Thursday, March 26, 2020

Hoax is the new Democratic code word

Thursday, March 26, 2020

The latest code word for Democrats these days is the term “Hoax.”
The minute you hear it coming out of the mouths of any of its operators, you know they are reading from the latest Democratic think tank script.
The Democrats have been operating with the use of code words for decades, although not so vehemently as when Donald Trump announced he was running for president – at which point these think tanks churned out a whole slew of talking points all Democrats should emphasize in order to pretend like they have a coherent message and to paint a particular – if rarely accurate -- picture of Trump in the public mind.
Trump and the GOP didn’t help his own cause early on when he persisted in playing up to supporters, some of whom were actually anti-woman, racist and such. The GOP did not fully understand just how far Democrats would go to use Trump’s own language against them, and by the time they caught up, the Democrats had already created a lexicon of smears the GOP could not quite overcome.
The Left Coast became a bastion or propaganda that “true Democrats” were expected to adopt or else be driven out of the party – in much the way middle of the road Republicans were driven out a decade ago by the Tea Party.
Most people – GOP and Democrats – assumed Hillary Clinton would win in 2016 – and so we assumed the irresponsible rhetoric would come to an end when the polls closed.
When she lost, the left went nuts, and the Democratic think tank machines went into overtime churning out ever more dangerous rhetoric and sponsoring ever more dangerous radical groups – the whole time accusing Trump and the GOP for embracing white supremacism when for the most part it wasn’t true.
Protests that were secretly orchestrated by Democratic power brokers broke out as supposedly spontaneous. Women’s marches were organized. Worse were the campaigns designed to punish “those rednecks” for supporting Trump by tearing down statues – deliberately setting up confrontations with the most extreme in order to exploit these a rise in racism, even going to far as to deliberately give blame for antisemitic acts to white nationals, when other groups were responsible.
A Clinton campaign paid for document was used to create the fiction of Russian influence on the election (using Facebook as a launch pad? Really? Who but a Russian would believe Facebook influences anybody anyway?). Then when that think tank crap, we moved onto impeachment.
When impeachment failed, Democrats moved into dangerous territory. Media and the most liberal states started a panic in the masses about an oncoming flu epidemic that is indeed worse, but not drastically than similar events that have taken place in 2012, 2009, 1992 and other years. CDC officials, who basically begged for press in the past, were suddenly in vogue, eating up the attention as obscene violations of civil liberties tanked the national and perhaps the world economy – much as some prominent Democrats public espoused as a way of stopping Trump from being reelection.
Anyone who questions the political motives behind these government responses is accused of claiming the virus as “a hoax,” and the liberal left is actually taking out advertisements on the campaign trail in an attempt to sell this fiction.
While there are whackos who believe this was a biological weapon designed by china to bring America to its knees, in truth, it is incompetence in China and a coverup of its spread. Most of the original hot spots are places with large Chinese populations – including New York City, San Francisco, Washington State and especially Italy – who brought back the virus when returning to these places after the Chinese New Year. Since then, the virus as spread.
The fact that American intelligence did not know or did not reveal knowledge of the virus until early January is a problem. The fact that a U.S. Senate intelligence committee knew about it in January, but failed to notify anyone (but their stock brokers) until March is a bigger problem. The fact that local government in the most liberal states decided to create additional panic by locking down whole communities rather than seeking to protect the most vulnerable (IE the senior and other at-risk population) is even more deplorable.
Now that the damage is done, and Democrats seek to use people’s misery as a political tool is horrendous.
When you hear any of them talk about “Hoax” you know it is simply campaigning on the backs of the dead and dying.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

