Monday, January 4, 2021

Welcome to Marxism 101



Monday, January 4, 2021

It is amazing just how much the Contemporary Democratic party resembles the brown shirts and red shirts of the Nazi era Germany and Soviet Russia.
This is because fascism is not a right- or left-wing issue and so you can have socialist fascism as easily as you can have right-wing fascist; all you need to do is create scapegoats such as the Jews in Germany and everybody else in the Soviet Union.
Western white culture is the current scapegoat; but this could change the minute a new minority rises up to oppose the current socialist agenda.
George Orwell of course is out of fashion because he highlighted this fact that socialism has been promoted by many of the elite of his era wasn't really an honest socialism it all butt fascism in disguise.
Orwell was a socialist but understood that any socialism based on Marx was ultimately fascistic. Marx was not interested in social justice. His idea for social reform was revolution – which required the masses to be as miserable as possible. This would stir them to revolt.
The German fascism did not end with World War II. When Hitler’s brown shirts drove out socialists red shirts, they came to America and took up positions in universities here where they continued their long-term campaign to recreate their version of a fascist society here.
We have seen it before the rise and full of various groups over the years some of us have lived through in the 1960s each time the founding fathers and the Constitution seem to be protected against this outlandish takeover
But each time the monster returned more Furious and curiously more intolerant and yet tolerated by the general masses. The Vietnam War became one of the great rallying cries that was used to create this underground state and to mobilize ignorant naive kids into violent action against the nation
So, you had a two-tier class system those who went to war and those who went to Canada were those who hit out on campuses for decades and slowly began to organize a different kind of revolution one, we are currently seen on every college campus as intolerant and as monstrous as the re-education camps Nazi Germany proposed.
Marx mistakenly assumed America would become the first nation in the world to become a communist state. He failed to take into account the independent heritage of the American people. Socialism didn’t work in the United States – even when Franklin and Jefferson tried it for the development of the Ohio Valley. Ironically, Georgia started out as a kind of socialistic, anti-slave colony and soon came to realize it was not a workable model. Neither was slavery – but that took longer for the south to realize.
The current socialism in America is based on the Marxist model – which requires the complete tearing down of existing social structures in order to encourage people to rise up and overthrow capitalists.
The fact is socialists came into this country in the 1930s as the Soviet Union pets; they were die-hard Stalinists right up until Stalin made The Pact with Hitler (and some even later than that) although some began to realize it was a huge mistake that there was very little difference between socialist and Nazis
We have had a lot of spin out of Hollywood and out of liberal colleges about the purge of communist that happened in the 1940s and the 1950s.
This is rewriting of history by the Marxist socialists of the 1960s (such as SDS and the Weather Underground). The fact is the Communist were taking over the college's then and it was these purges that stalled the eventual takeover at least for a generation
You have to remember the Socialists were infiltrated government and the social is did give the atomic secrets to the Soviet Union
Reagan’s move to purge Hollywood was very appropriate since Hollywood was being taken over by socialist at the time just as it has become since
Perhaps the biggest change in America between then and now it is the fact that the college has managed to breathe a new kind of journalist and the Socialists managed to take over publications like the New York Times the LA Times And The Washington Post
This control has become even more manifest with the takeover of Facebook Twitter and other social media sites. Google has become so dangerous that it has lived up to George Orwell’s prediction of Big Brother.
Perhaps the most disappointing thing in this last election cycle was a takeover of Fox News by Soros and Company proving one axiom that we always knew media goes where the money is and it can be bribed just like anybody else
Other since have pointed out the slow and steady goose step to the current situation in which we have brown shirts or masked people tearing down statues they don't like and a leader of our legislature who is informing its membership of what language they can use on the floor of the house.
All this is done to support so-called equality.
As Orwell pointed out in Animal Farm, there are some people more equal than others. Celebrities like Bruce Springsteen are particularly guilty of this, selling of their souls for medals, book deals or even a stint on Broadway, protecting their own status while promoting the demise of other people’s.
It's all scary because we never really saw it coming
Today Covid-19 has become the grand opera of organizing, the ability to scare people into force them to comply. This is not much different from the Patriot Act which gave far-reaching powers to the government. But now we are seeing a kind of out-of-control fascism that seems to be in fashion.
We have pseudo intellectuals who are talking about Howard Zinn and Marcuse and Marx and other radicals as if these were people who were honestly giving us truth when all they are doing is giving us propaganda.
The 1960s ended when the naive kids grew up and realized that this kind of socialism isn't in their best interest and they rejected it to become Reagan democrats and more conservative Democrats.
But the current crop of kids has been so indoctrinated from preschool and subjected to a curriculum deliberately designed to undermine the founding fathers that it is difficult to see if they will ever grow up.
Are we now condemned to a permanent fascism as the Democrats who now take control rewrite the Constitution to fit this socialist agenda?

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