teachers who taught them.
Even the media that covered the event did not understand the facts. one reporter said he believed in global warming because he felt warmer. He also discredited opposing views as people paid off by the fossil fuel industry, making it clear how objective his coverage would be.
The event itself was not designed for truth seeking. No one represented other sides. This was all about spreading the faith like and old-fashioned rival using city meeting rooms instead of a tent.
Anyone who dared speak out against the prescribed doctrine would be labeled a heretic as many in similar settings have been.
This faith like the more traditional kind is based on projections of what will transpire in the future and unreliable science to explain what transpires today. These kids are told they are saving the world from a calamity that will always dangle before them in the near future like grapes always just out of reach or perhaps a mirage of water that looks real from a distance, yet they cannot catch up with in order to realize it is illusion.
 Many of these kids are going to grow up to replace many wealthy deluded people who were applauding their speech in that room or go on to become teachers who passed on this false faith to the next generation of gullible kids.
This is how religions are born and myths are created – not science.

email to Al Sullivan

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