The sheep look up

Thursday, March 19, 2020

And here I thought that the human race could not get any sillier.
but then I'm always wrong about that human beings have a capacity for being brilliant when it comes to being stupid.
 Nothing shows that more than the current reaction to the Coronavirus.
 This is akin to the idea that  to cure a patient you have to kill the patient. or in other vernacular using an atomic bomb to cure your problem with mice.
So, basically we have destroyed the world economy because people are scared to death of getting the flu.
We keep getting really phony and distorted statistics from the Center for Disease Control, telling this how fast-moving this is because they were clear epicenters throughout the world showing its spread – most of which has to do with flight patterns to and from China during and after the Chinese New Year celebrations.
This demonstrates how you can torture statistics to make them say anything you want.
Putting aside the usual conspiracy theories such as the Democrats wanted to destroy the economy in order to bring down Trump or that is some sort of biological weapon launched by the Chinese. There is enough blame to go around without them.
Of course, it is Politically Incorrect and racist these days to blame the Chinese or to point out to the fact that this virus came from China when in fact almost all of the flu viruses we have endured over the last 70 years have come from China or that part of the world.
 It is also problematic to point out to the doomsayers of today that flu has it is also problematic to point out to the doomsayers of today that flu has been killing tens of thousands of people yearly unnoticed until media decided to play global politics with the current pandemic.
 This spread of hysteria is worse than the virus did and has infected everybody on every level of government in practically every nation in the world to the point of having no cure.
The other problem is that the nation is now ruled by a group of deluded people who believe that banning plastic bags is going to save the world.
You can't argue with people who think they are God.
So, you have this panic-stricken group of self-righteous people leaping into the fray and deciding that destroying people's jobs, livelihoods, closing down businesses, bars, restaurants and chasing tourists away is the way to not catch the flu.
Notice that all of these people who are making these decisions are not losing their jobs or their livelihoods or risking anything.  For the most part they're people in government whose movements are not being restricted and behind closed doors do not create social space.
They are also willing to throw the doors open to prisons to let prisoners out while imprisoning ordinary citizens in their homes and are willing to use the National Guard to make sure people stay there.
I wish I could say that this lunacy was confined to the Northeast and the most liberal part of the planet but it's not.
In fact, this madness is more contagious than the disease it is designed to protect us against and there are people who are doing their best to make sure the madness continues even as evidence worldwide shows that much of the hysteria is based on BS.
 Once you give people power over your life they are going to be very reluctant to relinquish it.
 They're building the society so full of fear that eventually people are going to react and the government will have to use the National Guard for reasons that have nothing to do with the spread for the virus.
 Sometimes I'd like to think that the virus is only an excuse to test a system of social control since we have been struck with pandemics almost yearly since the 70s and before that several serious outbreaks that did not require us to build bomb shelters to protect ourselves.
I would like to think that this is all designed to put us in a frame of mind that went we really do get a national threat like a biological attack the government will know how we react.
Unfortunately, the truth is more Insidious than any plot to curb our rights.  Today's leadership is just too stupid to concoct anything so brilliant.
So, we have reverted to the mentality that I suffered through as a kid hiding under my desk at school for the eventual nuclear bomb that was going to melt me in place.
Instead, we all stand 6 ft away from each other; we cannot shake each other's hands ;we cannot hug each other; we cannot comfort each other; we cannot even see our dying relatives in nursing homes.
No, we become jobless -- sometimes homeless -- stuck in places by order of Governor to keep us apart. We cannot gather in the street; we cannot protest; we cannot raise alarm about the outrageous abuse of power.
The worst part of the senior citizens who grew up in the 1960s and have seen this kind of abuse of power before and now walk to the ovens-- I'm sorry --  walk into their homes like sheep.
Much fascism starts with good intentions such as making sure the trains run on time only in our case it's very risky to get on trains you might catch something.
People seem to be more concerned about whether they have enough toilet paper rather than how little rights they have.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Stranger at Pooh Corner

This is a radio podcast of a show done by Sharon Griffiths in which she reads a story called "Stranger at Pooh Corner."

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Death becomes us

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Jimmy died at precisely the wrong time.
With his history of predicting world ending catastrophes he had to pass away before the world caught up with him and developed a hysteria over a new virus taking over the world.
Media is pumping up the fear level to the point of madness.
Last week a woman at the Job Lot kept talking about how she needed to gather together as much water as possible in case the water supply gets contaminated.
Home Depot all the contractor masks have been sold out and not to contractors.
“We just can't keep up with the demand,” one of the salespeople said even though experts say the mask won't keep out the virus anyway.
 With a shortage of masks, one woman in the subway yesterday wore a plastic bucket on her head and walked around that way.
I was the only customer at my local Chinese restaurant last night – and the three bikes for delivery were idle.
Trains are suspended, sports games postponed. Eateries are seeking ways to feed the public without actually having to have anyone touch anyone else – as if the internet didn’t already go too far in isolating human contact.
Most people don't even show the symptoms when they test positive.
And most that do get over it within a week or so like a bad cold.
But because this has become the headline of the moment people are in a panic.
And their Panic scares me more than the virus does.
As I said, Jimmy would be having a field day with this because he has been somebody who has claimed the world will come into some calamity before he dies.
He was right but it wasn't the calamity that he predicted. Panic like all things tends to spread like a disease. And there is no mask to block out the media blitz that we're getting that help spread it.
Of course, this is the only thing that feeds into Jimmy's world view.
We have climate change nuts who are like Chicken Little telling us the sky is falling – or is it the rising sea?
My favorite is the insanity connected with the recent images from Mars.
Nutcase people are going over every inch of those things looking for signs of life that the scientists can find.
It's not that I trust science these days which has become the voodoo of our time. It's because I have heard all of this crap before the wackos from the past who used to wrap aluminum foil around their heads and hear the voices from space without the benefit of any radar.
At least, Jimmy had a sense of humor when he waited for the earth to flip over because Antarctica ice was building up. Or when he took NASA images and put raccoons on Mars. I thought it was absolutely great.
He was convinced that X-Files was real, and that the government was hiding the truth behind lies so as to be able to discredit anybody who actually points to them and says yes Invaders from space or really here.
Whenever the subject came up with Jimmy, we listened to it as if we listen to a fairy story, never taking it too seriously, but enjoying how much effort Jimmy put into telling the tale.
I'm still not sure how much he actually believed or just like old fisherman he was pulling our leg and seeing just how far he could take our imaginations before we suspended belief.
It is almost as if he died on purpose and this is the final chapter in This magnificent tail.
Or like John the Baptist no longer needs to be here because the world has finally reached his level of madness and he no longer has to baptize us into his weird beliefs.
With all his the hysteria that media is pumping out, I miss his voice -- not as a voice of paranoia but as the voice of reason -- because clearly he did not go far enough to actually match the extent people will believe bull shit.
 I am pretty sure somewhere in the cosmos Jimmy is laughing his ass off.