Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Is DeBlasio an idiot?

April 23, 2019

Mayor De Blasio and the city council of New York have drunk the Kool-Aid and now are out to get the skyscrapers to pay fines because of all the glass they have.
Like many democrats he and his city council bought into the new green deal scam.
They are like many in the past are convinced the sky is falling or rather the sea is rising when it is not. At least not at the rate they claim.
The mayor claims glass towers as with Babel will lead to the demise of the planet.
This is the declaration of a simpleton, and something we would not expect to be coming out of the mouth of the mayor of the biggest city in the world.
This is all based on bad science that tells us man is causing the earth to warm and the ice caps to melt.
The north pole is melting just as it has for 18,000 years long before anyone built the first glass tower.
This melting halted briefly when the gulf stream changed course and plunged us into the little ice age. When the ice age ended in 1880 the warming trend resumed.
Deliberately stupid scientists (more like snake oil salesmen) convinced of their own self-importance came up with a ludicrous exclamation called global warming despite little or no concrete evidence to support it.
Part of this miscalculation has to do with the way warmists measure the earth temperature. They use ground measurements rather than more accurate satellite ones.
Warmists also measure near urban centers which skew their readings.
Nobody disputes that cities are warmer than other areas. this has little to do with glass skyscrapers but a much more complex mixture of causes. If glass skyscrapers caused global warming NYC would be warmer than Newark which it is not.
Cities are warm because they have a greater concentration of people and services. For instance, all buildings built since the 1960s have windows that do no open. They must rely on air conditioning as do most homes, cars, buses and subways all spewing heat into city air that did not exist prior to 1950.
There are so many factors that go into so-called climate change that it is ridiculous to blame glass Towers or even CO2.  There is absolutely no proof that CO2 is responsible for global warming. The fact is water vapor is much more prevalent and that is not caused by human activity but an interaction with sunlight in the oceans.
If you actually believe the co2 myth, then it's not industry or cows or even glass towers causing it but people themselves who breathe and fart in far greater numbers than their hooved counterparts. Cities are concentrated centers of humanity and this is becoming more so now. This is why we need these giant glass and concrete towers to house them.
Some other idiot democrat suggested government ought to limit the number of kids parents have and so outlaw immigrant families which have the most kids generally in urban settings.
Blaming skyscrapers is as simplistic as blaming co2. both are sound bite political BS based less on real science than bad science fiction.
The whole climate scam is about money either to get grants for bogus research, build flood walls for floods that will never happen or to extort black mail money from the owners of skyscrapers.
And worse the mayor isn’t stupid. He knows it's a scam.


email to Al Sullivan

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