Friday, October 2, 2020

White supremacy is a racial slur

Friday, October 2, 2020
A person who uses the term “White Supremacy” is probably a bigot.
Democrats are riding hard on the new horse in a desperation to again pin the tail of racism on the president.
But the term evokes a stereotype and a particular skin color, and also in one swell swoop, implies that any white person who stands up for her or her rights is a racist.
The term also evokes the pre-Civil War south since it is the philosophy upon which southern slavery was largely based.
White supremacy is tied to the feudal system as property owners in the Old South tried to duplicate the lord and manor life of England. it came up as a concept early on in the nation when it became clear that Africans and Native Americans outnumbered whites and since the concept class and bloodlines were basic to the feudal system white supremacist structure became one of the models for social structure how to keep the races from intermingling.
Ironically the founder of Planned Parenthood fit into this concept but so did many groups in North and South the time but the white supremacist philosophy was bound to the south and when the south fell, so did the philosophy
What most people mean by white supremacy is white nationalism which is to some degree the counter to antifa and black lives matter a kind of white power movement that really scares the crap out of Democrats, who seem to paint every conservative group with the same broad brush from the GOP and the NRA to Proud Brothers as white supremist, stereotyping all white people  in a new kind of racism.
Liberals like calling Trump supporters Hillbillies, white trash or even worse, implying that they are intellectually inferior because they are white rural people or that they support Trump.
But the white supremacy concept serves as a kind of ghost in the closet the Democrats can drag out and scare people with anytime they want to win an election.
So asking the president to condemn a concept that isn't quite real is like asking the president to condemn something that is under the bed at night.
There are plenty of white nationalist movements in the country but these are generally small and local, hardly the national terror Democrats make them out to be, and no where nearly as organized as the antifa and black lives matter which are their counterparts.
Of course you have to ask which of these groups on the left or the right are burning down cities.
But of course Democrats realizing how vulnerable they are to the accusation of having their side burning cities has started to use the white supremacist excuse to justify it or at least to explain it away claiming that whites are in a strange black face and pretending to be the antifa.
Ultimately however anyone who uses the term white supremacist is probably racist stereotyping white people the way they both have complained about stereotyping of blacks or Latinos or Asians
White supremacist has become a shorthand for anyone who opposes liberal philosophy and anyone who speaks out against the oppression that liberals tend to be using government to impose such as mandatory classes for diversity which are not really diversity training at all or imposition of a kind of twisted history of slavery into the schools.
There is plenty of racism to go around and unfortunately for the left it isn't all white people judging blacks the fact is there is a viciousness on the left and this vicious usually comes with the word white supremacist best cover for a much for vicious agenda.

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