Monday, January 11, 2021

The insurrection movement is alive and well



Monday, January 11, 2021
It appears that Civil War is inevitable.
And Democrats are fully aware of this and in an utter panic.
This would explain the overreaction the left and media have had to what was basically a protest in Washington.
New Jersey governor even sent 500 National Guard to quell the Rebellion – an overreach of his authority which suggests just what kind of suppression we can expect if something actually were to transpire in New Jersey, as well as reflecting his exaggerated opinion of his own authority.
And now as if they need to crush this from the start they are hunting down all the culprits and charging them with heinous crimes.
We are not talking about murder, rape or even trying to burn down the Capitol Building the way protestors in Portland did.
One guy is going to get crucified for the audacity of sitting in Witch Pelosi's desk (God knows who stole her laptop or what interesting things it must contain.)
Another guy is going to share a cross beside the first guy for daring to seat in the seat of the Senate President, a mocking gesture of abuse of power – but hardly the stuff you throw away the key for (You have to wonder if he’ll qualify for bail reform or early release because of COVID or even membership in some second chance rehabilitation program.)
The third guy will likely get life without parole for daring to walk off with the house podium.
Although media is playing this silly protest as the next chapter in the 9/11 attack – an exaggeration so outlandish only people with an IQ below 50 would actually believe it – this was inspired by the perception that the Democrats stole the election and are poised to take complete control of the U.S. government. Considering the Democrat’s single-minded intolerant agenda, thing will only go downhill from here.
The Democrats opened the door to violence by allowing radical left wing groups to attack people throughout the country, and now these same Democrats are terrified that the shoe might soon be on the other foot and we may see real conflict in the future.
In fact, the reaction by the Democrat almost guarantees violence.
There is already a Witch Hunt against anyone who has conservative views not just by the big Tech social media Mongols but also by mainstream media and Democrats who are determined to eradicate anyone who is associated with Trump in any manner.
There are of course will be Uncle Tom Republicans who they will tolerate like Romney or many of the other suddenly converted Republicans (scrambling to avoid the Democratic guillotine) who are now calling for the resignation of Trump.
The question is why are they so determined to get Trump out of office when Biden is about to take over.
If they impeach Trump they guarantee that Trump could not run again in four years. If Trump is put into jail, he might not be able to lead the rebellion against the Democratic oppression.
But the pure act of aggression by the Democrats against Trump this late in the game only fuels the rage that the protest had already expressed and is guaranteed to create even more civil unrest and will require real use of troops.
The problem is there is a real danger from other groups that have nothing to do with white supremacy.
Conservatives have long anticipated that the social agenda being pushed forward by the Democrats was going to lead to civil unrest and riots among people in the cities. They foresaw the day when African Americans would riot in the streets and burn buildings – partly due to the failed social programs Democrats were implementing.
These groups are part of movement which some called “The Insurrection movement” which has been underway for decades as military and former military as well as paramilitary began organizing and arming against the day when their own government would turn against them.
Many live in communities near military bases throughout the country, training their kids to handle weapons and keeping them out of the traditional schools where they might get indoctrinated by leftist views.
These are well-armed well-trained people who have long anticipated what we are seeing today and the crackdown on what are basically innocent protesters in Washington is feeding the fear that long harbored in the hearts of these so-called Patriots.
The overreaction by the Democrats he is going to become a recruiting poster for an uprising that even Governor Murphy won't be able to quell with the National Guard since many of the National Guard will probably be members of this Insurrection movement as well.
The Democrats were so gung-ho to take complete control of government that they never realized that the one thing that's holding this country together was the fact that there was equal representation.
But we are seeing an out-of-control Democratic party full of extremist who are about to exercise the worst thing that they could do, which is to suppress their enemy and create a Witch Hunt.
Nothing gives life to Rebellion than oppression.
Big Tech and media of course are hoping to put a lid on it by controlling the voices of this movement by shutting them out of Facebook and Twitter and other places and this will only increase the perception that we have now a fascist state with a Democratic face.
The Democrats are about to make Trump into a martyr and he will become a symbol of oppression that is even greater than the oppression we were seeing with the Congress prior to this.
The impeachment of course is as big a joke as the Russian collusion one but because now the Democrats have power and they own the media they can make this illusion into something real.
I don't know what they're thinking. They clearly are terrified of real people expressing real views and lighting the fuse to this potential for this Powder Keg bound to explode and yet they continue in lockstep to create the conditions that will lead to violence.
It's sort of a perverted kind of crying wolf we have been hearing about uprisings of white supremacist for years with much of this rhetoric coming out of the crappy press.
Now the media has turned a protest into a violent uprising which it was not. But media needs to be very, very careful that they don’t get what they wish for.
Ultimately the left and the Democrats will self-destruct but how much damage will they do before it all comes undone.
All of the safeguards that the founding fathers put into government to prevent mob rule are coming undone and they're largely being dismantled by the Democrats who need  them the most.
Who are they going to call if the riots hit the streets if they defend the cops?
Clearly Murphy understands this which is why he has mobilized the National Guard
Over nothing a kind of training exercise for the real thing.

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