Saturday, January 2, 2021

Can we control the social justice beast?



Saturday, January 2, 2021
Nancy (Not her real first name) Pelosi just banned the use of father or daughter on the floor of the House of Representatives.
This is the pathetic world we live in where we ban language – such as the Washington Red Skins and the Cleveland Indians. Our governor has even banned the use of the word, freeholder. Dare you say any word in the forbidden comics used to use?
Some idiot professor at the University of Michigan claims brown bag lunch and picnic are racist terms, making me want to bring my brown bag lunch to the campus and have a picnic.
I’m laughing too much at these absurdities when I ought to be scared.
We have a generation raised on assholes like Howard Zinn and Marcuse, instead of getting a real education.
These are moral morons with a lot of amazing letters dragged behind their names, but no common sense.
We live with the illusion of social justice – people shouting from the roof tops about a revolution they know nothing about.
We are training our middle- and upper-class kids to become radicals, when they clearly know nothing about “the people” they profess to set free.
This sickness didn’t start with whackos like Zinn but harken back to a group of psychotic socialists commonly referred to as the Frankfurt School, who brought their mental disorder to the United States when fleeing Nazi Germany and the infection spread through our schools faster than COVID-19 ever could – one of whom was the Marxist Marcuse, who students included Zinn and other nut jobs.
Zinn has so infiltrated academia that versions of his distorted history are even being taught in elementary schools.
It became hip to have professors that evolved from this crew. I had one in college, but even then, the breed was rare. We had liberal professors, just not the extremists like him, extremists who bred like cockroaches and eventually became the dominating species we have today – arrogant, self-righteous morons determined to brainwash rather than teach.
Going onto a campus like Princeton is like traveling into the heart of Soviet Russia where language is controlled, and free speech prohibited. We started by creating the concept of hate speech, and now label everything we disagree with in those terms. We call anyone who disagrees with us a White Supremacists or worse, because to label them is to discredit them. We also do not believe in free speech or free thought. Our intellectual elite is selling a new kind of fascism while labeling everything other than its beliefs as fascist.
It is still hip to be hypnotized, the zombie masses of over-educated morons that have since become the professors passing along this sad mythology to the generation.
Everybody wants to be the Abby Hoffman or Bobby Seals of this generation. We can sexy black women in stretch pants pretending to be social warriors, and white liberal girls aching to become saviors of the universe, all drinking the same poisoned Kool Aid in the illusion of cool.
It is a cult that we have seen before and will see again as people need to relive past failures – the kind of madness that infected the masses at the end of the 1960s until people grew up and became adults and stirred up the old greedy human nature that is central to humanity’s survival.
We teach our kids the illusion of social justice that is not real, it is a fantasy created in a test tube and dumped down the public’s throats at intervals until we realize that the final product resembles more a beast than salvation.

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