Sunday, December 26, 2021

The night of the living Vaxed

“Calumny is a vice of curious constitution,” wrote Thomas Paine, “Trying to kill it keeps it alive, leave it to itself and it will die a natural death.”

Paine may not have been talking about COVID but might as well be now that it is clear the vaccinations do not keep you from catching it or spreading it.

This becomes clearer as more and more of the fully vaccinated are testing positive after nearly a year of believing all they needed to do was have some dope fiend inject them with the magic cure and all would be well in the end.

Try to remember back in the good old days of March 2020, Democratic leaders were telling us they only had to shut down the economy for two weeks, lock people in their homes, and this would end the spread. Masks, social distancing and sanitizers became the next line of defense. But people still got sick and died. Finally, after much debate as to who actually fast tracked the vaccine, Biden decided that everybody needs to get him or her (or whatever gender) vaccinated in order to get herd immunity. Try to remember the much more widely tested vaccines for flu generally only have a 25 percent level of protection. But somehow this relatively untested new vaccine comes up with protection of 50 to 90 percent. And we all patted our politicians on the back and said, “well done.”

Biden doesn’t really care if people lose their jobs or become homeless as long as they obey his mandate to get vaccinated. If we all get injected, we will all reach herd immunity sooner – when it fact, the best protection against the virus may be to actually contract it, building up a natural immunity.

But we believed the vaccine myth right up until we started hearing how the vaxed are testing positive, mayors, assembly people, congress members even U.S. Senators have come down positive, despite having been boosted to death at $500 a shot. While nobody cares if we lose a few politicians (since they clearly didn’t care when they sent senior citizens to death in nursing homes), it has become clear we all need to be protected from the vaxed, who appear to be spreading COVID like wildfire. Perhaps we should force these vaxed spreaders to stay at home, ban them from crowded public spaces like theaters or restaurants, or maybe round them all up and send them off to some place like Australia which has implemented interment camps for super spreaders like these.

Maybe we need to hand a sign around each of the vaxed people’s necks, saying “Warning tested positive, avoid at all costs.”

Should vaxed people who deliberately made the choice to get shots be prosecuted for spreading the infections.

If we are lucky, of course, we can confine the pandemic to New York City or Los Angeles where we know most of the vaxed people come from, cities that are currently showing the highest number of positive cases.

But it may be necessary to close down airports and train stations, put guards on the tunnels and bridges to make sure these dangerous Vaxed people do not spread their diseased to unsuspecting unvaxed people elsewhere in the country.

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