Thursday, January 14, 2021

The trouble with impeachments


Thursday, January 14, 2021

There is the old concept that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Never has this been truer than over the last 4 years with the unrelenting attacks by democrats on Donald Trump.
And this is also true with the desperate effort by turn-coat Republicans joining desperate Democrats to impeach Trump for the second time.
This collusion between the Democrats, media and opportune Republicans – bolstered by a scared-to-death business community and pathetic sports leagues shows that Biden is either an outright liar when he calls for “healing” or so pathetically out of touch he can’t see the puppet strings other Democratic power brokers are yanking from behind the scenes.
Biden appears to be perfectly content in serving the role as president that power brokers stole an election to give him. He’s not going to rock the boat by actually living up to the idea of “fair” or “united nation.”
He gets to let Pelosi play the role of “bad cop” while maintaining the fiction of Biden as “the kindly old man.”
Meanwhile, we’re seeing a political purge that rivals any we have seen in the old Soviet Union, using the excuse that Trump some how orchestrated the intrusion into the Capitol Building, even though he clearly said he wanted a peaceful protest.
This double standard that allows Democrats to look the other way when friendly protestors try to burn down a federal building in Portland makes it clear just how trumped up (pun intended) the charges are against Trump, and how self-serving for the Democrats (and opportunist Republicans) who need to get Trump off the political stage now and forever.
Tech is censoring conservatives in order to prevent anybody from defending Trump and influencing public opinion away from the narrative Democrats are promoting.
Things like freedom of speech should not exist in the Democratic new world order
Concepts like tolerance should not be allowed if you are a conservative, especially if you support Trump in any way.
The impeachment is a joke since it did not call any witnesses, and has all the appearance of a Kangaroo Court, determined to lynch Trump before he can start building a new political organization.
It really doesn’t matter whether the Senate goes along with this farce or not, or even if the Democrats are successful in hoodwinking GOP legislators on that level to support this show trial.
With 72 million people voting for Trump, he remains a powerful force over the next four years, wealthy enough to create a new party, a new media, even a new social media that won’t be hoodwinked or in bed with the Democrats or censored.
In the past Trump has worked within the GOP system, following the rules set by the party for the most part. This could change dramatically if GOP Senators support the Stalinist-like trial Democrats have put before them.
Trump has already talked about developing a new party which might well do to the GOP what the GOP did to the Whigs prior to the American Civil War – making it extinct.
The last 4 years have exposed the vulnerabilities of the Democrats and their strengths and the fact that won't for all of their manipulation they really have not been able to get rid of Trump only remove him from office.
A new party would make the GOP purge orchestrated by the Tea Party look tame, and would create even deeper divisions in the country, as Trump hardliners take seats in national and state houses to go head-to-head against the hardliners extremist Democrats have installed there already – making Biden’s call for unity a joke.
It will mean that there will be nobody in either party to represent the middle ground or to engender compromise desperately needed to keep the nation together.
The new Trump organization will likely try to get rid of those people that have worked in the past too closely with Democrats especially in this last round where it was clear that no impeachable offense had been done.
These GOP turncoats have their own motivations for supporting the impeachment that has very little to do with justice, and much more to do with their own greedy political aspirations for the future.
While Democrats try to paint the Capitol Hill protest as something it is not, building into an insurrection it is not, and with media help creating the illusion of an uprising which it is not, the protest should be a wakeup call to everybody that those who voted for Trump are not going to stand aside and let Democrats gut the Constitution and strip them of rights they perceive as inalienable.
It is unclear how extreme the Democrats will get during the first two years of the Biden Administration and whether they intend to live up to their threats of packing the court or removing the safeguards that the founding fathers put in such as the Electoral College and the filibuster.
The further left they steer the nation, the bigger the boomerang will be in 2022 at a time when Democratic Senate seats are at risk.
Democrats of course want to also make Washington DC and Puerto Rico into states giving them for more Senate votes so that they can maintain the majority.
It is unclear whether they can actually pull this off in two years before they lose control the Senate again.
Biden could become a lame duck after the 2022 election as the GOP puts new roadblocks in place against these changes.
The problem is those who supported Trump may not be patient enough to put up with two years of bullshit we can expect from the Democratic extremists operating in Biden’s name.
A lot depends on how miserable people become after the Democrats destroyed the economy to win the election and how angry people will get when they realize that they were deliberately scared to death by covid-19.
But it will also depend on how much suppression the Democrats put in place against them – the censorship and the police state tactics we have seen implemented since the Jan. 6 protest.
The more oppression imposed by the Democrats; the more unlikely Trump supporters will wait to see the outcome of the 2022 election.
For last four years, we have had wacko Democrats howling about the rise of white supremacist movements.
The actions from the Democrats may well become a recruitment poster for these group and bring about more violence than Democrats are accusing Trump of inspiring.
You can't violate people's rights steal people's freedom of speech, steal their ability to assemble, steal their ability to bear arms, steal an election, and not expect a backlash.
The more the Democrats reshape a protest on Capitol Hill into and Insurrection movement the more likely they are going to really get an Insurrection movement in the future – a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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